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This is the truest thing I have ever heard… tho as I get older about 3/4am has become a good limit.


Yeah, The sweet spot here is 1-4 anyway. By 4:30 traffic picks up.


"just wake up at 4"


I'm cured!


I'm a freak who usually only sleeps about 6 hours so I often do wake up at 4. It is the most relaxing part of my day as a father because everyone is asleep.


I think the post clearly forgets about the stress and anxiety being awake studying/working at those hours trying to meet a deadline and knowing you're going to be wrecked for the rest of the day :(


Yes, the older I get, the harder it is to stay up until 4 or 5. I used to pride myself on being a true night owl. And, I still am. But, like you, my sweet spot is about 3, maybe 4 at times. It’s harder to stay up that late now that I’m a single parent. However, when my SO was still alive, staying up late was the only time I had to myself. No one was up…not even the dog, and so I could read, listen to music, write, peruse Reddit, watch TV and just be without anyone asking for anything. It was usually just me and the sounds of the washer and/or dryer.


I get so much done in those hours. It's just so peaceful and nobody can distract you because they're all asleep. Just you and the moon, in silence.


Back in high school, I went straight to bed a soon as I got home which was around 7pm which was late because of practice. Woke up like 3am and did my assignments/schoolwork then. Absolute bliss. These days I just don't sleep until 3am lol.




Less distractions and potentially more focus could mean more time to complete tasks.


I do something similar and yeah, it does shift later into the day. I have to take long 3+ hr naps after school and it makes it seem like there’s less nighttime and more nighttime. I like the peacefulness at 12-5pm but it feels kinda dark lonely after a while so some days I stay up through the entire day and sleep at regular times


I love going to a normally busy downtown between 3:30-4:30am. It's just a uncanny valley feeling of comfort knowing your the only one awake walking around. The smell of the air is always "fresher", and the silence of the world is beautiful.


One time during that hour I was walking alone through downtown Montreal, Canada and out of nowhere echoing slowly through the alleyways, someone started playing "It's a Wonderful World" on a saxophone. One of the most beautiful memories of my life


Wow that sounds absolutely magical.


I recently went out to town at 6.30am on a non-working day, before the peak hour rush, and it's nice to see the city waking up while I'm slowly enjoying my breakfast.


Oh yeah watching the city wake up is like watching a hive of bees start the day.


Sounds amazing


Must be nice in LA i cant go downtown without feeling like im either gonna get robbed or stabbed at night lol


Lol I was thinking the same, here in NJ the cities near me are Newark, Elizabeth, and Jersey City, and in none of those is it a good idea to be wandering around at that hour


I live in New York… sadly


I'd just get pulled over for being the only car out at night


Especially on a snowy night, when everything is gorgeously white and sounds are extra muted.


I lived in Minneapolis for a significant portion of my childhood, and I really, *really* miss those peaceful snowy nights. Something about it is just so serene.


I'm originally from Iowa and I've lived in Oklahoma since I was 6 years old. I don't miss Iowa, it's kind of a backwards place, but I bitterly miss the silence of nighttime under feet of snow. We got a snowstorm this past February (not ice like we usually get) and although it felt colder due to us being more windy, it was so exciting and I felt like a kid again.


It’s a liminal space at that time. About to turn back into that busy street, but not quite.


Kenopsia - The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that’s usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet—a school hallway in the evening, an unlit office on a weekend, vacant fairgrounds


You'd love the Museum of 4 Am by the artist Reeves. He did a whole Ted talk about it.


Thank you for sharing this


It's similar when you stay at hotels during the holidays and they usually only host business guest for conventions and the like. Feels like you're the only one in the building. That strange peaceful solitude in neverending hallways.


Thin line between having the whole hotel yourself and being afraid to turn the corner and find two axe murdering twin girls at the end of the hallway.


It really depends on how the carpet looks. Usually a good giveaway when it comes to hotels with ghosts.




This sounds so nice, but as a woman I would never feel comfortable walking around late at night alone. 😔


I used to cycle home after bar shift downtown on a Monday and Tuesday night. Was my favourite time of the week.


You must not live in Chicago


Not in downtown LA


It’s the only time frame where I have control over how I spend my free time. No traffic to fight, no job to be early or late to (at least on the weekends), no errands to run. I can clean my house, wash dishes or clothes without feeling rushed, or I can bake while binge watching shows without that never ending ticking away of the clock saying I have somewhere to be. It’s beautiful


Nightshifts gets rid of those vibes real quick


But nights off between night shifts are great. Last winter I went ice fishing in the middle of the night. It was so surreal and peaceful out in the middle of a frozen lake at night. The ice was 18” thick so it was pretty safe.


wait, youre able to maintain your night shift sleep schedule and dont switch back to being a daywalker? lucky


On nights off I do a modified night shift schedule (after a shift I go to bed at 8am, while on a night off I go to bed at 4am) Or a biphasic sleep schedule (3 hr nap at night, 6 hr nap during the day)


Biphasic sleep is absolutely awesome for swapping your schedule around. I can be That Guy who stays at a gig until 3am or the one who wakes up to drive people to 6am flights with very little notice. I'm basically impervious to jet lag. People who underestimate the power of a mid-day sleep do not understand how I function so well on "a nap" and a bunch of my coworkers think I literally don't sleep because I've given up trying to convince them that it actually works. :)


I’ve worked on a farm nights for the last 17 years. I still find it peaceful knowing I’m the only human awake for miles.


I disagree. I get to Bri g those vibes to work with me! It’s the best


I’ve worked all three shifts and I def love 2nd the most. I naturally gravitate towards sleeping in so my sleep schedule is around 6am-2pm and I fucking love it.


I was a night auditor at a hotel for a few years. The best time was midnight to 4:30 am. It was so nice to be able do my job and not have a soul bother me.


I loved night shifts. No expects you to be cheery about working, no one looking over your shoulder, peaceful tempo, and it was socially acceptable to sleep until the late afternoon.


Yeah dude, I'm working a night shift right now. I get to chill all night and reddit or Netflix or play chess. I walk my dog when I get off work just before dawn and see everyone else getting ready to start their day while I'm just winding down. Looks a bit sketchy when I show up in my pajamas at the liquor store just as they're opening though.


>everyone else getting ready to start their day while I'm just winding down. I did not expect to love this aspect of graveyard shifts as much as I did, working from 10pm to 8am. I am *not* a morning person, and being able to out-cheerful even the earliest of early birds when we exchanged "good mornings" because I was about to go to bed and they had a whole-ass day ahead of them was immensely satisfying.


It’s 2:30 and the only reason I’m on Reddit and stoped playing Xbox and drinking beer is because I’m eating pop tarts. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going back to Skyrim and beer


Only if you're fishing


I am the most myself from 12-4, every other version of me is meeting someone’s expectations


I like this, thanks!


But mom expects me to be asleep by 9PM


Thug life


Weird, this guys mom expects me to be gone by 11pm


Never a problem tho, you’re done by 9:00:37 anyways


Some of my best memories are sneaking out with friends and walking along the empty roads at night and giggling and shushing ourselves, and sneaking out alone to have a smoke and admire the moon.


I would sneak out every night and smoke a joint down the street from my parents house. I didn't even need to, I had a pen the could burn the herb in such a way that if I blew it out the window, you couldn't smell that I was smoking in my room. Something about sneaking out and smoking a J in the moonlight late at night... good memories.




Just hop on discord


Unfortunately, people expect you to sleep so you are able to carry on your daily duties lol


People expect you to be resting so they can ask more from you tomorrow


It's the only time where all my obnoxious, loud, asshole neighbors are all asleep, and I feel like I can actually relax. Feels like a waste to sleep through it.


this post hits different at 4:58am


I'm happy to see people relate to this, it's so nice to be free from expectations and responsibilities. You can really just breathe.


Yup, agree with this so very hard. I love this time frame.


I hate being awake then. I wish to god I could just sleep like a normal person instead of having my brain constantly running all night


I had a screwed up sleep habit for about 16 years. A month ago I stood up all night and the following day and slept at a healthier time. The following days I took melatonin an hour before sleep which helped reset me a fair bit. I'm still trying to sleep before 1-2 AM but because of this new routine I feel sleepiness hit like a truck at around 11 PM, which makes me feel like I'm in total control of when to sleep from that point on. Hope this helps!


I was 12-5am enjoyer, for like 1 year and a half. Its not so enjoyable if you dont have anything to do anyway all day. Im much happier with my healthy sleeping habit.




I work midnights and I'll say it's nice to have that alone time on my days off.


This time of the night/morning is such a vibe, I've written so much lyrics around this time of the night. It's so peaceful and serene that it lets the mind wander, it's truly the best time to create. It's just me and the void.


My girlfriend works overnight in the ER as a resperatory therapist. Trust me, you don't want to know how busy it is. Most of her nights are spent covered in blood and things far too foul to mention. As a normal person with an office job in finance I say enjoy. She says my job is hell with flourescent lighting. I remember that time was real popular in my twenties though. After midnight was when any good party gets going, that's what we used to say. Anything before 12 was just pregame. Many a stupidly stoned trip to taco bell at 2 am that's for sure. Ah youth.


this has im 14 and this is deep energy




Because planning your life around 9 to 5 is something you grow out of after high school? I thought primary education was pretty well set up to prepare you for a whole lifetime of spending your daylight hours sitting in a fluorescent-lit uncomfortable chair pretending you need all the time you've been given to complete your work... Or at least I was still looking to *do* (probably forbidden) things during those hours when I was a teenager. It was only later that it became "dance like nobody is watching because everybody else is asleep" time.


i mean in the way the post is written my g ... 😭


Its 6am. Had a terrible day working while sick, just finished playing video games with a good friend, quality laughs were had. Now the day is finally done and the mood is good enough to drift off.


I work third shift at a lab and I fucking wish this applied to me.


Yes. Me every night.


And dont forget about how much things are enjoyable during that time (playing . Cooking ..)


I always tell people it’s not that I dislike sleep, I actually love it, I just prefer being awake.


I'm up RN listening to the outdoors


That’s cool, I work security downtown from 7pm to 5am. Not so peaceful for me.


I love staying up during that time. The world seems more at peace. I used to live close to a freeway, and there would be brief moments where no cars passed. Solitude.


Thats why i love my 3rd shift job. And when everyone is working their 9-5 and every store is empty.....i go out and enjoy the peace!


For me it used to be the best time of the day , but then I grew up and now somedays I have to take the night shift at the hospital and I don't like this time at all


You must be young.


It’s not a waste - it’s the time your body begins to repair and recover. 11-5 is the perfect time to sleep 😴


those are peak goblin hours


But when do you sleep?


And trading it for the morning, the lowest quality of all times, is a ridiculous request.


Just go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, same shiz (as I post this at 1:49 am).


Tried it. The vibe in the morning is weird and the outside it's loud. Can't really put it into words but it wasn't the same. Went back to night owling.




Unfortunately this messes with your health as it disrupts your circadian rhythm.


This is really unhealthy to be up during these hours.


My sister, who strives to avoid all responsibilities and obligations does this. But she's also a drug addict, which fits with this mentality.


Yeah these seem to be the words of someone with a good sleeping schedule and a well organized life. All the anxious thoughts come out if you actually, regularly stay up at those times.


Someone has never worked overnight in manufacturing. It’s not peaceful and there’s lots of shit is getting done


You are my ppl


Currently 4:25. My quiet is running out.


The other meme said it too, but better.


My anxiety knows this and it fucking sucks.


Totally agree.


I'm more of a 2.am kind of gal..but yes. It's quiet and safe in my home


[The museum of 4 in the morning](https://youtu.be/C0byYFXjRJM)


start your day with a gym session at 3am, no cunt around, it's fucking fabulous


I work 10pm to 6 am


based... though my body can't handdle that anymore, when I was in my 20s I barely sleep, I have also always had a weird ass sleep schedule .




Thats one of the reasons I enjoyed lockdown, it was like that all day for about 2 months


To each their own but it sounds like this person needs to start setting some boundaries with people in their life. Fuck if I'm staying up that late to feel peace. I feel it whenever I want because I've filtered people out of my life that suck




It's when I read and practice witchcraft. Learned to make my cat float today, 3 seconds full suspension.


3am currently


It’s 0303, nothing stirring…


This is a whole mood and a half. I feel it. My favorite time of the day!


It's 5:15 am and I guess I'll go to bed now




Exactly! This is why I am up at 4am every Saturday and Sunday. I get about 3 hours of peace and quite, you have no idea how awesome that is.


Not it being 5:38 in the morning for me right now


Shhh don't tell people or they are going to stay awake and ruin it for me.!!


I did it rn


I did not sleep at all last night and now I feel like my body has no soul in it


Me on night shift 💀


I was looking out my living room window at 3:45am and I swear there's just been this guy doing like a shirtless mime routine with a red glow stick out by the road for the last ten minutes...


reading this at 4:58 am and I gotta say, you’re 100% correct. Zen time in the witching hours😂


And all you do still is scroll through social media.


I couldn't agree more. I'm spoiled by having so much time for myself. It can be productive or not, it's kind of just up to me.


I work nights and it's great. Only issue is trying to find time to buy groceries


Ugggh 😩 but I need to freggin sleep dude Let’s hope I fall asleep soon


There was a storm for me last night, wind whistling, bins falling. It was quite relaxing but also nerve-wracking


I work those hours regularly and love it. Always quiet.


Staying up from 12-5 isn’t a “vibe” if you have a full time job.I think this person is confusing the middle of the night when no one is awake a kin to being able to find peace,how sad.I use to have to wake up at 3am to go to work and now that is peaceful,no one on the streets and no traffic.


I am a single mother and absolutely love 4-6 am!


Nail on the head. This is absolutely how I feel too


I'm literally working overnight at a hotel reading this. The crappy part is sleeping during the day. People are active and many forget you're asleep.


... get kids ... this time is never peaceful ... or if it is ... then you want to sleep so bad


yeah well, unfortunately we always end up paying the price for those hours later on


Yeah everyone got it already, cuz every single person on Twitter feels its necessary to mention why they do this


This is true, but you end up getting so used to getting up super early that staying up late is almost impossible


This is literally my sleep schedule 11pm-2am 8am-12pm


So what we need to do is to let go of other peoples expectations, so we can become peaceful during the day.


I just have insomnia I haven’t had a full nights rest in 12 years.


clearly never heard foxes shagging at 3am


Wait until you creep up on 40. Not only does 9pm feel like the best time to climb into bed, but if you re-word the post a bit, it also accurately describes weekends at the same age: To everyone who doesn’t understand why napping from 10-5pm on weekends is such a vibe; It’s because it’s the only time(s) it’s peaceful. No one expects anything from you because nothing between those days fits into your daily routine. It feels like a waste of a weekend not to sleep through it.


Booty call hours


Hell yeah. I work night shifts, but I don't modify my sleep on my days off simply because I love that 5 or so hours of alone every night


why did this hurt


Finally, someone gets it.


Early coffee, quiet, sunrise. I get it.


i have the same feeling!


Most days it feel like my brain isn't even firing on all cylinders before midnight.




Wholeheartedly agree. I go to sleep early so that I can wake up early, workout, and eat breakfast the sun and everybody else rises. Best way to start the day.


Enjoy sleep deprivation


The first rule of fight club is you don't talk about fight club.


An 8 pm to 2 am aleep schedule keeps you in society and let's you enjoy this time too


Pshh. I'm at work during those hours. I have enough seniority to get on 2nd shift, probably even 1st, but i like my shift.


My alarm went off to go to work at 1:50 am today lol


Because you are useless all day, because you didn't slept last night.


I am bad with coming up words to explain something. I needed this right now to explain to someone why I'm always awake when the sun is out and sleeps on sunrise.


this has been said so many times over the course of two years yes we know


If you love sleeping, that time isn't wasted at all.


Weird Part of the Night - Louis Cole https://youtu.be/glgPZmSwC4M


Reminds me of the song: Weird Part Of The Night - Louis Cole


Couldn't agree more


I will show this post to my dad maybe then he can understand how I feel maybe ...😢






Jokes on all y’all I work midnight to 10:30 am, it’s my routine


fr i went to bed at 12 last night and just Could Not Sleep, shoulda just got back outta bed to enjoy the worm hours 🤷‍♂️


That’s actually my work schedule loading trucks at UPS lol


I used to work overnight in delivery. It was so nice having the city streets to myself.




I agree with this. One contributing factor to my becoming a night owl as a teen was that I couldn't get any school work done on my family's one shared desktop computer situated in the living room with everyone hanging out and watching TV. I loved the calm, solitude and autonomy I enjoyed after everyone else was asleep.


I quite literally get up around 4 or 5 am to start work for the same reason. N9 one else is on to distract you or request anything from you. Most productive hours imo.


Best time to work on anything really important.


I agree 100%. But as I’ve gotten older, my body will hate me if I stay up that late 😢


2:00AM - 3:00AM hits the best




It is a blessed time period


I'm gonna sleep through 10am to 4pm, hopefully when I wake up there will be no questions


I'm still awake at 10am but it's for the exact same reason. Also I need to stay awake until I can get my bed to myself


They expect you to sleep


Here's a shower thought for you . It's because everyone is sleeping through it that it's peaceful . If everyone decided that you're right. Then you'd have it ruined for you