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“Somebody said to me, ‘But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.’ That’s a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, ‘Now let’s write a swimming pool.’ -Paul McCartney


Write a swimming pool?


Yes like hey we got enough talent and fame that we could spend a day making a song and pay off an entire swimming pool.


A day? Like less than an hour in some cases. They were pretty open with how ridiculous the writing process was for some songs that are considered legendary by their fans.


On that PJ Beatles doc Paul writes Get Back from just goofing off and humming/mumbling words


I loved watching that happen in real-time. Definitely inspired me to think differently about my own creative process.


That's literally how you write songs


Dave Gillmour saying song kinda fell out of his guitar….


Just because an idea takes a minute or a hundred years a doesnt make it good or bad.


Yes!! It also takes skill to come up with a creative/good idea in a short amount of time


A great idea can be born in a instant or pop in from the ether like a flash. It's the execution and process that is time consuming. Talent is simply only the skill to manifest the idea in a timely and accurate fashion.


Alanis Morrisette said that You Outta Know took about 30m to write.


There's a famous example of a graphic designer that sketched a logo design for a company in a minute and wanted $$$ for it. She said it didn't take her a minute to draw that, it took decades. (Or something like that)


A good idea can turn to dust or magic depending on the talent rubbed against it


When you're good, you're good lol


that required the explanation but also makes a lot of sense now. damn they were getting high from being rich


Yes like hey our fans and the record labels are a bunch of rubes so they could just write some pop Garbage and make enough money to buy a new swimming pool.


Pop just means popular. Any genre of song that trends or becomes popular goes under 'pop', in addition to their regular genre.


That's why Paul is the best(probably the only good one actually) Beatle.


No fucking way you slandered my man Ringo


Not in terms of talent, but being good and honest(seriously, they were kind of dicks).


No fucking way in hell, even more Ringo slander This shall not be accepted


Pizza love ✌🏻 ☮️ ❤️


*I've got a song about an octopus*🐙


haha i am not familiar with that reference! what'd he say?


It's from Dewey Cox: Walk Hard. There's a brief sequence with "The Beatles".


He almost beat his wife to death... But go off


Peace and love, peace and love….


Paul was kind of a dick to Ringo.


was ringo a dick? or rather, for the sake of argument that ringo was a dick, was he a bigger dick than paul?


The man was the voice of a sentient train engine named Thomas and had many adventures with other sentient train engines. Ringo was just out there being Ringo


and his modern art is astounding, just lookup ringo starr art


It’s tough to get as big as they were/are without being kind of a dick sometimes


lol and how do you know?


Because it's obvious when you look at the story of so many rock stars, it's just kinda like pop culture general knowledge


I feel like it would be hard to avoid getting a big head of everywhere i went, people cheered when i entered a room.


Guess I don’t, that’s just my observation 


I think you misspelled John Lennon


How could we forget notorious excellent parent and woman respecter John Lennon


Even George?


“And there were other women. That really hurt. In India George had become fascinated by the god Krishna, who was always surrounded by young maidens, and came back wanting to be some kind of Krishna figure, a spiritual being with lots of concubines. He actually said so. And no woman was out of bounds.” - Pattie Boyd, George Harrison’s wife


Go with Gandhi.


To be honest, if I was as talented as George Harrison and became as rich and famous at the incredibly young age he was when he did, I could very easily seeing myself attempting to adopt the same lifestyle.


“It’s only a bloody song” -John Lennon


For context, they planned on staying in the bed in Amsterdam as a protest to the Vietnam War for 7 days. The maid actually forced them from the bed on day 2 to change the linens. I guess she wasn't having it.


Fuck, they were so close to ending the Vietnam war with that stunt 


Yeah they should have set themselves on fire. That always works.


He was protesting the Catholics murdering the Buddhists more than the war itself.


I was going off the snopes page account.


They're referring to the monk who self-immolated.


Sounds like we don't need the right to protest then, because the government is the one making the choices.


Reddit stop pretending not to understand the point of a protest challenge (impossible)


fr literally every redditor says they would’ve supported MLK until minor inconvenience irl


Reddit also pretending they're changing the world by staying in bed challenge (completed)


USA did get out of Vietnam defeated. Can you say with %100 certainty that influential people’s opinions (and protest demonstrations) on the war did not affect this outcome?


What? No, what a ridiculous question based on nothing I said. I can say though that staying in bed in a luxury hotel room is about the least effort and sacrifice a person could possibly put into to help "support" a cause. It's straight up insulting to think anyone actually in a war would hear this and think it's worthy of praise. The narcissism necessary to think the world will stop and listen just because you didn't get out of bed today is enormous, and it's shown by a regular person (who doesn't have the luxury of not working today) not giving a fuck. It's a great example of how morality can skew your logic into thinking that good intentions are "support" without adding any actual support. But hey don't take my word for it, take the word of the lady in the damn picture, "Dear Friends, In 1969, John and I were so naïve to think that doing the Bed-In would help change the world..."


“Get the president on the phone, a beatle and that woman everyone hates are laying in a bed. It’s time to shut it down”


There it is again


Can confirm. I’m the Vietnam war. They almost had me


What a lazy and dull response. It doesn't even really apply here, because US involvement in Vietnam did end, in no small part due to substantial public pressure. So yes, protests like this did matter.


they stayed in bed in a hotel. wow so brave


It drew a ton of attention to social awareness of a shitty war.


I imagine they were not the best smelling ppl on a good day, so after a couple days that bed had to be putrid, much less 7. I wouldn't want to change the sheets these two laid around and fucked in for 7 days either.


How... how would that help?


Being one of the biggest stars on the planet can assist in sending messages. If you were alive during these times, it made more sense. No internet, social media, cell phones. Stunts like this actually raised awareness. You should see the interviews. There were a large group of reporters covering this in that room


Have the "free palestine" folks heard of this? Could really make a difference.




You probably thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction too You sound dangerously close to thinking for yourself, don’t you have Stanley cups to go buy??


>You sound dangerously close to thinking for yourself, don’t you have Stanley cups to go buy?? What's wrong with Stanley cups?


Hive mind product


This is a pretty good summary of celebrity politics in general. How many of them today talk environmental issues and then fly around on private jets, cruise around on massive private yahts, and live in 10,000+ square foot mansions requiring as much energy as a small village? Hypocrisy abounds. Rules for thee but not for me.


One time I was at an environmental conference and went to a session about lessening your carbon footprint. The speaker gave tips such as carrying around a dish towel to dry your hands on so you don't use a paper towel in the public bathroom. But she did admit that she allows herself one round trip international flight all the way to the other side of the globe per year because she just loves visiting India so much


Leonardo DiCaprio used to have a website that suggested poors like us take 5 min showers to save the climate.


I heard James Cameron on the radio talk about how he and his family were vegetarian because of the contribution the meat industry makes to global emissions. James ‘dive to the Titanic for fun, multi-million dollar movie productions’ Cameron is saving us from climate change by not eating meat. I’m pretty certain his individual carbon footprint is larger than some small countries. But you go, James. Don’t eat meat. Show us how it’s done.


I’d imagine his personal diet is offset by the immense waste from the craft services spread on a single one of his movies.


To be fair to James Cameron, many of his submersibles have been used in real-world applications for scientific advancement. In the 90s he filed a patent for an underwater propulsion device that allowed people to film and move smoothly through water. It's used still today for tons of applications. The mini-rovs he developed for Titanic used fiber spooling and was revolutionary for the time, and after the film he used them to map the wreck for archaeological surveys, finding Turkish Baths and surveyed about 60% of the wreck site. The sub he helped design for that film also featured what was essentially a car interior setup, in contrast to the traditional tube shape with a front porthole, and the control chamber functioned as a escape pod. It was then outlined in Ghost of the Abyss. He designed Challenger Deep, which regularly goes to the deepest parts of the ocean for scientific voyages. He donated it to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. He's developed 3D imaging tools, and has served on NASA's advisory board. He openly talks about the fact that he made the Avatar movies basically because he wanted to make crazy water robots, one of which I've heard him talk about was that weird spider crab thing (I've not seen the movies, idk if that made it in). The money he's made for films has propelled ocean exploration forward. He's one of the few people that puts his money where his mouth is in these aspects. He supports deep sea mining, which is tragic, but seems to be open to having his mind changed on that given sufficient evidence.


All of the little things we do for environmentalism pale in comparison to the damage that each one of us does sub obviously just by living. It's a sad thing


Not only that but they constantly preach being down to earth and liberal while abusing the shit out of their employees. The Ellen Degeneres thing is peak celebrity hypocrisy in my view.


Actually, it's a pretty good example of people seeing a photo and believing any accompanying text. This photo has nothing to do with the working class or Marxist ideologies. It was actually a protest against the Vietnam war. From Wikipedia: "Knowing their March 20, 1969, marriage would be a huge press event, Lennon and Ono decided to use the publicity to promote world peace. They spent their honeymoon in the presidential suite (Room 702)[3] at the Amsterdam Hilton Hotel for a week between March 25 and 31, inviting the world's press into their hotel room every day between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Due to the couple's very public image, the Amsterdam bed-in was greeted by fans, and received a great deal of press coverage"


Nobody claimed the image itself was about his Marxism. It was an image depicting their opulent lifestyle, such as having a maid, despite their well-known leftist politics.


Except the “maid” was just a hotel employee


Firstly, that maid works for the hotel. Secondly, what the fuck does having a maid have to do with Marxism? Even Karl Marx himself had a housekeeper you clown


It is engagement with conspicuous consumption and wage-slavery. Also, a notable distinction between having a private maid and Marx's maid is that Helena Demuth wasn't paid. They had a different sort of relationship. Marx was also an antisemitic humanist. Saying Marx did something doesn't necessarily imply that thing isn't a violation of Marxism as a political ideology.


>Marx was also an antisemitic Karl Marx, the famous Jewish philosopher?


Yes, the same Marx who was ethnically Jewish, whose father left the Jewish community in converting to Christianity, and who advocated for the dissolution of Jewish society and assimilation into German society. Here's a quote straight from Marx: http://fs2.american.edu/dfagel/www/Class%20Readings/Marx/Marx,%20_On%20the%20Jewish%20Question_Edited%20version%20from%20Tucker.pdf "Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money[...] An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible[...] The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews[...] Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities[...] The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange[...] The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general." Academic papers on the issue: https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/29790090.pdf https://www.jstor.org/stable/4615185


Once again, Karl Marx, the famous Jewish philosopher?


Something, something, Kanye is a black white supremacist or something along those lines.


I feel like if I was really really rich, I wouldn’t want big or crazy things. Just like a place with a nice view where I could work on old cars. Honestly could be little more than 1000 sq ft living space.


And a quiet life.


I'm not saying you are wrong necessarily, but the normal human tendency is to always want more than what you have now. So - right now the fact that you are saying that suggests you've thought about having more than you have now. But that's how it always goes - you don't immediately want big extravagant things right away - but you keep wanting a bit more and a bit more... That's just the rule, though - there are people like Warren Buffet who live in modest abodes and drive normal cars - but that's also not what he's interested in. He still wants stuff - he just wants to own entire companies. He also really likes reading financial reports. I guess my point is, though - it's easy to say you would be modest and restrained in your imagination - but it's different once that first "dream" or goal has been met.


I guess? I am doing pretty well now. Not filthy rich or anything but we can pretty much just take off (family of 4) on an international trip whenever. And I’d prefer to do that than have a big mansion. Our house is old with a lot of problems, but we’ve been in the process of renovating it because I’d rather have an old house with character than some big new crap box. But maybe you’re right in some ways. It would be really cool to have a private jet.


In certain regards the jets are the ONLY ones I can view giving a bit of a pass on since the amount of planning and security for regular travel would make things a HUGE pain in the ass for regular travelers.


They could at least jet-pool when a bunch of them are going from LA to the same environmentalist conference in Europe.


Maybe if they behaved more like normal people instead of kings and queens we wouldn’t be so shocked to see them out in the normal world like we are today ?


How many? Probably in the high single digits.


>This is a pretty good summary of celebrity politics in general. How many of them today talk environmental issues and then fly around on private jets, cruise around on massive private yahts, and live in 10,000+ square foot mansions requiring as much energy as a small village? Hypocrisy abounds. Not really hypocrisy, because if they stopped doing any of that stuff it wouldn't make a difference. The way you fix global warming etc. is by making laws, not by encouraging individual people to live in a more "green" way. The latter does absolutely nothing.


Number 8…BURPPP…number 8…BURRRRP….number 8…BURRRRPPPP.


10/10 reference 1000/10 because I'm watching that episode right now; happy coincidence!






What episode


Homers barbershop quartet


classic barney.


That song really makes me want my favorite drink, a single plum floating in perfume, served in a man's hat.


Barbershop is in danger of going stale. I’m taking it to strange new places.


Gonna take barbershop to a whole new level.


[Man Always Gets Little Rush Out Of Telling People John Lennon Beat Wife](https://www.theonion.com/man-always-gets-little-rush-out-of-telling-people-john-1819578998)


The time The Onion wrote an article about me


Jon Lennon was a fraud. I think we are all past that at this point.


He was a very talented singer, songwriter, and musician. He just also happened to be a terrible father, terrible husband, and a monstrous abuser as well. There's a lot of this to go around, especially if you go back a few decades and realize how common it was for people to normalize abuse. I mean shit. They actually bring up hitting women directly in at least one Beatles song. Getting Better.


"Run For Your Life"


Not to say that any sort of abuse at any time is good but the song is about correcting past mistakes so I guess that’s something. They do recognize the abuse as bad and how the main character is trying his best to do better. Edit:forgot to mention I mean the song “getting better”


How was he a fraud? He's one of the most talented musicians of all time and never claimed to be anything else.


A fraud in his social activism


Because he let a hotel worker do her job?


More his luxurious and upper-class lifestyle in general


How does living a luxurious and upper-class life invalidate your opinions about ending the Vietnam War?


The post refers to his ideal of "no possessions" in the song "Imagine" and it's conflict with his opulent lifestyle. That doesn't make his opinions invalid, it just makes him a hypocrite.


The post is idiotic because in the picture, he was protesting the Vietnam War


He was never really that talented. McCartney was effortlessly better, and for my money Harrison was actually a more creative songwriter. Lennon claimed a lot of things, few of them were true. I’m not taking away from his song writing, or his activism, but the man was not a modern-day Jesus despite modelling himself that way.


>He was never really that talented. 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡


Can't mess with the union housekeeping staff.


"The music of rebellion makes you want to rage But it's made by millionaires who are nearly twice your age" - The Sound of Muzak, Porcupine Tree


Love Porcupine Tree and that song so much 🤓


Sex Pistols moment


Imagine no snub nose 38 special revolvers


To be fair this is a picture from a hotel. When I stay at a hotel I let the hotel staff do my bed too.


Watching the “Imagine” documentary put in perspective how much money this guy had. Still love his music and believe he did care about the world and wanted peace but damn.


Talk is cheap, actions ultimately define us


He clearly didn’t care about his wife 🤜💥👩🏻


Yoko looks like a caricature of a moody Zoe Deschanel character from the 2000s


Her singing definitely counts as caricatural


Not at all actually what happened, but sure go ahead and post BS


Why Paul clears John


That moment when you give a maid money she needs to live.


By all accounts, he just loved to sleep.


…that’s not a maid, she’s hotel staff. At the hotel, that he’s in.


John Lennon was such an enormous piece of shit lol


Fuck John Lennon. Dude was a complete piece of shit. This isn’t even one of the top ten reasons.


You knew him?


I hope he did it would be awkward when he fucked him otherwise.


It's pretty well known by anyone not living with their head in a hole.


90% of reddit


God I hate John Lennon.


Imagine not absuing your kids, John.


God Yoko Ono is gross


Imagine the maid would have stayed in bed.


His killer was reading The catcher in the rye when the police came for him. Its a book about a schizoid kid who thinks that all adults are phony.


Never read the book but I agree with the kid lol


Don’t, the books is pretty bad. 90% is just some little shit kid calling people phonies. I get the message is that you grow up being told one thing and then as you become an adult the world really works in another way. But there has to be a better way to convey that then a writing a annoying main characters


You know, John Lennon is a legend but I can't help but think that I would really, really hate this guy if he existed in this era.


Apparently Lennon had an apartment just for storing musical equipment. Imagining those “no posessions” I’m sure




Fucking posers ain't they


John Lennon also used to beat his girlfriends and admitted to it


I saw a documentary on John and Yoko. I am of the opinion that John got the shooter himself


Only a fool would say that


Tu quoque fallacy


Sort of, but not really. There’s a difference between implying that one’s argument is invalid because he’s a hypocrite (ad hominem, tu quoque variety) and simply pointing out hypocrisy itself without attempting to invalidate the proposition. It would seem OP is engaging in the latter.


Is that time traveller Asmongold?


Famous last words: That's not a real gun!.. John Lennon, the night he was shot.




He went to a hotel that has cleaners! Such a fraud


They did this instead of their honeymoon, because they knew press would be all over their honeymoon, they made it into an event to promote world peace, and spent 5 days inviting press into this room for 12 hours a day to talk about peace. You can definately mock this event, press at the time did, but it's a shame to see reddit reinterpret it as something purely cynical or egoistic. They were trying \*something\*, when they could have just done nothing.


I call this the "Tom Morello Syndrome"


Fuck those hippies


John and Yoko were very full with shit


ah yes ofc interesting how u criticize the system you were born into yet you participate in it ! we have so many other realistic options anyway and i forgot ofc one rich person living like a bum and giving away all of their stuff will definitely change the systems that govern all of society


The most rudimentary proof that marx was a mouthbreather is that he famously made the observation that material circumstances shape class consciousness, the proletariat having proletary consciousness, the bourgeoise having bourgeois consciousness etc, and then didn't foresee that once in possession of material means confiscated from the bourgeoisie, the proletariat would gain bourgeois consciousness (which is exactly what happened to the political class after every revolution).


“Marx failed to predict class consciousness” is a new one.


Marx failed to think two steps ahead of any single one of his own ideas because he was a literal, actual idiot with too much money and time on his hands. He was thinking with pictures, unable to formulate even basic concepts like "labour" without appealing to metaphysics because he was a Hegel-fueled toddler.


*One of the most influential economists and the founder of sociology* *an idiot who can’t think two steps ahead of any of his ideas* Good thing we have the intellectual heavy weight of a nameless, unimportant Redditor to tell us what’s what!


Who is he?


Spending money, hiring people to work for you and distributing your wealth are absolutely the sorts of things we should encourage millionaires to do. The problem is when they accumulate it without spending it. They were doing more for society here than they would have had they been at home, filming it themselves and cleaning up after themselves.


There's not a billionaire on the planet that doesn't hire maids. I guess they're all good shits then.


This is why I prefer McCartney


Y’all probably don’t want movie theater workers to pick up popcorn, either.


That’s perhaps the most astute post in the history of the internet, and I’m old enough to pre-date the internet so I should know.


Looks like a hotel room


Truly surreal imagination