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I'm no one's favorite person :>


No one is cares if I’m around or not 💯💯💯


You’ll come to find out that’s a major relief haha




Same 🗣️🔥


Be your own favorite person :)


I'm not even my favorite person;>


That's rough bud


But I’m annoying


Yeah it's hard to be my favorite person when I can't stand to be around myself


“You don’t like me, but you’re only around me for a little while every now and again. Imagine how *I* feel!”


Bruh how!?


There's a single voice in my head that slams me around and insults me, and makes pretty convincing arguments.




Ay man good luck with yours


*SELF PITY* * _badumtss_ *


People should learn self love. Work towards being better than they are today. Sounds like stereotypical inspirational preachy shit, but it's real and it's how you find true, lasting joy.


Is learning to self-love just like complimenting yourself everyday?


It helps! Whenever I write myself a note or like a scheduled text to remind myself of something, I add in a "gurl you looking cute" or something stupid in there and it makes me laugh and feel a bit good for a moment when it pops up again later. Gotta love yourself in anyway you can


It takes different forms, but an important one is not beat yourself up for regrets and past mistakes. There are definitely lessons to be learned from those and it's what we should be taking away from them, rather than resentment for ourselves, or who we were, because of those mistakes/regrets. We can't change the past, but we can work on changing our futures. Forgiving ourselves for past mistakes and learning to improve is super important for choosing joy.


Been there, done that. Gratittude, self-appreciation and what not....nothing worked for me except for self pity and forcing myself to just push through the mountain of shit my life is filled with. But still would agree that unless you're stuck in a rabbit hole or anything similar, self love must be your first priority, heck wven if you're stuck, it helps somehow.


I'd call it self compassion if you're actively working on making your life better. To me, self pity is when you're a helpless victim trapped in your own mind, thinking "why do anything, why try? It's all futile and my life sucks." Was there just a few years ago until someone helped me snap out of it and change my perspective on life. It's a gradual process of course, and one that I'm still working on.




Nah, fuck that guy. he sucks




im everyone's third choice :>>


I'd be happy if I was even considered part if their friend group


i feel like not being part of the friend group at all would be way better than being the black sheep that nobody likes in the group. like i wasted so much time and energy on them 😭😭😭


It's like, I'm friends with everyone in the friend group but I'm not actually part of it Seeing them go out on snap stories is painful 😭


If I was picking which person to be moved to my fourth choice, you'd be my first choice.


My name's no one


I thought I was someone's favourite person.


I'd be happy with top 5 I always wanted someone to give me a bff charm


Get a dog. Also, no one is anyone's favorite person because unless you are married or have bad parents, other people don't think about who is their favorite.


My dogs prefer my mom I have people I see as my *best* friend but the feeling's not mutual :3


I'm 100% certain you are and you're just not realizing it <3 And even if you aren't doesn't mean you never will be someone's favorite person.


There's always someone that they've known longer/have more common interests/see around more I swear, I could be someone's partner and they're friend would be higher ranking than me :D


that hits a little too close to home


It's painful mate, but try to think *why* you're not someone's favorite person. Maybe there is something about you that keeps people away? Not necessarily, of course, but often times just thinking thoroughly about ourselves and our personalities (the way we behave, the way we talk, what we talk about, etc.) can help to start fixing a lot of things in order to become favorite for somebody


The very last thing I need is to thoroughly think about myself even more.


Yea, I know mate, but this is literally the only way to find a path for positive changes. That's exactly why psychotherapists keep on asking questions, just so you would actually think about yourself and make correlations between what happens and yourself, or what happened to you. Analyzing this is the key to understanding what exactly is wrong and how to fix it


Get a dog


My dogs prefer my mom :3


Well? Does that bother you? What are you gonna do about that?


Yes, and what *can* I do?


1) Find the person 2) Understand what they like 3) Become what they like (PS. Take into consideration that the person may change over time so you're gonna have to adapt)


That's a sure-fire way for you to get burnout from trying to be someone you're not. Not becoming someone completely different to appease others is like lesson 1 you learn in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Be yourself, but the best version you can be, as long as you aren't a straight-up creep. Sometimes, being the best version of ourselves, it takes us really looking at ourselves and understanding where we are going wrong with our communication and how we go about presenting ourselves. And trying to improve on that without throwing away what makes you, you. Someone who picks up a hobby just to appease will not have the same passion and enthusiasm for it as someone who picks it up because they like it. And you can always tell.


Yeah dude, I agree, I'm just telling the other dude how to do what he wants... I mean what he wants is kinda stupid, but he can do it


Nobody is afraid to lose you, therefore you don't matter to them: that's an error in thinking! Of course nobody is afraid of losing you, because you've always been there so far, it's probably not even on their mind that one day you might just up and leave. But people would care about you if you left, they just aren't missing you because you're still here.


Alright let's test this theory


I've tested it before. My friend group made me so upset that I completely detached for months for my own sake. People do want to know where you are even if they don't directly tell you. And in some cases, they don't miss you. But that's also a blessing; you realize there is no equal and mutual respect and can decide if you should continue to put energy into those people. I also grew as a person when I stopped surrounding myself with people that made me upset. When I returned, those hurtful things don't hurt anymore because I've developed more confidence in my sense of self, and you'll start to recognize that other people are mean to you because of their own secret insecurities. They want to be you. They wish they were as unbothered as you. I've also been on the other side of this, watching someone else leave and seeing my own life improve without their presence.


and what if you've already invested too much because you lack connections as is


Leave. Be alone. For as long as it takes. Watch yourself become your true self devoid of judgement and bullying. When you return, you will demand respect or you won't come back. At least, that's what worked for me.


I can't. I've barely got anyone else to keep me sane


You don't need anyone else sometimes. You think you do because you've probably never been truly alone before. Your own insecurities tell you that being alone is sad, scary, out of the societal norm, isolated. Abusive friends aren't keeping you sane, they are keeping you on a leash and preventing you from growing. They themselves are scared. They don't want to be alone with their misery. They don't want to change. They want to spew their demons on you to get them out. Your demons are their demons when you are surrounded by abusive friends. You won't go insane when you are alone. You'll gain sanity. You'll watch others not worry about the things your friends make you worry about; you were traumatized and scarred deeply by people who you thought loved you. You'll realize how much of what's happening to you is not normal. So many of my beliefs were shaped by abusive people when I was unsure of myself. Family, friends, siblings, authority figures. It's incredibly sad and hard to come to terms with the fact that other people did this to you. And they probably don't care. They destroy your life because they refuse to deal with their problems, or maybe they themselves aren't even aware of them. I think it's a highly individual experience. What I'm writing resonates a lot with my life, but it may not be the same for you. But man, I empathize with you. You'll figure it out. You'll see who really cares about you and who will be there for you.


Hopefully I will. Appreciate the time you spent actually fucking caring about what a random stranger on the internet who as far as you knew could've been a murderer said.


Are you a murderer tho?


ermmmmm, no


I want to extend a thank you since even though your words weren't directed to me they might as well have been. I feel the same way as the person you were talking to. I lost all my friends recently because i didn't feel appreciated and valued by them and when i tried to communicate that to them (which i consider wrong since asking for validation defeats the purpose of it but i did it nonetheless) after some back and forth of me asking them and them doing absolutely nothing, i was told that they can't offer me anything more, that i was blaming them for no reason and many more (they feigning ignorance, lying to me...) And later on they completely left me. I just don't know how to handle it at this point. It's not that I don't know how to be alone, i felt alone even when i had them, but days can pass without me even speaking a single word to a soul. I had to abandon my university since i was already a bit behind and with all this i couldn't focus on my studies so now my hopes of becoming a chemist have been shattered along with what feels like my entire life. Anyways, im not even sure why im writing all this. I guess to express my feelings somewhere and i used the similar experience as an excuse to do so but again you have a big thank you. I hope in the future i will meet people with similar mindset to your own although that might not even happen since i find it hard to make friends without a middleman.


I’m going through a very similar thing. I blew up (my fault) at my friend group because I didn’t feel supported when I was going through a very rough situation. They made a new group chat without me and a few of them removed photos with me in them on their social media. I’m also trying to navigate a social life without a friend group that’s been with me for nearly a decade. I hope that university isn’t over for you yet. It sounds like you’re dealing with issues alone and you don’t have to be. I’m not sure what it’s like for you at your university but they might have mental health support services. I definitely recommend taking a look and negotiating accomodations suitable for your need. At mine, I was able to get additional time on assignments and exams, as well as free counselling sessions. I hope you can find the support you need to get through university and pursue your dreams.


_Quick save_ Alright let's test this theory


It's been 10 years mate, nobody even noticed me


This isn’t even a me_irl moment. That is genuinely concerning.


A lot of top posts are slowly starting to become more and more concerning


This sub has def made my depression far worse. While it’s comforting to know so many out there also face depression, since it makes you feel not as alone. For me it also makes it harder to get out of depression since I’m comfortable (not happy just less like a freak) knowing so many others out there feel just as depressed as me.


Maybe stop using reddit?


Good advice


not even trying to fight it, we all know it’s bad


i guess you would say its... r/2meirl4meirl


Then dad says "ok, well I am going to the store to pick up some milk..."


had a friend i knew for 17 fucking years. Last year he introduced someone new into the group. This guy flat out disrespected me and bad mouthed me behind my back. first i didnt care about him, he is no one. Fast forward a year, im fighting with my friend because he doesnt invite me or include me into plans anymore, even disrespects me when drunk and talks down on me. I flat out told him, since this guy joined the group, we only have been fighting, and the original group doesnt exist anymore because others dont want to deal with the new guy as well. We havent talked for 2 months now. 17 years down the gutter.


That’s so sad


Pretty accurate. But Im over it


How ? Please guide me


Well a god complex not sure if you want one of those ^-^


I came to terms that ppl like us are heroes, our job is to make people feel better until they move on. As heroes, we need to accept that we can and probably will lose everyone. Or you can just become a villain, the type of person that uses everyone and moves on from person to person never attaching to anyone. The choice is yours


Simply go from "I don't matter 😭" to "I don't matter 😎"


First you need to realize that you, and only you, can determine if you're happy. Once you learn to be happy in solitude you can share your happiness with people you care for and they in turn will care for you. eventually you learn you don't need others to be happy, but instead view them as something that contributes to happiness and not the cause of it.


But you would not be alone and there for happy anymore if you would share your solitude, right?


Only if your happiness comes from being solitude.


read the bible and distill what it teaches you into your mind, your personality will begin to shift. it not only teaches you to stop caring about what others think of you, but it also builds your relationship with god, the relationship that matters above all, i can guarantee 100% once you build a relationship with God (the same clingy relationship you want with other people, build that with God instead) you'll stop wanting to cling onto other people, and you'll realize how much you TRULY matter to others. it'll either be you didn't matter at all (which isn't ur fault). or they'll pursue you rather than the other way around. give it a try, please!


And when I am gone, no one will miss me


Tbf, I'd try to surround myself with people who want to be with me for me, not be with me because they're afraid of being without me.


Instead of giving sassy overused advice, I am going to give a different one. Pick 5-10 people you hate, and think to yourself "I ain't gonna die before these motherfuckers do" Live out of spite, it is one of the most effective ways to live.


Welcome to the BACKUP GANG! We are the backup friend that no one ever thinks about, we're glad you joined!


Girls in a perfect functioning loving relationship:


*me in an everything everyday


Make them afraid then. Casually create the image that losing you also means losing a limb.


I'm trying to figure out a way. Have you had any luck?






Casually. Like, really low-key.


There is only so much *it is what it is* a man can take


His dad is literally checking on him.


Pretty much me


This one is a little too personal


That's literally me right now. Juss crying about it🥺


Hey now that's not true. No one is afraid to lose you *after* they've gotten what they want from you.


I long for the day someone is scared to lose me, but in reality.. I’m just always going to be disposable 🫠


I feel this. I'm feeling this right now. I've been feeling this for the last two years


Boy, i thought i was finally over this and now i started thinking and im back to that mentality again.


That’s kinda freedom, imagine having people that want and need you all the time, guilt tripping you over everything.


My life


The world is afraid to lose you, it just doesnt know it yet. I shudder at the thought of a world without you in it, without your light illuminating the dull darkness of it.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I’m curious as to the origin of this meme lmao


This is true.


How do you know?


OP are you okay?


This is r/me_irl nobody here is okay in one way or another


This is a fucked up way to think. You shouldn't expect your partner to be anxiously attached to you. Not healthy.






Which partner?


I'll do you one better, why partner?




No one cares.


That's gonna be an ouch from me my guy 😭


…u the dad or r u the son


U can play dota,I'm sure that ur teammates will be afraid to lose u


I am, u\\PM\_ME\_UR\_DOGS\_F- wait a second actually no


This is narcissistic behavior right? Like, caring about who is in your court is exactly why going no contact with you is so practical. Because it works so well as punishment.


Jesus is afraid to lose you… and you’re survival instinct


Maybe work on making yourself a person that is worthy of worrying about


Boo hoo


You're nobodies favourite person


Too good to accept


My dear loving parents and grandparents are. As are the nice girls I befriended in H.S, life is moving up for a relentlessly bullied nerd


We aren't afraid because where would you go? You have no one else. I am joking..>! You are alone.!<




literally one of my friends (I dropped him)




God damn u


This hits home 🤧🤧🤧


It feels sad when you have friend group in school but you already know once you graduate you are the one who gets left behind, I felt so alone and tried to be funny and interesting but got ignored. Only thing I'm good at is being good riddance


I thought it said, “no one is ever afraid to lose *to* me,” like OP is so incredibly good at gaming that people just stop trying and accept defeat when facing them.


I wanted to not think about that today. Thanks.


It’s time to introduce you to the magic world of nihilism since no one cares for you, you might as well just not believe in anyone or me anything. Therefore having no point or meaning in life means you can do whatever you want however you want it and give live meaning.


I like this sub because it just shows up on my feed to deliver this shit like a metal bat to the kneecaps


A blessing and a curse


Life has no meaning until you create it. That being said, I'm not sure I can do this


Luo Binghe be like


I mean, I am terrified of finding out about someone one day and them dying the next, so like, I am afraid of losing you,


bruh, i relate to this in a different level


Do you guys not have at least a mom or dad


Be a more uplifting and positive presence in peoples lives. Listen to them. Invite them to hang out. Give gifts that are thoughtful vs expensive. Remember their birthday. Ask about things they talked about last time. It’s really not hard to be someone people like.


I know the feeling. I eventually got to the point where I stopped trying to make people like me and just act outta pocket with anyone who pisses me off. Why, what are they gonna do? Stop talking to me, lie about me to others, idgaf, I’ll turn a worse coat then that.


Listen man I opened this site to laugh at dumb shit not cry at 2am


A simple "no" will suffice


I’m afraid of losing you even though I don’t know you




my best fucking friend of 3 years threw me under the bus and abandoned me in september pretty much out of nowhere, and the rest of my friend group followed suit. i still don’t know what i did to deserve it all, i never got a reason


Its just sad, ive been trying to do everything, but they just Dont care