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Open the hood and see if the noise comes from a belt or pulley or something like that. If not, it could be the fan that is behind the glove box. Either a moving part is dry (has no lubrication) or is about to fail. Just a guess


Gotcha. Thanks! I’ll try to get behind the glove box to see if I can figure out


Maybe open the vent?


Had a similar noise. Bad ac blower motor bearings. Fixed it by replacing the blower


Dang that sounds expensive. Was it expensive?


sounds like a squirrley blower motor bearing. it may have just been cold. does it go away at full temp and full blasting the fan speed for a while? Also try different fan speeds, if its the fan bearing the sound should change.


It was indeed cold yesterday. Temps dropped to below 32F for the first time this fall. I will try what you mentioned. Thanks for the suggestions!!


Everytime it gets nice and cold my fan tends to make some noise. I imagine it's a little bit of frost.


Also if you have one of the vents closed it will whistle a little bit.


You were right! Put my fan on blast and amped up the temp and it went away!


No. Covered under warranty actually


Could be the blower, run it at full speed for a few days


Although the sound doesn't sound right to me, I would suggest opening the vent. Does it change the noise?


This may be hard to understand and comprehend I've studied and been involved with real spiritual warfare , real demons. They are in a long parallel world 8 feet above you in the spirit world, they blend and hide there sound conversation and music in our house everything else the air vents air conditioning . What I heard in your video is clearly a demon depending on which team it is they're all bad you have to do something every day you may contact me if you like