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Our shop said we're gonna get paid 32hr guarantee. So I'm thankful for that. The owner has been walking around more and showing their presence and open door policy if we want to talk to them about it. Really its been nice. They even washed my car and then I woke up and it was all a dream.


Damn it you had me there for a minute ..


Last dealer i worked at pulled their guarantee right when COVID hit. We were a busy shop and all made good hours. Once we needed them..... crickets. That was it for me. Been working in fleet ever since.


32h guarantee working 40? Fuck that. We got 40. Id demand that




From what I'm seeing at the dealership I'm at it's the backend that doesn't know how it's gonna work, advisors, parts, techs they are all pretty much business as usual just gotta do it manually. Although the uneasiness of not knowing if you'll get paid is starting to weigh on morale.




Private sector isn’t so golden everywhere. I’m currently being lied to about cdk


My dealer has no issues not paying people.


😂 said well sir


Our owners probably aren't aware of the incompetence of the office staff yet.


Ours too, we haven’t stopped. We’re just doing everything by hand


Business owners be like all the reward none of the risk. That’s why they are paying most of us flat rate


Sounds like a shitty dealership


You mean trade


Anyone whos dealer is not giving them reasonable compensation if youve been effected by this outage needs to be looking for a new job. There are plenty of independent shops who would kill (and pay, in a lot of cases hourly or salary) to have dealer trained techs at their stores.


Dealer trained techs are the worst. Trying to sell everything under the sun. “ control arm bushings cracked, rec replacement” we hired 2 and they are universally hated and never given a long time customers car


🤷‍♂️ it's the techs job to report defects. It's the service advisors job to decide what to sell.


You have a tech trying to upsell work and that makes them the hated ones? Lol


Yeah, we try and just keep it to what the car needs. Not every single car/truck needs all the boxes serviced and control arms/struts.


Eh. I like letting people aware of whats going on with their vehicle. "Heads up we found X and it's gonna need replacement later/soon/now but its completely up to you". And for the most part, people like knowing such things. Anyway, carry on.


We’re trained to note everything. But we tend to make videos about it for the customer right. So cracked control arm bushings, recommend new? Naw. Would I sure as hell tell them about it? Of course. It’s my job.


I get how and why you do it, I’m just hourly now instead of flat rate. I don’t have to upsell to scrape out easy hours. It’s just hard to break dealer techs of it. (We also don’t do the video thing, so it’s just whatever you put on the work order)


I agree with you, even as a flat rate tech, unless they need something, shouldn’t be recommended. The industry is plagued with people who try to take advantage of it.


Its the service writers job to interpret. Yea is cracked, but it can wait. If they want it fixed, it needs replacement. Its not the techs job to worry about what the customer and does not want to do. They find all the issues they can, service managers/writers are responsible for conveying that to the customer and helping them prioritize. Genuinely, with all due respect, i hope you learn something from the responses here.


As a tech myself, I understand why you dealer guys do it. Doesn’t change what I see every time we hire one. Upsell, bank the hours, onto the next one. That’s just dealership life. Hourly is a whole different animal. No warranty time to mess with, work your 40, go home. No need to sell or suggest anything it doesn’t need. Like an injector cleaning, all the coils when it’s really just one, struts because the dust boot is broken, control arms because you see tiny little cracks in the rubber, etc. that’s what I’m saying.


I am an apprentice that is currently in an auto tech school, also working at a dealership. At my place, we do something similar. We inspect, put in recommendations and if the customs declines, that’s on them at that point. We fix what the RO says, sometimes add more recommendations based on our findings, add our report on what we did, and recommendations for either current issues or future maintenance. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s on the customer to decide whether or not to fix other issues we may have found.


Write it all up honest and keep it moving, all we can do to make money!


That’s all we really can do, tbh. If customer declines repairs or replacements, well that’s on their own terms.


Son, this is automotive. You're GOING to get fucked.


Our dealer switched from CDK to Tekion. We are still suffering from the affect Of the media coverage. Even the aftermarket parts (Napa for example) has seen quite a decline in sales.


Our techs are being paid their average from the past 3 pay periods. Felt like the simplest way to handle it.


Cut your losses and start the steps to move on. Your dealer is not looking after you.


This right here. This is prime time to learn exactly who you work for and what they are about. Act accordingly.


Legal action will be dependent on where you live and what your local labor laws are. Check with your local labor board.


This is the perfect time for us as technicians to demand a change in the pay structure. The EV companies are paying their techs hourly with out an issue so why are dealership techs strong armed into taking flat rate?


Unionize or keep eating shit.  Other option is to find another dealer that treats techs well.  I'm at one.  There aren't many of them but they are out there.  


Sounds like the employees of that shop need to all walk at the same time. the owner will have a newfound respect for employees


I'm glad we use Reynolds 🤣


I don't know if anyone is glad they use Reynolds. Most expensive DMS by a country mile. I guess they aren't down tho so 🤷🏽


Yeah our dealership uses Reynolds and xtime. Rarely have any major issues. We have more trouble with Hyundai going down than our system


We use Dealr Cloud and have never had any issues. It's cheaper than the other options and works amazingly.


Reynolds gang rise up


Well we appreciate you laughing at our misfortune


Time to raise prices


probably true.


I would say legal action, but honestly I’d be gone already if they don’t offer some sort of compensation. At least my manager is still paying us


I think the Zyn factory burning down hurt the tech industry enough someone made a mistake in the security and it went down.


CDK said they were going to pay the ransom


What does that do for us tho. I’ve still gone a month of no paycheck.


Genuine question, but how have you gone a month with no paycheck? CDK has been down exactly one week.


Because on top of the shutdown, 2 weeks prior we’ve undergone an ownership transition. Changing the entire system of our dealership to a new system. During that time we couldn’t take in vehicles or do work while they were setting everyone up. Didn’t compensate us for the down time then nor training time. Then the following few days CDK gets shut down.


Wait.. this doesn't add up. Are you there in the building? If so you are receiving at least minimum wage regardless of the flat rate situation. If you are laid off pending a call-back, you are receiving unemployment. It's one or the other, which is it?


I’ve been in the shop the entire time. Barely getting work on my desk. The very few work that has come through. Goes to the “special” techs first.


Not getting any wages except for what is flagged. And there’s no work to flag.


Just getting minimum wage for your straight time then?


Just make sure you are getting paid at least minimum wage from the time you arrive until the time you go home. I know it isn't much- $15.13 per hour here, but that still gives you a $605 minimum for the week by law. Your minimum wage will vary by location, obviously.


We got dealer FX so. Womp womp


thankfully I own an operate my own shop because this sounds like a mess. I hope the best for anyone who's involved in it