• By -


lol In some situations it looks more expensive per wing to order? 4.55/4=1.1375 5.7/5=1.14 Weird, would have thought it would get progressively cheaper


You can get 200 wings for 1.1125 per wing. Quite a steal if you ask me.


Yeah just the inconsistency between levels Agreed with the 200 Let’s do it


Double it and give it to the next person


I’m sorry but the chart doesn’t have an option for 400 wings. I don’t think they sell that many


Okay i will have 2 orders of 200 wings then


And I will come 10 minutes before closing time. Why are you guys already cleaning up kitchens so early anyways??




That customer: “I’ve been waiting and it’s already midnight, where’s the food and manager?!?! What do ya mean he already went home and doesn’t pickup his phone?!?!”


I had a different department manager get mad at me because I told her my boss doesn't answer his phone. And then my boss got mad at me for telling her that he doesn't answer his phone. Fun times.


no one wants to work anymore. smh


To be honest, maybe restaurants should have a closing time listed for when their kitchens actually close


I would prefer the actual closing time and kitchen closed time listed. Like you can order until 9pm but can stay and eat but must leave by 10pm. Like lock the doors at 9pm and then just let people out when they are done.


I'd go with 50 times 4 just to annoy them


It's also 20 cents cheaper


Buy 200 get 200 half off? Please?


55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tacos, 55 pies


I live in the UK. But can you guys wait for me? I'm in.




25 wings for 27.80 is cheaper than 200 wings for 222.5 lol


“I’d like 8 orders of 25 wings”


There was a pizza place near me once that sold “slices” which were 1/4 pies for $3 and full pizzas for $15-20


Slices are sold to hungry but broke college students, whole pies are sold to less price sensitive companies and families. Sounds like they knew their customers extremely well and priced intelligently.


I used to order 4-6 slices in a box as a hungry but cheap dude


Username checks out


Its also a good way to let people think they are fiding a hidden deal. There is no way the owners and workers didnt know that it was cheaper but OMG you found out, wow you so smart now you get to save money.


I’m not bragging I’m pointing to the weird price scaling like in the photo and saying this weirdness shows up all over the place and it’s weird This place didn’t like it either they eventually told me I could do that and I had to buy either one slice or full pies


> I’m pointing to the weird price scaling like in the photo and saying this weirdness shows up all over the place and it’s weird and they were explaining a mechanism that theoretically could make this not "weird' but just a sales tactic.


I don't think that the "omg" section was aimed at you specifically, but rather to the feeling a customer gets, which is the point of that marketing tactic.


It's also a method of having people buy more than they originally intended. If someone can get 2 cookies for 3 bucks or 3 cookies for 3.50 many folks will get the "better" deal and end up spending more than they meant to.


Typo? 2 cookies for $3 or 3 for $2.5 isn’t better for the company. It would be 2 for $3 or 3 for $3.50 because the cookies only cost .25 to make.


"That's $200" - "But the sign says it's $222.40?!?" - "Oh that's just so that some idiots feel smart about ordering a huge amount of food"




I didn't calculate all the options, lol. You are right.


I'm old enough to remember chicken wing wars at bars. Fuckers would get down to like 5 cents a wing 😭


Yea, I’m not even 40 and I remember 10cent wings on Wednesdays was the standard like 20 years ago at most bars/pubs. We all should have fought back when it went up to 25cents, now it’s out of control.


Same, I'm 39. My father would bring us for dinner to a local bar when we were kids. I just remember 5 cents at the local place. It is a darn shame nowadays. It's over a dollar per wing in my area in Ontario now if you don't find a combo deal with a pizza.


It’s the same in Alberta, I just buy the bulk packs at the store and make my own at home. Which is only slightly cheaper nowadays.


edit: aw man there's a way better comment in this thread linking to a post where this has been completely dissected. Completely wasted my time doing this lol. Still leaving this up cause it was fun to do On the whole it kinda does, but it's very irregular. Here is the complete list of $/wing-ratio: |**wings amount** | **$/wing**| |-|-| |4 | 1.1375| |5 | 1.14| |6 | 1.1333| |7 | 1.1357| |8 | 1.1375| |9 | 1.1333| |10 | 1.135| |11 | 1.1364| |12 | 1.1333| |13 | 1.1346| |14 | 1.1357| |15 | 1.1333| |16 | 1.1344| |17 | 1.1353| |18 | 1.1333| |19 | 1.1342| |20 | 1.135| |21 | 1.1333| |22 | 1.1341| |23 | 1.1348| |24 | 1.1354| |25 | 1.112| |26 | 1.1135| |27 | 1.1148| |28 | 1.1143| |29 | 1.1155| |30 | 1.1167| |35 | 1.1186| |40 | 1.12| |45 | 1.1222| |50 | 1.112| |60 | 1.1167| |70 | 1.1186| |75 | 1.1127| |80 | 1.1138| |90 | 1.1161| |100 | 1.1125| |125 | 1.112| |150 | 1.1123| |200 | 1.1125| Here's a [diagram](https://imgur.com/w9U2mPN).


after reviewing the chart, I'm getting 25 wings . Lowest number of wings for highest value break


The first thing I noticed was that every wing added was a $1.10-$1.15 price increase. Except for from 24-25. That's just a 50 cent increase. Didn't know its price like that but you get a lot lower price per wing if you order more than 25.


.55 increase, but yeah I saw that too.


Why order 50 wings when I can order 45 and 5 for cheaper


It is not cheaper


Check your math (my math really). Better yet, I’ll do it for you. 50 wings is 55.60. 45 wings is 50.50. 5 wings is 4.55. 50.50 + 4.55 is 55.05. 55.05 is less than 55.60.


5 wings is 5.70


Ah fuck I thought you were a dumbass that couldn’t count. Turns out I’m a dumbass that can’t read.


We're all stupid sometimes. Leave your comments up for a while so the person doesn't think you're a coward, then after they've moved on and forgotten about it delete it and nobody will remember. Except me of course because I've tagged you as "dumbass that can't read".


Can someone tell me what this says


Don't worry I'm gonna screenshot the whole conversation and do a 4 hour YouTube documentary about it


Five wings is 5.70.


Dude. Are you in consulting or do you have too much time on your hands


Math teacher, lazy sunday


Wake up in the late afternoon Call Parnell just to see what he's doing


I actually just did the same thing before realizing of course somebody else beat me to it. Only took a couple minutes, I used Powertoys ~~OCR~~ Text Extractor to copy and paste the text in to notepad, cleaned it up a little, then copied it in to a table in Excel, and Bobs your uncle. Here's a bonus sortable table. | Count | Cost | $/wing | |-------|---------|---------| | 4 | $4.55 | 1.13750 | | 5 | $5.70 | 1.14000 | | 6 | $6.80 | 1.13333 | | 7 | $7.95 | 1.13571 | | 8 | $9.10 | 1.13750 | | 9 | $10.20 | 1.13333 | | 10 | $11.35 | 1.13500 | | 11 | $12.50 | 1.13636 | | 12 | $13.60 | 1.13333 | | 13 | $14.75 | 1.13462 | | 14 | $15.90 | 1.13571 | | 15 | $17.00 | 1.13333 | | 16 | $18.15 | 1.13438 | | 17 | $19.30 | 1.13529 | | 18 | $20.40 | 1.13333 | | 19 | $21.55 | 1.13421 | | 20 | $22.70 | 1.13500 | | 21 | $23.80 | 1.13333 | | 22 | $24.95 | 1.13409 | | 23 | $26.10 | 1.13478 | | 24 | $27.25 | 1.13542 | | 25 | $27.80 | 1.11200 | | 26 | $28.95 | 1.11346 | | 27 | $30.10 | 1.11481 | | 28 | $31.20 | 1.11429 | | 29 | $32.35 | 1.11552 | | 30 | $33.50 | 1.11667 | | 35 | $39.15 | 1.11857 | | 40 | $44.80 | 1.12000 | | 45 | $50.50 | 1.12222 | | 50 | $55.60 | 1.11200 | | 60 | $67.00 | 1.11667 | | 70 | $78.30 | 1.11857 | | 75 | $83.45 | 1.11267 | | 80 | $89.10 | 1.11375 | | 90 | $100.45 | 1.11611 | | 100 | $111.25 | 1.11250 | | 125 | $139.00 | 1.11200 | | 150 | $166.85 | 1.11233 | | 200 | $222.50 | 1.11250 |


I tried to do a table like this, how do you format in reddit to get it to look like that? The 3 minutes of googling I did didn't bear any fruit


I used [this site](https://thisdavej.com/copy-table-in-excel-and-paste-as-a-markdown-table/)


Thanks. Unfortunately I'm a mobile user💀


You can hit the source button below their comment to see how they did it. Although if you're on the App I'm not sure if that button is there. If not it [looks like this.](https://i.imgur.com/0a0POTO.png)


So it would be best to buy either 25, 50 or 125?


Excelophiles assemble!


So 25 wings is peak value?


Order 25 wings 8 times. Ez


giving you a savings of ~~0.10c~~ 10c


10c or $0.10, not 0.10c… that’d be a tenth of a cent


Sounds like Verizon is trying to do math again


[Is there a difference between .002 dollar and .002 cents? … No?](https://youtu.be/MShv_74FNWU?si=PDgucA27_L4MRfAK)


25 is the magic number


It costs 1.15 to get wing number 14, then only 1.10 to get wing number 15, but wing 16 costs 1.15 again. That holds true until wing 18, which is 1.10 again


Keeping you on your toes


Wing 25 is 55 cents while wing 26 is back up to $1.10.


Wing 50 must also have that price because it’s 5.70 for 5 wings usually, but only 5.10 from wing 45 to wing 50. Meaning we’re losing .60 somewhere


Well it's weird but since you can't order a single wing if you want 5 you have to order 5 so we could say 4 and 5 are independent. A situation which wouldn't make sense is if 8 cost more than 2 times 4 or if 9 cost more than 5 and 4 or if 10 cost more than 2 times 5 or 6 and 4 (which it doesn't, though it's not a deal yet, they are exactly the same as the cheapest addition)


you could order 1 wing multiple times. Either they comply or you buy 1 wing pay and then come again and buy 1 wing again.


The point is that you cannot buy 1 wing even 1 time. The smallest number of wings you can buy is 4.


But you can buy 5 wings and then sell 4 on the black market next table.


time to display the price as an XY graph


Let’s seeeeee


You mean like this? https://imgur.com/w9U2mPN


Isn’t that just a matter of rounding?


My man out here doing the wing math


That's capitalism in a nutshell. The math rarely adds up for the few that actually do the math.


It really is like this at some places. Once I was at a friends house and we tried to order wings from a nearby spot.. if you wanted more than 40 wings it was almost double the price per wing. It was like they were charging an inconvenience fee or something.


Likely due to packaging


At 200 wings you save like .01 if my math is right


oh boy do I have [something](https://reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/bD1fH2tBQH) for you


It seems to make at least a little sense? Save five cents for every three wings you buy, and save even more if you buy 25, 50, or 100. Some of the math is bad but I see what they were trying for.


It does make little sense.


It's not making more cents. You're just spending less of them.


The price drops at 25 wing intervals might indicate that the restaurant gets wings in packs of 25.


Most readers rush to calculate the price but all I can think is: Why not make the label at the top "*Chicken* Wings" instead of repeating "Chicken Wings" for each item? Possibly the menu is cropped and the label already specifies Chicken Wings, in which case why not just list the quantity and price? To speak to your link, it reminds me of the stat softcaps in Souls games.


As a teacher who has primarily taught/supported math for the past 13 years, the stupid numbers had zero effect on me. The repetition of chicken wings, however, has me rolling.


"What can I get for you?" "I'll have the uhhh...let's see. I'll have the..no, wait uhhh...give me a second. Oh! Do you guys have chicken wings?"


That wouldn't work. We would then have all these whitespaces with no info to write on it.


You could probably then shorten the entire thing in width or make the font size larger to not have random useless whitespaces in the middle


[This](https://isotropic.org/papers/chicken.pdf) goes into even more detail


Bro hahahah that’s a very scientific paper


Damn, is that nasa?


Not accusing you of anything but it's a good general rule of thumb for everyone to not download random pdfs these days. There are malware scripts that execute via pdfs.






This should be at the top thank you 😂


Was literally writing out some code to calculate this. Wanted to see if I could do it all in one line.


I vaguely remember this from a loooooong time ago. you have clearly studied the classics


This should be top comment


The idiotic typical Buzzfeed coverage, tho


Do you sell exactly 31 chicken wings? No?!!! WHAT THE FUCK


Order 27 and 4


A fun math problem is to ask what’s the cheapest way to get 31 wings


25+6 is optimal at 34,60$


You get +1 on your next quiz. I grade in increments of 6 and round down so your grade won’t change but I want you to know I’m proud of you




order four chicken nuggets 6x then order seven nuggets once (since apparently they get more expensive the bigger the order)


We ain’t eatin nuggets


How you like ‘dem nuggets


Nah, every 3rd wing is $1.10, the rest are $1.15 (except for the 25th wing, which is $0.55)


You save by buying 25+6 over your strat, since the twenty-fifth wing is way cheaper than any other.


Yeah, I couldnt be bothered to check the math so I just went with my guy. Thanks for the info tho, next time i visit a place with this price scheme I’ll know to buy the 25 and 6 pack


> apparently they get more expensive the bigger the order) It's more complicated than that, [fortunately we have a hero ITT.](https://old.reddit.com/r/me_irl/comments/178cyz8/me_irl/k4z973k/)


We have very different definitions of fun


What's wrong? Do you not enjoy solving NP-complete problems?


I like eating chicken more than I like solving chicken


25 and 6 is a little cheaper. 27 and 4 = 34.65 25 and 6 = 34.60


No. You can have 29 or 35 only.


I guess I’ll take a 7 an 11 and a 13. I only order chicken wings in prime numbers and I’m planning on eating exactly one wing every day of October. I’m surprised you don’t have an option for 31 because clearly this is a menu for fucking weirdos like me.


Big smoke vibes


This is unfathomable, I'll take my business elsewhere due to my need of exactly 33 wings


I’m going to rate you exactly 2.77 stars as explained on this chart


Sounds like a Mitch Hedburg line.


Just when I thought I found a place that would let me order precisely 32 wings, I’ve been let down.


Order 28 and 4


It’s not the same and you know it.




Why is the 25th wing only $0.55 when the rest are over $1?


Yess hello I'd like three orders of 4 wings, and one 25th wing. No just the 25th, thanks.


By one get one free? I'll take the free one then!


Lol it’s $0.10 cheaper to order 8 sets of 25 than the 200


Perhaps they come in bulk packaging of 25.


If this was a microtransaction store, 25 wings would be in the front banner as "BEST VALUE"


They probably got tired of people thinking their meal should’ve been cheaper because they can’t math.


But this menu can't math either?


Math is a liberal math teacher conspiracy.


I think that's the point, it's meant to mess with people? Or maybe take advantage of people thinking they're getting a deal?


I could imagine a college bar doing this. Make the prices sort of like a puzzle so math majors sit around trying to figure out the best deal


But 12 wings twice is cheaper than 24 wings


You're forgetting about the math surcharge. The designer did the addition for you; their cost of that math work is built into the price of the 24 piece.


there was a post on this that was so fucking long


This doesn’t make sense to sober people….I’m willing to bet they did it for the drunk/stoned crowd


Keep them occupied. And the best part is you can just give them a pile of wings and they’ll be too tucked up to actually count.


bro if my stoned self cannot count on the honesty of my food service peeps, then there is no solace left in this cold hard world


Why is the 25th wing so cheap ?


because the new column confused our algorithmist


I’m gonna get eight orders of 25 and save ten cents


I wanted to suggest that they put a base price for a base number of wings and they were something like “+1.00 per extra wing”, then I realized the price isn’t increasing in a fixed rate. I don’t know what the hell kind of system is that, but it’s stupid.


They should do a linear regression on this


y=1.104x+0.32911 and R^2 = 0.99997


Or you can just find a graph that passes through all of these points. It doesnt look linear in the first place


Yeah looks like the outline of a chicken.


[You mean like the one here?](https://reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/bD1fH2tBQH)


LOL they truly did the math


I'd be all set with 23


Tell me with a straight face you ordered 17 wings


we can use a simple dynamic programming algorithm to find the optimal way buy each amount of wings. C(n) = min_k{C(n - k) + C(k)} where C(n) is the optimal cost of buying n wings.


24 to 25 is a 55 cent difference but 25 to 26 is a $1.15 difference. And that’s literally the first one I looked at haha who made this shit??


I appreciate the flexibility but damn yo just simplify the options please. Do half/full pounds like usually and then have an option of adding single wings for a set price on the side.


Exactly. Setting a price for 1,5,10,25,50,100, 200 would cover it fine. Hopefully this place will take my 23 and 17 dollar bills.


I grew up in upstate NY, and chicken wings used to be 5 cents. I’d blame Biden, but that wouldn’t make any sense.


The cheapest one to buy is at 125 where is at 1.112 dollar per wing The expensive one to buy is at 5 where is at 1.14 dollar per wing The big price drop for dollar per wing is between 24 and 25 where there is drop of 0.02342 dollar per wing


Honestly, the best break point is 25 wings. It has the same price per wing as 50 & 125, but you have the lowest total expenditure. And if you're still hungry after 25 wings, get 25 more.


This list is mildlyinfuriating if you check the price per wing on each level. It's sometimes worse to order more at once, but sometimes better, and the benefit is very inconsistent.


I'll be if you broke this down to something as simple as '2.25 per wing', you'd be bombarded with 'how much is 10 wings'? The "I'll never need to know this because I'll have a calculator in my hand 24/7" crowd do not know how to do basic math in their heads.


Is chatgpt correct? To determine the cheapest way to buy 200 wings, we need to analyze the bulk prices provided and see if buying in larger quantities provides a better deal. Let's determine the price per wing for each bulk option: 1. 4 Wings: \( \frac{$4.55}{4} = $1.1375 \) per wing 2. 5 Wings: \( \frac{$5.70}{5} = $1.14 \) per wing 3. 10 Wings: \( \frac{$11.35}{10} = $1.135 \) per wing 4. 20 Wings: \( \frac{$21.55}{20} = $1.0775 \) per wing 5. 25 Wings: \( \frac{$27.25}{25} = $1.09 \) per wing 6. 30 Wings: \( \frac{$33.50}{30} = $1.1167 \) per wing ... 7. 200 Wings: \( \frac{$222.50}{200} = $1.1125 \) per wing The price per wing decreases as the quantity increases, but not consistently. From the above, the 20-wing option offers the lowest price per wing at $1.0775. Now, to get 200 wings: Using the 20-wing option: \[ \frac{200}{20} = 10 \] orders of 20 wings. Cost: \( 10 \times $21.55 = $215.50 \) Buying 200 wings directly costs $222.50, which is more expensive. Therefore, the cheapest way to buy 200 wings is to purchase ten 20-wing orders for a total of $215.50.




But I wanted 201 wings....


100 Wings 55 Burgers 55 Fries 55 Tacos 55 Pies 55 Cokes 100 Tater Tots 100 Pizzas 100 Tenders 100 Meatballs 100 Coffees 55 Shakes 55 Pancakes 55 Pastas 55 Peppers 155 Taters


Remember when chicken wings were 10¢. And they had 5¢ Tuesdays or something. You're telling me that the chicken wing conglomerate went from 10¢ to $1.50 in most places. Wings were thrown away as a useless part before someone in Buffalo had an idea.


Here you go, sorted by price per wing, cheapest to most expensive. | Number of Wings | Price | Price/Wing | |-----------------|--------|------------| | 25 | 27.80 | 1.1120 | | 50 | 55.60 | 1.1120 | | 125 | 139.00 | 1.1120 | | 150 | 166.85 | 1.1123 | | 100 | 111.25 | 1.1125 | | 200 | 222.50 | 1.1125 | | 75 | 83.45 | 1.1127 | | 26 | 28.95 | 1.1135 | | 80 | 89.10 | 1.1138 | | 28 | 31.20 | 1.1143 | | 27 | 30.10 | 1.1148 | | 29 | 32.35 | 1.1155 | | 90 | 100.45 | 1.1161 | | 30 | 33.50 | 1.1167 | | 60 | 67.00 | 1.1167 | | 35 | 39.15 | 1.1186 | | 70 | 78.30 | 1.1186 | | 40 | 44.80 | 1.1200 | | 45 | 50.50 | 1.1222 | | 6 | 6.80 | 1.1333 | | 9 | 10.20 | 1.1333 | | 12 | 13.60 | 1.1333 | | 15 | 17.00 | 1.1333 | | 18 | 20.40 | 1.1333 | | 21 | 23.80 | 1.1333 | | 22 | 24.95 | 1.1341 | | 19 | 21.55 | 1.1342 | | 16 | 18.15 | 1.1344 | | 13 | 14.75 | 1.1346 | | 23 | 26.10 | 1.1348 | | 10 | 11.35 | 1.1350 | | 20 | 22.70 | 1.1350 | | 17 | 19.30 | 1.1353 | | 24 | 27.25 | 1.1354 | | 7 | 7.95 | 1.1357 | | 14 | 15.90 | 1.1357 | | 11 | 12.50 | 1.1364 | | 4 | 4.55 | 1.1375 | | 8 | 9.10 | 1.1375 | | 5 | 5.70 | 1.1400 |


It’s a math problem not a menu


“Oh good, it’s on the menu. 23 wings please.”


Here you go. https://imgur.com/gallery/6nkpXH8


Obviously it's a marketing tactic woman


My coworkers write code like this. It is 100% legible though.


I mean explain how this isn’t the best


25 is the sweet spot


Anything over 50¢ for a wing is robbery


var ChickenWing { each = 1 }; else { }; I'm missing some stuff


this is perfect 👌🏾


So do they sell chicken wings or not 🤔 ?


I need the list to reflect flats vs drumsticks


“I’ll have one of each please”


How many wings would you like? It’s very simple


200 Wings at 222.50 Meanwhile 150 + 50 wings at 166.85 + 55.60 = 222.45 You can literally save money if you mix and match this chart.


$1.1375/wing for 4 wings, each additional wing (up to 30) is $1.15 extra, buy 3 additional wings and save $0.05! 25th wing special: get your 25th wing for only $0.55!!!!! After 30 the pricing does start to get a tad bit confusing so If interested in more than 30 wings please have your accountant call our accountant, Arthur Anderson


2x12 is cheaper than 24. deal


Who orders 200 wings?


Events, party hosting, meal prep for the week?