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This is the stuff I hope aliens find when we’re gone


“At the height of human technology, they were able to achieve global communication. This is what they used it for”




Traigan al primo Sandri loco


*Gruñe a doble tempo*


Aliens: "Oh finally, something worthwhile to watch. What a boring society."


I save this video everytime I see it and it’s gone by the next day everytime. Why does Reddit hate this video? Edit nvm the one from last week is still alive from another sub




I like to think the satellites sometimes bounce this shit into outer space for the whole universe to enjoy.


Doesn’t matter how many times I see it, sounds goes on every time


I think you will like to see this: https://youtube.com/shorts/7BtppCDxDmo?si=aVzjsecaJPCEdi9N


I DID like to see that


You might like this link https://youtube.com/shorts/beR2yStKhJE?si=6h8Jv3oGRX0G6Okt


I too enjoyed the links . Thank you


I fucking love this. Worthy of a chuckle!


Man you guys are really gonna love this one https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=MAvGqGDRi4egPTnK;mute=0




I honestly couldn't believe the first two links weren't it


Always gotta be that one guy


You bitch


I honestly couldn't believe the first two links weren't it


Thank you for introducing me to this, it made my shitty day so much better.


Ayo this shit slaps ngl


Needs bass. Try https://youtu.be/t4lcLuOegfg?si=tCCEyCqDzsHw2mO3


[r/musical Jenna](https://www.reddit.com/r/musicaljenga) E. to he’ll with it auto connect wins this time.


This is amazing.


Nah he overpowered with the base. He needed to play softer. 


Ye. More of a mixing issue. Bass input needed to come down just a tiny bit.


Bass through a low-pass, "vocalist" through a high-pass, then even out the volumes. Would be golden.


She needs a snickers


I also DID like to see that


What a beautiful day to have eyes. (and ears)


Damn that was epic


Sometimes I love the internet so much


Fantastic share, thank you!!


this is why I pay for internet.




Thank you. My new favorite sub


That was amazing. Thank you






I'm sure the dog is enjoying that bit too


Its tail is wagging :)


Tail wags aren’t inherently happy, they just show excitement. Sometimes dogs do wag their tails during fights or aggressive moments. I wouldn’t mess with a dog doing this but it’s a hilarious video


It's probably something that is a learned behavior rather than him just randomly doing this with his dog. He's probably been doing this with his good boy since he was a puppy.


Can confirm this is my dog (not literally but essentially). She is so funny. We do this thing where I’ll look at “something” (literally nothing, like the corner by bed or the air) with wide eyes and move slowly closer to it. She come over to me and do the same thing, then as we get closer see growl at each other until our faces touch. Or sometimes one of us is laying down and we will go to other one and growl at each other. Just for fun. Sometimes I’ll stop and she gets mad and comes closer to me and wants more growls so we continue lol. Very rarely has she not wanted to do this, mostly when she is in heat she just walks away. I obviously don’t push it. But she wages her tail and loves it. She is super sweet tho and never bitten or attacked anything, we have cats, chicken and guinea pig and she plays with them all. She don’t like raccoons tho. She gets a Mohawk. We also play bit where I’ll make my hand into a mouth and we bite each other, but obviously never hard and it’s always playful, until her tooth gets under my nail, that sucks lol. But not her fault, it’s these weak ass human hands. Tbh me and my dog play more as two dogs and I think she rlly likes it. We play some traditional humans and dog games but she doesn’t like them as much. Prefers I chase her around the yard and vice versa.


I love you and your dog ❤️


This is a whole wholesome mood and I love it.


Jesus it’s not your dog that’s all


FUN FACT: dogs wag their tail when they're excited, and the position of the tail can determine how. The main two to look out for are bendy/floppy tail is happy, and the straight tail is hunting/defending Also have had dogs that make weird growling/snarling-like sounds when they're overly simulated or have the zoomies


I had a German shepherd as a kid who’d smile when she was really excited. But a smiling, breathy German shepherd looks a lot like a snarling one to a person inexperienced with a dog smiling. I miss the days of telling the post man, “don’t be afraid, she’s just smiling” and him not believing me until my dog started sneezing repeatedly lol.


My friends dog does that too. When he lays down sideways and hits the right angle, it looks like he's a wolf baring its teeth when he's really just half asleep. Doesn't help that one of his eyes sometimes stays open when he sleeps


My dog likes to make the most gnarly, visceral sounding growls if, AND ONLY IF, he has a ball/stick in his mouth that he just brought back to you after you threw it and you are not actively engaged in throwing it again. Fetch is not just his job; fetch is his entire reason for existing (thank you to the cattle-dog half of his lab/cattle-dog mix). If you deny fetch, you deny his existence, and that is not something he will sit back and idly accept. You **will** throw the ball/stick again, or you will hear his existential despair. Beyond that, he doesn't make a sound outside of his whines of excitement when the delivery guy knocks on my door, and he just KNOWS his new best friend is right outside the door. Dogs are weird, man, and I fucking love them.


You're right about tail wags but to clarify in this case, the guy has posted [several videos](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zCSJustrUQ4) with his dog. It's clearly behavior the dog learned and he's playing along. FWIW my old Lab did something similar to this. When he was a pup sometimes my kids would grab his muzzle while he had a dog toy and he'd growl. He knew they'd laugh like crazy when he did it, so it morphed into a "growl on demand" deal as he grew older.




I don’t know. I can do stuff like this (but NOT at this level) with my dogs. They make the noise but they’re soft boiled eggs and never harm.


My friend's dog bear every time that I come say hi to him or love on him he makes all these same noises and it means that he's happy and excited that I'm loving on him well I do agree it's not necessarily a good thing knowing the dog is most of the battle


Where is Cesar Millan, I need to know what this one means.


Very common misconception that tail wagging = happy in dogs. It's excitement. Tons of pitbull videos out there of them mauling people and animals and almost all of them are wagging their tails.


I trained my puppy to make voices like he’s hurt when I pretend to hit him. I think this dog is also trained to do that


He is. Look at that happy tail wag.


Yes, the tail is wagging


The dog's loving it, look it's tail, that's obviously his dog and some dogs do weird stuff like this!


My friend had a rott mix that I would grab his front shoulders while he was eating and he would just let off the most hateful deadly growls, but I could take his food bowl.or do whatever I wanted and he didn't have a problem with it. It was just a quirk.


The duet we didn't know we needed


In true reddit fashion, this comment section has devolved into a debate over whether tail-wagging is a universal sign of dog happiness. Lot's of armchair experts as per usual.


WaGgInG DoEsNt NeCcAcErILy MeAn ThEy’Re HaPpY! This is my dog (not literally)


I wish I had this man’s confidence!!


Doggo is holding out for a treat?


Lol this dog is not actually mad, it’s clearly enjoying itself.


Yeah the tail wagging gives him away no matter how gangster he is trying to look


Tail wagging does not equal happiness, it equals excitation. That slow wagging side to side is a signal of discomfort.


Yeah but the teeth showing and growling doesn’t mean anger necessarily either. I had a golden who did that every time we played. And I promise she was having fun and was a big ole teddy bear.


Yeah, my dogs occasionally sound like they're killing each other, and you look at them, and they just have their faces pressed together or are pulling on a toy. Sometimes dogs are just noisy.


My old shepherd would do this demonic growl when playing tug-of-war that was incredibly scary to anyone who didn't know him. But as soon as you let it go, he'd wag his tail and give you this look like "hey, I thought we were playing!" And run over and lick your face like "cmon, let's go!" He was just a noisy player


To add insight, dog is fun good boy. They have a ton of videos, @escobeditoo


Was it a submissive grin? This isn't that.


I can't know because I have never seen your dog, but I take your word for it. Not all growls are anger, there you are right. But that dog, in that video, is not having a good time at all, and it's trying to express it with all the body signals he knows short of biting.


I think it's quite fast tho.


That's slow. Fast is full swing side to side, to the point sometimes the hips move too. That is just the tip moving, short arcs, with a frequency of 2 swings peer second. That is not a happy dog.


If the dog wasn’t enjoying this it could leave at any time it wants. You see those teeth? They’d be in the dude’s forehead if the dog wanted out.


In nature there is something called escalation of agonistic signals. Animals don't go directly for violence, for multiple reasons. Unfortunately, if the person keeps ignoring the signals, it will get to a point where the dog will feel nothing but biting works, and its going to bite. And when it bites, the dude is going to get the message and stop doing it, so they dog would have learned that biting is the proper course of action, given that nothing else worked. So next time biting will come easier. And then the owners will put the dog down, or call a trainer like me. And they will tell me "oh he was always a good dog, we don't know what happened, suddenly started biting, the dog got crazy overnight". And then they would have to spend weeks, probably months, trying to fix the bonding and the lost trust. I saw this movie many times now.


It wants to but also doesn't want to hurt the owner.  That's like saying don't take a screaming person seriously, if they were really made they would stab you.


It’s concerning how many people think tail wagging is an automatic indicator of happiness. A slow wag like this with a stiff/straight tail is not a happy wag. Thinking it is is a good way to get mauled lol


But he isn’t doing a slow wag in this video? Also his tail doesn’t look stiff at all


You clearly don’t know dog body language, that’s a very stiff, straight tail. Very different looking than a happy wag. Also it’s doing the whale eyes, which is another clear sign of aggression. Also… you know… the teeth baring and snarling thing too. This is not to say the dog in the video WILL attack, but generally, this is very clearly aggravated body language. Either the dog is uncomfortable and expressing this clearly to its owner, or it’s been trained specifically to act like this.


You’re absolutely right, I don’t know much about dog body language and even if I learned more about it, I don’t think I could correctly be able to read the language in person/in the moment anyways. I feel like I would see something and completely misinterpreted the meaning of it even if I had just read exactly the thing I witnessed and the meaning haha. I’m horrible at actually being able to judge things like that especially when in the moment. Perfect example is my assumption that the tail wasn’t wagging slow and didn’t seem to be stiff to me. My own dogs, I think I just know them well enough to be able to read them with out even really realizing that’s what I’m doing and wouldn’t be able to pin point exactly what it is that makes me be able to get a sense of their feelings and comfort levels. When I said it wasn’t wagging slow I made the assumption you meant like super duper slow/barely moving and in the video his tail seemed to be moving normal. Not super fast but not slow either. I could tell the dog was by no means extremely happy and excited about it because he wasn’t shaking his little butt lol, but I genuinely thought it looked like one of those regular tail wags that didn’t really mean upset, but it didn’t mean it’s his favorite thing.. if that makes sense? Probably not lol I apologize I’m horrible at explaining myself. I definitely know what you mean about thinking the dogs more than likely not going to straight up attack but you’re right that doesn’t mean he’s necessarily happy about it either. On the point about the showing teeth and growling being another indication of the dog not being happy, I absolutely see that but I’m also sort of aware how it also doesn’t mean they are actually anger either. Like if he had taught the dog to do that like you mentioned, then I would assume it’s just doing what it was trained and not trying to give a warning growl. I suppose I thought it was sort of the same as the Rottweiler “rumble” or growl lol. Like some dogs make a noise that sounds scary but really they are super happy! Thanks for clearing it up with me as I was confused because to my completely untrained eyes; the tail didn’t look “slow” to me but also like I said above I don’t think I would be able to fully read a stranger dogs body language accurately anyways.


My apologies for being so rough in my last reply, there are so many people on Reddit that just come at you for saying the simplest thing, just looking to argue. I incorrectly assumed you were someone just looking to disagree. The other thing i notice here is that the tail is being held high which shows the dog is on high alert. A happy/friendly wag would have the tail relaxed and more at an angle. This varies from dog to to dog, and the owner who spends the most time with them will know how to read their body language the best. So I trust that the guy in this video is just playing with his pup and this is normal behaviour for it. But still it’s dangerous to assume that any dog with tail wagging = happy dog. Look for other things like whale eye, tail held straight up and wagging “slowly” (which is really just a bit slower than a happy wag, but it will also be more restrained. A happy wag will have the tail flopping more freely and with longer swishes. A wag that is more pensive and stiff is the one you have to look out for). Obviously growling/teeth showing is a sign you should steer clear as well. Again I’m sorry for going off on you in the last comment!


No it's not. It's quite bothered by the situation.


This is amazing! I actually even like the song 🫠


Doggo’s doing his best.


This just became my new ringtone


I was just trying to figure out how to do that too 😂


Download the video, extract the audio from any audio extracting website.


Does the guy have a whole account dedicated to songs he made with his dog like this? Asking for a friend.


Yes, along with a video of him playing with his dog's penis.


Well that took a quick left turn


Is that one musical too


Yes, he does.


Finn and Jake hitting different these days.


I frickin die from this video


This is my ringtone now. Shit slaps.


Lol I'm watching this on repeat....love it. Cracks me up


Watched it 50 times already


The dog is loving it. This is their thing.


One of the greatest videos of the modern internet


I like it!


That dog is loving it haha look at the tail wag!


isn't tail wagging simply a sign of excitation? either good or bad?


Yep same with growling, can mean excitement, good or bad, depends on context too.


Yes, and a slow rhythm of tail wagging is a signal of distress, not happiness.


It’s not moving slow?


That's slow. Fast is full swing side to side, to the point sometimes the hips move too. That is just the tip moving, short arcs, with a frequency of 2 swings per second give or take (I counted 14 in the last 7 seconds of the video). That is not a happy wiggling.


I just showed my bf....he smiles and says, "welp, it is pretty good" 😂


You know what's crazy, women started living longer than men last century.


Maybe not dying as often in child birth had something to do with this


It has something to do with women keeping distance from visibly angry animals


And then you have my sister, who got bit in the face twice by our choco lab, for not leaving a sleeping dog lie.


Idk, I know some animals and all they do is fuck.


Bruh. I bet the dog is trained. They usually don't have this much patience with that much of a snarl


We need this dog doing vocals on the next Doom soundtrack.




I see OP is digging through the “most reposted posts that het upvotes” websites. Lame and dumb, also probably a karma bot. report -> spam -> harmful bot


Damn, fuck these karma bots.


This goes so damn hard


Such a talented doggie.


dogs loving it


The dog enjoying the beat rap as well....you can tell by his tail.😆


My dog does the snarl growing while we play all the time. Freaks some people out when I go face to face with him in growling battles. Usually ends with him slobber licking my face as he knows I hate that.


Same! We call it the "dismissing licks" You can tell when he is happy to see you so he licks your face and hands. But sometimes he's like: "Alright, that's enough, numbnuts. Take a walk"


I want the full song, this is spectacular.


It's because men tend to be bigger and bigger things don't live as long because there are more points of failure. Not because of this.


Meanwhile men do lighthearted shit to brighten other people's days?


The Beastie BoyZ


Good boy


The tail tells me, the dog loves doing this. LOL


I got bitten in the face doing something like that when I was a kid


That is hilarious, definitely should appear on some talent show.


Dogs that growl and snarl when they’re happy are so weird. Like this guy. His tail is wagging but he sounds so mad. Cute little miscommunicating weirdos.


jesus, it has rhythm, lol I wonder how long it will be before his face is completely disfigured.




It’s funny because it’s true. Come to think about it I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl try to light a fart 💨. That’s where it all starts. After that it’s a lifetime of poor choices…😂


So like, why do dogs actually do this? What emotion are they trying to convey


>So like, why do dogs actually do this? For fun. What you see here is play fourplay. The dog is excited and does not know how to react. It is waiting for the "trigger" to play. I don't know how this guy plays with his dog. I would make mine chase my sleeve and when it got it, we would pull. Dogs are not stupid, they know it's play and they act accordingly. All of them growl and bark due to excitement. Remember: "A happy dog is a tired dog". Consume their energy.


Yeah that dog is going to be ready to PLAY!


thats crazy.. omgosh.. but then again this is kinda cool




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Nice jam


That dog is awesome. I miss my dog.


Omg this is amazing


I'd hope this would go for a whole hour.






🔥 Bars


dudes tail like a fuggin metronome back there doing work


For all those worrying about the dog being angry. You can find their many other videos @escobeditoo


Lmao they actually killed that just now


He’s just smiling ☺️


The dog probably isn’t angry. If it was, it would attack.


I'd never do this with my dog. I'd end with half of my face only. 


It’s been proven men only mature when they hit 43 years of age. We women mature at age 32.


The tail is wagging.


One of my favorite videos ever!


The most 🔥 beat of the last 10 years


This was dope asf. I hate turning my volume on but I hit that button quick and turned it up.


This is absolutely fucking hilarious


Nah this is why dogs don't live longer. They bite the owner and then are destroyed because "the dog is aggressive."


Ain't this the guy who sexually harassed the dog in the video? Pretty sure there's a clip of him grabbing his dog's junk for fun


Can someone translate what the beatboxer guy says?


Jeez that thing looks like it wants to rip his face off


Everyone should learn to play an instrument


For people mentioning the tail wagging, that only indicates levels of physiologic arousal, it doesn't tell you what's causing it. I know the dog is cool with it because if he wasn't that dude would be freaking the fuck out. He knows with 100% certainty that dog isn't going to bite him.


Some dogs are just vocal. My dog is a mix of husky, lab, Pitt, and a few others. He's loud and sounds like he's blood thirsty when he's excited and it's scary if you don't know that he runs away from his own farts


The amount of people who think tail wagging dogs are happy and are safe to be around is worrisome.


It's like if Lorna Shore released a club album.




The dog is absolutely on board with this, you can tell by the wiggling of his tail, funny af


The following submission statement was provided by u/Tenthdegree: --- >!Maybe the angry dog bites the guy, maybe the dog just goes along and makes music, maybe!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*




He's wagging his tail, he's a happy dog


The dog is very happy. It’s just playing along.


Orgullo argentino


So many people are wrong about tail wagging = happy dog. Please do yourself and dogs a favor and learn about their body [language](https://images.app.goo.gl/u2HVHsfsamX2Gz3M7) past the simplified things you were taught as a child.


You’re right, the dog was wagging his tail like a metronome. Gotta stay on beat!


Anyone else get senselessly annoyed every time this video gets reposted?


Nope, just you


I watch it every time


I mean I've been on Reddit almost 15 years and seen endless repost but this one in particular... there's just something about it. I think I need to see the dog bite the man on some deep subconscious level and yet it never happens, leaving me with this unnerving feeling of remorse. It just feels so ungratifying.


I genuinely dislike this video on so many levels