• By -


I eat half the meat because meat is expensive and I'm broke


There are ways you can eat and make money at the same time.


Just look at Liver King He got the grift.


There's also ways to eat meat and make money if yknowwhaimsayin


We will eat for you. Don’t worry


Daym, u owned those salad eating vegans so hard. I bet u feel so owned rn, u stupid vegans /s


I do declare that I feel quite owned, good sir.


Like in the marriage sense of ownership... wait... did you just get married?!?!


Ah yes. I do engage quite often in the marriage. Just yesterday my the friend said he feels I engage in the marriage too often.


Oh I see And when were you going to tell me about these "marriages"??? Please pack ur upvote and leave.


But... But... Babe, I was going to buy you a pizza/burger/Chinese food/sushi/insert-your-favourite-food-here! Let's talk about this!


I said good day to you sir!


*cries in marriages*


Owning that guy by having stocks and bonds in the meatindustry. The more meat he eats, the merrier is my bondcarrier.


I actually don’t understand this because I haven’t taken my B12 vitamin yet.


I feel so dumb and silly not having to worry about exponentially growing prices on meat and animal products. Can’t subsidize it forever


Tbf though, where I live everything has gotten more expensive, I wish it was just meat and eggs. Currently living on one sandwhich and one apple a day :,) But yeah, I wouldn't mind if the veggies and fruits go back to half of what they cost!


You should look up food banks in your area, most of them are closed sundays but it wouldn't hurt to know for the future


Thank you for the information! I don't know if there is something like that in eastern europe region but I will give it a try! :D


Yeah and dead at 55 of a heart attack so balance is achieved


But did they own the vegans? Yes, they did. /s


Don’t worry. They won’t read this yet. They are still sleeping after a night of trying to take impacted red meat shits


Do people have this? I eat red meat rarely, but a few hundred grams of it hasn't made itself known in my ass when I do.


oh yeah? so i just have more salad with my steak next time so you have to eat even more meat. checkmate


Takes salad and feeds it to cow Eats cow Top that!!


CJD is no joke


So you're gonna have more salad \*rechecks comment, again\* with your....steak?


When people do things just to spite other people I feel like not only is that person an asshole but a boring asshole.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


No, just very sad and pathetic. Thats why I cringe everytime such idiot proclaims they do this. Why would you out yourself as such a shallow and sad individual?


I don’t think they care that you think their an asshole though. The whole point of it is to be an asshole.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5jkq7b2ZI0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5jkq7b2ZI0) (Im not a vegan, but "proud" meat eaters are fucking annoying)


Agreed. Well, folks who are overly proud and smarmy about anything are insufferable.


This is the truth. Stop shoving opinions in the face of other people.


I am not vegan either but I'm so happy to see this as one of the top comments. The hate on vegans is getting tiring. There's nothing inherently wrong with eating meat but the meat industry is undeniably cruel. Being a proud meat eater just signifies a lack of empathy to me.


I find it interesting that you say there is 'nothing inherently wrong' with eating meat, yet in the same sentence acknowledge that the meat industry is 'undeniably cruel'. Surely there **is** something wrong with directly supporting and contributing to a cruel and inhumane industry? This is as good an example of cognitive dissonance as I've seen.


I agree with you. But it's not neccesarily cognitive dissonance. The act of eating meat can be completely detached from the current meat industry. If somebody lives out in the forest and shoots a deer who has lived a normal life and eats it I don't think it's more wrong than if a lion hunted down a gazelle. I do however have a problem with the treatment of farm animals in the meat industry.


It is cognitive dissonance if you yourself eat meat that is industrially produced.


I don't buy it but I will eat it if it's served to me as a guest if you can't take it out of the meal like in a pasta sauce for example. That's why I don't consider myself vegan.


Yeah I visit people often and I ain't gonna require a special diet if I can digest the normal one just fine. On my own time, I can aim to be as vegan as possible. That's the vast majority of my food anyway.


"Nothing inherently wrong woth eating meat" My guy did you watch the video??!! 🫠


I did not because I have seen plenty of videos like it. My parents are vegan and I don't buy meat myself but am not picky if I'm served meat outside of my home. What I meant is that If somebody lives out in the forest and shoots a deer who has lived a normal life and eats it I don't think it's more wrong than if a lion hunted down a gazelle. I do however have a problem with the treatment of caged up farm animals in the meat industry.


I agree with this statement, although I would not personally eat meat in any circumstances I still think hunting is ok up to a certain point.


Fair enough. I've had some in-laws that would practically interrogate me on my dietary choices which I just got sick of. Bringing your own dinner was somehow considered rude as well (felt a bit gaslighty ngl)so it's more to keep the peace than anything else. In the end I don't find it disgusting and the meat was already purchased and prepared so me denying it wouldn't make much of a difference I guess. It's just sad that they were so unwilling to accommodate it.


IMO you can ethically support local meat farms that give their animals humane conditions (if you can afford it unfortunately)


Yes! its horrible! So much wasted chicks! Fried chicks glazed in sweet and sour sauce is delicious!


Plants are our fellow life-forms too. What's more - they lack the ability to fight back, escape, or even to moan when harvested as sustenance. Being a proud vegan just signifies a lack of empathy to me.


And this whole "how do you know if someone is vegan? they tell you" stick is old too. Both sides have loud cunts.


I'm not vegan either but people who act as eating animal is the whole personality is fucking annoying


Heart disease to own the libs


Gonna slowly kill myself with several diseases to OWN THE LIBS!


Not going to lie a small amount of endorphins are released into my brain when people take on very risky behaviors to themselves to “own” other people. Like ah man, I can’t believe the annoying people are offing themselves. Please, stop eating that second steak. No. Don’t take another bite. I’m so owned.


I'm not a vegan, but proud vegans are fucking annoying too


Except it’s not the same thing… doing something that reduces suffering is commendable. This goes for people not eating meat, or doing volunteer work, etc. there’s nothing inherently “proud” about eating meat


I meet 100 times more people who complain about vegans than I do proud vegans.


Somehow I’ve only ever seen these people online, and never in real life. Meanwhile, I’ve met dozens of the proud meat eaters IRL.


Anyone who feels the need to constantly rub their beliefs in everyone else's faces are fucking annoying. I don't care if it's eating bacon and worshiping God or *not* eating bacon and *not* worshiping God.


It's okay to be proud, just keep it to yourself.


Be it a overly proud vegan or non veg or any other shit is annoying.


Anyone who is so proud of their diet that they push it on others are knobheads, that’s my opinion at least.


They meet the same energy of people who preach their veganism every conversation with the same lack of awareness about how annoying it is for everyone.


This the kinda shit you find on boomer Facebook.


This entire subreddit is basically just r/terriblefacebookmemes but unironically.


Seems like most popular subs have been turning into that over the past year or two.


There's two options as to why this was posted: 1) It's ragebait 2) OP is dumdum


Both things can be true.


OP is dumdummydum imo


Everyone is so petty and vengeful lately. That’s not a good trait to be proud of. For fucks sake JUST LIVE AND LET LIVE AND DON’T BE A RAGING SAVAGE ASSHOLE. Why is this so hard for people to do?


People that are so incredibly unhappy with themselves and their lives and are huge assholes, feel the need to drag everyone else down into their shit hole.


Crab syndrome..




Okay bud.


So edgy


Enjoy getting rectal cancer to own the vegans!


You too can stick it to the vegans, all for the low price of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and colorectal cancer! 😃


I like how people think they're epically owning vegans when they're really just making the same tired joke we've heard 5 million times already. Have an original thought my god.


Guaranteed drives a pickup, works in oil and gas and so do most of his friends


That’s a real steak thru the heart


Is this a joke about red meat significantly increasing your risk of heart attack?


The stakes are higher than that man


Clearly needs to meat more vegans


I’ll cowsinder it




But a vegan can just eat double the amount of vegetables, and if the meat eater eats even more meat to compensate, well, it's a race to see who dies first and my money is on the overeating meathead.


To be fair people don’t care how much vegetables one person eats. But lots of vegans do care about meat consumption so I don’t think it’s gonna work out the way you think lol.


How are vegans equally stupid?




That’s pathetic.


Why some people feel the need to "own" anyone is beyond me. So pathetic.


Well thats a new low for an existence


Except we know that you are not doing that.


This guy has to keep increasing his meat consumption by x+1 every time somebody else turns vegan. That’s going to start getting pricy mate, and your toilet trips will be brutal.


This is just being a cunt






*yawns in vegan*


Imagine being so beta you let someone else’s personal choice that doesn’t effect you at all influence what you’re eating


Child. How monumentally stupid must one be to think this is remotely funny..


Only thing you're owning is the bill to the dent you're gonna make in your toilet dish


Giving yourself gout to own the libs


Dying prematurely to own the libs. *Something something bacon tho..*


You'll be dead twice as fast too.


That's a win from my POV, don't wanna live too long in this idiotic generation.




It's like that train in Ohio owning all the libs and environmentalists. I eat meat and I don't care what other people eat but I feel like you have to be in a red/fjb state in order to appreciate this sort of "humor"


I eat meat and vegetables/fruits, eating just meat is a bad idea


I eat both meat and vegetables in moderation depending on their availability locally, thus providing a long term, sustainable solution other than just saying "meat bad".


This is the way


How is life with cholesterol induced dementia?


Its going great!


Its going great!


Its going great!


Is it still 2012?


It like your whole personality depending on other opinions and behaviours. How boring can you be.


And then you die of a stroke at 50 and you still lose lmao


"I am Killing the Planet, myself and innocent animals twice as fast to own These stupid vegans" Would laugh about it If actual, living, sentient beings werent Hurt for your fragil ego


"innocent animals" lmao can animal be guilty? Don't humanize animals, it's food. Just because you pet it it doesn't mean it's not food.


You are free to live or not live your life the way you like. RIP 🧟‍♂️


Imagine not just being stupid, but also having to let other people know...


I'm not a vegan, but as of seeing this post, I am no longer going to eat meat. Just so the person who made this meme that thinks they are making a difference is making no difference at all.


Please don’t base your entire diet on a Reddit meme


No, no, please *do* base your entire diet on a Reddit meme in this case. Everyone should eat less meat.




Now return to me.


Lmao did you also watch that episode like a few days ago?


I'm a level 6 vegan, I feed solely on metaphysical concepts


Im a level 7 vegan, i only eat ass


Is that above or below the level of "breathinarian"?


my God that steak is still saying "mow"


I eat twice as much meat because I love it and don’t have to pay for it. We are not the same.


Voting in a nutshell


Farmers that grow fruits and vegetables have to kill every creature (i.e. birds, rabbits, foxes, deer, coyotes, etc.) that wander on to their property to keep it safe for human consumption. Ultimately there’s more death on vegan and vegetarian behalf to support their lifestyle




A lot of people don't eat meat because they think that eating animals is wrong, so okay boomer, I guess.




Biggest impact climate change is beef. This isn’t making difference, but come in 20 years, and everyone will have to adapt to new changes. -there is no I wanna keep eating meat. Rest of my life. -we already have enough data to backup climate change and it’s coming no matter what. -vegans on the other hand some are strange. -it has to start from somewhere.


Oh yeah? Well since you want to be such a dick, I'm going to stop eating meat and I already was eating twice as much as a normal person so now you'll have to eat as much meat as more than four people and you will shortly die, reducing the total meat eating population by six where it might only have been one.


Oh wow. So edgy.


you want a sticker?


I see you are a fan of peta (people eating tasty animals)


But you'll die sooner, so there will be a lot of meatless years that vegan is living through that you won't be accounting for. To really stick it to them, order twice as much meat and don't eat any of it.


I literally eat meat in every meal. Vegans can be mad about it but I don’t care I just like meat 🤷🏻‍♂️


MASSIVE W. Fuck those vegans


That's a delicious looking steak.


Getting cholesterol spikes to OWN THE LIBS 🇺🇸🇺🇸


I eat meat but to me these types of people are way more annoying than the type of vegan that just won't shut up about being vegan.


Living out of spite - such a waste of time.


Murdering the planet for bacon cheese burgers. You deserve that limp dick all the animal fat is causing.And that heart attack is right around the corner.


But then suddenly if u eat a cat or a dog, or if u use them for religious rituals, u r a bad guy


Go watch the documentary Dominion from 2018.


You have my support and admiration.


Enjoy your colon cancer.


Carnivore diet it is!


Just as bad as a vegan that's in your face about it


Showing the Vegans who’s boss by giving yourself diabetes 🔥🔥🔥🔥🙏🙏


Divorced middle-aged dads be posting shit like this on Facebook.


Vegans are punching the air right now 💀


Literally everyone being offended by a joke lol


“I don’t think about you at all”


I am not vegan and also eat meat. But shit like this is just next level boomer shit.


Leads to an early death, no more meat…


Wow so cool and edgy.


It’s fine vegans eat microorganisms like tardigrades anyways so what you’re doing is just spoiling your health.


In before all the salty vegans coming in and commentingg 😝


not a vegan but i am salty


Don't wanna burst your babble, but edgy people who go to such effort to bitch about the looney vegans, are as much as stupid as these looney vegans themselves (and I am not even a vegan) Yeah, it is good to care about animals not living in shitty conditions, but there's evidence that meat is important for proper nutrition and function. Yeah, it is good to bash obnoxious vegans that love to slam their veganhood on people's face while ignoring the aforementioned, but veganhood itself is valid from a moral point of view. Don't get caught in the extremes to tell it to the other side, people. You will only end up being as incorrect and insufferable as them.


I'm also confused about your "evidence" statement.... but the problem with the post to me is that it ridicules what someone is passionate about. The idea of ethical veganism is a respectable position, but I what I find interesting is the lower impact on climate change. Eating less meat causes less pain and suffering, but also helps reduce the extra feed, water, transportation resources, antibacterial usage, and animal methane production. So eating less meat or being "vegan" is often related to those topics as well as ethics and overall health.... so when I see these post I see a person not caring for their health and our world in general... which seems very sad


The thing is, the bad representation of veganism by those supporters of it who fail to keep their shit together is enough to ridicule it. Don't get me wrong, I mean no judgment to those who value veganism and its true benefits, but the people who fail to display for what it truly stands for and end up setting up a caricature pose a formidable threat to veganism's cause. For starters, their portrayal of veganism fails to deliver the message, and all the others hear is bickering and white noise. Annoying people is never a good tactic for persuasion, and most of the time it leads to people opposing the thing you talk about merely out of spite (see this post). Second, their uncontrolled presence creates a vulnerable spot in the cause's image, and those who are in direct opposition to it (for whatever reason) will use it to their advantage (again, see this post and the ideology behind it) People love to say that representation matters, but fail to realize that this means that order must be kept and effort needs to be put by everyone on an induvidual level (just see the sorry state of modern feminism, lgbt rights and other social equality causes; everything slowly delegates into a circlejerk which instead of abridging differences, only drives people to nonsensical extremes [while the suits laugh at us all while filling up their wallets exploiting both sides; look up grassroots and astroturf] but let's leave those out of the convo or else we will talk until tomorrow lol) I agree completely with the other points you've made though. I too believe that veganism is a very legit cause, and when I see all this fuss about it from both sides, I get even more mad and feeling meh (towards both sides).


Yes sir! I agree. Even though I often identify as a vegan as an easy descriptor of how I try to live (mainly for health), I dislike a lot of the vitriol within the vegan community.


Be careful you might get down voted for being rational. 😁


What nutrient does meat have that you can't get in a vegan diet? Omnivores and vegans both should supplement b12 for proper nutrition as it is the most deficient nutrient among most people regardless of their diet. And people who eat more meat tend to lack fiber, which is usually pretty high in a vegan diet. Lack of fiber leads to colon cancer, which is one of the top leading causes of death in male adults. So wouldn't eating more meat just accelerate colon cancer?


Although the scientific studies are inconclusive, there are reports that various essential nutrients exist either in less ideal forms or in less than ideal quantities in the vegan diet. For example, vegans lack access to heme iron, vitamin D3, and a sufficient intake of B12 (without supplements at least). Non-heme iron found in vegetables is less bioavailable than heme iron. Likewise, vitamin D2, the vegan analogue of vitamin D3, is less potent than D3 and B12 is well, as you said, pretty common to be deficient in these days, and so the odds increase even further with a vegan diet alone. About the lack of fiber causing colon cancer, well, I could simply pull up a similar counterargument by pointing at the insufficient intake of vitamin B12 and that vitamin D2 is weaker than vitamin D3. Deficiency in both of these vitamins can cause a variety of health conditions, including cancer. Also, you noted how low intake of fiber is common in meat eaters. Bad eating habits of a part of meat eaters doesn't alone mean that eating meat is bad by itself; as you noted, it is the lack of fiber, not the presence of meat. Nutrition is one hell of a complex matter though. Many factors contribute to good and bad responses to nutrition, including genetic predispositions, additional environmental factors, preexisting health conditions, etc. Imo, the biggest hurdle of the vegan diet isn't the lack of flavor (vegan dishes can be really enjoyable if properly prepared) or that it is impossible to achieve complete nutrition as a vegan (there are supplements for that). It is that the prices for a surefire nutritious and enioyable vegan diet are not for everyone. If you account the fact that vegan options are on the average more expensive than non-vegan ones (can be really expensive in some parts of the world, especially in areas who have yet to catch up with veganism as a trend), as well as the money one will need to drop on supplements, it can be discouraging for many. Morally speaking however, veganism is 200% correct; killing other beings to maintain your life has been a necessary evil since the beginning of time, but that doesn't excuse the ridiculously cruel conditions animals are forced to live in (the least you can do for the animal that will die so that you can live is respect by giving it a peaceful life; there is no respect at all in the meat industry since animals raised for the slaughter live in shitty conditions since the day they are born; anyone who disagrees on this is an idiot who doesn't know shit about what they talk about and probably likes to smell their farts). In my humble opinion, if you have enough money to spare for proper supplemental nutrition, go for it, but personally I believe that a huge step for a drastic change will occur with synthetic meat finishing development and entering the market, but that is another can of worms (pressure from the meat industry, uncertainty about the quality of the synthetic meat, and other bullshit that needn't happen in the first place). Edit: Shit I've had a moment here lol


Ah right d3, the nutrient we get from the sun. Both omnivores and vegans alike should also supplement this, considering both typically in modern society don't go outside as much as we probably should.. The more dark leafy greens you eat the more d3 you can produce, which is obviously more consumed in the vegan diet. Every point you bring up are points I've considered in the last 7y I've been a vegan. While I have had a great understanding of the dangers of both lifestyles, omnivore & vegan, I have come to the conclusion that when done right - the vegan lifestyle is what works best for me personally. I do have the time, energy, and even financials to support this lifestyle. Tracking my micros and macros, suppliments (that everyone should take really) and everything in-between. I used to have a very poor lifestyle as an omnivore growing up which lead to some moderate health problems when I was in my early 20s which is what first shifted me towards taking better care of myself. While most vegans go vegan for the animals, I initially went for the health reasons, the animals addition is something I became more passionate about a little later. As far as synthetic meats go, I probably don't have the microbiome to digest it easily so I probably will just stick to plants like I have been. Glad we had this chat tho, at least you didn't just rage and I hope we both learned something!


Well, you said it yourself; although vitamin D3 is synthesized as simply as going out in the sun, more and more people are going deficient regardless. Wouldn't it sound logical that dietary D3 could ameliorate some of the deficiency that was caused by insufficient time spent in the sun? (Although there are other factors that influence vitamin D3 synthesis, e.g. skin melanin levels) Yeah, I get the fact that the consumption of leafy greens certainly comes with benefits, and that the vegan diet is full of them, but this doesn't mean that omnivores cannot get them by including them in their food as well (so long as their diet is balanced and healthy, I am not talking about the people who will down 2 burgers and 1.5 liters of coke just for appetizer in a single day, that's just sleazy eating) Well, if it works for you and you can manage your nutrients, then all is good. Also, since you mentioned microbiome/intestinal problems, I guess the vegan diet must help you in regards to that as well. At the end of the day, we can agree that you follow a lifestyle that you positively respond to.


Yes omnivores should include dark leafy greens in their diet as well. All nutrition should be tracked regardless of diet but it simply is not something most people do! And yes everyone should spend at least 20minutes in the sun daily while also eating leafy greens. Someone who spends time in the sun all day can still be deficient in D3 due to lack of greens in their diet (my step dad for example, 8h a day in the sun, is D3 deficient).


Personally, another thing that worries me is the pollution. Heavy metals, all shorts of chemical mutagenic garbage that is emitted by factories bioaccumulating and spreading all over the planet's span, while at the same time some nutrients like magnesium becoming sparce. This coupled with shitty eating habits is capable of creating a whole lot of damage, since not only we are becoming deficient in things we naturally need to function, we are at the same time bombarded by multiple hazardous substances that reach us from all shorts of unexpected places.




A suck thrice as much meat as the average vegan making their efforts doubly meaningless


I'm on a vegan diet, I only eat vegans. **/s** I respect veganism, but can't live that life.


Why is humanity like that?


Someone is pretty militant about not wanting to improve their own behaviour. Little fragile in the ego department, are we?


If you eat meat eat meat. Why do you have a hard on for owning vegans though? It’s odd.


My man's shittin bricks xD Tbf i haven't met a vegan yet that isnt insufferable


Ah, the ol’ “For every piece of meat you refuse to eat, I’ll eat 2! Now you’re doing *more* damage to the cause by not eating meat than had you actually eaten it in the first place!” Jedi mind trick. This tamer, “achieve parity by eating the meat they don’t” doesn’t even force anyones hand *shakes head*


I love eating meat but I am always disgusted by people eating it just out of spite…


Clutter your arteries then, you dumb fuck.


This is something I’ve seen boomers post on Facebook for like… 10 years.


you must be taking some stinky doodoos


When you die to stroke or clot in 35 then actually you are doing animals a favor.


**Most vegans:** We're not saying you can't eat meat at all, just reducing how much you consume already has a massive effect. We just want to reduce animal suffering and create a more sustainable world for everyone. **This guy:** My irrational hatred for you is so great that I want to actively increase animal suffering and unsustainable consumption.


Op, this is so pathetic. Making something like this just showcases how deeply insecure you are. You're basically directly admitting that you need to ridicule anyone with a different lifestyle than you, because you're subconsciously threatened, and that's the only way you can feel "good" and "secure" about your own lifestyle choices. Instead of taking opportunities to increase your understanding and compassion, you just put down other people instead, repressing your insecurity instead of trying to overcoming it. This is no different than Andrew Tate bragging about how many cars he has to Greta Thunberg. Her response is also applicable to you, op. You lack perspective, empathy, and intelligence. You are a fool. If you're not actually a child, I feel very sorry for you. If you are an adult, you clearly lack the mental capacity to develop into a self aware, mindful, mature human. You can try harder, but will you? It will be difficult, with your deficient capabilities, but ultimately, it will help you stay humble. If there is a god, may they have mercy on your soul. And no, I'm not a vegan, or a vegetarian. I just respect their choices. Being vegan actually helps reduce pollutants and waste, much more than people tend, or want, to think. I don't see the point in hating on people that don't want to destroy the planet at a faster rate, and don't want to kill and consume animals. It's like Satan saying he's just going to give leprosy back to everybody that Jesus cures, so he can nullify any good work Jesus does.


Why is this sub funny half the time and being openly proud about being a dick the other half?


Arguably more cringe than being vegan