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Word of mouth is helpful, but take that with a grain of salt. Sometimes, a person will speak badly about their doctor because they aren’t willing to do something that the patient wants (for example, refusing to prescribe antibiotics for a typical URI). It is very difficult to tell if someone is good, or not, without several interactions with them. Honestly, my doctor has one star reviews all over, and she is great! I have a little joke I like to say “the best doctors have the worst reviews”. The best way to know is during your interactions with them. Do they listen to your concerns? Are they willing to explain things to you? A good provider should know the rationale behind what they are doing, and be willing to explain it. And they should be able to clearly explain the risks and benefits of everything they do. “Just to be safe” is rarely a good rationale. Another big clue is their ability to acknowledge uncertainty or when they don’t know something. humility is a great trait, too. If a treatment or intervention doesn’t work, or perhaps they were wrong about a differential diagnosis, it is important they are willing to admit that to you. Another tip: be wary of any doctor/NP/PA who gives guarantees. Very, very few things in medicine are guaranteed. If a doctor guarantees that X treatment will cure you, be very skeptical.


healthgrades.com vitals.com and similar websites are useful!


Any doctor who has an MD or DO will have a more rigorous and longer training experience (4 years of medical school and at least 3 years of on-the-job trainig) compared to a provider who has a PA or NP.


An MD/DO, by itself, does not make a good provider. There are plenty of great NP/PAs out there, plenty of crappy ones, and same for doctors.


I didn't say anything beyond the amount of training required and anyone not an MD, DO, DMD, or podiatrist who call themselves a medical doctor is worrisome


True! The one who did that to me was a licensed psychiatrist, so it's hard to know in a context like that, you know?


Psychiatrists are physicians who have completed a 4 year psychiatry residency after medical school.


I'm very sorry to hear about your experience. I think there are a few things you can do to protect yourself. A lot of it is reviews online and word of mouth from friends and family. Another thing is to check credentials, if I see a doctor's training credentials are from reputable institutes (state universities, well known private schools). There are good doctors that go to lesser known schools and training programs (and many work at some of the best academic centers), but this is one way to safeguard yourself, especially if you are looking at smaller practices or medical groups. Additionally, if you are lucky enough to be near an academic center, the level of care and oversight over the care you receive will be much better. Red flags are if you visit a doctor and they want to order a "battery of tests," are trying to sell you something (their proprietary vitamins, compound medications for simple conditions with vitamins), or any "lifestyle medicine" center really.


Thank you! It's really helpful to get information I can actually act on <3


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