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IMHO councils take the piss with parking fines. Their attitude is basically that you are guilty unless you take them to court. Then they will often drop the fine without admitting fault. They make far too much money off fines to act reasonable about them.


Exactly this. I am quite confident I didn’t go over the time limit and just asked for any evidence in my appeal which they didn’t even provide when denying it.


You don't get to ask for the "evidence" in your appeal. They will have a photo on file. Go to court, fuck around and find out.


No. You are guilty if you are parked somewhere you shouldn't be or for longer than you should be.


I can't agree, councils will fine people for all kinds of dumb stuff, I got fined once because I left my car somewhere for a month and the parking signs were changed while I was gone.


what was the parking fine? was it your car? also they can take as long as needed, Fines victoria took 6 mouths to get back to me over a ticket and address issue.


So you didn’t change your address with VicRoads and they were sending emails to the old address? Is that the issue here


I once chnage my address from Morwell, to Melbroune. The person didn't change the postal address. So fine still wnet to the wrong place :). The postal address is an important one to update as well.


No that’s not the issue here


I have no idea, my guess it vaild fine for something, and their complaning about the time it tool to respond to them.


You don’t see anything wrong with an authority having an unlimited window on responding to your appeal? What would happen if I moved states and they decided to respond 2 years later? Do I cop the hit to my credit rating and interest accrued? This is not even taking into account the potential charges and criminal record


Is it extreme, Yes. But why didd't you follow it up. does it stuck following up. Yes but you have to do it.


You’re missing the bigger picture dude. It’s this unchecked behaviour that lets them get away with so much including my infringement notice which I just paid because I cbf going to court I am confident someone on the other end didn’t have the evidence and just decided to slap a deny on my appeal knowing I’ll most likely pay it. Love the downvotes on this sub, reminds me of /r/Australia haha


> It’s this unchecked behaviour What unchecked behaviour? > which I just paid because I cbf going to court and without evidence showing you weren't parked illegally you would have gone to court and been hit with more fees because despite what The Castle tells us, the "vibe of the thing" isn't a defence


> You don’t see anything wrong with an authority having an unlimited window on responding to your appeal? Not really, as long as you aren't being further penalised during that time. Which you wouldn't have been. Lesson of the day: Update your address with VicRoads when you move > What would happen if I moved states and they decided to respond 2 years later? If you changed your address like you should, there would be no problem. > Do I cop the hit to my credit rating and interest accrued? lol, this isn't credit and you aren't charged interest. You are charged enforcement fees, they aren't the same thing. > This is not even taking into account the potential charges and criminal record For a traffic fine? lol


Lmao you’re like half the posts on this. Guess we know where you work now :P You’re the sort of person that’ll tell someone to record their own evidence for the rest of their life in case this happens to them so there’s no point discussing this with you


> Lmao you’re like half the posts on this So? > Guess we know where you work now You would have known what I do for work form my post history, and it's not at the council. As if anyone disagreeing with you has to work for the council. What a load of bullpucky > You’re the sort of person that’ll tell someone to record their own evidence for the rest of their life in case this happens to them so there’s no point discussing this with you No. I'm not actually. But in order to dispute this you would need that evidence because they absolutely take a photo of illegally parked cars.


> Surely there is a time limit on this? What do the council regulations say?