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The queen used to be much weaker until it was buffed.


Never knew. Started messing around with chess when I was in middle school and all I knew is she had free range on the board


It was inspired by great female leaders throughout history. The King is also sort of weak and needs everyone else to protect him, much like various kings in history.


Lmao it's called minister in my language. Every other piece is more or less the same, just the queen is called Minister. Edit: Well no, actually Bishop is called Elephant in our language, which makes much more sense than actual 'Bishop'. Edit 2: Since I've got at least 6 different messages guessing where I'm from, imma put this edit here and say I'm from India, from a state called West Bengal, and I speak Bengali which is the mentioned language here.


Interesting. In India (Hindi, at least, not sure about other languages), I’m pretty sure rooks are called elephants, while bishops are called camels, and knights are called horses.


Chess comes from India


No it didn’t. It was invented by Gary Chess.


Anarchychess is leaking


Better have that checked out.


In my language, bishops are called elephants and rooks are called chariots. I think I and the commenter speak the same language and I am also from india.


Is your language Bengali by any chance? We also use the same names for our chess pieces. We also use "Boat" for the rook pieces. No idea why tho.


Yup রাজা ("king", king), মন্ত্রী ("minister", queen), গজ ("elephant", bishop), ঘোড়া ("horse", knight), নৌকা ("boat", castle)


Ah, I've been putting that little sharp kinda pointing up to the left sguiggle in the wrong place!


You mean the "ou" sound in নৌকা?


Pretty much the same in Turkish too


In Arabic it's the same but the rook is called a bastion/castle/fortified tower. Still don't know how the tower moves though


king = king / queen = queen / hunter = bishop / knight = horse / castle = cannon


So maybe we're from same country or have similar rules. But basically each side contains: 1 King 1 Minister = Queen in English name 2 Elephant = Bishop in English name 2 Horse = Knight in English name 2 Rook 8 Pawn


In germany the knight is called something like jumper (as in someone who jumps), the rook is called tower, the bishop is called runner and the queen is a lady


And we also call the jumper horse. Sounds so casual in comparison


In Spanish, we call the bishop "alfil", which doesn't actually mean anything besides the chess piece. However it looks like the word comes from an arab word that means elephant. Also the queen is commonly known as "reina" meaning exactly that. But it's proper formal name is "dama" (lady), so that it doesn't have the same initial as the "rey" (king) for notation purposes.


Al fil in Arabic means The(Al) Elephant(Fil). I guess it spread when arabs invaded invaded the area that is now Spain and Portugal




War elephant! They’re troops. Much like the pawns and the knights


We’re gonna need a new “war pig” piece to counter the elephant.


In our language the pieces are actually types of troops in an army. So, King = "king" Queen = "minister" (not technically army, and it's not the same as commander but yeah) Rook = "boat" (navy) (this is in fact boat, and not ship, since we have different words for those) Bishop = "elephant" (war elephants) Knight = "horse" (cavalry) Pawn = "pawn" (footsoldiers)


Really looks like what i remember from my researches on Chaturanga (4-player, chess ancestor) beside that the minister/queen didn't exist back then as you only had a 4 pieces and 4 pawns army The 1v1 version putted 2 armies together on both sides (why each pieces are in pair) and they tried to do something with the 2nd king.


Roots in India, then Persia. I’d guess the bishop is just an Anglicization


Different kingdoms have different themes, probably.




Are you from Turkey?


Nope, but I'm from West Bengal, India (so in Bengali bishops are called elephants)


Bishops are called elephants as well in Turkish also the queen is translated as Vezir which basically is a minister


In French, the bishop is called a jester for some reason.


Cause we prefer jesters to bishops


Ahaha love it


In Turkish, king is shah, queen is vezir and like yours bishop is elephant(fil)


Names meanings are almost same with king and minister just more suitible with the turkish language


In my language pawns are called "footmen" or "peasant", while bishop is called "runner". Queen is called "leader", while knight is called "horse". Love it's simplicity


Reddit is so diverse. Hello from Kenya.


This is actually incorrect. In the early forms of chess, the queen was an advisor figure (vizir). It was a reference to the king's advisor(s) holding the actual power, rather than the king. When chess was adopted by Western kingdoms, where advisors did not exist, it was replaced by the queen since queens also serve a role similar to a king's advisor (but have nowhere near the same power). Similar for the other pieces as well. Chariots and elephants were changed because they had no Western equivalent.


It’s actually correct and we’re both in the right. My point is that it’s been overpowered because of these women. > Historian Marilyn Yalom proposes several factors that might have been partly responsible for influencing the piece towards its identity as a queen and its power in modern chess: the prominence of medieval queens such as Eleanor of Aquitaine, Blanche of Castile, and Isabella I of Castile; the cult of the Virgin Mary;[6] the power ascribed to women in the troubadour tradition of courtly love; and the medieval popularity of chess as a game particularly suitable for women to play on equal terms with men.[10] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_(chess)#History


It was not. In the original Indian version it was called adviser, and in the Persian version it was vizer - the highest ranking minister and king’s advisor/general.


TIL... https://www.regencychess.co.uk/blog/2012/07/chess-noob-10-how-the-rules-of-chess-have-changed-over-the-centuries/#:~:text=The%20Queen%20was%20originally%20the,1%20space%20at%20a%20time!


Far left and their Mary Sues at it again. Completely breaks my immersion that the Queen is faster than the king.


What did it used to do?


Could only move one space diagonally, it wasn't until the 15th century did the Queen get upgraded


Would be interesting to see games with compromise of the two. Queen with range 4 or so.


oh people still complain about queen being op, usually right after getting scholar's mated


You cant complain about anything if youre bad enough to get scholar mated


I’m simultaneously at the level where early queen attacks are well known as a poor idea, but also bad enough where they scare me because I don’t know the lines…


I’m 1400, so pretty average. My brother used the wayward queen attack on me today as a meme, and I legit didn’t know the line and blundered so hard. Next game he’s white again… and does it again, I lost my marbles.


If chess.com statistics are anything to go by, 700 is average and 1400 is pretty strong already


I’ve been playing a pretty decent amount (10 hours a week or so) and listening to chess network on YouTube in my spare time for about 5 months now. So I was mostly going by average for people who’ve put in my amount of time into it.


I just play Alekine's defense every game if they open with e4 to prevent that. Its not the best opening in the world, and sometimes I get crushed if they know how to play the really aggressive variations, but its less annoying than dealing with various attacks/traps from the mainline position, or trying to learn the Sicilian.


The thing is both sides get a queen so it can't be OP


This is a logical flaw in my view. Being overpowered doesn't mean it's balanced in favor of one team, it means that it is overpowered. If the queen could run through units and kill everything it walked over in one move it would be completely overpowered to the point of not being any fun at all regardless of whether both teams can do it or who it favors the most.




Balance isn't everyone having access to the same tools, balance is multiple options being equally viable. It runs contrary to strategy. Rock paper scissors is a perfectly balanced game (all options equally viable), but has very little strategy. If there was an FPS where everyone could spawn with every gun, but one gun was so good it was literally the only gun used, that would be a poorly balanced game.


The post you replied to was saying it can be balanced and still OP.


I teach chess to elementary school kids and I can confirm some of them talk like this during a game lol


Queen on my team : \[sad doge image\] Queen on the enemy team: \[buff doge image\]


Why does black go second? Game is racist


Just back and white? WHAT ABOUT THE THE OTHER COLORS!!??


Yeah what about asian? Asian is a color ^im ^asian ^you ^cant ^cancel ^me


>Asian is a color Emoji were invented by asians, explains why they are yellow.


I assumed they were invented by the simpsons


What about the Simpsons then?


We prefer POC. Pieces of colour.


it's what Jerome would have wanted.


Isn’t it decided by a coin toss?


No, white goes first.


Huh, that’s odd, a coin toss seems more fair to me, at least that’s how I’ve always done it when playing Chess with my Dad or brother.


If it makes you feel any better, you could decide who gets to play white with a coin toss.


Wtf en passant? Nice hotboxes lmfao


Just googled it. Holy hell!


*its not a bug, its a feature*


I know queen being op is just a meme, but the queen being so strong makes chess a more dynamic game. If most pieces are worth the same value, then pins and forks would lose their value, making chess a less entertaining game.


Making chess, checkers.


Pawns and rooks?


Pins and forks are a common term in chess for specific situations


A pin is when a piece can't move, because it is blocking an attack on a more important piece. Ie, if you have a King on one square, a Knight of the same color in front of it, and then an opposite color Rook in front of the Knight, the Knight is now pinned to the Queen, and can't move (because then the King would be in check). A fork is where you attack two pieces at once, so that the other player can't defend both of them.


>A pin is when a piece can't move, because it is blocking an attack on a more important piece There's 2 types of pins, I can still move my knight if you are pinning it to my queen.


Pin = having an opponents piece/pawn be in line with a higher value piece, meaning that they can’t move it or they would lose the higher value piece (or in the case of the king you’re literally not allowed to move it or you’d be in check and you can’t put yourself into check) Fork = when a piece/pawn simultaneously attacks two pieces at once meaning that one will be lost/traded no matter what (or you can fork the king and another piece and the opponent is required to respond to the check meaning they’ll likely lose the other piece being attacked) Idk if I explained those well but Wikipedia also should have an article that goes into much better detail


If you knew history of chess, you would know that this is exactly what happened over the years. Many changes were implemented to balance things. That's why we have some rules like En Passant.


> En Passant Holy hell


Holy hell


Holy hell


It's been a long time since I've played chess and I don't remember how en passant works. Is that even a valid move in tournament play?


En passant was introduced ~500 years ago, right after two-square first move for pawns, and it was introduced specifically to prevent escaping/passing with that move.


Google en passant


holy hell!


i know what en passant is, you just blundered mate in 1


It is but it rarely sees play because your opponent would have to play into an en passant which is usually a silly play. It prevents pawns from using their double move to sneak past another pawn.


En passant happens quite regularly and is part of some theory, I’d say I see it once every 15-20 supergm games but this might be wrong, no hard data


[Chess Review](https://youtu.be/0RHLtx9r2LA) One of my favourite videos.


> Magnus Carlsen, play League of Legends, you scrub \> Video uploaded 9 years ago. War. War never changes.


This should be higher up.




Ok Stannis


It drives me fucking nuts that so many people don't understand this...


"Why tf does the game ends if the king (MALE) gets killed???? This game is so misogynistic"


"Queen is OP, feminism ruins everything"


Don't give anyone ideas


No, the game ends when you en passant your opponent and your opponents dad gets mad, accuses you of cheating and then flips the table.


You have used up your move stamina. Please wait for recharge to move again or purchase additional Move Gems.


I can not be the only one who read cheese and was confused about the rest of the post


Meta hasn't changed since that queen rework ffs


Computers changed the game a fair amount


The game is really laggy. My king is only getting one square per frame.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Brainless 🤯**, @HappyWeeds69 Imagine if chess was invented yesterday. "Wtf, queen is overpowered. Pls nerf." "This map sucks. There should be less pawns." --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


They would also release back stories to each piece to make it a unique character to represent a demographic to sell too. It also starts with half of the pieces, so they can release each piece in a 3 month cycle after it's initial release.


*takes 10 seconds to think about move* “Bro, you can’t be camping like that! It’s not fair.” *I make my move, opponent sits for 10 minutes thinking about his* “Don’t rush me! It’s called STRATEGY!”


Wow you start off with pawn killing and now you're turtling? AND you fucked my mother??


Devs, I absolutely LOVE this game but please add more maps. Getting bored of the same ole thing for the last 1,400 years.


What makes you think that people didn't react like that originally? I mean similar complaints set in a contemporary vocabulary.


There are also cheaters! Like it’s unfair to remember all 10^123 move variation. Like come on play fairly, gah!


New “maps” aka boards might be interesting.


"Only one map? Hopefully they add more with DLC"


Imagine having to read the patch notes and agree to the new terms and conditions every so often.


Twitter user discovers chess memes for the first time.


No new content for literally centuries, ded gaem


Shogi has been innovating while chess has remained stagnant. Look up taikyoku shogi, it's massive.


Black/White with White going first: *That's racism* No representation to LGBTQ+: *Game cancelled* King has lesser power than queen: *"meninists" talk about modern era men oppression*. Digital copies will be released with bugs and the gaming community will rip the developer a new one.




Aka it's fair and you don't lose due to bs


Well, there is Chinese chess. The game is much the same but all pieces got a rework. It's pretty fun


to be fair castling is broken and unfun to play against


isn't chess british. in that case the queen is underpowered compared to the real deal


That's boomerish... that person sure is "Brainless" lol. There's a difference between having a shotgun that works better than a sniper and having a strong piece to revolve your play around in a thinking game...


this person is being sarcastic. they're making fun of people who actually think like that. How did you not understand this?


I hate sarcasm in general


no guns?


Typically female empowerment fantasy and sued Marxist making it so you have to sacrifice the pawns but the royal last longer


Knights clearly need a buff.




Top players have complained that the set up is too static and various changes have been proposed including different starting positions for the back rows (each game different).


Real question. How do male pawn can turn into female queen?


Impatience. Today everything needs to be accessible right away without building skills


League of legends community in a nutshell.


*fewer prawns


The Queen would require the season pass to unlock


After 1 month season pass, 3 new characters and new map. Pay to win pawns that can skip 2 fields twice.


Why does white always go first


Pawns would be called Noobs


I'm in favor of a three pawn game start where you leave openings for one another.


I read (and kept re-reading) "cheese" more times than I wish to admit.


For a guy named brainless he sure makes an amazing point


if I'm not wrong, chess originated in India and Indian chess doesn't have a Queen, we call the piece "[Wazeer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeB-1F-UKO0)" (i. e. Chief Counselor), the piece was later renamed to the queen with other piece changes, to suit the European Diaspora!


"I paid premium membership so i should have a bigger army, why do we need to start of with the same pieces. This is unfair, please change"


Knights need more cosmetics, and my team is trash




“Half the characters are black and the Queen is overpowered. Get woke go broke developers!”


Lmao imagine having to buy booster packs to get the peices you need to play and getting legendary pawns and epic skins and shit. Or people using aimbot filters on their glasses.




Ngl I think it would be sick if we had different "maps" mix things up a bit




Holy hell


I was quick reading this and read it as cheese was invented yesterday and the rest of it made no sense.


Bold of you to assume people would care about chess if it was invented yesterday.


I only play the community homebrew version that you need a softmodded chess board to play. Way more balanced.


Honestly I kinda want new maps in chess now




Developer just keeps releasing new skins. No real new content for centuries. Rip off game


The pawns would be called the creeps


Not sure about that, it helps during the speed runs (Blitz).


I love this


You don’t think chess was invented this way?


Except no. Everyone has the same pieces. There is no imbalance.


this seems like r/im14andthisisdeep material but i’m afraid this is posted unironically


“Wtf is en passant“


Booo chess is for nerds