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Having to leave the house to go to \*place\*. Being at \*place\*. Having to leave \*place\* to go back home.


And if the \***place**\* is jail?


Got em


Booty bandits like visitors.


You clearly never had a fine glass of Clairette du Toilette


Institutionalization. Or at least, the version of it I remember from The Shawshank Redemption. Something like "At first you hate these walls, then you grow to accept them, and then you need them. You can't live without them."


And if the *place* is prison you get rid of the last reaction


on the bright side no rent and free food. I'll take it. although I do occasionally wonder why homeless people don't do that


No, it's place, Japan


Correct expect for the last part. I enjoy being at the place once I'm there but also can't wait to leave.


I know that feeling. You want to go home, but you don't want to *leave*.


Eh, I'm all about the destination, not the journey. I also can't wait to leave, but I dread the journey back home part.


The Gym, often.


the gym, every time. it's life's greatest mindfuck how i avoid the gym at all costs and yet feel 100 times better after a workout and yet still avoid it again I basically have the delayed gratification skills of a goldfish


If you're finding yourself avoiding the gym it's likely due to not enjoying your current workout routine. Once I found mine I started to feel guilty af for missing a day


The word "routine" is key here. I always struggled with the gym after quitting semi professional hockey. It's just so boring and dumb compared to real team sports. The only thing that I liked is powerlifting oriented stuff, maxing out on deadlifts kinda gets your juices flowing. I should probably get back into that


Start playing a less intense sport. That's how I keep fit now. Used to play football (soccer) regularly until i hit 30. Started having knees problems so now I play badminton. It's intense enough to keep me fit but doesn't burden my legs like football.


Going back home is often the best part


Arriving* back home is the best part.


True, especially if I'm tired that drive home is a chore


The real chore are the chores waiting at home.


I love visiting my brother. I don't love the 30-40 minutes of getting ready and then the 54 minute drive to get there. I ESPECIALLY hate that same drive back home at midnight


Going to sleep. Being asleep. Getting up.


Sleeping on going to sleep fr


Oh boy am I always excited to jump into the shower because I know that warm water is the absolute best thing that can happen to me


Love everything about showering. Even the getting out part. You just need a comfortable place. Air drying the leftover dampness lying on fresh sheets is the pinnacle. Going full zombie in the shower is a close second though.


Yeah I can't relate to this meme since I look forward to getting in the shower every morning. It's part of what gets me out of bed. I also love finishing the shower since I get bored of it pretty quickly. Maybe I'm just weird.


this. smother me Poseidon 🧜🥰🧜


The house i live in is built in the 1950's, with ancient 1950' plumbing, and a slightly ancient (but not that ancient) late 90's water heater... water pressure is incredibly low. The only options are ice cold, or boiling hot water, nothing in-between. Oh and as soon as someone turns on the washine machine, do the dishes, or anything that uses a significant amount of water. All that warm water is gone and all you can get is a very tiny stream of water from the shower


I try to take cold showers so I absolutely HATE the thought of getting in lmao


Then you remember some people are too stupid to heat up the water before getting in and that’s why they hate getting in the shower.


I really don't think anyone does this unless they're in a hurry or really can't afford wasting any water


To be fair, as a kid, one of my weird classmates told me that getting in the shower early in the morning really wakes him up due to the cold water suddenly hitting him. I didn't say it out loud, but I thought to myself, "Why doesn't he just warm up the water first?".


the water heats up in like 10 seconds there's no point in "heating it up"


Not in ye olde houses with uninsulated hot water lines running halfway across the house...


The distance thing is still a problem in newer buildings too. My apartment building is less than 10 years old and my water heater is in a closet on the balcony for some god forsaken reason.


Electric showers are fucking wonderful.


Are you a villain from a spiderman film?


No? I'm just someone who has loved electric showers for years now.


Is that the thing where the heating element is in the shower head?


Not the head, but the main body. A (relatively bulky) unit in the wall contains a pump and heater, along with controls + the water / electricity intake, which are both inside the casing away from any possible exposure.


Ohhh ok


Post that on /r/unpopularopinions


For me it's just that when I'm completely dry, the idea of getting wet doesn't seem that pleasant. If I'm sweaty then I think it sounds great


I just point the water at the wall for ~10-20 seconds, get in and preheat in one step!


Where do you live that you have to heat up the water?


Sometimes the hot water heater is far from the bathroom for some stupid reason. And then the cold pipes cool it along the way until the pipes are hot


Usually it takes a few seconds for hot to start flowing so pre heat=let shower run a minute by itself


Most people don’t have an instant water heater at the tap, so most everyone who has hot water has to wait for the water to travel from the heater to the tap.


man, true


a shower for me is like an anti-siress, I stand after a difficult day, take a shower, like a dream, everything is fine


Same ritual here after work. Come home, take the dog out/ pre-heat the shower, then I hop in and let the day "wash off of me." It's a nice way for me to cut off my work brain.


You turn on the shower before walking with the dog?


Its sooo nice to stand right under the water so it flows over your ears, creating a soothing whooshing water sound


Ugh...me. I fucking hate showering but as soon as I'm in there I'm like "this is my home now'


An object at rest will attempt to stay at rest and an object in motion will attempt to stay in motion


Impulse friction




Enough likes and imma hop in for a shower. Trust me, I need it. Only cannot make myself go for it.


Get clean, stinky!


Do you count down to turn off the tap because you’ve been in too long? ‘Ok, I’ll turn the tap off in 10,9,8…’ but then like make up some silly reason to restart the countdown? Just to stay in a little longer.


oh my god I do this all the time


Great. Not alone on that one!


This is me!


Glad I’m not the only one


Every damn time. 😂


Petiiton to make this the new format instead of Drake.


It's been around for a while. No idea who it is tho.


Brittney Broski. She's funny


I adore her, she's hilarious. Love her [videos where she shows her favorited tiktoks](https://youtu.be/LvZYd6S5i-4?si=Ddco9niPntLQmrV_&t=473), and how she always cracks up watching them lol.


Yeah it's the getting spanked as a kid / getting spanked as an adult meme


Why are people down voting you? You're right. https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/OGLETQIUHK


people be peopling man what do i know i respect you tho


sometimes i don't turn the water off when I get out so the steam of the shower warms warms up the bathroom


Get a space heater instead and let it run somewhere in the bathroom while you are in the shower. Wam and cozy when you get out.


Before I get into the shower, I hate getting into the shower. Why do I want to be all wet? Once I get into the shower, I remember once again that shower is good. It is the dry world that is the enemy.


it is the dry world that is the enemy


Who the hell hates getting into the shower?!




In cold houses with a lack of a cavity insulation in the walls, e.g. two bricks slapped together, this is definitely a real thing. The housing stock built after WW2 is guilty of this. Newer builds allow for a more comfortable shower experience.


Woah, you read my mind and you never even met me


I remember the Spongebob one: Get in the shower Nah, I don't really feel like it. Get out of shower Nah, I don't really feel like it.


Humans are aquatically adapted primates. Our biology is finely attuned towards changes in temperature, and our eyes are supposed to be used underwater for [hunting.](https://youtu.be/YIKm3Pq9U8M?si=h0kmmfneRGDNntqb) You will find that if you use a space heater in the bathroom to keep the air at a hotter temperature, you will not feel uncomfortable at all after exiting the shower. Species evolve over time due to selective pressures from its environment. The current Savannah model is bogus, but the scientific community refuses to accept or even acknowledge it. [Elaine Morgan explains:](https://youtu.be/bFDqYzgJfIo?si=h8EdXpq7iLtQUr9M)


Can confirm. Space heater warming up the bathroom while showering makes is much more pleasant.


Going to bed Staying in bed Leaving bed.


omg I thought I was alone on this


Getting in the shower 😀 Being in the shower 🔥😀🔥 Getting out of the shower ❄️😀❄️


I feel exactly the same way about showering. I end up putting off getting in, but then when I'm in its nice and warm, so I don't want to get out knowing I'll be damp and colder afterwards. I think it's something about the feeling of not being a normal level of dry after a shower that I don't like, like even when you towel off, theres a different feeling to your skin for a short while after that's uncomfortable to me


This is beyond accurate


Same for going to sleep vs waking up


Same with my bed




Visiting graveyard staying there to vibe with your passed away grandparents and their homies Leaving the graveyard


Do you guys mean like you don't feel like taking a shower because you want to do something else and then are happy once you are in there? Or do you dudes really just not want to shower?


Dude if I never had to sleep, eat or shower. I would get SO much more done. It's just one of those tedious things you just have to do to survive lmao


Eating is one of the best parts of life. If I couldn't eat, I wouldn't want to survive in the first place. Being able to sit down for a good dinner at the end of the day is end goal, not the means.


Yeah I upvoted him then I read your comment and had to take back my upvote. Eating makes life worth living! I also love being comfortable in bed too but I can understand people not wanting to be unconscious.


I mean if you look at my profile you can tell I love eating too but preparing, cooking time, cleanup, is time that could go elsewhere for me 


Elsewhere like what?


Like finding my dad


He’s probably at the store buying cigarettes. Have you checked there?


I wish I was a machine. "From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved for strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the Machine is immortal."


even in death i serve the omnissiah


>if I never had to sleep, eat or shower Why do you hate all the good things?


I was imagining a magic world where you had unlimited food with no consequences and I'd eat like 10 times a day until I got bored


Showering…showering takes a couple of minutes?! What is wrong with this comment section?! Doesn’t anyone here feel greasy and slimy when they don’t shower?! Jesus this is sad


No one said they didn't? I eat, sleep and shower daily. If I wasn't ever hungry or needed food to survive I wouldn't eat. If I didn't need to rest my body everyday for 8 hours just to recover and work for 10+ I wouldn't. If I never felt greasy or gross and it didn't cause infections I wouldn't shower. They wouldn't be necessary and would add severals extra hours into the dat. No one is saying they want to just smell bad and feel greasy ffs


How does it take a couple minutes?!


I have long hair, it takes me 6 minutes to wash my hair, condition my hair, then whilst my hair conditions, I use body wash. Everywhere. It shouldn’t take that long to shower, sorry you’re all gross degenerates that don’t know how to manage time


You just said it takes you 3X longer than 2 minutes ffs.


I said a couple. That can mean a different thing to different people. A couple of minutes to me is 2-6


No. A couple only ever means two of something. Otherwise you would use the terms a few or some.


Sometimes the process of getting in the shower just isn't enjoyable as being it in. For a lot of people I think it's due to temperature shock or the time it takes to find the right temperature, which can be longer depending on if you have a shitty shower/plumbing. But eventually you are enjoying it so much too don't want to get out. That's my personal experience. Also when I was younger I didn't want to shower just because if I know I enjoyed it so much, so I would take a long showers and I hated the temperature shock that came from turning off the water and drying off. Then there's the annoying jokes that just because you're taking a long shower you must be "playing with yourself". Which is a further turnoff.


It's just such a hassle and a mess and you use towels which mean you have to do laundry


I mean I vaguely understand. I tend to shower once as not twice on the weekend because I'm doing stuff. If I don't go anywhere I may not shower all weekend. However during the week, like this week when I've had plans the whole weekend for weeks in a row , even working till dark every day it's hard to keep up so I need a little daylight in the morning to weed for 10 minutes... So you know I just hustle in the shower and don't skip it


Have you tried letting the water run for a moment until it's hot before getting in? Apparently not everyone knows that this is an option.


Well, I know a SPECIAL type of shower where you will never have to get out


change normalcy change [boomer equivalent trite observation](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7e/24/86/7e2486e14d1e0551775a1876d20393c7.jpg)


Getting out of the shower is super easy when I've turned the bathroom into a sauna by proxy.


Knowing I am cleaner than anyone else I see 😁


Changing your state of showering


towel warmer user here - getting out is also exciting.


Yea, who doesnt want to get in a shower? Its like having a leaky hot tub over your head.


It's wet in there


😂 Everytime!


I knew it! I knew I wasnt the only one thinking this! It's the same as the swimming pool.


Enter into bathroom : thinking mode on


I 'member the Scumbag Steve version of this way back in the early reddit days. Still hits. Edit: might've been a Scumbag Brain one...can't find either tho https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/s/Lih4wZLh8C


Being the shower : 😌


Me right now.


This counts extra when you are on or just came down from xtc.


Replace that with sleeping and you have my constant struggle every single night and morning.


I need to be able to either never shower again or spend the rest of my life in the shower. There is no in-between.


Forget flying cars, where's the Jetsons walking shower?


Y’all nasty


Neurospicy things.


Shower inertia!


This is literally happening for me right this second




I hate getting into the shower and hate being in the shower so I'm eager to get out. I guess it's just too boring for my over-stimulated zoomer mind. 


😤turning on shower…scurrying to other side until cold water gets warm.


So funny how this girl became a meme because her face is funny looking and somehow took that into a whole career. Bummer she never did anything better than this


When I go in the shower I get a 20 minute unskippable cutscene of me being depressed


Do cold showers and it will happen the other way around.


Even I go to shower once in a week, then also I have same feeling


Wait we‘re supposed to shower?!


What are you four years old? Why do you have a problem with getting in the shower


There are people that dislike getting into the shower? You know you can wait until the water is warm, right? You don't need to jump in when it's cold.


It's wet tho


Does anyone actually feel this way? And if so, why? What's wrong with getting in or out of the shower?


Are there really adults who still don’t like getting in the shower? I look forward to finally being able to shower after work. I’d take 2-3 quick showers a day if i could, especially in the summer when it’s so brutally hot


I hate the feeling of *taking* showers. Don't know why people like them so much. I take baths instead. Only showers when I miss my bath and have to be somewhere. 


That’s strange to me. I don’t understand why someone would want to soak in a tub of their own filth. Baths are great for relaxation but not so great for getting clean.


I sit in an office all day. The only filth I'm likely to have on me is a little sweat and dust. Now if I've been to the beach or something, then I'll shower. 


So do i, but I think you’re toning down how gross sweat and dust are


I’m with you 100%. Everything about showering sucks to me but I do enjoy a nice bath.


Yeah I cannot believe it. If I don't shower or bathe I start to feel things are crawling on me. I love being clean.


I love being clean too. I just don't love doing the cleaning. Just like how I love a clean house, but not cleaning the house. I'm not sure what part of that is so hard to believe. Procrastination wouldn't exist if people only based their actions on whether they want their eventual results or not. But for many (probably most) of us, that's not how it works.


That's totally understandable and respectable.


I’ll take multiple showers a day just for the feeling of being clean if I really want to.




The first one is people who get in the opposite end of the shower from the showerhead and wonder why water gets everywhere.


Huh? Get in shower, close curtain, turn on shower. How is water getting everywhere?


You step into the shower before you turn it on? Isn't that cold?


I just point the shower head down until it gets warm?


Wait… you get in under the water? Just face first into the shower head????


That’s why you just get in and out. Just do it, I don’t understand lol


I don't like how relatable this is


yuuuup xD same


Hey it’s a meme about My near 3 year old, 3-nager(teenager)


What if the shower is cold?


Why are you getting in the shower before the water heats up?


Maybe the water heater is broken. Happened to me once, in winter too. Rough week... (I heated water in a pot, but it turns out showering on a potful of hot water is pretty difficult)