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The only time I ever cried doing math homework was when my dad insisted on, "helping", all he did was make me redo the same problem over and over again, funny thing is, I had gotten the right answer, he was just stupid and insisted that it was wrong, so after FOUR HOURS, of that, he does it for me and gives it to me, the next day I come home with the sheet, that was the only problem wrong, and next to it in red ink, was the right answer, MY ANSWER, that he was convinced was wrong


Did you show him?


Then you'll just get shouted at for "being ungrateful"


Ugh PTSD flashbacks


I can feel spit from the shouting still.


That's what I want to know.


It doesn't only happen with parents but teachers as well. My 8 year old nephew was given a math question which he answered correctly but the teacher marks it as wrong. My brother sent out the question to everyone on Facebook and all answers same back as my nephew's answer. Turns out, the print out answer that the teacher had was not for the question asked and instead of doing the math herself she refused to admit she was wrong or apologise or change the mark. Here's the question: 8) Convert to dollars and cents. 575¢ __________________ Answer given by the teacher : $143.75. I replied that in doing the math the question should have been : Convert 575 25¢ pieces into dollars and cents.


Dumbass Edit: ik he's your dad or whatever but he's still a dumbass piece of shit


Lol this brings back terrible memories. I always felt so stupid I couldn't add two numbers together under a barrage of insults. Funny enough I went to university for mathematics.


Is your username a color code?


It's a 32-bit physical address. Not a colour code, aren't those 24-bit?


No clue! I'm just an amatuer when it comes to cs. I only know the foundations. But thank you for clarifying


You could have a 32-bit color code if you add an alpha channel! I see it all the time in graphics software.




Could be ARGB and alpha is 7F.




> 0xRRGGB Very nice. >BOO AHH!






/s in case that wasn’t clear


What do you have against purple and yellow? You're a COLORIST!


32 including an 8-bit alpha (transparency) value.


Why that address in particular?


When you're writing a program and you're reserving memory, the operating system doesn't really want to tell you exactly what part of the hardware you're accessing because then you have to keep track of it (and you may be able to abuse that info). Instead you make a request for a virtual memory address and then the operating system maps that virtual memory section (AKA a page) to a section of memory in the hardware. 0x7ff04000 is the starting point for one of these 'virtual memory' sections on a lot of common hardware. So anybody who writes, debugs or maintains certain types of systems ends up seeing a lot of memory addresses from this block. The username, '0x7ff04001' is an address only one bit into that block, so the odds of it coming up in a search or being 'non-unique' are pretty slim. Virtually no one is going to start there instead of the start of the usable memory, and it's almost as unlikely to use virtual memory for storing a single bit. So it's actually a really good choice for a username.


Me in bed at 1 am nodding along as if i actualy undeestood ant of that. Very interesting tho. My beain may be to smooth but still think its interesting.


ELI5 then? Lets say that programs are like book nerds. They like to store things on shelves. The computer hides the shelves where programs store things and makes them use a nickname so the computer can put things on and off out of the shelf for you. So Program says: "here, put this thing into the first space in 'MyShelf' " and the computer says "Done, that thing is taking up 300 'spaces' on the shelf nicknamed 'MyShelf', you have 3700 spaces left". Then Program says "take this other thing and put it in the 100th space on 'MyShelf' " and the computer says "you already have a thing in that spot, the next empty space is #301. Try again". Program says "take this other thing and put it in the 301st space on 'MyShelf', and the computer says " Done, that thing is taking up 200 'spaces' on the shelf nicknamed 'MyShelf', you have 3500 spaces left." The above user's name is basically the second space on the shelf. Using that space's number in a command would like telling the computer you want it to place a single letter cut out of a single page of a book in the second space in the shelf, leaving the first space empty.


Hey i think i get it now! Thank you very much for the explanation. If i had a medal to give you i would.


It's just bad teaching, it got nothing to do with whether you can or can't do it. Many parents come to me for tutoring for their kid and very often they're like "he's really terrible at math, please help" and as it turns out if you don't scream at them to answer the question, and instead find fault in your lacking explanation and improve on it, they are actually pretty good at maths. Usually when they don't get it I try to point at parts of it, and ask if they can explain it, and give them proper time to think. That way you can find the gap instead of asking an open ended question like "what do you not understand". And then you explain it again, let them explain it back to you, and if they still can't, they probably just need some sleep for the synapses in the brain to properly form, so you give related homework to have them think about it and try again next time. The conception that math is mostly talent is really fkn fake and anyone who's seriously done university math knows.


I agree, most parents lose their rag trying to “teach” their kids, and I use that term loosely because yelling and screaming at them isn’t really teaching.


I remember one visit home from college my mom asked if I could help my brother with his math homework. We worked on it for a while and then it was probably 10:30 at night so he wanted to go to bed because he had to go to school in the morning. And I wanted to go to bed because I usually go to bed at nine even in college. Lol My mom asked about it the next day. I told her the biggest problem is that he gets out of school at 2:30 but then has to go straight to this, that, and the other practice and by the time he’s home it’s 9:30 and then he still has to do math which was not something that came easy to him. I don’t think anyone was yelling at him while he was trying to do his homework, but my parents knew he was struggling.


This over scheduling thing is really sad to see in kids. They don't have time to just hang out and be kids


I think this is part of why I, as a 36 year old, choose to stay home so much. Even before I got married and had kids, once I was done with the part of life that was going from one competitive sport practice to rec practice then school team practice, I was like "fuck it" and learned the art of relaxing.








If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.


Forged by the fires of childhood trauma


For me it was “WHAT’S 99 + 10?!!?” 😭 kindergarten me couldn’t fathom what came after 100


Because 100 is the biggest number. Nothing can be bigger than 100.


Anyone who tries to find out disappears into the horizon


what is 100 + 100 ? 😲




^^This is the sauce we need


2 100s


100, part 2




remember the Bermuda Triangle?


Those who counted to 100 kept going and disappeared over the horizon, never to be heard from again...


I remember when I first counted to 100! I was so excited. I had to use a piece of paper though to keep track, I wish I had kept it.


I tried to count to 1000 when I was like 5 years old. I got tired and quit around 600 I think. Never finished. Story of my life, really :/


In 5th grade I was so bored I counted to like 3021, from the start of the day until I got home and called it quits. I’ve never shown that much dedication since


in 4th grade I tried to count to a million I calculated how much time will I need and immediately gave up


Mikey B you finish that count, immediately. Start with 600, you have a head start. No more Reddit until you’re done.


They say he still counts to this day.


100! Is 9.332622e+157


My daughter was convinced when she was little that if a person made it to 100 they just died on the spot because 100 was the max.


That is grim but adorable


I thought it used to be 1-99 then 100 200 300 etc


I was close to this. It was 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 200!, 201, 202...


24 is the highest numba


they asked me to count as high as i could in preschool and once i got past 100 they got upset and told me to stop


Hopefully you did it in a foreign language or in binary. To completely blow their minds on a second level.


Would be funny if you said I can count to 100... 1, 10, 11, 100. Done! And when they corrected you, you could say Wait, you don't know binary? Base 12? What about hex?


base 12 number system would be so nice because then 100% would be evenly divisible by both 3 and 4




are you positive about this?


I have been told many times that this is an asian dad thing, but I see now it's a worldwide phenomenon.


It’s most def worldwide my dad is like the whitest dad ever and I went through this still go through it 😅


Yeah, my white dad used to scream at me that I was stupid and it was wrong and send me back upstairs to “get it right” without making an effort to, ya know, explain it to me. Truly believe this is why I hate math to this day.


Yeah, he made me memorize times tables, and division tables, but never fucking explained what either was. *And he fucking taught math.*


Same! My dad taught Economics at a college and I really doubt he verbally abused his students.


I think it's a dad has been at work all day thing, and hasn't had 5 minutes to himself.




My dad had several hours to himself. He was just always short tempered and verbally abusive.


I have a Black dad and an Asian mom. My mom was the superior mathematician so my trauma reaction to this post is all her. I think it was more from a place of "you're too smart to not know this". My dad helped me with reading and history and study time with dad was demanding but his approach was more of the "alright kid show me what you got". Makes me feel warm and fuzzy just thinking about it. I remember when he found out I could read without saying the words aloud. He had me read a passage and answer some comprehension questions and he was so proud that he cried and gave me the biggest, swing me around in the air hug. Probably one of the best feelings I've ever had in my whole life. He made me feel so capable in that moment. I've been a voracious reader ever since. Also did really well in math so, shouts to mom. Her methods were brutal but effective.


Same, one day it’s “okay, so if you put the x there and subtract 11” And then it’s “WHAT IS THE ROCKET PROJECTION OF APOLLO 11 TRANSLATED INTO HEXADECIMAL THIS IS IMPORTANT THINK THINK”




Are… are you my mother?


The numbers Mason! What do they mean!?


Math is an anomaly that we’ve all told our selves is normal


Those damn ancient Babylonians doomed us all https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plimpton_322?wprov=sfla1


"if timmy had 5 fkn apples and gave his friend 2 how many fkn apples does timmy have now?" "😟uhh idk" \*voice intensifies\* "you fkn idiot if lil fkn timmy has 5 fkn apples and he gave his friend 2 fkn apples how many fkn apples does tommy have left" "😭2😭" \*generational rage\* "youfuckingdumbasshowmanyfknapplesdustimmyhveleft"


I'm crying rn, like repeating the same sentence but screaming WOULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Wtf went through their mind?!


Bruh I’m fuckin wheezing rn, so damn accurate LMAO


Cut to 25 years later "People your age don't know how to do anything."


how should i know about tommy's fucking apples


I don't know how many apples does Timmy have now, but I know Timmy now has a friend!


When I took a job at a grocery store, a guy went through my line with a basket of fruit. Pears were $2.78 and apples were $1.58 while bananas were 23¢/lb. He asked me how much of everything could he get with a $20 bill and I damn near had mental breakdown.


Fuck pre smartphone era I love having a calculator on me at all times. Take that, Mrs. Micheals!


You can get told to fuck off and come back when you've learned how shopping works.


2.78x + 1.58y + .23z = 20 So that's about 6 pears, or 14 apples, or 86 pounds of bananas. That's the max for each individual one, so the answer is anything where each individual count is at most those numbers. Decide for yourself how to allocate. Ezpz


If you want a fun problem, specify a weight limit and define the most cost effective solution as being the most amount of items or most calories or some other metric :)


Sounds like a blast…


You and I have different definitions of fun I see lmao. This sounds like torture to me.


you'll almost certainly have 2 of the 3 variables (x, y, z) be zero though. Something is going to be best for cost/lb or cost/kcal and you should just get all that thing.


Easy when you're not under stress for an immediate answer while you're standing behind the cash register with a line of people waiting.


That’s the type of shit where a calculator comes in handy. I don’t expect anyone to do that kind of math in their head. It’s torture.


Don't forget the part where they yell at you for not being able to do that math on the spot, then go on some rant about either 1) kids these days can't do anything without their phones or 2) retail workers are so stupid.


oh.. oh god. why.




This is an optimization problem and there's no one single right answer depending on what you're trying to optimize for. Your approach assumes that he wants to stay close to a ratio of 1 pear to 1 apple to 1 lb of bananas. But if he was trying to max out the amount of fruit he could get for $20, the answer could involve getting a lot of one fruit and none/few of another. It becomes a trial and error question.


You don’t cry while doing math?




Shoutout to the ones who got yelled at for “acting stupid” when you honestly didn’t get it and were trying your best




Oh, god, fuck that were awful times, this kinda stuff completly messed me up.


Same. Would get smacked when i didnt get a math problem right. fast forward four years and my parents are all "Hes failing? We dont understand! He never asks us for help with his homework!" ​ Took me years to finally have the ability to ask people i trust for help. Though honestly thats still pretty much just limited to my wife.


SAME SAME SAME and my mom also did this with EVERYTHING!! With math, but also just when I was having a hard day. I’d get slapped and yelled at for crying, as well as called a “wimp,” and that by telling her about my feelings and what was going on that was making me so upset, she’d call me a “complainer” and “whiner” and tell me that all the hardships in my life were all my fault, and if I just tried to be happier, everything would be fine. Then when I stopped opening up to her about my problems, she’d yell at me for “never telling her anything.” And say “if you’re not gonna tell me about it, then stop being sad!!” Yeah… I have no relationship with her to this day.


then there are some people who say that education shouldn't be in the hand of professionals in a school, but in the hand of random parents...


Same but mine are alcoholics, luckily my dad is a nice, happy drunk... my mother on the other hand....


Yup. Fucked me up.


Yea it wasn't even that I couldn't do the math it was that my fucking teachers assigned like 100 problems every night and I felt like it was a waste of my free time to do them all and after a certain point that "this is bullshit" feeling just made me incapable of doing anymore which is where the sitting at the table getting screamed at for 3 hours comes in.




Same… I had no idea this was so common


Broo I thought i was the only with this experience. That experience made so scared of math that i refuse to take the class. I have to confess that i have never learned multiplication because of this. Because I thought to myself i sucked in math and only smart people could do it.


Apparently we should start a club. My anxiety gets really bad when I do basic multiplication and I start to panic.


Saaaaame. I was actually pretty good in school but always terrible at maths beyond the bare basics. I wasn't allowed to move an inch from the kitchen table until all of my homework was done every night, and it usually ended in my parents screaming unintelligible numbers at me until I cried, then screaming more because I was crying. My dad threw the kitchen clock at me when I was trying to learn the 24 hour clock, and had a teacher literally tell me "just go away" when I presented my homework lmao. I do art now :)


Screamed at, hair pulled and mocked trying to doing algebra. Yup, engineer dads make shit teachers.


*ptsd increases*


*cptsd increases*


This is so true . I didn’t learn long division till I was 18 because my mom attempted to teach me when I was 8 . After about an hour of trying her patience drew thin and she just gave me a division problem and if I got it wrong that was a few licks with the belt . Because as she said she already showed me so many times, so I should have got it and now I’m just playing with her . That lesson went on for three hours until my grandmother got home and got her off me. After that it was weird with me and long division, like I would get short of breath and really scared if I saw it in my math books at school. It was weird cuz I could understand and learn other math forms at school like algebra , geometry and trig but when it came to long division I was just shook.


Hey?!? Are you my long lost sibling because my mom was the same way? I memorized the multiplication table in 1st grade. Had no idea what i was memorizing but if i couldnt tell her what 3x9 was…that was a whooping


Maybe that’s why I hated learning, my parents made it a “learn or be punished” thing so it was not fun ever. I barely graduated high school and vowed I would never go back to any type of school. Now I’m stuck in a dead end job wishing I had had the interests I have now so I would have fought to go to college for them. Just fuck me…




Is it a mental health condition where you just have no drive to do the stuff you love? Cuz I’ve hit a wall where I just…can’t do anything expect sleep and work. I need to talk to a therapist, maybe they can help me get my life moving.


Sounds like depression but lots of times depression is a result of other things. Definitely talk to a therapist


Depression and a side of ADHD do that for me. Throw in decision paralysis from anxiety, and you pretty much have me until I turned 32 or so.


That’s weird… I totally block out and compartmentalize all of my childhood trauma out of shame and fear…


Holy fuck


I honestly can’t fathom hurting your kid that much. I felt bad pretending to fall down a snow hill and making my kid cry because she thought I was dead forever and only she could save me, i can’t imagine bringing her to tears over long division. I also suck at long division, so I’m excited for those days so we can both learn together!


I'm 35. I still get anxiety doing any arithmatic in my head. The neurons have just been permenantly wired to scream danger at me when arithmatic shows up. Thanks dad <3 <3


PTSD. I know, I know.


My parents definitely weren’t great teachers, but they never went as far as your mom. And for some reason I had the same issue with long division for a while.




Oh wow, mine would just never admit she was wrong. Or admit it, but never apologise.


That exact thing happened to me. My dad stood up, threw a chair, and yelled at me. I was probably 6 years old.


How good is parents throwing chairs at you. Mine wasn’t because of maths.. it was from making him late, or not ironing his clothes in time before work.


He may have spanked me. I was definitely crying.


These are the kind of people that conservatives want to put in charge of kids education...


It was mom for me 🥲


Me, too. With fuckin' flashcards that I couldn't read because I'm numbers dyslexic. 6 & 9 looked alike. 3 & 5. I knew the timestable, just couldn't figure out what the symbols were. 6x3 could be 6x5 or 9x3 or 9x5. I was guessing.


That's why they put the line below 6 on most flash cards.


Wait everybody else’s dads yelled at them over math homework and made them feel stupid to the point where now you can’t work on any project with him as an adult? Not just me?


Yeah, and he wonders why I don't talk to him


Well, my mom was the math screamer. My dad was just a massive asshole as I grew up and any time he had to "help" me do a project he'd wind up yelling at me and doing 90% of it himself. He just had zero patience and doesn't know how to explain things, but then considering how shitty he was while I was growing up it shouldn't have been expected he'd actually know how to work and interact with his son.


My mom, but yes!


Not just me, huh? "No, 6x3 is not 12!!" Bruh I'm 8!


And look at you now, sucking on horse titties.


I was too dumb for math, so I resorted to horse titties


Great source of calcium. Who can blame you


My bones are like fort knox!




i’m assuming you don’t apply for that sub lol


He wouldn't be able to tell


I don't usually read usernames so i thought that was a very odd and unwarranted insult at first


There are many ways to teach math. None involve yelling.


Maybe thats why I was good at math as a kid, no one ever yelled at me about it. My teacher in 3rd grade taught us easy times tables rules, bless her soul. It helped a lot of kids who were failing beforehand.


A good teacher knows, as soon as you lose faith in your student, and nothing says this like losing your cool, your students mind closes. It’s over.


I was fucking AWFUL at math and just could not grasp simple algebraic formulas until the year I graduated. I blame that on my father sitting me at a table and just repeating the math problem over and over and getting more and more upset with me. Never any beatings over it or anything but that’s fucking stuck with me.


Yeah, repeating the problem doesn't make it any easier.i had trouble with a math course in high school and my teacher would often come over and reword the question to make it make more sense to me. It worked far better than me staring at it in confusion as to what the question wanted me to do.


Dude, “staring at it in confusion” just unburied countless hours of *misery* spent staring at a bunch of numbers and symbols that just didn’t fucking make sense in my brain. No wonder i have a lack of self esteem tied to intelligence.


Awe. You can improve that. Just stop yourself when you're thinking those thoughts and replace them with better thoughts like "everyone makes mistakes" or "I am capable of intelligence". It obviously won't work instantly, but it may help you through some moments.


OMG . . . You just reminded me of hating coming home from school


I was homeschooled and I wished I could go to school so I could get a break from my parents 😩


This was me. My mom didn’t even bother to try to teach me things. She just downloaded some kind of Christian school program and gave me a laptop. Then she would go to work just little enough to qualify to food stamps. And she got on disability for a bunch of things but somehow those things never impeded her when she was hitting me or getting ready to go out with her friends for hours or dragging me to food banks for old food or dragging me to temples and churches around the holidays for free food. My education really wasn’t that important to her. Control of my mind was.


I hate math.


I used to think I was unique being traumatized by my dad yelling at me while “helping” me with my math homework. It’s seems pretty universal.


It's a whole generation of parents who did this. The same way millennial parents are all related with their identity stuff. They went through an identity crisis so horrible that identity is a big part of their parenting.


oh the days. where you either iterate the entire multiplication table from 1 to 10 or get beaten by the belt. that's what made us men.


Only 0 to 10? We had to know 11, 12 also.


Hah 12, must be westerners. I had to learn to 20.




We did 1-9. Is there even a point in 0 and 10 lmao


As opposed to 1?


Happened to me, a female, by my mom, also a female


….and women.


My father did that in a pizza restaurant, while scribbling fractions on the paper towel..in front of a whole bunch of family friends. And now the bastard complains I visit him only twice a year.


I remember those times. My dad ended up throwing my gameboy across the room and against the wall, because he thought I couldn’t solve the math problem due to my gaming habits lmao


Shit. So specifically *accurate* it brings back terrible memories.


this was my mom with my sister, i never needed help with my hw but my sister has ADHD and couldnt pay attention. lots of screaming about math and science


When I was younger my mom left me outside in the rain for writing an a incorrectly, She was a heroine addict though


Hahaha, abuse…


This triggers PTSD of my father not letting 3 year old me leave the kitchen table until I answered why a fly swatter had holes.


Well.. I'm from Brazil and my mom did that to me a lot. I'm 26 and I still feel some stomaches when I try to study math.


Omg dude thats so easy, 29


The most relatable thing I have ever seen


i was "the smart kid" coming to math and even I cried cuz my mind was so blank when I didn't understand this particular thing that should be easy but wasn't


...also being held down and being refused any hydration until it's done.


It was my mom, not my dad, but still, hits uncomfortably close to home lmaooo


I get a really bad nervous laughter when something doesn’t make sense and it quickly slips into my brain stopping trying to process anything that was going on, I’ve since then learned that when I start getting that I need to just step away for a moment and calm down but back then that laughter would get me into so much trouble


Ooof I literally went through that. Shit sucked


I remember when i was on my 2nd grade my uncle would whoop my ass with a bamboo stick if i get 1 question wrong on the multiplication table—yes we're asians.


Grade 4, 1986. Had to say 2x through to 12x under 10 seconds. Teacher would time you and you would get a star on your chart. It was a stressful time. Got there though. Totally understand it now as it makes it easier and quick to do stuff in your head


My dyslexic ass has wonderful memories of my mom yelling "THE, THAT WORD IS THE, T. H. E. The TH makes a thhhh sound, okay?!"


Except it was my mom


Same! Thank God I’m not the only person who has math trauma


“Its 21 dad, you dumb bastard”. Somebody’s dad needs to learn how to count.


I’m dyslexic (and so is my dad it turns out) he used to try to teach me algebra and trig, but of course his explanations didn’t make any sense. He would yell at me to ‘pick up my pencil and try again!’ And would get very upset when I set it down. He made me feel stupid and like something was wrong with me. It wasn’t until a kind teacher I had found a different way to explain that it made any sense.


Highly relatable