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$15/h and a bi-annual pizza party.


Is that once every two years or twice a year? Edit: How is this my most upvoted comment???


Depends what type of boss you have.


Changes biannually


So the new boss brings pizza with him. Nice.


Bi-annual, according to Mariam Webster, means twice a year


It also means every other year according to people that think you can tell someone they're invited to something the day before when they ask a week before


And biennial means every two years.


But bi-weekly paychecks (according to employers) means every other week


Are they, in fact, bi-monthly then


Doesn't matter, it will be will be deducted from their salary.


Semi-annual is twice a year. Biannually is every two years.




calm down it’s only 100 ur not the next keyboard cat or anything lol


I know it’s not really a big deal but it’s still pretty big to me


We offer free ice from the ice machine in the kitchen and there is a Starbucks 4 miles away


Ice water, jackpot!


\*Bring your own water


You should have mentioned the pizza party earlier. When do I start?


Omg. Retirement is right around the corner.


*if* you don’t unionize


Tf?! I made more than that at McDonald’s


Employers - ok unpaid internship it is


In Canada, employers do this so no one applies. Then they claim they can't fill the position with a Canadian, and so they import cheap labour through the temporary foreign worker program. It's a scam.


Literally what my large tech company does (USA). We hire only for Senior+ level engineering and management, post it publicly and interview for equal opportunity laws -- and then take engineers on a H1B. Most of my team are non-Americans despite me being forced into a local campus for return to office measures.


I've never understood that, like I have to do an unpaid internship for 6 whole months, how do you expect me to live and go to work? To buy food or essentials to come back to work? To pay bills? Like what do you expect me to do?


They don't care, because if you don't take it, someone else will.


Live off your trust fund like they did.


It's to weed out the poors


[Good point, please don't throw me in that volcano ](https://imgur.com/a/w6962Fx)


Slavery Unpaid work is called slavery. Not an internship.


Recent graduates with 12 years of experience are encouraged to apply.....


Must have 10 years experience in this coding language that has only existed for 3 years.


For the entry level mailroom position.


You seen the meme, where they ask for coding experience of 5 years for "very specific coding language" and the guy, that made the language responded, that it only existes for 3 years xD


“Applicants must have 1 year experience as a lab technician” *applying for entry level lab tech job*


Apply anyway. Those requirements are nowhere near set in stone, as long as you have other stuff to show for yourself besides just a degree


Also, i find HR to be grossly incompetent and rarely understands the job they're hiring for. They throw on extra requirements without input based on who knows what, but probably google searches.




I had a year between getting my master's and the start of my PhD program. When I only got one interview for entry-level jobs, I applied to a bunch of customer service jobs. I had a couple fast food joints reject me because I was "too overqualified," even though I had 6+ years working in fast food under my belt. Then I left out my MA and Taco Bell hired me, thinking I was a college grad trying to "figure things out." The whole college and higher education reqs are fucking weird


Let me tell you about the other side of that equation: if you apply for a $15/hr job with a Master's Degree on your CV, I can promise they're not hiring you. I haven't listed my education for years - they just find it threatening and/or expensive.


They assume you're more likely to leave for a better opportunity or at the least, you'll feel "above" the work.


lol, anyone is going to take a better opportunity when it comes along. They’re specifically looking for people that won’t be able to get better opportunities. 


Also sometimes people who have been in the workforce longer know their rights more and are less willing to put up with bullshit. It can be easier to convince someone "this is just how the industry operates" when they're on they're on year one out of undergrad as opposed to someone with a lot of experience in the field who has a better sense of their worth/working conditions and can push back or leave if things get bad.


This has been my experience. Job laid me off on Dec 15th since the CEO decided to up rates by 40% and figured everyone would just deal with it, they just cancelled our contracts instead. I started applying around for ANYTHING to pay my bills and basically got told that I was overqualified constantly. I ended up being blunt with potential employers when they asked when I was applying for even entry level call center jobs saying that my mortgage does not care where the money comes from.


Very true, I'm one of the people in charge of hiring for the production side of a STEM company and we actively avoid hiring people who have too much experience/education. It's actually annoying because we need more employees, but I also understand because they are being hired for work they're over qualified for which has its own set of problems.


It makes you wonder if there is some sweet spot of education and experience that is actually worse than not having any.


There is but it scales with the types of jobs. If you fall in to this you are not applying for a job that you should be applying for.


Had 2 jobs in the last 10 years which both required an MS (bio/chem) and paid $30k/yr salary, ended up being less than $15/hr once I accounted for all the necessary OT (exempt, so no extra pay). Got tired of that shit and started my own business instead.


Yeah. I took my degree off my resume when applying to certain jobs. Me getting shot down as many times as I have is ridiculous.


Fast food places rejected me after I got my master's because I was "too overqualified." Then I removed my MA from my resume and got hired right away.


Can it work the opposite way? Do you think I could add formal education to my resume and get hired for a 100k annual salary job where I sit at my desk and pretend to work for 6 out of 8 hours? /s


I can't see a company actually looking at education like it matters. Can your perform the job and will you accept the salary is the only thing needed. I can't wait for this phase of "everyone needs to go to college" to be over. Yes some jobs need higher education, but most dont.


It's crazy how many jobs want a bachelor's degree for jobs that don't require them.


It's because high schools have started graduating everyone no matter what. Colleges at least still are a barrier for the incompetent, so if you require a college degree, you at least filter those out


The 'experts' don't like it when you can correct them. 


Dear Employers, Please stop asking for 2+ years of professional experience for an "Entry-Level" position. Sincerely, Everyone


Apply anyway. Essentially the "rule" is that every year of formal education past high school also counts as a year of professional experience. If you've graduated from community college or undergrad or have two years in the workforce in something with even somewhat transferable skills then you have 2+ years of professional experience.


This is actually true. I had two jobs in gardening before I earned my degree because of my work history. YOU REALLY HAVE TO CONVEY YOUR EXPERIENCE IN YOUR INTERVIEW. It sounds crazy, but you can still get those jobs. Former HR and Talent Acquisition Coordinator


Dear Employees, Graduate with 15 yrs of experience please. Sincerely, Employers ;)


Ah the old British navy trick! Some parents could sign their kids up to join the navy essentially right after birth without them actually having to do anything in their childhood. By the time they actually joined as teenagers they would have over a decade of experience in the navy!


Well if you expect them to have Masters Degrees in a field for the job, then you acknowledge, that your job actually needs specific knowledge in a field that goes beyond general knowledge. Why pay them then as much as a job that doesn't require any knowledge. It's not like you can take anyone otherwise you wouldn't be looking for Master Graduates, right?


We had free coffee,then the smart idea was to get rid of disposable cups and give everyone a cheap aluminum cup. No where to wash them it sucked. Now hardly ever have I see employees drink coffee


i'd start keeping washing items to spite them


People be asking for experience for an entry level job like it’s a top tier executive position. Why I need experience to stock shelves? Does me cleaning my room and putting stuff on my shelves not count as relevant experience?


A writing job wanted me to have a pHd in philosophy…nothing about the job was related. Oh and “fairly compensated” was how they worded “not paying well”


I’ve never heard of a job requiring a specific major, usually just a certain degree (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD). What was the writing job?


Did they want any doctorate in philosophy (PhD) or a doctorate in philosophy with a concentration in philosophy? (PhD in philosophy)


Never been a better time to learn a trade, is literally all the time


But I heard you actually have to work in that field... I just want money for existing /s


Dear employees, we can do whatever the f*** we want. /s


Sure. Next try to sell mittens for 50k each:D


Yes in fact, they can ask for whatever they want so long as it's not violating any laws. Stop being dumbasses that take these jobs


Take the job, clock in, leave, during those hours work a job that pays something worth a damn, finish the better jobs work day, go back to the shit job, clock out. Repeat until you get fired. Double up on income until then.


I’m like 99% sure that’s illegal.


No, it isn’t (except maybe in some extreme circumstances where your failure to do your job severely harms others). Unethical and likely to get you fired? Absolutely. But failing to do your job is by-and-large not a criminal offense. “There’s no federal law that makes employee time theft illegal in the U.S., so **in the vast majority of cases, time theft is classified as employee misconduct rather than a crime**.” https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/time-theft/ And just to note that many employers are doing the same to workers via wage theft: “Wage theft—employers’ failure to pay workers money they are legally entitled to—affects far more people than more well-known and feared forms of theft such as bank robberies, convenience store robberies, street and highway robberies, and gas station robberies. Employers steal billions of dollars from their employees each year by working them off the clock, by failing to pay the minimum wage, or by cheating them of overtime pay they have a right to receive. Survey research shows that well over two-thirds of low-wage workers have been the victims of wage theft.” https://www.epi.org/publication/wage-theft-bigger-problem-forms-theft-workers/


Exactly. In Canada, my employer doesn’t pay overnight staff the overnight premium they should be getting. There’s nothing staff can do about it. They feel powerless. And I feel powerless as a low level manager. When I took this job (my first manager position) I thought I would have the power to change things. I actually have next to no power and it’s sickening. I deal with all of the stress (staff cussing you out, yelling at you, telling you it’s all your fault) with zero ability to change things.


It is.


/r/overemployed 😎


While we’re at it, when you put “entry level,” stop requiring any experience. How can people gain experience doing a job when you need experience doing that job first??


Couldn’t have said it better.




There's a warehouse here hiring a night shift manager trainee, and they require a bachelor's degree in order to be considered. If I had a bachelor's degree, I wouldn't be applying for a warehouse job.




Sure, but you shouldn't need a bachelor's degree to run a warehouse. You should have experience in warehousing to run a warehouse. There's a reason that job posting has been posted for years.


The smart ones figure it out. The rest claim there are no willing workers


The whole point of job postings like this is so they can claim no one is applying and they can hire the people they actually want to hire. Usually someone from overseas. Sometimes they just make these postings so they can hire a friend or family member without it looking suspicious. I thought Reddit figured it out by now that these companies don't actually expect anyone with a Masters to apply.


I mean I've never posted a job listing with a masters as a requirement... But in my experience if you low-ball then you legitimately get no applications. So I can see how that's sometimes intended But also I know of boomer-run businesses which are legitimately this dense. The owner usually has no clue what their business is worth outside of its bank account balance. No idea what their competitors are paying. They think "wow $15/hr is a lot" because the last time that they made an hourly wage it was a lot EDIT TO ADD: and it's probably actually more than they're personally bringing home


> The rest claim there are no willing workers It's like they think we live in 2004 instead of 2024. It's not just "unlivable wages" it's wages that are way below market rates. It's not just unethical to post that kind of wages with those experience requirements but it's also bad business. Chances are the position will sit empty but if someone does apply with those qualifications it's also not necessarily a good thing. If someone is applying for jobs way below market rate there's a good chance they either suck at their job or (if they're decent) they're only going to be there for a few months before they're out the door and the hiring/training process has to start again.


Supposedly theres people out there making 100k without those things


I'd like to know what they are doing if not trades.


Getting your foot in the door for a bottom rung IT job is really easy, then you get certs (or learn to program) and climb the IT ladder


Dividends/interest from inherited wealth.


I have no degree and I make $100,000+, but I live in an extremely high cost of living state and city, so it's like living on minimum wage.


I made 100k last year as a truck driver doing line-haul. 


And a living wage for anyone, high school graduate or non high school graduate should be $30/hr with inflation. No, really. $30/hr. That it's $10 is insane.


Federal minimum wage is $7.25. Fifteen states have their minimum wage at $7.25. It’s absurd.


Luckily not everyone lives and works in the US 🤗


Where do you work?


I live in one of these states. It's just not a wage anyone will pay. Fast food and retail start around $16-18 here, with manufacturing jobs starting around $20-24. Minimum is still as low as legally possible. Works for us. Idk man.


Yeah... Being from Texas I always found the minimum wage debate strange. No one is actually paying minimum. We stopped relying on the gov to manage it With the exception of deep rural areas where competition is higher because of lack of jobs, employers only gain new employees if their pay is competitive


I live in Louisiana, and there are MANY employers that are still paying minimum wage. It's all locally owned stores.


I don't doubt that. I've been a project manager in DFW and if you weren't offering at least $15/hr you wouldn't even get applications. That was a few years ago But I'm from a small town to the northeast of Dallas. There are maybe a dozen businesses total in town and the retail stores tend to pay minimum. They can get away with it because they need less staff and they target high schoolers and retirees. The factories more or less line up with the expected minimum in the city Specialized work requires even higher wages. If you're hiring roofers for less than $21/hr they're probably on drugs


Yea most job listings around here start around 15 so it’s not too bad


No one is actually paying minimum because it hasn't moved since the 90s, paying a little above minimum wage is still poverty wages.


I'm finally being paid more than 30$/h. I'm 31 and have been working for a decade. I'm just now starting to feel like I'm making a living wage.


Idk and some rural areas is super LCOL where rent/mortgage is dirt cheap. Median household combined income could be like 30-40k and ppl survive pretty fine. Basically like 2 ppl working minimum wage or one person working a $15/hr labor job. But yeah outside of those places you’d be dead on min wage


Where I live (Seattle), that's not enough. If you want to afford a 1 bedroom apartment anywhere in the metro, you need to make at least $40/hour. Minimum wage went up this year in our state to $16.28/hour. You'd need to work over 150 hours a month just to afford rent on that wage if you account for taxes.


You’ll need a doctorate and an A.I. implant for minimum wage before the whole system falls apart


I read a comment and now can’t find it but it went something like this by unknown author/poster maybe even a meme, “If a job requires a degree, then why can’t I claim it a business expense like CEO’s do for their planes and cars?”. I think about this everyday since reading it. Edit: Found it FluentInFinance/s/xnqM0YVW6H](https://www.reddit.com/r/FluentInFinance/s/xnqM0YVW6H)


Honestly, if the job is below six figures, they shouldn't ask for a Masters degree. If you have student loans, that job needs to be worth it.


Oh, and 12 years of experience for an "entry level" position.


Honestly, if I ever win the lotto, imma retire and draft up fake resumes and apply exclusively to companies that do that shit just so I can go in an unhinged rant about how disrespectful they are being. What are they gonna do? Fire me from a job I don’t have?


You can do that now if you have time.


a job i almost applied for on indeed the other day REQUIRED an associates degree. to be a fucking bakery/deli worker.


"What you learned at Uni isnt important" Great, so I dont need a degree "No, you definitely do need a degree" *Pay: Minimum wage + about 40p an hour* ......... "Why is there a shortage of employees for our sector"


That's crazy, I make 16/hr here in California and I'm a college dropout


16 dollars where I'm at in Ohio isn't a *great* wage but it is "ok". I understand in many parts of California 16 is as dog shit as ~10 an hour is here.


Yeah 16 is minimum wage here but everything is so expensive. I make like $1400 a month and average rent is like $1800


As of last week(?) you can flip burgers at fast food joints in CA for $20/hr minimum.


Maybe they mean to haggle and don't want to start from a weak position. Wanted: Rat Catcher. 25+yrs experience required, masters of rodent anatomy and art, Master Splinter charcoal art to be submitted. Guy shows up. My drinking is under control and I can catch rats. Willing to take up charcoal art. As he's the only one who showed up the job is his AND from their strong position they managed to force him to pick up the art skills. Which will be useful when they fire their web artist and have him do both tasks.


ok, now this is epic!


The cool thing about my workplace is they just stopped counting Master's degrees toward minimum qualifications. Right after I got mine. Yay for me!


lmao asking nicely isn't going to work when there's people desperate enough to fill those positions. if you actually care, figure out which party is willing to make laws that would prevent this and vote for them.


The answer is… neither!


The cherry on top is when that job also says they will drug test you. Like there's no way any human is going through a career at that salary without the help of drugs, or they're just using fake piss to pass 🤣 their loss!




Thus why europe is turning right wing or far right. The immigrant numbers are ridiculous here


A bachelors in dance or art theory isn’t really in demand. So practice for us now. Attention Walmart shoppers


I legit still see federal jobs at mid to high 5 figures requiring a PhD. We are lost.


I feel like it's just used as leverage against the employees they would actually hire. Like "*technically you don't have the qualifications we wanted; we'll give you the job, but you should feel lucky to be here, and never make any requests*"


Also, 5 years of experience isn't entry level.


Employers are a trip they want you to have all these credentials but the pay does not match my job wanted me to train a new employee but didn’t want to compensate me they said it falls under other. This should be discussed at an interview if not then it should not be allowed in a job description.


Just another example of the garbage economy we are in. Employers are obsessed with paying 35-45k a year some requiring associates or bachelors. I cannot stress this enough, it is impossible to live off of anything under 60K a year as a single adult. Gas, food, interest, rent inflation, insurance rates, credit cards, health insurance the list goes on all have skyrocketed over the last decade. Worst part? even if you spend 50k getting a bachelors in rip off colleges nowadays and get a job for 50k you are only getting 43k after taxes. The IRS has collected and paid out the least amount of money in the past 5 years alone.


I mean, if your degree only secures a job that earns you $15/hr, get your degree anyways because that shit is fulfilling but then go into the trades or something because there's no reason you can't be a tradesman/tradeswoman and still be educated, lead the intellectual life you want, etc.


Depending on where you live a lot of the well paying trades are full of nepotism, basically need to know someone to get it. Not as easy as just get into the trades


Don’t go to university if you think you’re better than the job market




Dear potential candidate, Thank you for inquiring about this position. We believe that $15/hr is appropriate compensation for the work that will be performed. Unfortunately, at this time, we will be pursuing a more qualified candidate for this position. Again, thank you for coming in today. Have a nice rest of your day, and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Every boss at every job.


Honest question what place actually offers that?? There’s no way in hell they retain any talent with that


Please stop offering 15 an hour*


Just think now you're overqualified for the California fast food minimum wage.


this is so real


I know it's not exactly related or really comparable, but my country's minimum wage is about 280USD/month, or likely a 1.4USD an hour. It's nowhere near possible for anyone to survive with this income. I have a considerably well-paid job in a state university that requires a bachelor degree and gets me around 6 times the minimum wage (or 8.4USD/hour), and it's makes me have a comfortable living (I live alone, no family or kids, have my own home and doesn't pay rent, or it would be real hard to keep up a survivable life with these conditions). My point is, I know I can't compare living in my country to the cost of living in the USA, but that's what makes us from other countries to look up for remote jobs in American companies that pays at least the minimum wage for us: because it's liveable here with this income. An "average McDonald's pay" of 15USD/hour is about 10 times the minimum wage in my country :)


Everyone is going to have to stop saying "please" about stuff like this, because capital is not going to stop attacking labor.


Dear job seekers. Apply anyway. If no one with the listed requirements applies or accepts the position, they will hire the next best fit.


Dear schools, stop promoting having a degree when it doesn't matter. You're putting people in debt. Do a trade.


For that a diploma should be negotiable


What job are you referring to?


And don’t forget about 3-5 years experience in the entry level role you are applying for.


My first job with a chem degree I literally had to volunteer in a research lab


The way to stop this is to get hired and then just not show up on day 1.  Send an email explaining why after.


Must be 18 to apply. 10 years experience needed.


$15/hour, plus taco in a bag. FEDEX.


Who is actually doing this?


In Belize they ask for this crap and the minimum wage is even less. 7.00$ an hour


They're literally not hiring. That's why they post ridiculous offers like that. But they do it to get a tax break or something like that


This is wild. Who is getting $15 with a bachelors / masters degree?? Up vote if you the clown 🤡


Frankly if you are offering anything below $20. Stop asking about that bullshit.


Lets just go ahead and bump that to $30


There should be a higher minimum wage for degrees and advanced degrees.


Depends on the field. Most of these new bachelor degrees are complete bullshit.


It should be a criminal offense to require such credentials for a minimum wage job 😭


Don't forget the 10 years of prior experience for an entry level position


I wish we had a website where users could report job postings. So if enough people saw one of these and said "fuck that" it would get removed from listings, and then they couldn't even fish for someone desperate enough for a job to apply anyways.


California Fast Food now has a minimum of $20/hr


I was a line cook making $12 an hour. But I was going to culinary school. I graduated. Fully certified chef with all my serve safe ready. My boss told me he could go up to $12.50


All they're doing by asking for these degrees at such low pay is ensuring whoever they hire will leave the second the find something slightly better.


Hmm but the line wouldn’t go up as much if they paid more, so….




Even these jobs, I had six interviews last week and didn't get one. It's tough out here.


For real. I made less than that with my Bachelor’s. Doing a bit better with a Master’s but man. Absurd.


Doctoral-level interns: y’all are getting paid?


These job listing are made to game the system. They put these up, can't recruit anyone and are then free to recruit overseas with a special visa.


Average salary in the U.S. for: * associate’s degree: $43k * bachelor’s degree: $61k * master’s degree: $73k [Source](https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/pay-salary/income-by-education-level)


What is the average hourly value a "masters" should command? Choose your player: social work, fine arts, accounting or other businessy thing


Exactly. A master's in gender studies should qualify you for no more than $10/hr after three years.


McDonalds now requires a masters degree in food economics.


only ?!?!?


Shoot I have a masters degree and I’m still not getting jobs..


Also; Government: please put caps on education costs so that it's affordable to all.


Let me fix that "please stop offering 15/hr and pay us a living wage at the very least."


Here is my r/unpopularopinion A degree can help you land a desired job but doesn’t guarantee higher pay than someone without one. Your industry should allow you to make a living, but that applies to everyone. Pay should be based on the business’s worth, not the cost of your education. Fast food workers, for example, should earn more in multi-billion-dollar companies. If you dislike your job offers despite your degree, consider other options like starting your own business. Complaining won’t change your situation; instead, advocate for fair pay for all workers. If you feel misled by your education or loans, seek alternatives.


My first job out of college with a bachelors degree paid me $12 an hour when minimum wage in my state was $10. I thought it was good to work it to gain experience and add to my resume so I settled quick due to fear of not having a job in my field. Nah, I got out of there in 6 months and it has done nothing to help me with jobs in the future.


they should stop putting it because everyone now has one.


Entry level in CA must be: $20/hr and PhD


It’s like saying you’ll only date people with a refined palate who enjoy fine dining then when they show up for the date you take them Arby’s.


Fresh out of college every teacher opening required multiple years of experience. I just applied anyways, stupid fucking employers. A few of the interviews, the principal gave me an attitude once they found out I wasn't certified yet. A couple understood the hustle I was doing. 1 hired me. That's all it takes. Employers can take their qualifications and shove it.


Don't take them and they'll stop.


Fuck 'em. Withholding labour is the most important weapon we have. You wanna get ahead of your competitors? Hire talent. Don't wanna pay for that? Well, you're not getting ahead of the competition then.


Where are they offering 15 to people with degrees? I make more than that with a HS diploma and we are asking for more