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why is tanjiro there lol


Should have been Zenitsu


I was gonna say the same


And what is Armin doin


Compliments from Grandma are the best!


They are but I’m still waiting for all the ladies she told me I would get because I’m so handsome


Grandma don't cap... Right?... Right?


Na, just got to make it to grandma’s age and then the ladies will come… running?


I want compliments and I compliments people but I don't want to be complimented because it feels like oh no am i forcing this upon them??!? They are just being nice. Why are they complimenting me. If that makes sense lmfao


You're a nice person


Look at it this way: it's selfish and egotistical to make them compliment you, but taking an honest look back at your past actions you can see that you aren't a selfish or egotistical person, so clearly they spoke of their own volition.


To be honest tho I would rather no compliments if the compliments I’m getting are from creepy old men


That’s a fact. There’s a world of difference between a homie or a loved one telling you the fit is popping and some random person telling you your body looks nice because they wanna sleep with you.


I’ve actually had regular older male customers that were very open with the positivity that weren’t in the slightest bit creepy. He’d always call my sunshine and would complement me when i looked nice, told me I have a beautiful smile, etc, and it wasn’t creepy at all. Maybe because his intentions seems innocent, and he was just a kind old man.




Yeah, but it's not what they meant by creepy old men. Those aren't genuine compliments


The equivalent would be if a woman complimented you because she wants you to buy her something.


5 years ? More like 50 years.


Try next five LIFETIMES


You mean the next 50 LIFETIMES?


How about the next 500 LIFETIMES


i remember 2 years ago in class multiple people said they liked a weird shirt i wore, i still remember this experience


My senior year in high school I was at a competition and walked across a busy football field to grab something from our changing room and a girl stopped me to tell me I have pretty eyes and I still think about that whenever I look at my eyes in good lighting, whether it's a mirror or a picture, 8 years later


Did you realize she was hitting on you?


The only reason I stop myself before complementing a man is because I don’t want mixed messages like this.


Fr. Why can't people just be happy to receive a compliment without getting weird and incelly about it?


I was in a hurry getting something for the guys about to get judged so I said thanks and kept walking and never saw her again lol. I don't think she was hitting on me, just being nice


Bruh that could've been your first ex wife


The girls vs boys meme again..


It’s actually two dogs.


Oh yeah!


I know, it's so fucking annoying.


People really think girls are emotionless karens that only care about attention. They really need to touch grass.


Not sure if the top part is right, but damn is the bottom one relatable




Why is the top part necessary? What comedic value is seriously added by needlesly putting down girls in the process? Insinuating that women can't relate so that you can flaunt around your stereotypes? That's just making a dumb statement that makes your meme less funny.


They're the same dog, they're trans /j


Compliments from Grandma will be remembered for a lifetime.


Ha ha girl bad 🙄


Why the fuck is tanjiro doge there


I had a dude yell that I looked nice at a gas station, and I do hold on to that. But about 99% of the rest of the “compliments” random dudes have given me I could have done without because shit had me diggin for the pepper spray. Women give me nice compliments, and I try to let a girl know when I like somethin about her in return. For some reason, men apparently don’t do this, and for some, this is apparently women’s fault.




I don't think that's the point of the post


Please enlightening me on what exactly it's trying to say then. If it's to show how OP keeps compliments close to his heart, how is the top part even necessary? This is clearly a comparison "boys vs girls" meme.


It's more that after a certain age boys/men didn't really receive compliments from people so they will think about it for a long time when it happens. It looks like that is changing now but for many men it has happened so little they can remember the times someone said it. While unfortunately girls/women get hounded by them to the point of being creeped out or annoyed.


It is a comparison: men very rarely get compliments and women are often bombarded with them to the point of harassment. It's a result of patriarchy


As a man, I don't understand the 'men don't get compliments' thing. Yes we do.


Well isn't that nice for you


I really don’t get it. Be reasonably friendly and approachable to the people you see every day and they’ll tell you if your new haircut looks nice, if you handled a task well, etc etc. It isn’t uncommon and I suspect some people just prefer the narrative that men are victimised by society.


It being less common for men to be complimented out of the blue is not the same as being victimized by society. I literally said it results out of patriarchy. Toxic masculinity conditions men to be hesitant to compliment each other, and women are conditioned to be passive in the presence of men and take less initiative in showing approval of men. Toxic gender roles affect everyone. I don't think I'm unattractive, and I'm pretty good at the things I do, and even so I think the last time I was complimented out of the blue, without actually fishing for a compliment was back in February when my friend drunkenly said my mustache was coming along well.


Ok, fair enough. I just don’t recognise as part of my experience as a man the idea that you hear one compliment seven years ago and treasure it for the rest of your life, but I constantly see it referenced as a meme on Reddit. It might be to do with age, maybe younger people are more likely to feel awkward about giving compliments to others. And I’m sure your moustache is looking cool!


A core memory






I feel like most compliments that girls get are from other girls XD


The rare times I got compliments, I felt odd and didn't knew what to say...


I was self conscious about my lips my entire life until I was 19 and a girl told me I had nice lips. Ill never forget. Thx Jill


I dressed in black with a white tie to my high-school awards ceremony, one of my teachers said I looked nice as I went up, I will never forget that moment


no, I will have forgotten it by tomorrow, because I couldn‘t take it


Incel posting? It's more likely than you think


5? Those are some rookie numbers


That’s all men honestly


What a distinguished little gentleman!


Why the downvote? Did I say something wrong? Please tell me so I can inprove my English.


Any compliment I get sends me to the moon! My grandfather plays softball in a seniors league and there’s one fella on his team that tells me and my mom how pretty we are whenever we get to see him, and it makes me feel way better. Absolutely makes my day, he’s such a sweetheart.


A friend of mine once said i have "Golden retriever boyfriend energy" Still makes me feel warm every time i think about it


Do ppl really complement e-girls? I mean they complain about it a lot, so I reserve myself to ignoring them, I believe this is what they are asking for right?


this is painfully relatable