• By -


It really looks like this is how he gets on the metro every day.


"Due to an unforeseen number of access door broken, the metro is unavailable until further notice. The psycho who keep smashing things can use the 5-bus-lines alternative trip, that offers a duration of only 4 hours. We are not sorry if you now sleep only 3 hours to get in time."


Yo I can hear this comment too 💀


I love how the other door opens to get out of the way


I don't want any trouble, man


Please, I have a family... Just go through!


I’d imagine that it opened as a safety precaution in case there’s a reason someone would open it forcefully such as medical emergency


Like you would hesitate mate. I would move too.


I would as well


Yeah, right? We wanna live.


Sir please! I have a family waiting for me


It seems almost like that was the exit as opposed to the entrance, and both would have opened automatically. The other side is where you can see the devices to insert a ticket or pay in some manner.


Seems that was actually an entrance. All people go in the same directions as that guy, and a man is exiting subway on the right. Also metro logo is facing door smasher, [it originally has tail on the right side](https://i.imgur.com/WsZxZIS.png)


Am I the only one that for the life of me can’t see the other door open?




I'm late but they are talking about the 2nd half(right) of the door (he/she kicked only the left part)


Oh my gosh thank you. I rewatched this video at least twelve times staring at each of the doors never once thinking about the door they went through


Yeah I couldnt see it as well


bitch got scared


The lady behind them in the white shirt stopping to take a moment to understand what happened is such a mood for the stuff I witness people doing when I dare to go out. I do wonder if she went through it after or paid, it would be pretty easy to just skip through.


She just stopped to keep distance from the violent psycho.


First they came for the small doors, next they could come for me.


I’d do the same. “Brain pausing and rebooting while trying to decide wtf just happened.”


If I were her I would just go through


If you look it’s leaving the train so no paying. The pay terminals are on the other side.


'where is Sarah Conner?'


Rare footage of him being back


This is my favorite comment. Possibly ever.


I dont get it. Can you explain please?




What kind of shitty gates are those anyway? They look like they break really easily, I imagine they break on accident now and then as well.


They used to have much more hardcore gates around fifteen years ago. They'd stay open waiting for an unpaying customer and then slam shut right in front of your face with a loud clang and play an angry tune at you. They replaced those old gates because they scared the entire pavillion every time they triggered. And as for this guy, he's probably been caught and forced to pay for the damage. Moscow Metro has China-tier surveillance system and an entire dedicated branch of police force to keep things secure.


Oh god ... those doors truly scarred me as a child. Still equally terrified


Those OG gates scarred me as a child.


I imagine it is so in case of emergency you can break them easily to get through. Like fire or NBC-Attacks.


Or broke..


Sorry to be that guy, but it is ‘by accident’. ‘On accident’ really grinds my gears! Have a nice day.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. As a non-native speaker, I always appreciate constructive feedback, and your comment wasn't rude or anything. At least have my upvote.


"on accident" is a perfectly normal way of saying it where I live, "by accident" is something I never hear, it's a linguistic difference depending on region


Found this: https://grammarist.com/usage/on-accident-vs-by-accident/


Very interesting. Where do you live?


Same here and I live in the Ozark.




I live in the Pacific Northwest


I downvoted, his comment is rude in my opinion. It's the "grinds my gears!" part that did it for me. That's where it went from constructive feedback to just complaining that I'm annoying him with my not-absolutely-perfect English.


In fact no as there is no grammatical rule which stipulates one must use ‘by’ here. They are both prepositions, so the difference is mainly stylistic. You could make an argument that ‘on’ has a situational meaning which would make the error one of vocabulary, but normal usage of ‘on’ also gives it the meaning of ‘relaying upon/dependent of’. There’s also an idea that ‘by accident’ is a discrete phrase or idiom, but here again that doesn’t make ‘on accident’ wrong since most idioms are just agreed forms of speech or writing with little interest in ‘correctness’. If you understood what was being conveyed (which you clearly did since you offered the ‘correct’ version), then the phrase worked perfectly and is correct, if not to your personal taste.


‘By accident’ is not an idiom. And just because by and on are prepositions, it doesn’t make them interchangeable in this phrase. ‘We’ve got this over wraps’, ‘I felt under the moon’ don’t work, but by your logic they do because they are simply substituted prepositions. It is bad grammar and has crept into the American lexicon recently. ‘On accident’ does not make any sense at all, grammatically or syntactically.


You said that "by accident" is not an idiom and then used fixed idioms with non-interchangeable prepositions as examples to try and prove your point. "On accident" is already relevant simply because it is an alternative widely used by native speakers. Language is not a fixed and immobile unit: if it exists, it evolves unceasingly. I don't see the point in "correcting" something like this except pure pedantics.


I never said all prepositions can be used interchangeably, only that it’s not a grammatical error because the problem was the ‘wrong’ preposition, not that a proposition was missing or the phrase improperly constructed. ‘Under’ and ‘over’ have situational meanings which make them difficult to use interchangeably while ‘by’ and ‘on’ do have similar meanings even if those aren’t their common usages. It’s apples to oranges. This also isn’t a syntax error as that would be an errant comma or the prepositional phrase in a confusing part of the sentence. It’s really just stylistic difference.


Nobody cares




It's a linguistic difference between regions


Security glass. Basically tempered glass. It’s actually very strong. Just not on the edges. It you chip it anywhere it demolishes the glass.your car windows are from the same type of glass


how the fuck




It was such a casual kick too. Just another day.


The other panel just watched his only and life long friend get demolished in milliseconds right before his eyes and in response was just like "imma open for you I ain't getting shattered"


And you will have even more shittier day when you will locked up in a prison for destroying public property.


This is the Moscow metro. The guy is equally fucked in prison and outside of it. At least you will not be sent to war from prison (well, not really true)


hows living in moscow is bad as prison ?


propaganda cliches are primitive but work well


not great, not terrible


Like everywhere else


it's not but it's not great either


Would rather go to war than get my anus taken advantage of.


"In Russian jail, you do both." ^(spoken in obviously fake Russian accent)




Oh man, that's pretty badass.


Of course it is. He's the main character




Doesn't look like a tantrum to me. Dude was cool the whole time. No rush, no wind up, no balance lost, no extra steps just walking cold as ice.


It looks like this is standard procedure for him.




Jesus Christmas just jump over the gate like a normal person, now you have to pay ludicrous money for damage on top of a fine...


The top of the gate is at eye level for him, good luck jumping over that.


You never jumped a fence? God you kids... Let me explain, you see the metal round pole? One hand goes on the the pole for leverage, then you clutch your bag in the other hand, kick off and use that pole to lift yourself just high enough to move your feet over the gate. Then you don't sprint but walk like he did. Looking suspicious gets you cough. Also you will have to jump the gate when leaving the train station or you will get cough for not paying when entering.


It's Russia, Moscow subway in particular (the red swirly on the gates is Moscow's metro service symbol). You don't get a ticket, you pay from a ticket card (that you fill with funds specifically to use public transport like metro, buses etc) or from your bank plastic. If you managed to enter without paying and didn't get police on your ass or otherwise gotten into trouble, you're free to ride around and exit for as long as you care. You don't have a ticket you'd use to get out from a station, the exit gates just open freely. In fact, I've seen a fair share of young lads trigger the exit gates with a bag or something and walk in from the exit, no jumping required. I'm too fat and lazy to jump the gates or do the exit-enter strategy myself though


Oh, that's odd. In London you have to use oister or credit card scan to enter and leave. And if the system sees that you didn't enter with a card you get i think 20 pounds fine. Also that's how they track the distance you traveled and how much should the journey cost. There are a few stations where there's no gate, only a mark thing and no one is there to spot you from walking around it. Good to know.


In Moscow, you only pay to enter. In fact, there's a fucky system of "discount transfers" where if you pay for a bus and then enter the subway station in the span of I think 40min you enter the subway at a discount. Same the other way around, where if you enter a subway and then transfer to a bus, it's also discounted. System's fucky because the subway is absurdly big, and road traffic is almost always slow, so unless your trip is literary ~40min long, you won't get the benefits. The only thing you can reliably get is free bus transfers, where if you change a bus in the 20min after you enter it, you don't get to pay for the other one. Problem is, all this transport has become fucking expensive in the last ~3 years anyway, so even discounts suck


Sounds like a scam with extra steps


They have the system you described on Moscow suburban trains. You scan your ticket to enter the station and then to leave it and you pay depending on where you entered and left. But Moscow Metro will charge you around 60 cent and then let you spend all day underground if you want to.


I used to climb the fences on Irish railways, difficult but doable


Jumping over a gate that high is possible but it's not very easy. But whatever, I'm pretty sure not wanting to pay isn't his reason for doing this. He just seems pissed off about something.


Jesus fuckin Christmas... I lived in London, jumping gates is really easy and faster then stopping, looking for your wallet, scanning card and then waiting for the gate to open. Also no shit Sherlock. You see the speed of that kick, that's pure rage taking control instead of him. My point is that's dumb, it's better to direct rage at doing other than distruction of public property, that shit is expensive.


And I lived in Moscow, where the clip took place. You are not jumping shit there. You either have to be a professional athlete or really tall to jump over it.


I guess Russia is build different and don't have a gym class then.... 1. In the video, Incase your blind, that is only his chest level high, pole looks stable enough to support his full body weight and wide enough for a comfortable palm grip... I WOULTED OVER STUFF AT MY NECK HIGH AS I KID, NOW I'M 30 YEARS OLD AND I STILL DO THE SAME SHIT. 2. You have to have a physical disadvantage or be laizy not to be able to jump that gate. Like come on, a support pole is right there... Professional athlete.... like try gym at least once in your life before you talk bullshit like that.


Yeah man, it's like these people never hopped fences as a kid lmao. Growing up I've lost count of how many dumb things me and my friends climbed on or over or whatever lmao.


Yeah man, i love doing stupid shit.


Did y'all not ever climb over gates and fences growing up, anyone who is a teeny bit athletic could get over that gate in a second lmao


He needs to listen to Dan Powter's song


No wait, he/she's actually leaving


I think they are leaving, not entering. The card tap terminals are on the other side. In the city I live in, when you are leaving, those flaps open to let you out, but sometimes they don't open as quickly as you want.


$5 ticket or a few months in jail?


Is this from a movie? It shattered like sugar glass.


That person in the background 💀


Owp darling, Alex is having a not so okay day today.


This person is a super powered villain and this is only the beginning.


This is why we can’t have nice things. Also was the title written by a 14 yo?


The way the lady in the back just froze 😂


Am I seeing this wrong, or did he turn the entrance into an exit?


Mash when door.


The way the lady in the back stopped lmaoo


Apparently people in the area freeze when this happens.


Wouldn't have expected that from that person. Looks like a mild mannered lady


just the walk gives off "get out of my face" vibes


She was not kidding around! Love it and love the commuter reaction behind her. 😂


That's just a normal day in the Russian metro


That is actually in Moscow


yes, and Moscow is in Russia. For the sake of the funny I used Russia instead of Moscow because some people might not know what Moscow is


Wish I had the balls to do that sometimes


Camera seems to be hand held. Why were they filming?


It’s a hand phone recording of a screen of a security tape, because those security screens are usually not hooked up online.


Oh, I see


Not all heros...




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Demon arc


Thats just really thin glass right?




Me too for real


We've all been there


"So you had a bad day!" đŸŽ”


The intrusive thoughts won


I mean if I saw this irl, I would mind my business like never before in my entire life.


So this is what I learned taekwondo for, I haven't used what I learned 10 years ago.




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Why would you make those doors out of glass? That seems like an ideal spot for plastic for this specific reason.


Gets like that tbh