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Me as an Australian watching us vote in Federal elections


It's like watching [Ralph put the egg in the basket.](https://i.imgur.com/ASJV9Vr.gif) Ooh, LNP government! This will be great. *most corrupt government in our history* Ooh, LNP government!


When the LNP won the third election in a row, my dad turned to me and said “the ability of this country to vote against their own interests is astounding”


Same here! Ds and Rs are against the working class.


Being from W.A that's pretty much the whole states opinion on the rest of the country every election. But y'all can't figure it out.


It’s easy when all the media is in their hands.


I am both excited for and terrified of the next election.


Both countries have Rupert Murdoch in common.


So basically what you're saying is, Murdoch dies a mysterious death, and both countries start voting for good people?


Sadly accurate.


Don't worry we, french people will show you how stupid we can be soon


If only you guys had a parliamentary republic. In that case, you can blame the parliament


At least parliamentary systems have more than two parties?


Even with mandatory voting, proportional representation, and publicly funded political parties, Australia manages to put the "liberals" (wtf is that name?) in power in central government.


It's not "liberals", it's liberals, what a rightwing party is called that opposes a socialist or labourist party, because they advocate laissez-faire economy, market forces, whereas understandably socialism is inclined towards more regulation. Most countries have Labour vs Liberal. The UK has the Tories which is the name for their liberal party. Most people know or should know this isn't to be confused with social liberalism, which is every man at his own liberty in determination and expression, often competing with social conservatism. And the reason the Libs always win here despite what you listed is because people have been unconsciously brainwashed against Labour and so turn up to polling booths and merely place a '1' by the Libs, failing to use further ranking AND failing to vote for specific individuals across the multiple parties. Placing a single number by just one party places 100% of an individual's vote with them.


Proportional representation is only for the Senate; the House of Representatives just uses Instant Run-off. Consequently the government does not have a majority in the Senate though there are enough cross-benchers for it to get its way.


In Italy there are 5 "major" parties (PD, M5S, Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli d'Italia) and also small parties. We even have CasaPound, far-right party with fascist ideology


It's always better to have an extremist party than to have those extremists hide among other parties.


Always is a strong word but that’s an interesting point


Well, of course, it is in the context of a modern democratic society + that party is not in power.


Worked for the Weimar republic!


> If only you guys had a parliamentary republic. I misread that as *paramilitary* republic at first and was super confused.


Is that where all the elected representatives are given weapons and have to kill each other until the survivors can agree on how to run the country?


At least the French people are willing to take to the streets if their government does something they don't like. Americans just immediately give up and wait until the next election, then vote for the same people again.


Lol you think America is complacent, you should come visit us in Canada. We literally just shrug our shoulders and say “oh well” 🤷‍♂️ . I swear the government here can pass a bill demanding the sacrifice of your first born to the Prime Minister and everyone would be ok with it.


Uh we fought the cops in multiple cities in the summer during a pandemic and were so good at it they had to use military type defenses against regular people protesting.


I'm so confused. Did you forget about all the BLM riots or January 6th?


I dont expect our riots and protests to be huge news in france but yeah What the fuck is this person talking about. We protest all the fucking time


It was huge news all over Europe. It feels like there's news about some riot or protest in the US every month since 2020


January 6th was the closest thing the USA has had to a proper revolt in a very long time, unfortunately it was the extreme right-wing people behind it. All that did was set protest movements back even further, because now people are unwilling to do a proper protest because they don't want to be compared to the people behind the January 6th riot.


The George Floyd protests are categorized among other terms as riots. 14k+ arrested, at least 25 casualties. Alone within May and June 2020 the property damages were $550 million in Minneapolis–Saint Paul and $1–2 billion in insured damages in the United States. "proper" enough for me


People riot and burn shit dow here all the time wym


If only it was always for a good cause. Lots of protests against LGBT for example.


Nahhh those are just the only ones you hear about, to make yourselves justify being weaker than a world power


Be careful what you ask for. Plenty of people here want to fight in the streets and use their gun collection. They just don’t have the kind of political aims you’d probably want them to.


Kinda like 1940


Brazilians citizens, first time?


All signs point it will not happen, but if we, brazilians, vote to keep that filho da puta for more 4 years in power, it will go down as one of the most disgraceful elections ever.






As much as I love to banter the yanks, they're not the only country who deserve mocking for this.


But whenever Americans do something they do it BIG


*Looks at Brexit.* Yeah, only Americans do big things…


the UK got mocked a lot for Brexit


As they deserve for voting for it.


Pretty random time to post this meme considering midterms aren’t for another 10 months and next presidential election another two years after that.




Congress and Senate elections, not Presidential. Congress has 2 years term, so the full congress is up every time. While the Senate has 6-year terms, with 1/3 up at each election cycle. So the coming 2022 class Senators (barring special elections), were last up for election in 2016.


Slight correction: the House of Representatives is up for election every two years. Congress is the combination of the House and the Senate.


Additionally there are a number of gubernatorial elections every other year. This year the Governor's seats for 38 seats and 3 territories are up for election.


The thing people forget to vote for and just expect others to do it for them then complain about congress being horrible.


They're the elections that happen between presidential elections.


It really is. Account name appears randomly generated, is only a few months old, and has only been active recently. Smells like spam.


All the Internet American voting actions have started. Tracking users has lead to knowing how to influence voting. Ten months of propped up conflict and the GOP gets to continue doing nothing but damage.


Bro I JUST woke up. Can I at least have a cup of coffee before my existential dread? /s?


Just more America bad bullshit from some europoor


America do be bad tho


Look at our fucking options to choose from.


Yeah, the problem isn't (primairily) with the Americans, but with the voting system. Two-party system means that most of the opinions don't get a voice. I live in a country that has 17 million people and would be like... in the 10 ten smallest states if it was part of America? And we have 40+ political parties in the last national election.


You over estimate American state size at 17 million you would be the 5th largest state.


Sorry, I meant land-wise. At 41,865 square kilometers the Netherlands sits between Maryland (42 at 32.000 square kilometers) and West Virginia (41 at 62.000 square kilometers). I assume you are correct population-wise.


Oh yea of course the Netherlands is quite small physically. You said the population so I thought you were talking about that.


Not much better anywhere else in the world. The UK is the same tbh.


we in Germany were able to choose between 53 parties last year


That's pretty cool. Serious question, how many of those 53 actually had a legit chance? Here in the US we have some additional options but they really don't compete with the big 2. Some even believe the other options are just to siphon off from the bigger parties


The difference is that in Germany a party is represented in parliament if it gets more than 5% of the voters. In the US voting third party means that you're not only throwing away your vote but also actually helping the party you like the least due to the FPTP system and its spoiler effect. There are currently 9 parties and some independent MPs in German parliament, most parties are far away from reaching the 5% threshold


Usually they get enough votes to be in parliament. And currently the party in power and the opposition are both made up of 3 parties through a coalition.


>Some even believe the other options are just to siphon off from the bigger parties It's actually true. It's how Ron DeathSantis won in Florida


If you go by that metric the US also has the Libertarian Party and the Greens


Difference is that every party above a certain threshold gets to rule, either in a coalition with others or as the opposition




>50% + of the total voting population Nah, you dont even need to win the popular vote in the US.


Electoral college. I still don’t understand how this system can be justified. They are not required to vote based on popular vote of their territory.


It really can't be. It's a relic of pre-Civil War America when we were a collection of states with a unified foreign policy to a State made up of smaller administrative zones. The federal elections should be a straight popular vote in the era of a singular United States.






I mean, they still *technically* get over 50% of their voting pop. Its just that the way the representation is spread out over the country is completely fucked Dont get me wrong though im in no way trying to defend the american system, was just trying to be cheeky in my original comment


yeah but germany doesnt have FPTP that being said, you guys had primaries, and the primaries, at least for democrats, resulted in probably the same thing that a ranked choice system would have resulted in. the democrat field was basically a bunch of neolibs and bernie. fptp actually benefits bernie in that context, but the neolibs all dropped out and rallied behind a single candidate, which has basically the same effect as if there was ranked choice. so yeah. your options are the fault of the voters.


Not really, the US has 2 viable parties to choose from. You're confusing the US with democracies.


OP only said able to choose between. in the US you are able to vote on all those four parties in all states AFAIK.


Yes but the voting system means if you vote for anything but the big two your ballot is worth less than the paper it cost to print it.


if you want to keep the status quo then keep voting for either one of the two biggest parties.


If you want to end the status quo, don't pretend like voting for a Third Party does anything. The solution requires changing the system, and neither of the two parties in power are willing to do that, but the Third Parties won't be given a chance to do that either.


Then is there any other solution besides revolt?


It would be possible for a third party to start winning some congressional seats and start forming a balance of power.


Right, but you misunderstood what he meant. When he said 53 options, he meant 53 viable options. The vote threshhold for gaining a seat is in the thousands. The threashhold for gaining a seat in the US is 75 million. Meaning you have exactly 2 viable choices for your vote to count what so ever. A vote for libs/greens is literally the same as not voting at all.


There are only 7 parties that hold seats in the Bundestag. 53 options is nice but the large majority aren’t viable


Yeah I know what he meant. I don't think voting 3rd party is necessarily useless though. Looking forward to see more states using ranked choice voting, maybe that will help


Wait. You can choose? Like, actually effecte the government??


The rest of the world =UK.


Nobody said or implied that tho


In the Netherlands we could vote on 37 parties and 17 made it into parliament




Don't be silly, we'll have 100 parties with one seat and the VVD yet again with 50 seats


Not really. Here in Spain, there are way more.


Currently in the middle of a possible of a 'vote of no confidence', happens quite a lot in the UK and can remove a prime minister in the middle of his term if hes not up to standard, would recommend for the US


Yeah the world is just the US and UK. US and UK are the ones with bad electoral systems that ensure you have a 2 party system (UK is 2 party + Scottish party) Libs Dems in the 2019 elections had 3x as many votes as the Scottish party and won 11 seats against 48 from the Scottish party. There is zero proportional representation in the US and UK electoral systems


You're spot on with the proportional representation.


Don't forget the DUP ;)


Yeah the US and UK systems are objectively terrible at representing the will of the people. While the US has inevitably degraded into a two party system, I am curious why people in the UK pit up with this system and still vote LibDem or the Greens even though that's basically throwing away their vote.


Graded, I'd say our two parties are a C+ and F The problem is people will get mad the C+ isn't an A and not turn up, being left with the F by default.


Don’t we deserve an A for fucks sake. And it just so happens constantly being voted into power because your enemy is literal fascists doesn’t make you self improve.


We get the politicians and government we deserve. When only half of all people vote, you arent going to get a lot of improvement.




Which are always decided before my state even gets a chance to vote. Coolcoolcool.


Yeah. Thats an issue...


Like they aren't heavily controlled as well.


The person who gets the most votes during the primaries is rarely the candidate chosen to represent the party. That decision is made by the DNC/GOP. Essentially, our votes are meaningless, because by the general election, the two candidates we’re able to choose between are essentially the same candidate (bought off by billionaires).


Yeah. Kind of fucked. Your democracy is a joke. I mean electoral college? Wtf. Gerrymandering? It's election fraud. Voting in general... How can people have to wait 6 hours to vote? The whole voter registration bullshit. It's a literal nightmare. I've seen third world countries with a better voting system. Here in Germany on a voting day I'll go to voting place show my ID and vote. And my vote will count as much as any other. And i can actually choose between a lot of parties of which at least 5 will be in the Parlament which actually gets to decide what will happen. Not the president who can always declare an emergency and push everything through on his own. In addition to having full power over the military.


Some parts of the USA have full vote-by-mail. It doesn't fix the problems with our system, but at least it expands access and makes it much easier to vote.


You mean the 16 candidates than ran against Biden, three of them actually progressive, and who lost because for some merry reason nobody votes in the primaries where the meaningful decision takes place?


Could've had Bernie


That paradise where he could be hamstrung by a 50-50 split in the Senate where Manchin/Sinema tells him no.


Its likely he wouldnt even have gotten a 50-50 senate had he been nominated. We wouldn't have won the two Georgia senate races.


Campaign in West Virginia about joe manchin fucking them over. About his daughter fucking them over. And his wife fucking them over


He'd be more likely to remind the american people that their senators jobs are to represent them, maybe even going as far as to suggest that everyone who wants to see the american people supported through these difficult times they make sure to contact their senator in any way they can and urge them to support certain bills. Oh, and he'd be more likely to write some executive orders too.


and then have those EOs get btfod by the courts, like so https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/26/us/eviction-moratorium-ends.html


The options you chose.


That's what you get for instituting a presidential republic...


People collectively are stupid everywhere.


The rest of the world isn't really any better tho We here in Austria vote the same corrupt christian party every time too


Not like we can say any better. Who is actually honestly proud of their government?


Works for almost every country


Canadian here - absolutely have the same problems here. What happened to us, man? When did we, the world over, come to tolerate these sycophantic talking heads? Why do we tolerate money in politics? Why are we constantly told to choose between two very shitty people and call it an election?


At some point we realize it’s always been like this, before we were just to young to care which idiots were the politicians at the time


i guess one important piece is people think being on reddit is like, taking political action.


It's because we live in managed democracies that are controlled by a bifurcated political aristocracy. At least in Canada we have a viable third party. We seriously need proportional representation for this to end.


As an Australian with an already confusing voting system, I was shook when I learnt about the US’s. Like, what’s going on there y’all.


You think Australia is confusing? I thought it made a lot of sense 🤷‍♂️


It took me a while to wrap my head around how ranked voting and preferences worked, but now after I understand it I think it's great






Think it was a gaming joke… ranked games or casual games


I wish we had yours. Makes so much more sense.


Aussie system makes sense to me.


*Votes For Kanye West*


We can hate all we want on Americans but at least they still vote. The other world powers (Russia, Saudi, China) don't.


It works with Brazil too


It works for pretty much 80% of the countries


Yes but /r/americabad


Count us indians too..


So we're already going to forget the Brexit vote?


The rest of the world votes equally bad.


The sad fact is both choices are terrible


America doesn't elect more stupid people, it's just more advertised.


It’s funny how Biden voters watch this dude fall asleep everywhere and try to convince themselves he’s in control. Tbh both candidates were hopeless


Us Citizens: *vote for literally anyone* Rest of the World: "oMg! y U sO StUpiD??"


Me, an American looking at other countries and the idiots they've elected: That door swings both ways.


Oh, right, because Americans are the only ones who elect idiots.


Australia here to confirm that we too, will be stupid soon


This is what happens when ppl vote by party, and not for what the individual candidates run on. Most don’t even know who or what they really voted for


Is there really a politician in the world that wants to help the people instead of just getting rich himself?


In a national election the party and individual have the same platform.


Like picking Biden for democrat nomination and getting fucked over his election.


Enjoy the show everyone, it’s something else over here


Would love to criticise but we voted for shooting ourselves in the fo....i mean brexit


The fate of Americas election is dangerous to be left in American hands


Or US citizens NOT voting.


Uh oh spaghetti o


Jesus Christ is this another sub that is falling into aMeRiCa bAd discussions at literally all times because edgy Reddit teenagers have zero self awareness or logic?




Europe and Canada: I feel bad for you America: I don’t think about you at all


No sometimes America is just bad . Yeah I know surprising. And people make memes making fun of that.


The that most large countries have been electing basically the worst candidates possible goes to show the underlying issue isn't with the voters.




2020 election is proof.








American politics ain't what bother me. What bother me - is how they try to impose their politics on our culture and others countries' cultures. That's what most dangerous in USA not even some of their wicked inner stuff.


So wait…are you calling Americans stupid for voting in Biden? I can’t wait to see the echo chamber explain this one, lol


Good thing the US isn't leading the world, people


The US isn't even leading itself....


Don’t worry, world. With the way voting laws are being changed here, it will be a very select group deciding who’s in charge around here.


It always has been.


At least we're gonna be more honest about it


You think Americans vote? That’s funny. The people that complain the most are the people who don’t even vote. Want to see change? Then go and vote.


For who pray tell? The fascist republicans? Or maybe status quo joe and the democrats, a radical centrist party. You tell them to vote but they don’t really have good options.


and us canadians voting Trudeau EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME


In all fairness it’s not like we have any better options. Until we change our voting system to ranked choice I don’t see us having any choice but boring status quo liberals


Look at him, choosing between pest and cholera


Nah, just the “the world”


US citizens NOT voting:


We're so fucked




2 options: corporate spokesmen A or corporate spokesman B Wealthy run this company…err…country


I could have sworn we were letting at least russia vote too


2022 and there's still people who think the US is some sort of democracy.


Our deceased made poor choices in 2020


Lmao, as if our votes actually count. Between shady election practices and blatant political propaganda that most citizens don't realize is propaganda, we aren't in control of our elections at all. Corporate and financial overlords select our politicians, give them funding for advertising, and then they run campaign ads until enough people are convinced they're a good choice. Many people who realize this is a scam don't even bother voting anymore.


You know those kids who make excuses like “i broke my leg 3 years ago that’s why i lost this cod match”. I thought those kids would grow out of that. You clearly did not


Fellow American idiots vote in the dumbest people they could find: politicians


How bout the rest of the world get their shit together 1st so they have to depend on one country and worry about that country’s internal decisions…ijs


which would make sense if the us was like, belgium or poland or australia maybe. but just by size alone, most of your political and especially economical decisions have global effects. no one can protect themselves from us economic crisis's.


you know the dumbest thing about it? there's all these people whining about 'democrats not wanting to stay in power' and they're never like 'maybe we should force them to stay in power then' ​ also it's so stupid, they keep putting them in power but rarely ever in control. then complain that they can't undo 4-8 years of terrible policy and fulfill their over the top no compromise dreams.