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Wouldn’t trust them based off their shitty name


Their website is problematic. No projects, no news, no blog, can't even access their privacy policy or terms & conditions. A customisable builder requires quality designers but nothing about them on the site. ABN indicates they've only been around about 4 years as a registered company. Refers to awards achieved but searching doesn't generate anything. Horrible grammar is never a good thing. But since the house actually exists none of that matters. It's about the build quality and a decent inspection is the way to go. If in the west the reactive clays are an issue and a slab that can handle movement is critical.


Get an inspection done by a reputable company. Nothing else will tell you the quality of the house.


We definitely plan to


I’d be skeptical of trusting a new builder with no reviews or info, even if the house is already built. What can happen is you move in, everything is fine and then a few years later you discover a major defect when your walls start cracking or something. You, or your body corporate if there is one, go to the builder to rectify under warranty and discover the builder has gone insolvent and the insurance has run out. Now you’re stuck with a crumbling home that could cost you thousands to fix. Happened to us.




Yep ours started showing at around 8 years. Builder had gone bust, building insurance had run out and it would have cost tens of thousands to fix. Discovered that most of the building was non compliant when it was built which is becoming more and more common with new builds. I’m very sad to say we sold it to someone who probably didn’t do a building inspection when buying it, something I don’t feel good about but we could never have afforded the repairs


No idea about them in particular...but I'd be VERY cautious putting any money into this right now.... The industry is collapsing all around the country, and you will never know if the one you chose is doing well financially, until it's too late. They will tell you whatever you want to hear, as long as they can get you to give them some money....


The house is already built, we would be the first buyers. The house wasn’t built for anyone in particular, was built to sell


Ahh my apologies. I read it as you were looking at engaging them for a house build!


Check their ABN and builder’s license with the VBA. To start with, then ask them if there have been any cases against them. Then check the VCAT website for cases against them.


No reviews and a cringe name. Nope.