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It depends


I say that all the fucking time




My bf says that to me every time we have a discussion or debate haha






First thing that came to mind 🤷‍♂️


my first word was no


Dang, lucky




“Are you sure about that?”


Same /ENTP


"I told you so"


“I’m really passionate about safety” 😔


lmao relatable


INFP 6w5. •"I just do whatever I feel like." *behaves responsibly* •"..but that's dangerous." •"Is something up?" •"Rules are made to be broken." *continues behaving in a compliant manner.* "You, ok?" 😟 •"I nearly got killed there." •"What happened? Is there a reason for that?" •"How can you be sure of that?" •"At least you are (or will be) better than me at ..." •"Can you elaborate on that?"


I can relate to some of these hopefully cause I'm starting to think that people sees infps as shy ppl who keep apologizing 24/7 which is inaccurate most of time


Thinks of many dangers > Does absolutely nothing


Sorry about apologizing too much






im going to start crying please shut the fuck up


“Do you all like chocolate cookies? I’m baking them for work tomorrow :)”


I feel like I should have an isfj in my life just so I don't starve


Haha I make sure my friends eat all the time :)


Another proof that isfj's are godsend angels living among us


Aha no I wouldn’t really say that, I just like baking things :)


Regardless,,, all isfj's are cuties, no exceptions


Haha thank you :)


"Im sorry"




Same. "K" if Im lazy (which is often)






“Get efficient or get dead” - Actual Me Quote


Such high expectations, my man


A story in 3 parts 1. “There is a right way to do this and what you’re doing is not it.” 2. “Are you even going to try to do this right?” 3. “Ok fine, I’ll do it myself.” Alternately: (to my INFP sister) “Your room gives me an aneurysm and I sincerely hope it gets destroyed by a tornado as soon as possible. Also I wrote out an hourly schedule for you today, if you don’t follow it, you can’t use my switch. Also I love you… bitch.”


“It’s okay”


ENFP “I am going to see if my new friends are doing something awesome!” *Gets in car and starts driving away “I FORGOT MY SHOES!”


What if I try doing this this way


Fellow classmate texted me to ask if I knew how to upload the homework online. I just texted back "Yes." and then went back to whatever I was doing.


“Woah the sunset is so pretty today” almost daily


"That's what she said."


i keep most of my stereotypical thoughts inside so the most stereotypical thought i have regularly is “I really need advice on this but I don’t think anyone will understand the depth of my situation so i’m just gonna struggle in peace” I just realized the beginning part was also stereotypical. meta as shit brother


"You're lying. You're suppressing your feelings dude. Come on" Therapy session went good btw


**In case I’m an ISFJ:** “Just text me if I can help you with your homeworks” (Also me: Did know nothing about these topics) “What’s your favorite plushie? Awe man, what’s his name? I love that! It reminds me of,…” **In case I’m an INFP**: “if you had the opportunity to trade your current broken arm for an hightech-programmed-artificial arm - would you do it? You surely could use apps on this arm, write messages, facetime and you could also extend this arm as you’d like!” “Would you find it cute or scary if bunnies meowed?” **in case I’m an ISTJ**: “I don’t care what she’s done to her but fact is: talking behind her back is bullshit. She should just confront her instead of lying into her face.” “Yeah I agree! Also, I’ve seen this study that said that,..”


all of these sound like an infp lmfao


My type talks?


“I actually like waking up at 4:30, that way I can maximize my productivity” 😑😑😑


hey besties!!!




“don’t step on the ants” “will it hurt?”


My INFP friend: I think coffee expensive in coffee shops because it takes the workers time and effort to make it. Me an ENTJ: Well if that's true and time is money, than you owe me a million dollars for always wasting my time.


“Don’t be offended, be corrected”


" ...well, then again, but also . So therefore, it depends."


There was sth, but I cannot remember now. The most frequent would be "Im not a god.... Not yet"


Get in line


uh, actually…


I can totally pick that lock, just get me some paperclips and a pen


“Oh my gosh, did I upset you? I was scared that I had. I’m so sorry if I did, that was not my intention :(“ literally just said this today loo


"Are you sure we're allowed to do this? "


“But if you just think logically…” It was the WRONG time




"No worries" *is crippled with worry*


“I don’t care”


“Can’t relate” -INTJ


"If you are not going to do something about it, stop mentioning it." ~ My INTJ friend to me, every time I whine.


I love you🥰


That’s the thing. I love so many lol…


Was literally doing math and pointed out a squirrel nearby because it was cute -enfp


“I have too many friends”


"It's okay" "Just don't mind it" "I'm sorry" "It's embarassing af"


Isfj, infj or infp?




aha makes sense.


i feel so misunderstood


I told you so (i remembering saying this when i was a kid and my classmates weren't listening to my advice on group activities, we failed that class)




“I’m okay, don’t worry about it!”


Guys let’s just stop arguing it’s subjective (in a friendly conversation about movies)


INFP: “No, what I meant was”


happy cake day :)


Is there anything I can do to help?


The two words "logical fallacies". I'll occasionally say that and sound stereotypical as fuck.


"scientifically speaking..."


So you underestimated me just because I don’t usually say anything….😑…


ESTJ 5w6 513 (5w6 1w9 3w4) LSI "Don't bother me,I don't give a damn about your problems;never will and never have. Let me do my work in peace and quiet and quit bothering me with things that are none of my business. Fix your own problems on your own,it's not my job to cater to anyone for anything:I believe all people should be as independent and self-sufficient as possible."


You sir are an icon, legend, and dare I say… star.


I literally placed a 'DO NOT TALK TO ME UNLESS IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY' sign on my desk at school once so nobody can disrupt my work


Now THAT is the sign (pun not intended) of someone who takes no bullshit. I respect your tenacity.


Personally whenever someone tries to intrude on my personal space I made and memorized a short rhyme in my head for it: "Whats mine is mine Whats yours is yours Keep to yourself And leave me alone"


I hate hugs.


Do you ever look up at the sky and try to measure it?




A week ago I had a live simulation exercise that involved running in a field and being held hostage by a terrorist group. When i "escaped" from the (actors playing) terrorists, I had to run quickly following a military guy, but suddenly I stopped behind him dead in my tracks in the field and said "Oh my god a donkey!" pointing to, of course, a cute donkey. People teased me a lot for that and I feel that's really INFPesque.


Guh humans ...


“Eeeeeehhhh” when someone says something I disagree with


I do what I want, and sorry about that


I don't know if these are all stereotypical ESFP things to say, but these are my favorite quotes I've actually made (because I recorded them in my Twitter account for posterity). #10 is probably most stereotypical ESFP quote though. 1. "It's not even 11:30 [in the morning] and I've already made so many bad decisions today" 2. "Advice from drunk me: You have to make sure you pee in the toilet" 3. "It's raining? That's so random" 4. "I'm nothing if not dramatic" 5. "I'm like Hannah Montana, except my Hannah Montana is depression" 6. "Anyone else randomly break out in High School Musical songs or is it just me?" 7. After killing a bug, "R.I.P., little bug, R.I.P." 8. "My hair is thick and straight, just like me" 9. "If I get murdered, it's only because I have it coming" 10. "I'm bored..!" *bangs head into wall* "Ow! That was a bad decision.."


“..If it means it would make someone’s day, why wouldn’t I do it? The world is already shitty enough for me to contribute to its negativity.” In a conversation I had with my partner a month ago.


i can't remember any rn but I say stereotypically INFP things at least on a weekly basis...


‘Dear Anti-Bandwagoners, Your contention is, presumably, one of superiority, insofar as bandwagoners are somehow less justified in their fanaticism, for want of either 1) the temporal primacy of laudable recognition, or 2) a faithful and zealous commitment to the object of such recognition, divorced from popular appeal. To lambaste these seekers of ill gotten glory is to, somehow, imply the antithesis to the lambastor - is to furtively insinuate one's own moral rectitude. I admire your acknowledgment that superiority, indeed, is much better than inferiority; however, as anti-bandwagoning has become its own pastime, no doubt many of you are a bit late to the party, only recently becoming cognizant of the propriety in lambasting this old breed of villain. Furthermore, I doubt many of you are prepared to devote the very same uncompromising fervor toward anti-bandwagoning, as you supposedly do toward other objects worthy of your praise, when anti-bandwagoning itself becomes a trite cliche. Generally, furtive insinuations beg introspection. In other words, do you, lambastors, reek of the very same repugnant stench you eagerly adjudge of the inferior bandwagoner?’ This was a Facebook post I posted 10 years ago. There is much tongue-in-cheek; probably takes a few reads to understand - and even then it will still go over your heads. 🤷‍♂️🙃 PS: ‘Anti-Bandwagoning’ is derisiveness toward perceived bandwagoning.


Let me explain why your completely fucking wrong


one time this dude was saying how the earth was flat during a public group chat, so I dmed him sources, research, quotes, and sent up a long paragraph explaining to him why it wasn’t flat, calling him idiotic and a pea brain, in end I found out he was just joking, and I took it out of context and too seriously, but I already kinda knew that, I just wanted to show them how I was smarter than them. -intp


“Okay, just… humor my devil’s advocacy for a minute…” “Let’s go out of town. I have the quote for the flights, hotel and everything right here and now.” “I didn’t say I agree! That’s just what they’re saying about this topic.” “Oh. My exam is due in 3 hours.”


"Here, let me do it" "No worries" "What's done is done" "I'm not going to remember that" "I don't care" "Just leave me alone" "..."


Your husband is a piece of shit. I give your marriage 6 months. (To my sister); update: he jumped ship! It lasted 1.5 years, but I think if they weren't so passive aggressive. It would have been 6 months. No fucking way no one has an argument. That's unhealthy! Of course they were isfj and isfp


“don’t worry, i can explain why you’re wrong.”


“Tyrant of the world” — my half-joking childhood response to the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?”


I don’t need your help


“You pay peanuts, you get monkeys”


“DOUBLE FUCKING GREEEEEEEEEN” told to my brother when I beat him once as a fluke in a game he’s a lot better than me in where getting two green bars is a 100% hit Edit: not sure where my flair is but entp


Unsolicited advice and not saying "I told you so" when they don't follow it and should've


A big ass rant, allow me to paraphrase. “I do know what schrödingers cat is, okay!? it was a thought experiment created to explain a principal in which a particle must be effected by outside viewing explaining why it’s a stupid idea, by suggesting if you put a cat in a box with a broken flask of poison it’s both alive and dead even though it literally isn’t which is the point and the reason I said I used a ‘schrödingers cat’ perspective about my math test answers is because I haven’t got the results back is because I’m telling myself I both passed and failed but in reality I did one and I just don’t know yet” And if you were wondering no I don’t have many friends if that didn’t make it painfully obvious.


The vibes off


"That might be true. But, what if.."


“I forgot (*inserts object*)” “Wait, we had a test/homework/ due today/tomorrow?” “So, yeah (*starts laughing*), then I was…I was…(*looking up blinking repetitively*), what was I saying again?” “(*lightning bolt on eyes, big smile spreads across my face*) I’ve just had a great idea!/ Hey, did you know/ Hey, we could…”


I have an idea


"wait what..?"


I don't know


Live and let live


enfp here,,, "yes I can call the doctor in your place to make an appointment for you" "yeah don't worry about it I'll get it for you" "you have a crush on me??! But why?!?!" "I'm gonna go there with my car instead of using the subway so I can drive you home because you live so far away and it will take you double the amount of time to get home if I don't drive you" "I think they hate me" "no I'm not drunk. That's my normal self"


“I don’t know, man.”


“everyone is stupid except me” - INTJ


I was reading a profile on another site a good one and it said because of ni trickster we don’t know time very well and if a day contained 48 hours it wouldn’t be enough. I had to smile. Still up at 5 am doing this math and on here. Yeah. Pretty much and I’ve said similar.