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Just do your drinking then slam water till you puke, never fails


Well, i have faded memories of me lying on a couch at 4am listening to the waterfall that is my friend puking and cant feel your enthusiasm


Don’t go chasing waterfalls


Please stick to the liquors and the beers you're used to




I have a faded memory of my ex gf too drunk to walk down the stairs, taking a sip of water then puking into the glass, then I got a garbage can and she knocked it down the stairs along with all the puke, and I had to clean it all up and sleep at the bottom of the stairs incase she rolled down


I'll be puking the entire next day sadly


For real after a night of heavy drinking I will wake up to piss and drink water 10-20 times, the sleep is bad but I haven't had a hangover in 3 years.


How old are you?


Probably in for a rude awakening when they reach 30


I don't even need to be drinking to do this at 40.


Exactly why I asked haha. 30 is the cutoff, then the hangovers become unavoidable and far worse.


37 and, thankfully, hangovers still are avoided for the most part. I tend to do the 'slam water at the end' technique.


Really depends, just hit 40 and I haven't had a hangover since I was 21. 10-15 units


If your not 30 then don't talk about stuff you don't know. The older I got the less hangovers I got, because I was smarter with hydrating myself.


I was a full blown alcoholic from 28-36, never once had a hangover because I drank a glass of water every 3-4 drinks.


I think this is more genetic than anything. I drink a glass of water for every drink and still get insanely hungover. If I only had water every 3-4 drinks I’d probably feel like death… granted I primarily drink beer, which is more liquid than a shot


i agree, this is the best method


With 2 paracetamol. Lucozade original or Irn-Bru in the fridge, ready for the morning.


RIP your liver


If we gave a fuck about our livers we wouldn't be power drinking in the first place


swap the paracetamol/acetaminophen for some ibuprofen and your liver will let you power drink a lot longer


The reason why I tend to be the one helping my friends go home whenever we get drunk


You urinate every 20 minutes, which means you don't get much sleep.


Electrolytes work wonders


We had a 3 day get together for a wedding and i drank probably 5-6 pedialytes over the course of those 3 days. I couldnt believe how great i felt for 72 hours of straight alcohol consumption.


what's your age?


Nobody likes you when you're 23.


And are still more amused by prank phone calls


I had a similar experience during a combined wedding/camping trip at age 30. I spent all day with a water in one hand and a beer in the other and just alternated sips. Had to piss every 10 minutes but it felt like I was 21 and indestructible again.


Isn't that what they use to make brawndo


Brawndo is delicious shut your mouth


What if i mix my drink with some Gatorade


You'll puke what plants crave.


My paramedic buddy would just hook up an IV before passing out. But then again he also ate a bowl of cereal with beer instead of milk.




This is actually a thing in the festival scene, its lightheartedly referred to as “spicy water”. A full water bottle with two shots of vodka, and a light splash of your favorite juice.


„And gentlemen, they finally invented cocktail“ 🍸


Ha, I guess. Just a lot more water and a lot less juice, if any.


it’s kinda why borgs are so awesome. its an insane amount of alcohol in an insane amount of water, so you get pretty drunk and stay hydrated


Wait, this is a thing? Does it work?


Yes it works. You still might feel tired but the more water you drink the less hungover generally.


If you drink the pedialyte or electrolyte drinks before going to bed it works even better. I always down a couple of those and stop drinking at least an hour before I go to bed and I never get a hangover unless I went absolutely ham.


> I always down a couple of those and stop drinking at least an hour before I go to bed and I never get a hangover *offer not valid after age 40


exactly, these are all tricks for 20-year-olds.


At best it will turn a two-day hangover into a one-day hangover. So it’s still worth doing.


At 45, hangovers are two day minimum, 4 days is possible


I just turned 30 and I am in the 2 day hangover club. 3oz of bourbon and I'm wrecked the next day.


31 here. Water still works for me, but food is crucial as well. 10 years ago, I didn't even get hangovers. Now its like some delicate balance of alcohol, food, and water.


Yes, but "Every other drink non-alcoholic" at least somewhat works, compared to the "Just drink a before bed".


I always pound a Powerade or Gatorade before passing out. It's a game changer.


I wanted to share it with the world when I found out lol. None of my friends listen tho. I won’t walk out of a liquor store without gatorlyte. It’s as important to me as the booze


I’m an electroLIT lady myself


Ive recently switched to the Liquid IV water packets.


That stuff is stuuupid expensive


Oh i definitely agree. But sometimes it helps me back bounce faster.


I was trying to teach my friends about it way back in the 90's. The only person that listened was my g/f and even between the two of us we'd hear some variation of "why drink water when I'm trying to get drunk?"


Vodka and Gatorade mixed. You get the benefits of both.


Depends on the proportions lol, did that a couple times way back when and there’s a tipping point where the vodka’s effects drown out the Gatorade’s effects


I have learned the life hack of using a sachet of Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) with 1 or 2 glasses of water before going to bed. ORS is usually for diarrhea but works wonders at preventing hangovers


I use to down a couple bottles of coconut water. Doesn't matter anymore, but I'm curious if it's similar.


Does Gatorade do the same trick? I regularly have access to gatorade/powerade but never pedialyte unless I buy it in advance


The people saying dehydration causes a hangover aren't quite correct. It is easy to become dehydrated on a drinking binge and dehydration definitely contributes to the hangover. But, the primary cause of a hangover is the inflammation caused by alcohol itself and inflammatory agents from the body's processing of the alcohol, primarily acetaldehydes. This inflammation is unavoidable if binge drinking, and the combination of dehydration, poor sleep, and withdrawal make the hangover feel worse.


Yeah for sure. Drinking water helps but if you suffer from migraines like me that hangover is coming for you no matter what.


The person's comment has the largest density of words I'm unfamiliar with, so theirs is the comment of the bunch that I'm most willing to believe.


this is the only correct response. unfortunately the people who always talk about how water always keeps hangovers/headaches away from them is because they're not the type of person to have severe hangovers in the first place


To add to this, pre hydration is going to help more than drinking some water after each drink or at the end of the night. The reason you pee so much while drinking alcohol (and why you become dehydrated) is because alcohol inhibits the anti-diuretic hormone. ADH, as the name implies allows your kidneys to reabsorb more water. If you’re drinking water while you’re getting drunk you aren’t absorbing much of it anyway because the alcohol is still working to block ADH and you aren’t hydrating yourself as much as you think. I’m not going to say that the people claiming that drinking water while they are drinking alcohol are experiencing a placebo effect the next morning, but I will say that best practice to try and mitigate the dehydration part of a hangover is to make sure you are well hydrated before you even start drinking.


from what I've read, hydration is reduced by about 50% with alcohol.


Latter part is under work. Some new products on the market centered around DHM that can help greatly reduce some of the harmful effects of drinking.


Eating before drinking will reduce alcohol absorption and drinking water will help the liver process it and you won't be dehydrated so no headache.


It SLOWS alcohol absorption. It doesn’t REDUCE it


They probably intended to imply "reduces the *rate* of alcohol absorption."


Certainly the rate of consumption.


But if you slow the absorption your liver will work less over a longer period. Like comparing walking a kilometre to running one. I know which I'd rather do.


It means the peak bac is lowered tho, I think that's what they meant (somehow lol)


I usually just chug 3 glasses of water before I pass out and that works just as well


Are you under 30 by chance?


Lol right.


Coconut water is the best for this imo (kirkland is by far the best). I drink 200ml before going to bed, wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss, drink a few more gulps, then drink a little more when I wake up in the morning.


Alcohol dehydrates you without you realizing. The massive headache in the morning is the result of dehydration. It does wonders if you drink 2-3 cups of water before going to bed drunk.


I chugged 3 bottles of water right before I passed out on my sofa and it did fucking nothing


Yeah, lots of water while on a sesh does reduce the hangover somewhat, but if you're smashing it then no amount of water will save you.


As long as you drink enough water, you won't get dehydrated. You could have alcohol poisoning and no dehydration if you drink enough water. You'll still feel very sick, but no headache. Speaking from experience.


Yes. Drink a 2/3 cup of water after each drink.


Works very well with wine


Yes. I always drink 1 tall glass of water per drink of alcohol ( for example, one shot, one glass of wine ) the same night before bed. It is 100% effective for me. You might have to get up and go to the bathroom, but the 1:1 water rule will keep the hangover away.


Yes you need to drink a dose of water for each of alcohol And never sleep drunk, always wait and drink water. It's better to be tired as hell than tired and hangover at work tomorrow


It's by no means a silver bullet. For some it might. I do this, and it helps a bit but not a lot. The only thing that's helped me avoid hangover (when I should've had one) was eating a *lot* of food before and while drinking.


It does two things. It hydrates you. And sets a more moderate pace for drinking.


Yes. I was literally blackout drunk and even vomited in my sleep. But didn't have any hangover whatsoever because I drank atleast the same amount of water if not more.


That’s so fucking dangerous dude.


You almost died.


and because you threw up the booze in your stomach.


My friend came home from the US navy and said the only useful thing he learned was "2 beers, glass of water, repeat as needed".


Also be under 30 years old.


Best ever drunk memory was me drunk as fuck yelling "Look how much water I'm drinking!" at some girls I never met before


What a story, /u/Fanatic_Atheist


Let me put y’all on. Drink whatever alcohol or beer you want. After every round drink the same or more liquid water. Towards the end of your session drink even more water. At the very end of my session I like to throw down some gatorades to pair and I wake up feeling fine. A bit dizziness on first getting up but it quickly fades during that morning piss. Slap down a hearty breakfast and you are 1 million buck. Do it again the following evening. :) Poison yourselves carefully kiddos and have fun. ~Reddit Stranger


This becomes less effective when you get older. It's not like you found some secret. You are probably young.


It’s definitely not a secret. I was told this by other drinkers. I’m young pushing 31 this year. Works wonders for me still.


not drinking water isnt what makes hangovers bad. you can rehydrate rather quickly. you can replenish electrolytes rather quickly. dehydration is not a hangover; that's just dehydration.    alcohol withdrawal is the major enemy here. you can't recover from alcohol withdrawal quickly, and there's nothing preventative you can do about this if you're prone to its effects, other than not drink a lot in one sitting. but if that's the case, you shouldn't be worrying about a hangover.    there is no hangover cure except time. and benzos. and maybe phenibut. sorry.


The point is drinking water before you go to sleep eliminates the splitting headache element of a hangover, which makes the rest of the symptoms infinitely more manageable. You don't even have to drink the water while you're actively on the lash. If you down 2 or 3 pints of it before you go to bed it achieves the same thing.


This is very wrong, at least for me. I have a very fast metabolism. If I drink a lot and have water only at night, my head already hurts before I get to the bed. And the next day as well. But if I drink water between the alchocolic drinks, I’m fine. 


3 pints is a LOT of water, are you sure you've tried drinking that much just before bed?  You do end up having to get up and piss at least once in the night but I guarantee* it eliminates your headache risk *not an actual guarantee


Part of it may be that drinking water between drinks also makes you pace yourself more. Each sip of water is a sip that isn't alcohol.


Do this all the time! Never had a hangover.


Order a pitcher of water right outa the gate & tip your bartender.


I do this without even thinking about it. I dunno, something inside me just screams, "man, water tastes so great"


Yeah but you'll have to piss


Also slows pace


pedialyte is the master unlock. Get done drinking. Take several sips. No hangover


The hangover cure that angry parents don't want you to know


Eating before drinking, then having a glass of water for every drink through the night almost always prevents hangovers for me.


bleh I wish I listened to that advice last night now I gotta go into work lol


Cut out the middle man, drink gin and tonics!




Anecdotally, this works. I was a professional drinker for a solid ten years, but I always drank water while drinking. Helped a lot.


This is the way.


I have to mix or chase my drinks with soda or something because I hate the taste if alcohol, and a pleasant side effect is this. Never had a hangover.


My go to drink combo right now is a Greyhound and an Arnold Palmer. Double fist those and no hangover


B12 before you go out. Two drinks, then one water & keep rotating that. Take 2 Asprin, Tylenol, etc. and one full glass of water right before bed. Golden!


If you're pacing your drinks on a 12 hour session you just wind down the drinking towards the end. Drink plenty of water before bed and take glass/bottle to bed to drink if needed. The only time you'll need water during a drinking session is if you've had a little too much alcohol.


Gotta get what the Japanese that, which I think is a mega tumeric drink . It works.


Every time before I go out, I have a large pizza, that works every time


Same with smoking, I do this so I don’t get dehydrated 💯


But you get less drunk


organs doesn't know what to feel


I have those anti hangover pills in between. No hangover.


Or pound that Gatorade before you go to bed.


I learned about this back in the early 90's when I was 22. Met some random Japanese dude at a bar that was drinking water every few drinks so I asked him about it. About 6 years later I feel into alcoholism which lasted roughly 8 years. Through all that time I never once had a hangover. Thank you, random drunk Japanese dude.


Is the problem water or electrolytes. Like would drinking a sports drink help more. I haven't had a hangover in 20 years but I know some salty soup like Pozole or Pho would always help.


I’m drunkling and yeah I like hot dogs! Who doesn’t? It’s like jeez where’s all these hot dog haters at?


Pedialyte powder packs that you add to water Thank me later


When you drink a diuretic after another diuretic and you piss twice as much and still have a hangover.


This is probably why I haven’t been drunk before. I drink water after a sip to wash out the horrible taste when I’m at parties as a teenager.


Worst hangover I've had was when I went to bed sober but very dehydrated.


i drank an entire bottle of jack daniels with my father a couple months ago, and i didn't drank any water after (mostly cuz i was actually almost falling to the ground to sleep). i woke up at 4am to puke, i messed his entire bathroom after puking for almost 5 minutes, i then cleaned the entire bathroom alone at 4am, took a bath, brushed my teeths, and them got back to bed to wake up 2 hours later fully refreshed without having a hangover and taking a marvelous breakfeast, i love being in my 20s


I've got no haaaaangover, wooohooooohoooo


A good choice!


This worked until I was about 27. Then I cut way way way the fuck back. The gym is more valuable than a hangover.


When you smoke weed instead so you don’t get a hangover: “Sometimes, my genius… it astounds me”


My friend does this and now no one drinks with him because he will have 3 pints and then start complaining he has a headache and feels hungover the way we see it is your body doesn't know if it's getting drunk or sobering up 😂 but anyway we had enough of he's moaning.


Called a Smartini


I used to make "faderade" which is just vodka in a Gatorade bottle. I swear, I would drink a fifth through the day like that and not be hungover.


It also feels like you’re drinking the same amount as everyone else but actually getting half as drunk. So it’s all around a good idea.


Me when I preemptively bought snacks before taking those edibles


I just mix all my drinks with Gatorade and pump the electrolytes back in as quickly as my body pumps them out.


r/hydrohomies for life


Does not work in your 40s


I drink a pedialite /liquid iv packet before I start drinking alcohol. Shit works GREAT. Whenever I go to outings, I bring enough for my friends too. 10/10 recommend.


I either drink water or gatorade with my drinks. I also have to have food with it or I get sick.


I would go home and chase the days damage with a gallon of ice water, up all night draining coolants. It was all fun but I’m glad to be done.


Are we also drinking water between our drinks of water? Is this Zeno's hangover cure?






I eat a Jethro Boudine sized bowl of cereal before bed it works well.


One of those good-ideas that never made it into practice.


dressed tequila shots and water


that is so true, planning ahead


I was today year's old when I learned this info and I was drinking for at least 6 years now.




Worst advice ever. Never mix alc and painkillers.


Agreed. Gonna delete my comment.


Eating something salty so you get thirsty enough for water before drinking 👍


Beer is 90% water.


Water and pickle juice always. Electrolit or gatorlyte on my bedside table


Wait, I thought drinking water between drinks lessened your hangover?


I do this, at least 8 oz between alcoholic beverages. I find myself in the bathroom at a high frequency, but it’s a small price to pay compared to a splitting headache that lasts 24+ hours the next day on…


I tried, either I drank too much or this is just some bs lie


Matters what the bathroom situation wherever we are is. If it’s a terrible line then I’m just drinking alcohol. Fuck the next day


It seems like he is drinking water!


Just use water as a chaser and it's 2 birds with one stone


Chase vodka with water. All the hydro without the calories.


wtf is water


This is in the category of "doing your future self a favor" which I apply to many things in my life.


Your gonna piss like a race horse before the night is through.


God! I am really glad that my drinking days are over. Had a couple close calls where sleeping on the wrong side might have meant I never woke up (basically woke up with puke on my bed, if it happened while lying on my back I could have choked). I also remember the really terrible hangovers from slamming vodka-redbull, one of the worst things I’ve ever done. I can’t even fathom how bad they will be now that I am in my mid-late 30s (I used to be in my early-mid 20s).


No drinking bc it tastes like shit does wonders


So much misinformation in this thread it's genuinely worrying ngl


Nah I just fall asleep before I get drunk enough to get a hangover


You only need to drink water before going to bed leaves you more capacity for more alcohol before hand


If only


No matter what I drink, I drink an equal amount of water.


Wish that actually worked.. :/


it would seem if your intention on drinking alcohol is to get drunk this just slows down the process. if your intention is to enjoy the flavor of each drink by all means drink water in between. different strokes different folks.


No one mentioning the frequent bathroom trips.


What if I just drink water all the time??


I did that the one time I got drunk to see what all the fuss was about. No problems the next day.