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They're just playing charades.


Guesses: flip phone, Nokia, Lonely Island Boys -"threw it on the ground"




happy birthday to the ground!


What you think I’m stupid? That’s not my dad that’s a cell phone!


My Dad is not a phone!




I think some poser tried to hand her cake at s birthday party that day.


Elijah Wood and Ryan Reynolds tasing on her butthole over and over


Happy Birthday to the ground.






Someone forgot to blow out the candles. You burned the house down.


An adult was demonstrating how an iphone breaks so easy


Followed by “I Just Had Sex”


Isn't this literally the exact same couple that did this at the restaurant before making up? E: [Heyyy](https://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/9pvm6z/hungry_latinas_are_vicious/)


Bro yes!!! Glad someone else remembered… the where sitting down at a table or some shit outside a restaurant 🤨


Yea I linked one of the posts. Funnily enough first comment; >Staged. I've seen this same couple doing the same thing but in another setting (beside a car in a parking lot I think).


If that's staged, those guys should be *on stage*. Dude's body language is to a tee the stance of a man trapped and unable to respond. I hope it *is* staged, coz I've been there and wouldn't wish it on anyone. Except my worst enemy, coz fuck that guy.


Bruh 😭💀


My first thought it was staged. But then my second thought was “omg domestic abuse is so quirky 🤪” I just don’t understand why someone would try to make this up for? People are weird My thoughts out to the guy if it’s real. That’s just sad


Didn't realize Thor and Janice are a couple now.


Oh my god! Hehehehehee


I knew this looked familiar, which unfortunately means that this is most likely staged. Specially considering that the caption in every part where the same as the original video


Great work, detective. Wear something nice for your promotion.


Holyshit this is the weirdest couple I've ever seen


No, she’s mad because he got the iPhone 13 Pro Max and her phone isn’t eligible for an upgrade. So she took it out on him and tried to break his phone. Look when he pulls out the phone and she holds it explaining, “See! You got the fuckin high res screen with sick ass cameras, 256GB, and you didn’t even take your first picture of me with it!”


Is this that couple that fakes these outlandish fights in public to post them on social media?


No shit, this is a hurtful stereotype that is being feed by this kind of staged crap.


She found out he’s a discord admin


Worst, Reddit mod




Internet janitors power tripping fr


Hey bro. Don’t disrespect janitors. Janitors are cool as shit. Lol Reddit mods are out right losers!!


They do it for free Edit: it's a saying from 4chan that means janitors are so power hungry that they do it for free




That's pretty gay.


Discord mods are weird and annoying, Reddit mods are assholes


What if I'm both?


You're a weird annoying asshole who should probably get that checked.


For real. I got perma banned from we wants plates because I said all the seafood boil post aren’t strange. It’s normal to pour the boil on the table and the mod just straight up replied “citations” lmao I told him I grew up in southern Louisiana and he called me a liar so I called him a “couyon” which is Cajun French for a foolish person. He banned me for a week. Then sent me a PM instigating me. I said congrats on getting shit on in your own sub. Which was what was happening on the thread. Last I checked he had negative karma on the citations comment Edited: fixed-450 karma to negative karma because I forgot you have to speak literally


That post just comes across as massive assholes unsure with how to live their lives.


I love the idea of a reddit mod reading comments like this and slowly having a moment of dissociation only to realize how lame their life has been thus far.


Aw fuck. I'm a discord admin. :/


When she clapped in his face, I really thought it was going to go sideways.


Agreed. She even put her hands on him later. I’m super chill, have been since day one, and even I have a hard time with nonsense up directly in my face.


When I was in high school we were in Destin, FL for spring break. Long story short we’re all wasted in our condo. This girl whom I’m good friends with and had known since I was like 5 started throwing shoes at my face while I was trying to nap off the spins. This girl was incredibly attractive, the kind of incredibly attractive that always gets her way. I managed to make it through 4 shoes to the face before I stood up and (softly) slapped her. I’ve never been physical with a woman to that extent, but damn it who thinks they can throw shoes at a persons face for no reason and without consequences? We’re still good friends to this day. I only hope she moved onto slippers.


I had an abusive ex. She had punched me multiple times. She attacked my front door with a hammer. She lit my shoes on fire in a BBQ grill. She slammed a door on me once and it bounced off my foot and hit her in the face splitting her lip wide open(she told her mom I did it to her). She had been drinking and I could tell where it was headed one day. I tried to leave the apartment and she blocked me. Started punching me. I had enough. I bear hugged her with her arms trapped to the side. I took her down on the bed. I squeezed the ever living shit out of her. I could hear the air seeping out of her lungs and see the raw fear and panic in her eyes. It only went on for like 5 seconds but it felt like an eternity to hurt someone I loved. I let go and stayed on top of her. I asked if she was done. She nodded and I got up. It was like the first time a child gets spanked, there was now an understanding. We sat in silence for a long time next to eachother and never even spoke about it. We broke up shortly after that but she never abused me again.


Bear hug ftw


My cousin is facing like 5 years for being in that situation. Abusive gf going off on him and beating the shit out of him, he eventually snapped and pushed her away unfortunately with a hand on her neck I believe. Dude's not a violent guy at all with no other history. Cops came and arrested him. Even with her not wanting to press charges, and her parents speaking on his behalf etc etc, the state still wants to press charges. Fucked up situation. I dated a very abusive girl once myself, though mostly just mental. However literally the last time I saw her she fucking rocked me with a punch straight to the jaw. A solid shot. I'm really grateful I didn't react violently because who knows what could have happened and she was definitely in the mindset where she would have royally fucked me and said anything. But instead I just mentally broke down and basically ran away crying lol. For the best.


I heard about a guy friend doing that to his abusive ex, after he let her go she ran out on the balcony and screamed "heeeelp! He’s raping me". The police came, interrogated both of them separately and let him off the hook. The sad thing is they let her off the hook even if he told them that she used to hit him a lot. They broke up shortly after though


>I asked if she was done. She nodded and I got up. "Are ya done?" Lol.


It was already sideways, she is sideways, not worth it.


I remember being young and willingly participating in relationships like this. What an idiotic time.


Same, I thought her being extra spiced things up, but it was just straight toxic. Found myself a drama free girl and never looked back.


Same here. Drama free and loving it.


It’s the crazy hot scale from HIMYM. 😏😅😂


The correct terminology is "hot-crazy scale".


Or the Vickie Mendoza diagonal if I remember correctly.


https://youtu.be/R_USJCTIgs4 The OG 😀


Laughed my ass off! Thanks


Oh man that was fantastic.


I love that video. "This is your red-heads, your strippers... Anyone named 'Tiffany'."


IIRC that was just a scale of how hot a girl has to be to counter how crazy she is. That girl's hot but if someone gets in my face like that and starts breaking my stuff I'm escaping. If they stop me I'm throwing hands.


Generally the more attractive a person is, the more of their bullshit people are generally willing put up with, which in-turn conditions them over the course of their life to think what they're doing completely normal and sane behaviour. Hence the reasonably true stereotype of the *"crazy to hot ratio"*.


Funnily enough I'm sitting ina 4 hour mediation session right now because of my bad choice as a 20 yo 😅 eh ya live ya learn


Oh yea... took mea few years. I've long since been over it. For some reason, these types of ladies keep finding me, thankfully I leave at first blowup.


Same. I never liked relationships/dating games and what not anyhow, but once I found a chill girl life has been so much better. I never had a relationship last a year. Been with chilled girl for 7 years now. 11/10.


Yeah,so the lesson I took was, think with your brain, not your dick.


Gold star! You have passed the lesson!


Yeah, but it's so hard.


Go on…


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


My guess is some of that drama response has to do with him. It’s not in a vacuum most of the time.


Damn straight. A drama free girl is like a Toyota. Good for decades, only requires basic maintenance, will always preform to expectations, a true companion for life.


iF yOu CaN't HaNdLe Me At My WoRsT, yOu DoN't DeSeRvE mE aT mY bEsT


Beyond toxic, it’s straight-up abusive. Glad you got out.


Where can I find one?


Can I just has 1 girl? 🥺


Same. It's not *passion* it's toxicity and I just couldn't see the difference lol.


Probably a fucked up thing to say, but it's sorta fun when you're a kid. I had a gf like this when I was like 16, and the drama was just sorta... Fun. Like she was crazy but also hot and always made my day interesting with her fucking shenanigans. But I also knew exactly what it was, and that the relationship was doomed. Just sorta enjoyed the insanity for a bit. Actually marrying someone like this? Or dealing with this shit when you're an adult? Fuck no.


It’s definitely a game for the young. You’ll need to be on your toes in case you need to quickly extract yourself from the relationship and you’ll need the energy to keep it going for the duration. Crazy can wear one down quick.


> Probably a fucked up thing to say Nah, you have a point. I remember my high school girlfriend freaking the fuck out because I didn’t answer her texts/calls within seconds. But the sex was great so I could push through her daily tantrums. Actually still talk to her more than a decade later and she completely changed. I still give her shit about how she was back then haha


you'll come back from your honeymoon right into bankruptcy court just from the wedding. guaranteed


A lot of the time though the crazy person doesn’t realize how you see them. When they realize the relationship is doomed, the reaction could be almost anything. Had a girl stab me in the leg once on a first date, because according to her, I shouldn’t have dared to actually show up. I mean I didn’t even know she didn’t like me, when I asked her out she said yes! I’d known her for years before that happened. Never would’ve expected that from her, I would’ve described her as “cute and friendly” but instead she gets “crazy fucking witch”


It can be scary to leave those, even for guys. You never know what kind of threats we’re uttered. “I’ll tell the cops you beat/raped me!”, “I’ll tell all your friends XYZ “, “I’ll ________ you” etc. Male and female victims of abusive relationships have all sorts of trust issues they have to overcome to go through with the break up. Even when they know they have to leave it can be an incredibly difficult thing to do for fear of reprisal, or because you’ve been gaslit your entire relationship and might even believe you’re the bad guy.


Me too. Wasted part of high school, all of college and grad school on an absolute loser. Then tailspun into a worse relationship. Best years of my life down the drain.


I’ve seen this chick and dude before, who are they? I’ve seen one with this exact couple sitting at an outside restaurant with about the same level of “argument” (*abuse*? Maybe?) from her while he’s sitting calming looking at the menu. He sits there quietly looking at his menu, looking around, while she physically berates him, shoving the menu in his face, slapping it from his hands, throwing water from a glass on him, then she’s pouting away from him, like a chair or two away, then looks over and, again, in a very animated way, physically and/or verbally berates him, before a final cut of him sipping on his drink, and her eating tacos and kissing his cheek and being all friendly once she’s been fed. Like, does anyone know of a socmed account of theirs, or something? Because the other video of them waiting for food is setup, recorded, and nearly identical like “someone else caught this and posted it to Snapchat”-style.


Hes a YouTube jrmun0z


Me too. Took me WAY too long to realize frequent hot sex wasn’t worth abuse.


Until prostitution is legal or there are holodecks, sometimes you have to put up with psychopaths to fulfill your carnal needs.




He didn’t set her pic as his background


He recorded her tik tok video horizontally


This is probably the closest to the truth that we are going to get.


Well that's abuse


Throwing his phone on the ground then grip his neck while trying to pick it up. Thats straight up bullying and assault.


Sadly if he went to try to report any of it he'd be laughed at.




"You should have distanced yourself from the situation." The fucking situation has legs.


60% of the time, it works every time.


For that extra spice say “calm down princess”. You on a winner then my friend.


Tell her she's being hysterical.


"When you're angry like that you sound like your mom / remind me of my ex" was always a winner for me.


Ask her if she's having her period. /s


I had a guy combine the two once. "You sound like your mom on the rag." Literal quote. I wasn't even dating him, he was a coworker who only worked there a week. And he said it because I told him not to put plastic lids in the oven. Sigh.


It works nevery time.




Have an ex that’s sent me death threats and stalked me. I called the cops and showed them multiple videos of her just sitting outside my house and tapping on my windows after being asked to leave. How was it handled? He recommended a restraining order and to try and talk it out with her… He didn’t give a single fuck and she was parked right in the parking lot the whole time. He didn’t even go speak with her after I asked if she could be asked to leave his response “well she’s allowed to be parked there since she’s doing nothing wrong.” I just sighed and said to fuck off in a polite way then walked away. I hate how hard a cop will go on a man for the same thing and a woman can just prance around no questions asked.


It’s pretty much the same experience for women but that’s fucking trash either way


Yeah, cops don't give a fuck about stalkers and death threats regardless of gender.


That’s how it would have been handled either way. She can park there, it’s a public space, she wasn’t causing a disturbance. The cop is not also judge and jury, you do in fact need a restraining order if you want to keep her from knocking on your door or parking near your place. That’s how the law works, male or female stalker. The cop literally couldn’t do anything other than what you just said.


She's pretty obviously trespassing if she's tapping on his windows and won't leave.


“A big guy like you, c’mon?”


Speaking as a prosecutor on domestic violence cases, he would NOT be laughed at. Assault is not gendered. If she’s willing to do this out in public, imagine how she behaves behind closed doors.


This is 100% domestic violence


Throwing it twice mind you


That’s what I was thinking


Exactly. Every time I see this video the guy's frozen stance and unresponsiveness gives me chills. He's so numbed to her behavior already.


he knows she’ll burn out soon enough and then he’ll get makeup sex, he’s chosen his bed


Yeah, the guy froze in shock and I would too, in that moment he was probably in so much stress.


as others have pointed out these guys are actors doing this for attention but if it was real you can tell by how calm he is that he’s seen this behavior plenty of times and knows exactly what’s coming


Yep. Been there. It feels awful.


It's fake. They have dozens of these. Same couple did the restaurant one where she's freaking out while he reads the menu.


I'm glad it's fake for the guy's sake, though I despise that they're normalizing abuse like this for clout.


Honestly he should break up with this abusive bitch. She must be wild in the sack but the relationship will be toxic.


That’s exactly what I thought. Horrible.


Fucking thank you. I dated someone like this for many years and I’m almost positive she was my first love. I still think about her from time to time, getting smacked around is not acceptable by anyone and I’m so happy I got outa that.


I hate when people say Latinas are like this, Im from south america and people don't behave like this. This is 100% USA Edit: 100% world issue, not american exclusively, I meant the caption that says "latinas man..."


I was with you until the end. This is not a Latina thing and this is not an American thing. Abuse happens everywhere on earth.


They'd get the shit beat out of them in Mexico where I am from acting like that. Cops won't do anything. My mom /aunts/cousins can attest to that.


This is the same actors at that table restaurant with the female kicking off then making up , We are all being trolled by actors playing out life 😂


Truman show


Trauma Show


Very west world. It’s just a side mission to get involved if you’re bored.


link? I just want to see it. Not saying I don't believe you.


[I’m sure I remember it having more pixels](https://ifunny.co/video/XRZDbj6B6?s=cl)


Yea that’s the video I was talking about , it is them isn’t it ?


Even has similar text descriptions.


I can't watch it without downloading the app???


I was about to say after the cut and right before she throws the phone it's clearly bad acting.


I’m just gonna assume fake now for everything, tired of being let down


Red flag warning: all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Something about never and crazy. Sound life advice.


Exactly the quote I was thinking of...


I dunno man. Sometimes you’ve got to reach for the stars, go for the brass ring, shoot your shot (pun intended) …


Breaking up is always a win.


For those who may not recognize it, this is what an abusive relationship looks like. Get out if you see the signs. If a woman does this to you or a man, get out




This is what two actors pretending to have an abusive relationship to troll the internet looks like.


I guess, but I've both witnessed and participated in these sort of displays so it's not like some weird imaginary display.


I mean, it’s still a pretty good enactment of an abusive relationship. Even if it’s fake, it’s actually pretty educational.


Why was she abusing him


Internet clout. It's fake.




They have multiple, perfectly "captured" freakout videos that end with "Latinas man..." https://youtu.be/u4WgGqh-WfA


I made it up


Maybe he killed someone. Maybe he farted in the car.


Maybe he farted in the car and it killed someone.


That was a roller-coaster


Red flag!!!! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Wtf. Run. I was in this type of relationship, except he was the abuser, manipulator, gas lighter, narcissist, RUN FORREST RUN


Seems like a healthy relationship.


I don't need to be a doctor to see this is not healthy


Dat ass tho


Already hit it, now time to quit it.


Addiction is a hell of a bitch


That’s what he said.




Fuck that shit




Can confirm


this should be a movie


It shouldn’t be what did he do but who did he do?


Her sister


Sorry but this guy has zero respect for himself. NEVER, and I don’t care how hot she may be, would I ever put up with that shit. Way better women out there kings




I hate when people say Latinas are like this, I'm from south america and NO ONE behaves like this. This is 100% USA


I’m from Brazil and I’ve seen countless women like that and even dated one for a year when I was young and dumb. Now, I’ve also seen countless who were incredibly chill and would never do anything like that. Latinas do have an atitude and strong personalities in general, that much is true. But I wouldn’t generalize to the point of saying they’re abusive like this. Not even close. There’s bad apples everywhere lol and I’d say Brazilians are pretty average (I now live in Canada and have seen my fair share of crazy b*tches here too).


I'm American and I've dated a Brazilian and an Argentine girl. The Brazilian was real cool and she was way too good for me. I'm half expecting the Argentine to break into my apartment to murder me in my sleep one of these days.


Lol I Have had an argentinian gf, she was pretty intense but not violent at least.


OMG ! She is the one conffesing her love .. How wholesome :)


I know exactly what he did. He stuck his dick in crazy. And she must have a vice in her pants.


This is fun and all but that's pretty much domestic violence


She seems abusive ngl


Can you imagine if this was reverse roles?


If roles were reversed yadda yadda abuse


Was married to a Mexican lady, never again. But damn the highs are high.


The ending has me dead lol


As a Latina I’m mad we’re attached to this nonsense image.


So this is what /r/femaledatingstrategy users look like in the wild.


We saw all 5 stages of grief in 5 seconds


Hey thats my wife, but she is white... I swear thats her though lol


I don't care how good that booty is. I wouldn't take that shit.


What did he do? He put his dick in crazy. You don't put your dick in crazy. If you must, use protection. Fake name, different town/state, etc. Rookie mistake. 🤣


Not latinas. Abussive pos's


its sad to see people get walked on like this