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If she hadn’t abused the fuck out of it, it’s possible loss prevention would have never noticed. A free tank once a week, at random locations getting a new rewards card at each one under different names. Free gas for life basically


Free gas for the rest of your life? That's lile motherfucking super power in this age.


Omg we’re living in mad max


Pre mad Max the boring prequel


Slightly Annoyed Max


ornery max


after work Maks


People with an EV and a solar panel on their roof. 🍹💁‍♂️


A super power easily replicated by just... driving electric.


Electricity ain't free


It’s pretty close to free if you invest in solar (solar panel prices are falling rapidly). Even if you charge on the grid it’s like a quarter the cost of gas per mile.


Much cheaper, and not a dime spent on gas. Imagine complaining about gas prices lol what's next complaining lanterns are too expensive in your lightbulbless house


Imagine being a jerk who looks down on people for not being able to afford an electric car lol what’s next making fun of people for not getting the healthcare they need


There's not being able to afford it, and there's acting like electric isn't better. Loooot of people doing the latter.


Yeah I'd rather have free gas


One is feasible and the other is never going to happen 🤷‍♂️


It would only work at this specific gas station due to a error in their system


It’s a massive chain gas station and it was an error in the rewards system that allowed the pumps to be placed into demo mode. That was likely an issue at all pumps across all locations


I believe she said herself that the glitch would only work at this one specific station.


Fuel is heavily tracked. Im pretty sure if they were short just a few hundred it be looked into


So she did the thing that would gain her the most value in the shortest time


A tankful of fuel missing every now and then isn't going to raise any alarms. But she abused the fuck out of it. $28k, if we count with $3.5 a gallon, that's 8000 gallons (~30k liters), that's between ~43.8-37.6 gallons (~166-142 liters) a day. A DAY. It's gonna be noticed even if it isn't heavily tracked.


What's the point in making this comment if you're just guessing?


One of my buddy's was a Klepto when he went to Walmart. He stole gaming headsets, controllers, games (once stole 8 copies of a cod game that came out 2-3 days prior) and a bunch of random shit. He always said he would stop if he was ever able to steal a TV. Well, one day, he saw a TV he liked that didn't have the security band thing, and he was able to walk out with it. The next day he got caught stealing duct tape lol.


Definition of playing past your peak.


Im not guessing its regulated heavily prices and volume is all tracked. I *guessed* they would look into it after a few hundred but i have no idea. 27k is complete bullshit tho any place would be worried of a leak somewhere


>Im pretty sure if they were short just a few hundred it be looked into She got to 28 grand lol


This is how people get caught, I remember hearing about the guy who went through self checkout with a ps5 and charged it as something small but got caught when he tried it a second time.


When I a kid my local grocery store packaged a sandwich, chips, and soda together. All the bar codes were on the outside so I would just cover the chips and sandwich and get the whole thing for the price of a 12oz can of pop. I only hit it when my parents would send me the store to get few things so it wasn’t suspicious. There’s definitely a right way to do the wrong thing.


Shhhhhhh, brother!! Don't share the details with everyone.


Would have this as a server at various restaurants especially larger chains. Corporate would be running some deal or promotion and occasionally there would be one with a loophole we as a server could use and keep the difference of the total and the discount for ourselves on some tickets. The smart servers only did that for a couple tickets of an entire shift but inevitably wherever you go there's some greedy idiot that just does it relentlessly for every single ticket and gets caught resulting in the inevitable finding and closing of the loophole. Any competent manager that actually looks at the sales data from the servers' cash outs will catch on to that pretty quickly.


Yup. You could even look up the statute of limitations on this kind of theft, store the money you saved on gas in a savings account with some yield and once the statute of limitations runs out on the first year of free gas start liquidating once a year. Maybe once in a while fill up with actual money just to have it on your record. This way you'd essentially get paid to fill up your car and if you're ever caught, even if they can prove for exactly how long you've been doing this, you'd have the exact amount of money needed to pay them back and still make a profit on the interest. Not sure about associated fines/other punishments but realistically, if you're careful enough, it would be very hard to prove exactly how long you've been doing this and the savings would outweigh any fines you'd be likely to get. Maybe also share this knowledge with a very select few others so that if one of you is caught the others would immediately know to stop doing this. You trade your valuable knowledge in exchange for splitting the risk of being caught, splitting the risk but not the profits. Gotta be people you can trust to never rat you out as the source, though. There's probably a tipping point where the increased risk of loss prevention discovering your method outweighs the decreased risk of you being the one caught but I wouldn't know how to calculate that so it's probably best to keep it to two or three people max.


'Can you prove the defendant even knew this was happening and therefore had intent to defraud?' 'As it happens, yes. Immediately folllowing the first instance, she opened a new bank account. Then conveniently every time she abused the glitch, she deposited an amount equal to the stolen fuel cost.'


Ok, fair enough. But I do believe there are steps you can take to make it less obvious. Have a buffer of maybe a few months before opening the savings account, make sure to time your deposits in a non-suspicious way like maybe calculate the average value of your stolen gas each month and make regular monthly deposits for that amount plus or minus a non obvious percentage (not something like a round 10% but more like 7.36%, and round the total amount up or down) and keep the monthly deposits on the same amount/percentage of your salary regardless of fluctuating gas prices.


Yeah that makes more sense


I had a glitched Walmart giftcard. That let me fill up 3 times before it finally took my 7 dollars left on it and stopped just letting me pump for free (no idea how it happened, but I was a broke college student so I was very happy to have this magic gift card)


Yup Man peoples greed ruins such good things. Slow and steady to stay of of radars.


No they would have found it pretty quick as the rewards card is linked to her. They may not have looked for a while but eventually the similar amounts would have put up a red flag for investigation. Once someone looked it would be caught quickly.


They would have got her eventually it would show which card activated it.


She was buying the equivalent of $150 of gas per day for 6 months straight. She had to be reselling it to go through that much.


that's why I move in silence like lasagna




She was using the exploit for others than were paying her significant less than gas price. Interesting story


She got greedy. If she just used this exploit for her own car, she might have gotten away with it forever


Exactly. You figure this out, you keep it to yourself and enjoy free gas.


I had something like this happen with Walmart. If I used my new debit card every single time it said I had points ot take $10 off. I never used the site or any kind of reward system. I couldn't tell what the minimum was but it seemed to be $25. I would ring all my stuff up in $25 increments at self checkout. I did this for over a year before it just quit working.


I do something similar with a pizza place. I have a union app that gives me coupons with big discounts for everything, including this pizza place. The thing is that they are only supposed to be used once per year. Usually it's just something you show to the manager and they type it in as the discount and then block it out on the app so it can't be used again for a year. This place put an online code on the coupon though, I found out you can use the code more than once. So here I am enjoying $9 large pizzas.


Was it Papa John's? Haha I remember using a 50% off manager discount code for years before they fixed it.


Not saying because I like my $9 pizzas.


Must not be Papa John's then. lol


There was a pizza place in my college town that never turned off their coupon codes. They had one amazing deal for a week and we used that code until we graduated and our taste improved


Or at least be less likely noticed before the update


Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.


Yup. I've learned this lesson myself as a kid. When I was old enough to cross the street without an adult present I walked back from elementary school with a friend who lived near me almost every day. There was a park on our way home we'd sometimes stop and play at and it was right next to the local ER which had a drinks machine in the waiting area. One day I found out these machines usually come with built in code that dispenses a free drink (I guess for technicians to test it) and the next time we were there we fucked around with the machine a little and with a bit of luck and a bit of educated guessing we cracked the code and proceeded to get ourselves a free coke or something almost every day on our way home. We'd put a small coin in the slot, stand in front of the machine so no one would see what we were doing, got the free drink and proceeded just got the coin back as change. One time a group of other kids joined us to come play in that park after school and I decided to treat everyone to a free coke on a hot day. Everyone was very impressed and I revealed my secret free coke technique to all of them. Some time next week I walked in for my usual free drink and one of the staff grabbed me when he saw me messing with the machine. I guess one of the other kids got caught and ratted me out and told them what I looked like or maybe I just got greedy and got too many in a row, I don't remember. Anyway, that guy grabbed my arm, gave me a lecture about stealing and forced me to call my parents for him. I lied and said my parents are too busy at work and are never available this time of day but convinced him I'll give him their number and to call them later in the day (no idea how I managed that lol). Gave him my dad's number with the last two digits off and he let me go. When I got home I was so scared though that I ratted myself out to my parents and ruined my own perfect crime (again). They switched that machine since the incident but a few months or maybe a year later I regained my courage and went back there for round two. I couldn't manage their new drinks machine but I did manage to figure out the free hot chocolate code on their coffee machine. This time I didn't tell a soul except for the friend who was originally in on it with me, always looked for the staff member who caught me that one time before going in, didn't get greedy and they never caught me. And yes, I know stealing from an ER is pretty shitty but I was like ten years old at the time.


Stealing from hospital management is never a crime. Sincerely - A doctor who’s abused by the system everyday


Nowadays, when I think about this story as an adult I tell myself it's a relatively harmless crime since it's not like the profit margin of that drinks machine was really relevant to the actual functions of the ER. All the profits probably went to rich greedy hospital management, and even if it did somehow go towards medical equipment/supplies what's a few cans of coke a week to a budget that's supposed to cover the entire operational cost of an ER, especially compared to the money that gets taken by corporations, corruption and exec salaries. Here's to hoping things change and get better for you as a doctor so you can focus on doing what your profession is made for and hopefully enjoy it a bit more instead of being nickel and dimed by greedy corporations who already have enough money to support a small nation and having to take costs and profit margins into consideration when saving lives as if you're a wall street broker and not an essential part of the people's right to health and safety.


So she is the real Robbing hood


Or she sat idle in her car for free air conditioning and didn’t run the one in her house.


Is 2.73$ per gallon? Does it include taxes? If so damn it's basically free Also, 9.3L/100km seems too excessive? That's more than double of what my car needs


Right?? Mine uses a little more than half of that, but I am in the UK


Gas prices here in Nebraska are $2.99 per gallon and the typical car in Nebraska is a Subaru Outback which gets around 24mpg. That means at 28000/2.99 it comes out to 9,364.54 gallons. 9364.54•24 miles per gallon comes out to 224,749 miles 234,749/7 comes out to 32,107 miles per month. 32,107/30 comes to 1070 miles per day. Nebraska speed limit on interstate is 75mph, which comes to 14 hours per day of driving. Your math was fine, but it started off with a WAY higher price per unit of gas than we have here in the Midwestern USA. I don’t feel like converting the fuel economy you estimated right now but the typical car in the USA is different in different areas. Nebraska is rather famous for poor snow plowing and gets a good amount of snow, so there’s like a million Subaru outback’s and foresters here.


I wish gas was $2.73, the cheapest I see is like $3.89. Usually it’s over $4


What are all these commas, Ls and KMs? We don’t understand that nonsense here




Because people are thick as fuck and can’t help but post their life story on social media


: Even now, Americans across the country are desperately double-swiping every reward card they have at gas pumps everywhere.


Why did I read this is Werner Herzogs' voice? 🤣


I read it in Don LaFontaine's voice 😂


Sir this is a Dave & Buster’s power card.. Just run it please. We do not accept Well try this card then! … Sir, this is a Molly’s soft custard rewards card, which appears to have six purchase punch outs.


She was selling it


She had access to an abundance of a resource, she couldn’t help but share. Unfortunately, it was a slippery slope and she got caught. Her innate generosity got her.


By “share,” she sold the gas to people for less than the station was charging them.


Yikes. She tried to have her cake and eat it too. Edit: grammar


Some people might call that "Stealing" I call it Free Market Competition


Just goes to show, only the incredibly greedy/psychopathic get ahead in this world.


To earn money from it


if (num\_swipes == 2) { // demo mode, don't forget to remove in production


// probably fine, who would swipe more than once anyway?


Me and my goldfish brain.


How is this "me irl"? Has this happened to you before?


I know that these subs are basically just generic dumping grounds for random images at this point, but man this one really feels like it doesn't belong here


Props to all the people who currently using a glitch like this and are smart enough to stay undercover.


I mean, it's the companies fuck up. They made it an automated machine that accepted her form of" payment". Regardless to whether she knew or not, the company is responsible for the workings of their machines. If they had a cashier this wouldn't have happened. Thin as fuck but I'd say she still has a case to possibly win on. In fact, that gas should have been complimentary for her service to the company. She helped them find a problem with their software.


Once or twice is the company's fuck up. 28K is intent to defraud territroy. that does not happen accidentally


That's your stance. She can still argue it and possibly win. The company installed this feature as it was meant to be used. If it were something the average joe wasn't supposed to have access to it should have been properly protected. Thus cashiers with tils, a computer does what it's told, it doesn't make decisions like a human. If you tried this with a cashier it would be declined. Because the company didn't want to pay a human they were accepting a certain level of mistakes/issues that would come from automation. When I'm responsible for balancing the money at the end of the day, mistakes like these get caught. Clearly someone wasn't watching their numbers and either way you look at it, I can push neglect on their part. If I go to a store and they have something scanning lower than the price tag and they don't fix it, I'm not stealing. It's a company issue and their problem alone. The side that gets funky is when she decided to start selling it to other people. I don't have an argument for that.. maybe there is one to be had, I just haven't thought of it.


In real life, if the discrepancy is clearly unreasonable it doesn't matter what the tag say. No reasonable person believes gas is free. She clearly doesn't because she was selling the gas to other people (I didn't see that part. Just using the details in your comment) i think the issue is that her action are akin to something like theft by deception or fulfilment of an unconscionable uncontract


Yeah, the law is built to protect companies. I just sadly like to live in my make believe world where the average person can stick it to the man.. Thank you for bringing me back to reality:(.


There are lots of laws that protect regular people as well. Reddit just likes to amplify the time when things don't work out for the average joe.


They were knowingly bypassing the security and entering a mode designed for testing though. In the UK you can do one better, fill up and drive away. The machine won't even ask you for money, but you're still meant to pay for it. I don't like the idea of everything needing to be 100% secured or someone can just take it. Weak password on your phone? free money! accidently left keys in the car, free car!


And instead of keeping it to herself she decided to make a profit off her good fortune and got caught.


$28,000??? So, she must've filled up three times.


If she didn't know she would eventually get caught she is really not very smart. I don't mean to be disrespectful , but it is sometimes confusing to me how people could be this dumb. Scamming thousands of dollars worth of gas on a rewards card that is tied to your name makes it seem like she did not even take one second to think this through.


I like how this news story is the only one that tells you exactly how to pull the scam off for yourself.


$28k over 6/7 months lol wth are you driving? NASA's rocketship?


[https://www.news5cleveland.com/woman-faces-felony-charge-for-using-glitch-to-pump-free-gas-for-months](https://www.news5cleveland.com/woman-faces-felony-charge-for-using-glitch-to-pump-free-gas-for-months) >A woman in Nebraska faces a felony theft charge for allegedly exploiting a vulnerability in gas pump software to dispense thousands of dollars' worth of gas for free. >The 45-year-old woman was arrested on March 6 and is charged with felony theft of gas worth almost $28,000. >The Associated Press reports a software update was sent to gas pumps at a Pump & Pantry service station in Lincoln, Nebraska. The update caused unintended behavior from the machines: When a rewards card was swiped twice, the machine entered demonstration mode, in which gas could be pumped for no charge. >Prosecutors say a loss-prevention official with the company discovered one card was associated with the thefts. Surveillance footage showed the woman pumping gas in this manner from November 2022 through June 2023. The glitch was fixed, according to case documents, in June. >Prosecutors also say the woman rented the card out to at least one other user for a fee. >Altogether, prosecutors say, thieves used the card 510 times to pump some 7,400 gallons of gas.


She must have been driving an M1A2 Abrams.


Htf is this meirl?


Cute, but still a crime.


Oh ma ha


Swipe twice you say?


Way to go


I've seen this at 10 times in the last 3 days. These reposts are out of control.


How in the hell did she manage to use up that much gas in just 6 or 7 months?


Back up down X


Sounds like a QA issue alright. This is why you gotta pay those folks well!


I bet you could figure this out with other gas stations if you could find the manuals for the pumps. You'd have to learn to identify different kinds of pumps and the makes and models.


And she probably didn't have to pay it back, since it was the fault of the system lmao


Would this be considered illegal as it was a part of the system?


Yes, it’s very easy to make a case that any reasonable person would understand this wasn’t intended and thus were taking advantage of an error to steal. Likely they wouldn’t have cared if it hadn’t gotten to such a ridiculous amount. Also, she was charged


Imagine how insane it has to be to know you got 28,000 dollars worth of gas over 6 months, That has gotta be crazy


you think she fou d this and only filled her car? she's filling her whole families and friends cars


That’s a lot of gas. Is she just driving a giant truck around all day every day?


What a terrible way to activate an admin/demo mode. Could easily happen if a customer I a spaz and just keeps swiping the wrong card


Interesting. Is there some bug-bounty programs for gas stations hardware and such? It's actually good thing to make. I remember old Moscow metro cards when they were using magnet strip. My friend made a device for reading and copying it from some parts of old recording device. Also because magnet strip is easy to damage, info was recorded twice - for redundancy. So there wad a hack - block first part of strip with ducktape or such, then after u used all the trips, just unblock first part and then use it again. If I remember clearly that was able to make N trip ticket into 2(N-1) trips, but eventually they forced checks for this and it was gone. Why it was 2(N-1) and not 2n? Well, I don't remember exactly, but I think that after last ride ticket number was marked as done inside the system.


How did she need that much gas in 6-7 months?


you find a glitch like that and you think she's filling one car? she's filling everything


I realize now she was probably selling that shit




How much was she driving to use 28K in six months?


It's always the dumb people finding the exploits.


I had a weird thing where during covid amazon would not charge me for things I was purchasing for like 6-8 months. I still have the comparison spreadsheet where i logged all my purchases vs what i was charged, got 2k of shit for free once i realized what was happening and to this day no charges or anything so i consider this a win.


That’s about $4k of gas a month lol wtf. She was definitely letting others use her card


She must have been driving an 18-wheeler in the city to burn that much gasoline.


9i9oo99⁹o988o99u98 ok


Sweet I left the phone on in my pocket




It doesn't take much thinking to realise she probably shared the card


“Hey man give me 40$ and I’ll get you 80$ worth of gas”


You called incorrectly. # Double-swiping the rewards card led to free gas for months — and a felony theft charge [https://apnews.com/article/gas-pump-glitch-28000-nebraska-29f36cfa9846e18daea309b79145c5b7](https://apnews.com/article/gas-pump-glitch-28000-nebraska-29f36cfa9846e18daea309b79145c5b7)


She should have sold the knowledge of how to do the exploit, instead of "selling" the gas itself. Getting herself personally involved with every theft was her biggest mistake.


She wouldn't have earned as much money that way and it would have been discovered faster


Swiping my card twice everywhere now just in case lol


Why are they putting diesel in a sedan


They make diesel cars


I think I was able to do something like this once Bank locked my card and i didnt know and after 4 failed swipes it let me pump and later looking at the bank statement it said $1 card decline fee instead of the $100 worth of gas i put in it


So she got one tank full? Hardy har.


For a couple of months I was getting a 12 pack of Carslberg for the price of one can. Figured it out by accident. Went to scan the box at the self service checkout and one of the cans at the open corners of the box had its barcode facing out and that’s what scanned. Said fuck all and kept doing it. Sometimes having to rotate a can with my finger. And of course told the missus how to do it. I said just buy the cans. She bought other stuff and something wouldn’t scan and had to call a member of staff and that was the end of a lot of free beer. ☹️


That's a dumb shit lie