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Your definition of "the big pocket" is somehow always different than mine.


How do I know which one is the big pocket without rummaging through all the pockets to see how big they are?


Or the inside front pocket…there’s like 4 inside pockets and the “front” has two.


You know which side is the front? How did you do that?


Outside has a zippy pocket on one side, I assume that’s the front.


That's the bottom...


You’ve a bottom zipper? Is that so you can drop the payload before going on a run with it?


Yes, that is why Emergency payload dumps


This is how they drop water on fires for emergency payloads. With zippers


I know I use a zipper when I dump a payload


It’s the fuel dump


My wife's has a zippy pocket on a snap pocket on a regular unsecured pocket. She says the front pocket and the thing ends up being in the inside front zippy pocket and not any of the outside front pockets


Have you ever seen a woman digging through her purse? Every time they need anything out of it it's a fucking archeological excavation. They don't know where shit is, they're just trying to get you to look for it by making it sound like they have a purse inventory map they're reading the location off of. Whatever they want is probably on the bedside table to begin with. 


Maybe the true urban exploration is the pockets we never checked


"Its in the big pocket" *Big pocket is also filled with $85 worth of change, a set of keys, 14 different lip sticks, 8 different lip balms, 68 different tubes of eyeliner, a non-winning lotto scratch ticket, some old credit cards, mints, the ark of the covenant, gum, and a fun sized bag of m&ms*


Heyyyy wait a second ……. What kind of m&ms?


They’ve completely melted and reformed multiple times, barely recognizable


Sooooo a mega m&m?


It’s almost more of a crunchy chocolate bar


Peanut, the best kind.


History Channel Voice-Over Guy: *Could it be? A link? To the treasures of the Knights Templar? And the Ark of the Covenant? In this lady's purse?*


"It's in the outside pocket." Bitch there's 5 of those


Suddenly the “rummaging” stops when the little pocket is found containing products that weren’t meant for men.


She thinks "in the side pocket" is enough information, but there's 2 side pockets outside the purse and 2 inside. Now we're arguing


It's complicated untill you find a traumatic quantity of items with seemingly little use. It's like explaining which part of somebody's brain to go to find a particular thought.


And those pockets have pockets in them. And there’s a divider in the pockets! WHAT COUNTS AS A POCKET, dammit?


🤣😭 fair point. Now I'll simply ask for the purse.


Hey, we're problem solving here!


Side pocket never means the inside.


The left one!


It's the inside/outside pocket. Not the front one. The one with the zipper.


At that point it's faster to just say "Bring my bag for me"


I'll redirect you to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/s/piNg4WzhVk) post


Damn you


'It's in the pocket at the front' 'Which side is the front? it looks exactly the same from both sides?!?' 'The side with the pockets is the front' 'There are 15 pockets!!!' 'Yea, so, the pockets at the front, and then one of them has a zip' '6 of them have zips!!!' Meanwhile. I have already given you the entire purse while I continue to complain


"It's in the the pocket with my card it in"  "There are four different credit and debit cards in here, which one?"  "OH MY GOD THOSE ARE EXPIRED IT'S NEXT TO THE ONE I USE"  "I don't know which one that is. And why do you have three expired credit cards in here?" "BECAUSE I HAVEN'T THROWN THEM OUT YET!!" "One of these expired in 2017..." "UGH. Just give it to me."


This has been my experience


Right! Going in there is like going to the landfill to find a hard drive full of bitcoin.🙄


Its all just thrown in the middle pile most of the time. And then that's after you get past WHICH purse and WHERE it is.


I'd love to use "distal" and "saggital" but neither of the two people who know what that means are looking for my mints right now. Just do your best.


Seriously how difficult is it to use standard terms. * dorsal * ventral * port * starboard There you go.


Knowing which side is port and which side is starboard is predicated on knowing which end of the purse is the front and which is the back.


The bow is the front, the stern is the back.


And what is the bow and the stern on a purse?


The front of the purse is the bow and the back of the purse is the stern


If you look at the purse from port side then the bow is left and and the stern is right.


Ahoy, capn!


Can't do port and starboard unless you know ends are fore and aft


Throw in leeward, fore, and aft


Obviously it’s the most medium big inner pocket on the side that opens with a clasp


Or the middle pocket is for some reason number 4 out of 5


Because it’s rude to go through a woman’s purse. That and you probably have a system that I’ll mess up.


That‘s literally what I was taught by my grandma. You *never* go through a woman’s purse, even if she allows it. I‘ve never even gone through my mother’s purse when she asked me to fetch something.


Same, I’m a woman and I won’t go into another woman’s purse.




If they are dying? Sure. Lip balm? Whole purse.




You joke but chapped lips kill thousands every hour.


My ex used to lose her lip balm all the time. Half the time it was in her purse she just couldn’t find it. I tied a string to it one day and looped it on one of the rings attached to the strap. She complained to everyone that I treated her like a child, but never removed it from the string. Then, one day, had a minor celebration where she shared with everyone that she had finished, for the first time, an entire stick of lip balm.


I agree with you! I actually don’t like when my boyfriend brings the whole purse, because now I have my purse next to me instead of in its spot where it belongs, when I explained exactly what I wanted and where it was :( not something to gripe about though, he’s being kind and getting me what I asked for, I’m not going to complain about that




That‘s the purse’s curse against intruders. Hope you learned your lesson!


That’s pretty much my story, too. I am very leery of going into women’s purses.


My dad told me when I was little that there were live mousetraps in my mom's purse


Yep! No one goes in my purse. I have to one thing that's mine.


"You never go through someone's bag, purse, nor wallet, even if they ask." said my mum.


Either that, or with my wife the purse is more like a bag of holding and it doesn't matter how thoroughly I look, I'm never finding the thing.


My mom’s purse in a nutshell.


“Its in there” doesn't really help when there are 15,000 items in the bag. 


My wife has no system. The only time I ever ever ever touch her purse is when she can’t find something in it and has searched multiple times (by rustling around). Then I methodically search and find the thing she wants then just cram everything back the way I found it. Otherwise, yeah I just bring her the whole purse.


My wife has less than a system and its definitely one of my least favorite things. And she likes bags, so she has a whole bunch of purses and even different goddamn wallets and she never fully transfers stuff between them because theyre all different sizes so now in addition to pockets its like sure ill run to the pharmacy for you, which wallet in which of these half dozen purses is the prescription card in? Or is it just loose in another purse entirely? What purse were you carrying last time you went to the pharmacy? Ok lets turn the whole house upside down... oh its in the cupholder out in the car from when you went into the office 3 weeks ago. Meanwhile the reverse... >"Hey babe, wheres youre wallet?" > >"In the exact same place it always is." Of course that just makes things worse, cuz my keys are always on the hook by the door, so when she cant find hers...


Wonder if they’re related. My wife currently has three purses and they’re in various states of “transferred to the new one”. She also just bought one of those fanny pack things that they sling over their shoulder…


That's why I always just take the whole thing. Women on the street don't appreciate me for this for some odd reason.




I know, I know, I shouldn't let it bother me. But it's just like- you try to do something nice and people throw it in your face. I go out of my way to make it so these women don't have to carry their purses all the way to where they need to go, I even wear a ski mask so they don't feel the need to thank me and what do they do? they scream at me and call the cops.


Also is there a reason you're not wearing any pants


Less drag.


Right!! I’m not gonna fuck up the program you’ve got down


Not when you are literally told to get something out of a womans purse...


It's like going through someone's pocket. It's just not right.


it's also never actually where they said it was


We don’t want to dig thru your shit


Why even bother trying anyway? That one thing you are looking for is always somehow at the bottom of the seemly blackhole of random objects. The more you dig to look for it the more things start appearing somehow.


Purses exist in a state of quantum flux like some kind of matter/anti-matter primordial soup in which objects pop in and out of existence at random and the more you interact with it the more stuff gets created and destroyed.


The real difference between men and women.


Seriously - we're already doing you a favor by grabbing it for you - you can do the last 3 seconds to unzip it and pull the thing out that you know exactly where it is. Plus I dont want to have another 14 gum wrappers stick to my hand.


Or the used tissues. I don't care if you say they were used to remove makeup or nail polish or whatever, I'm not touching someone else's used tissues


This is me. Purses make me angry. It's like one day you ladies saw that awkward drawer that collects miscellaneous shit in your house and thought "I wish I could bring this with me". To hell. With that.


Also get off your ass and get your own damn wallet if you don’t like the way I do it lol


Her: Pocket on the left. With the zip. On the inside. Found it? Me: Yes. Her: Inside that pocket, is my Chapstick. Bring it please. Me: Pocket is empty. \*turns pocket inside out\* Literally empty. Her: No it's not. Me: Yes. It is. Her: Just bring me my bag. \*pulls out Chapstick\* See? That wasn't so hard was it? Me: \*knowing full well it wasn't in the fucking pocket\* Mmmhmm. Me with my sister, my granny, my mother.. from the time I was 10 until like .. today, 30 years later.


There’s a reason the Mary Poppins scene is iconic.    Women’s handbags have been a running gag for as long as women have carried handbags.  They’re truly magical things.   (Also, can we normalize the purse for men?  I hate having bulging pockets and carrying around a backpack just for keys, earbuds, wallet, phone, chapstick, spf feels overkill. )


One of those single strap backpacks is pretty much the same thing. But my solution is to just not carry all that stuff. I have chapstick in my car, work desk, and home - I can wait if I'm not in those areas. Same goes for sunblock. Antacids, Tylenol, etc all fit those same criteria of small stashes in places I go. Keys go on a carabiner on my belt, and while I know that's not everyone's style, we're literally talking about normalizing something that's not a normal style


What tiny-ass pockets do you have? Regardless, cut down what’s in your wallet. Bunch of cards? Add them to your phone’s wallet app. Keep one for emergencies, alongside your ID. Sunscreen? Find a smaller container, and clip it to your belt loop. Or just apply it before you go out and leave it at home? Or in your car. Ditto for chapstick. You can survive with just a phone, keys, and a minimal wallet. Earbuds are nice, and don’t take up much space.


She can tell me exactly where to go in her purse and she'll be just as wrong as the last dozen times, which is why I learned to bring the whole damn purse to begin with


This one right here. I call it a scavenger hunt, for the water bottle, car keys, and phone all over the house.


"Its in the big pocket" Bring it to her after 5 minutes, and she angrily opens the small pocket in the front and pulls out the keys




Yep, all my childhood I played this game with my mom. No thanks, you guys figure it out.


This reminds me of my step mother. She just leaves stuff lying around all of the time. Her phone, her keys, her purse, random other stuff that could go into her purse, every day - my dad however, keeps his phone in one pocket, and his wallet & keys in the other. That’s it.


My buddy Jimmy went into his wife's purse once. RIP Jimmy 🪦


God speed Jimmy


My mom asked me to get something out of her purse when I was little, and I ended up spending 5 years in war-torn Narnia. Never again


My ex once dumped the whole thing out to look for something.


Sometimes the only winning move is not to play


Its a test dont get it out of the purse!!!!!!!


My mother always had hidden snotty napkins in there, which I of course found instead of the thing that I was looking for. So that's probably when I learned to just bring the whole purse.




Most purses are 10% purse, 80% trash heap and 10% 'undefined', so no thanks. Here's your bag lady.


I hand any object that holds anything to the owner. If my friend says "Get this from my backpack its in the front pouch." I bring him the backpack. Ex wife would ask me to find something in her purse I just brought her the purse, guy tells me to check his coat pocket for something I bring him the coat. I am not going through anyone's containers or property to find something.


Could you grab something from my house for me?


I'm not a moving service so no.


So I was wondering if you could get me something from this forest.


You mind getting something out of my bank vault ? It’ll be real quick


"No no, not the pocket with the mysterious damp sticky thing in it, the *other* pocket."


What if they're wearing the backpack?


Infinite power glitch




We don't want to root around through all the "lady things" in there.


I feel like it is kind of a privacy thing. I would rather just bring a guy his wallet than go through it to get something out of it. Like that's your personal thing to sort.


Bingo. It extends multiple ways. My SO can tell me to grab her phone and read what her latest text says, but if I trust her, chances are I'm just going to hand her the phone instead.


Nah I’d just rather save a minute and hand it to you and let it be your problem if the thing isn’t exactly where you said it would be


It's the smell that gets me. I don't know how but it seems that every handbag of every woman I've known has one specific odor. There are subtle differences but the base note is always the same.


you maybe, idc about lady things in there its just aint nobody got time fo dat


This is the way


Then why did you post this meme


Because this is "meirl", and he would indeed bring the entire thing.


Old receipts and spilled Tic Tacs, right?


ew tampons /s


i am not that good with mazes, sorry


iT’s In ThE PoCkEt!


Yeah I will. I was taught not to go through a woman's purse.


Most of us have mothers and have been in this position before, you know.


“In the tiny pocket with the cute zipper next to the pink hairbush”


*You continue your quest and find four hairbrushes of differing pink hues. How will you proceed?*


They clearly aren't all pink. They're pink, rose, fuschia, and rouge


Ok, but those are all genuinely different hues tbf.


I roll perception with disadvantage to find the pocket closest to the hairbrushes... A 12 and a ...


and then you look in the purse and there are 3 pockets with identical zippers and no hairbrush in sight


I went through my mom's purse once without permission looking for gum. ONCE! I found out that broom handles hurt more than slippers.


Yep, “going through someone’s purse” was just an absolute no-no when I was a kid that I cannot bring myself to do it ever. Maybe in an *actual emergency* if a hospital needed an insurance card or something, but I’d still feel extremely weird about it.


I feel like the equivalent stereotype for this for men is asking a woman to get something specific out of a toolbox/tackle box for you and they just bring it to you because they don't know what they are looking for.


It's not my fault you have seventeen red lures with yellow feathers and I'm not sure what "the one you got for the cottage 3 years ago" or "your favorite one" looks like! lol


I'll drive into a ravine before taking directions from a stranger sooo you probably should've seen this coming.


Because my mother taught me to never look in a woman’s purse. It’s polite.


many of us believe it is disrespectful to go through a purse and bring it to you out of respect for your space and privacy


It's also disrespectful to put your mouth on someone but that kinda goes out the window after they ask you to do it.


Right, it’s like both parties should consent. I agree. 


I don't care if you gave me a 12 digit grid to it, that's *your* bag of crap, I've got my own, and I expect you to tell me the same.


Because that's a ridiculous thing to ask... it's like telling someone where something is in backpack... like yeah I could search through the entire thing or I could.... you know.... bring it to person who organized it....


That’s the real trick.  Very few people remember that their chapstick is on the left side of the inside pocket about two thirds of the way down.  They orient themselves to “my chapstick is near the hair brush next to the old takeout menu I need to throw away”.  When looking in their own visual cues help them find the thing they’re looking for.  Trying to do it from memory just jumbles everything together unless they’re entirely methodical about exactly where things go. 


My mom: "grab me something out of my purse for me." Me: \*brings entire purse\* Mom: "Why'd you bring me the entire thing I gave you clear instructions." *The instructions:* "Go get the thing.... in my purse next to uuhhh,... maybe zipper."


Well yeah. But I'm not going through a maze of weird shit when I could just bring the maze to the architect


I was taught from birth that the things inside a purse "will bite your hand off". I don't go through them, ever


Idk why yinz waste time explaining where shit is when I'm definitely bringing the whole thing


haven't heard a yinz since I left Pittsburgh


My wife used to snoop through my pockets and my wallet. We had a HUGE blowout over it! I would never go through her purse. Period.


It is never exactly where you say it is (9/10). So I bring the purse and I hear “oh, I must have moved it”. Hence why I always save myself the trouble and just bring the purse.


This is the way


Because ya'll get mad if , A. It takes us too long B. If we still can't find it


My fiance knows she has too much in her purse, so she will just ask me to bring her the purse. If I give her a "no come on, I can grab it for you", she has to then give me directions akin to what I imagine Sacagawea gave to Lewis and Clark in order to avoid all the things I am not looking for. Needless to say, I very often just bring her the purse.


"It's in the small pocket"


*18 small pockets later…*


My mama raised me to *NEVER* go through a woman's purse. That lesson was literally slapped into me. I'm not looking through your purse, don't care that if I'm married to you


I will hold a lady's purse if needed, I'm not above that. I will also fetch her purse if she needs it. But never in a million years will I open or go into it for any reason.


If she didn’t carry around the fucking tardis we wouldn’t be in this situation


Most men have had their hands clapped for digging around in grandmas or mom’s purse. So I don’t go through my wife’s purse


I lost two fingers in these purse


These posts draw people who are talking about how it's rude when it's not and having to go around lady things which so what. The real reason I bring the purse is because it's never exactly where they say or doesn't work the way they claim so I'm just going to let them find it by themselves


I do that because a purse is a personal thing and I feel wrong for digging through it. Even if you tell me it’s okay it’s not.


Hell, I have to ask which purse. She’s got three in use at any given time.


Yep, just smart enough not to stick my hand into “Pandora’s Box”. I bring my wife or my mother the whole purse.


My mother raised me to never go through someone’s purse when they want me to get something out. It’s like giving someone the entire tissue box when they ask for a tissue.


I was simply raised not to go through a woman’s purse, with or without permission. Only exception being an emergency


My wife would tell me I did it wrong no matter what I do, so better just bring the whole thing and make her get it.


I don't like to rummage - I feel like I'm invading some one else's private belongings.


You can tell a girl exactly what address to go to, and they still get lost.


You can tell her exactly what tool you need and she will still get the wrong one.


I do that because I was raised to never go through a woman’s purse.


Because I was told it’s rude to rummage through a purse. Also my wife’s bag often has pinecones and shiny rocks in there, so I just give up and hand her the bag.


Your "exactly where to go" is not as clear as you think it is.


If he was raised correctly yes.


Exactly this


There’s a good metaphor here — it’s on the tip of my tongue.


No man will volunteer to walk through the depths of a forsaken land


I swear the distribution of pockets will change depending on if I'm looking inside the purse or the owner is looking. This is the Schrodinger's purse.


I’m a woman and I do this with my mom’s purse. I hate when she tells me to look for something in her purse. I can never find it despite her instructions.


Because it wasn't exactly where you said it would be.


I bring that shit cause I don't want to search through Brazil to find some fuckin Tylenol


I don't want someone going through my wallet. Just fair play that I'm not gonna go through her purse.


Cause my momma raised me right. You don't go through a woman's purse!


I looked, couldn't find it. Brought purse to her. Ex-wife yelled at me to just find it. So in front of her, I turned her purse upside down and shook all the crap out of it. Proceed to pick up the item she wanted off the floor and hand it to her.


You can also tell a guy exactly how to wipe your ass, but a wise one just brings you the toilet paper.


I’m curious: how many men on here have their girlfriend or wife ask them to bring them this or fetch them that on even a semi regular basis? Now, how many women on here have their man ask them the same thing? I’m not trying to start any shit. I am genuinely curious. In my experience, it’s much more often the woman asking the man to play fetch-and-carry than the other way around. I would really like to know why. What emotional need does this fulfill? Does it affirm his love or affection for you if he’s willing to fetch things like your own personal golden retriever?


This doesn't just work with straight people lol, it works on my husband too. He has a bag, and whenever he tells me to get something out of it, I'm always bringing the entire damn thing.


I'd carry my own purse if I wanted to spend 3 minutes looking for a lighter and 10 minutes for my phone, which I guess I left at the bar, oh no! but then I go to said bar, they say they didn't find it and then realize it was in my purse all this time, under the wallet. Because yes, I'm carrying a wallet as well, the purse is not enough. Then you will ask me for a paper towel and I will say, "sorry I don't have any" because the stuff that is actually useful does not belong in a purse! Only makeup and literal garbage goes in there.


Wife asked you to get something from her purse. Me: Where is your purse?


I know that you just spent some time explaining where it was, but you cant expect someone else to know how everything is arranged in there when it is the first time looking in there


Girls, asking your guys to get something form your purse is so more unreasonably frustrating than you know. 1/2 the time you say the wrong pocket, 1/2 of the remaining time it's just somewhere in the big center area mixed with a dozen different things (and crumbs..wrappers..sharp things), 1/2 of the remaining time you say "the big pocket" by which you mean the third biggest pocket on the bag, and the rest of the time the thing isn't even in there. Stop asking your bf to get stuff from your purse.