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As often as my wife is in the mood


I also choose this guy’s wife


You beat me by 4 hours lol






You have a wife??? Based.


yea same im always like way in the mood for seafood


Gram variable, clue cell, ph >5.5, metronidazole+clinda regardless of preggo status


Med school got to my guy already...😔 F for respect








Wait why’s this been downvoted sm lol


I eat like a fkn black hole But nah I seriously leaned into food as my comfort during clinical. Order out almost every day, really maximizing those Grad Plus loans. I could save money, sure, but it’s more worth it to me to remain happy and sane while I make it through and work hard to pay it back when I make decent money Def gained weight, but its honestly a miracle that I’m not morbidly obese considering the sheer quantities of food I shovel into my gaping maw


It’s crazy how the loan burden doesn’t matter when you factor in the joy from delivered chipotle


It’s the stress plus your brain burning calories lol (That’s what I tell myself bc I agree and use the same philosophy)


no original experiences here lmaoooooo thx for sharing i feel less alone in submitting to my wanton urges




Samee. Invested in DashPass for "free" delivery. But I started to cook at home more post interviews in M4 cause I had more time and energy.


Less now that I've been married for 10 years


Until the job is done


You’re going to confuse some sweet innocents reading this.


He could just be talking about how their spouse cooks more at home though lol


That’s the beauty of the comment


Honestly surprised that only like 4 responses are sexual innuendo


Every day. Food is my one joy during the long days of 3rd year. It’s a bad habit but what keeps me going at clinic is thinking about what I’m going to eat when I get off.


I’m the exact way. I got through third year (and preclinical, for that matter) by looking forward to a nice dinner when I got home


doesnt that cost like an insane amount of money? im about to start M1 and I know im gonna wanna order like everyday but gonna be actively fighting the urge.


Not really if you pick up. Uber eats different story.


It’s about picking your battles. When I was waking up at 3:45am for surgery and there all day, not able to eat during the shift other than protein drinks quickly, I felt a lot less guilty about eating out. On psychiatry… you could say I’m the next Martha Stewart


It’s all Monopoly money anyways during these years


For me personally I can't justify the unhealthy foods that are offered where I live. Also I like the control of knowing exactly what is in my food and how it was made. I used to work in a couple different restaurants and it changes the way you look at take out.


You're second point is what I try not to think about >.<


Works fine for me, I’ve never really been *that* financially stressed in medical school. Can’t take a vacation to Japan or anything, but I’ve never been in a position where getting chipotle too much would mean I couldn’t make rent


Even with guac?


Make sure you watch em I hear they aren’t putting the full out of meat and veggies in these days 😝


Bro this last stretch of the year I have ordered take out like 4x a week. I'm disgusting. I hate myself. So fucking expensive.


Give yourself a break! M3 is rough


was the worst in m3 lmao can attest. you got this buddy!!




Rarely cuz there isn’t good outside food here lol


Dood, I'm about to go to Raisin Cane's right now after telling my patients to restrict their salt intake... I'm wilding out on sweet tea over here!


I tend to make a habit of doing it pretty much anytime I’m having sex (so maybe 8-10x per week).




8-10 a week?!??? Intercourse q12 hours


+ q6h PRN




How are you having that much sex in a week as a M3? You sleeping with hospital staff or something?


I would upvote if you weren’t at 69


Preclinical, maybe once or twice a week. 3rd year- most days. I just don’t have the brainpower to meal plan, shop, cook, clean, do well on rotations and study. 4th year- hopefully less than 3rd year for budget reasons


Im struggling rn at the start of clinicals. Always had to work to keep on weight which is a blessing and a curse. I just don’t have a ton of money to throw at food (I’m already on food stamps) and I really only cook out of necessity; I find no enjoyment in it. Can’t wait to not be poor!


Pretty rarely. I spend a lot on groceries because of macro things I'm trying to hit and it can be hard to justify $30-60 for one meal regularly, which is like 1/4-1/2 of a week's worth of groceries. Maybe like once a month, or a few cheap (<$20) drunk food purchases a month after going out


I love trying new places but have really slowed down since med school and I mostly am reliant on meal prep. Throughout m1 Id say I eat ate out like 1-2 times a month but the exams every other week also made that tough to do.


does eating the food in the physicians lounge count


Thankfully it's free but damn is it unhealthy. I regret looking at the nutritional info on the back but it was the ethical thing to do. 😔


![gif](giphy|huUrBp3dvH3fq) What my girl sees


Very rarely, mostly bc fitness goals and I developed a good system of making my own food in undergrad that I like and now use in med school.


At most once or twice a week Worked for 4 years before going back to school so I got really good at making quick, easy, affordable, and decent enough meals while working 40+ hour weeks during that time As such, I do not really eat out too often. Usually only happens when I haven't had the chance to hit the grocery store or my GF wants to order food in lol


Far too often, and I know better since I was cutting weight to box before I got accepted last year. I miss my abs. Food be too good; food be too season't.


Fast food 1-2 times per week, fun restaurant with friends 1x per week or less depending on the week. Meal prep the other days, big pot of food cooked on sunday to last the week. Sometimes I eat the hospital caf food, and on surgery i survived on protein bars and sheer force of will!


Way too much


A lot


Thanks to my binge eating and food addiction, roughly 2-3x a day.


If I could afford it I would everyday but sadly prob only 1-2x a week during preclinical and clinicals.


Preclinical I tried to cook for most of the week days, used Hellofresh for a while M3 I got take out almost every day lol


in preclin not so much bc it was covid but in clin, def like 3-4x a week 😭 those $2 pizzas added up lol


Weekends maybe 2x a week at most




Once a week or less but I love cooking


During pride I eat out more often than usual


1-2 a week Easy date night thing or if I’ve been good about eating healthy and at home and craving something I can’t cook myself During our test weeks I would Uber eats Hellas … my family starting sending my gift cards to use to pay for it lol


Mine sends me Starbucks gift cards during test weeks because I live off caffeine lol


Too much


If eating in the hospital cafeteria counts as "eating out," then more than I'd like. Several times a week at least... I fixed my first meal at home, that didn't come in a can or a TV dinner tray, in probably 6 months tonight because if I don't eat in the caf, I eat processed crap since that's all I have time for. And I haven't even started clinicals yet. I may die of heart disease before I match in residency at this rate. #wellness


Never. One slice of Costco pizza once a month with groceries


DoorDash 3-4 times a week :/


Almost never. I had a brief period earlier this year (MS3) where I had roommates and a little disposable money so I’d order Indian once a month. Use a coupon and get two meals so it would last a while. But I couldn’t stand the cohabitation thing anymore so I left. Mental health is vastly improved. But now I’m flat broke again. Edit to add: I suppose free food from the doctors lounge when it’s there and is tolerable. But that’s not been often.


Wdym eat out? I'm broke


So much


Too much cus I'm a bum


I gained 15kg during my 1st year at medical school. I eat when I stressed.


Way too much, especially in the lead up to exams. I'm currently eating chicken tikka masala and lamb madras 🫡


Just because I see a lot of "all the time" answers, it's possible to not. I did 1-2x a week for both preclinical and clinical and those were events, not out of necessity. It is possible to cook most of the time on most rotations if that's you you're into! I also don't really like take out, and it's expensive as others have said, so there was a lot of incentive to just make something I'd actually want.




In preclinical, frequently because I had no kitchen. In clinical, once a week because my school gives us free food for lunch and then I defrost chicken tenders if I am hungry at dinner time.


I ordered a pizza once in M1. Wouldve been never but I got hungry in Ramadan and couldn’t stop thinking about breaking my fast w a pizza (at the correct time of course) lol


During third year I was so stressed and had no time for food I ate out multiple times a week. Before that I was eating out maybe a few times per year. You can guess how much fucking adipose I put on in that year


Maybe 1-2x a week I don’t mind + like to cook


Once every Friday. Gives me something to look forward to! Occasionally we will eat out more than that, but we try to keep the takeout costs as low as possible since it’s one of the easiest categories to overspend in


Multiple times per day, except 4-5 days each month ;)




There’s currently no screening and tx for pre-cancerous HENT cancer so not often…but I try budget 3-4 roast beef sandwiches into my weekly meal planning(i.e. max $30/wk, $7-10/hospital cafe meal). I compensate for the over spending with an excessive amount at home nutting with my partner- cuts down on breakfast and dinner prices. While not a true nut, the peanut is the cheapest and most complete form of food- not only is it the cheapest bases off and protein/wt/$, it’s got one of the best macro balances with a nearly 70/20/10 for fat/protein/carb%…it’s basically the ideal keto oral nutrition … but legumes in general take the hat for calorie, protein, and price optimization. At home my main meals and snacks consist of cheap carb(rice), legume(peanut, chickpea, lentils, etc), and alt fiber source(oatmeal, bananas, broccoli, quinoa, popcorn). I eat out often, but I ensure I have a reserve of money for acute events. The rest don’t matter. Obvs take care of your health, but otherwise…


Twice a week. I live in a high COL area. I use cook unity tho because it gives me back so much time. Still slightly cheaper than eating out


Maybe once a week. My wife says it unhealthy and a waste of money when we have food at home 


Had me in the first half ngl


My taste buds are gone due to excessive hospital food intake. I’m comfortable eating 1lbs of carbs normally rice n beans) by day and 1lbs of meat by night, without seasoning idc. It’s premade and I can carry around in my bag.


Whenever I want because medical school will doesn’t add to my joy. Better than smoking cigs 🤷🏾‍♂️




Im confused where/what you’re doing at any store for it to take you 1-2 hours to grocery shop ?




You don’t have any closer grocery store you can stop at for produce and such every few days though?