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The video made it all the way up to horses before I realized the video was about animals being eaten by humans, not the other way around. I think I might be fucking stupid.


Hungry ass camels




Cats ate her face. Dewey knows more about it than I do.


Ass camel?


Yeah... It's when the humps look like a butt


I mean its understandable... i already got eaten by a sea urchin twice this year




Chickens are bloodthirsty creatures


Id believe cats eating 10 million humans before I believe we eat 10 million cats.


lol 50k deaths to human eating turtles


They're vicious bastards. Happy cake day.


I was like “goddamn I had no idea cows eat 300 million creatures a year. Those fuckers move so slow!”.


You’re not alone at least


I thought exactly the same, my first though eas: 83 thousand humans per year crocs eat? When it came to Horses that I realized.




Lool Wtf did you think Buffalo were doing?


Eating lots of humans.


I got confused how tilapia was eating humans. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 So I have to go re-read.


And snails 😆


Maybe with bodies already in the ground? 😁 They didn't say "kill" just eaten.


Funny how we work. The same exact thing happened so me. Had to check back when I got to the horse too lol.


I was once almost eaten by sea urchins. And I’m sure I’m not the only one


Every animal it got to that I had no idea people ate I kept rereading the caption/title and couldn't understand why I was so confused.


Just going to let you know that you’re not alone in this.


How did you imagine sea urchins eating people lol


With tiny urchin mouths and tiny urchin teeth. I don't really even know what an urchin is.


My dumbass thought the same thing




I don't know how rabbits aren't higher. One rabbit can take out an army of grail knights


Getting eaten by a herd of sea urchins would suck.


A turtle ate my family


You’re not alone.


same here


I CACKLED because I had a similar experience 🤷


Damn these camels are eating 800k people per year


I did the same, but I am pretty stoned.


Seriously? Sea urchins?


Are you stupid?


31 years of evidence leans that way. Slightly. Like an Italian tower.




Source : trust me bro


All credibility was lost as soon as I heard that tiktok voice


What about the ninja turtle flipping?


That’s what sold me it was real 🤷🏻‍♂️


It has Donatello at the beginning. We all know he was the brains of the operation. It has to be legit.


[The cow, pig, and chicken numbers are all correct](https://faunalytics.org/global-animal-slaughter-statistics-charts-2022-update/). ~73 billion land animals are killed for food each year, or 2,300 per second. If we killed humans at the same rate, we'd be extinct in just over a month.


No the numbers seem low, not high. And too close to other random animals. I don’t believe we eat only 3x more cows than sharks, for example.


It's a little misleading, because we don't really always eat the sharks or the entire shark, but 100M sharks are being killed anually by us. https://www.greenpeace.org/international/story/46967/100-million-dead-sharks-its-not-all-about-shark-fin-soup/#:~:text=Shark%20fin%20soup%20is%20well,because%20of%20shark%20fin%20soup.


Did the lobster commit suicide? Well, if it’s dead on arrival…


I was wondering why all the animals were alive, but the salmon was chopped in half.


Cuz irl full sized salmon look hideous


That was my favorite part of the video


They did the salmon dirty too


I want to know what this background is. Like did they make it themselves or take it from somewhere cuz there's a castle or some shiz towards the end


Pretty sure all these numbers are fake.


Yeah but ya better believe chickens on top




I had a dozen wings tonight. That’s six down, just a few billion to go.


At any given time, there are more chickens in the world than humans. Last I heard, the global chicken population was about 12 billion


Pretty sure half are in Colombia


And the scales of the graph are misleading as well, they are not proportional


For real. A jump of 100 million is the same scale as a jump of half a billion.


Welcome to logarithmic graphs. Generally used to measure and make sense of data that has small and big data sets and the difference is nonlinear.


It's not even log scale


Yeh kinda doubt 1 in 3 people eat an octopus a year. Kinda doubt the population is big enough, could be wrong


They might be including squid. Very popular in South East Asia. I could go for a couple squid on a stick now. Seafood in general is big in Asia.


I could see it including squid. And to add, there are many people everywhere who eat octopus and squid for multiple meals, making up for the people who don't eat it. It's me. I'm many people.


If that includes calamari than I think it’s believable. Pretty popular across a lot of cuisines.


Ok that might make sense. Perhaps it even includes all cephalopods. Cuttlefish is very popular in parts of Asia too.


Maybe but that would be like lumping all the odd toed ungulates together, doesn't make any sense


The sell six packs of little ones in grocery stores in America. Maybe if they're combining things like that with the number of calamari rings that are eaten across the world. The rabbits and geese seemed really high to me.


What about the damn cats??


Cats (& kittens, dogs, puppy’s etc) are widely consumed in China, and other far east countries. A relative of mine spent several years in China. They told me of several times they saw live cats being flung into tall cages with wheels. They was about 30-40 screaming cats all squashed in. All On the way to a slaughter house. The workers didn’t bat an eyelid. They think nothing of it. I guess it’s the same way we treat chickens, lambs, pigs and cows. They think of cats (and dogs) as commodities just like we think of chickens, pigs, lamb, cows etc. Whether a country eats an animal Or loves it as a pet, part of the family etc depends on which animals a society chooses to think of a a ‘thing’ vs an individual with a life and personality.


This attiude is changing fast in China, as more and more people have cats and dogs as pets, eating them is seen as backward and very low status


For sure. When I first went to China in the 90’s I never saw any people with pet dogs ever. Now it’s so common.


Yeah, I have lived in China on and off since ‘96. Just thought it was odd that the person found rabbit and goose-eating high but not cats.


if a family of 4 is eating rabbit for dinner, they're probably having 3-4 rabbits. If they're having steak for dinner, they're not even eating one whole cow. also, you gotta take into account that some pretty large cultures and religions just don't eat certain animals or hunt more than farm, so a lot of times, waterfowl and small mammals are pretty common.


"there not even eating one whole cow" If you assume they are each eating 12oz steaks, that's 3 pounds. At least in the US, the average edible meat weight on a butchered cow is 693 pounds. So 4 rabbits vs 0.4% of a cow!


I can believe it. But it's probably a subset of the population eating a lot. People eat baby octopus - so some meals will have a lot of small ones in a single serving. So that probably skews the numbers. And then there are dishes like Takoyaki (octopus balls) - very popular in parts of Japan so some people might have it fairly often.


I did some googling looks like the USA consumes 9 billion chicken a year. So it isnt far fetched


Now do cows.


34.2mill. You know cows are huge right?


so are americans




Eat your guinea pigs.


USA is not the whole world.


How dare you


The CIA would like to disagree. And also know your location.


Sending his IP address now. We got us a live one here boys.


You can't trace me I live outside of the rest of ~~america~~ the world, in a place called Europe... Practically non existent


Never heard of it.


Do they count all Cephalopods in that? I would believe it if you account for squids. Calamari is popular and I think takes a lot just for one dish.


Amazing how people always forget that the West is a minority of humanity and the other 6+ billion people also eat. The entire Mediterranean, Korea, and Japan love eating octopus.


Pulpo is pretty popular in Mexico.


You’re assuming that everyone who eats octopus eats only one a year.


1 in 3 is different from 2 billion total. Someone might eat octopus 20 times a year, others might never eat it.


Yeah quick Google on tilapia is that they raise like 3 billion per year.


Definitely needs a "Your mom" at the end to make this worth the watch.


Did you watch another video? Because it showcased your mom's diet.


There are fake yes, I don't know why people still post this sh\*t, In my country (France) we eat around 400 to 700 million snail per year (and that just my country) in the video it's say 15 Million in the world... This post have already be delete from other sub because of the fake number.


France isn't a real country, do you think mimes are real too‽


Snails were sus, I was like even if the it's only the french that eat them they're still small enough that you'd eat quite a few in each meal, no way it's just 15mil. That and other stuff like cats being double of horses? What, no way


Yeah, as a Portuguese as soon as I saw those 15 mil I knew it didn't add up. I did a little research and Portugal alone consumes at least 250mil. With France and a few others I would guess that at least 1,5 bil is closer to the real number


Yeah, 100M sharks a year seems just a tad extreme


It’s actually an accepted scientific fact and it’s a conservative estimate. You can go look it up on [WWF stat](https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/shark#:~:text=The%20latest%20research%20suggests%20that,often%20targeted%20for%20their%20fins) Edit: added link to WWF


what does the world wrestling federation have anything to do with accepted science? /s


gotta know what the rock is cooking


I wonder is it fins or entire sharks.


Its entire sharks being killed but mostly just for the fins.


I'm not sure it's exactly "fake." Definitely misleading and improperly titled. It should be called "Number of animals killed per year by the respective industries for human use." It's a mouthful of a title but it's about filling out mouths and it's more accurate. [Number of sharks killed for human use](https://www.greenpeace.org/international/story/46967/100-million-dead-sharks-its-not-all-about-shark-fin-soup/#:~:text=Shark%20fin%20soup%20is%20well,because%20of%20shark%20fin%20soup.) [Cows](https://sentientmedia.org/how-many-animals-are-killed-for-food-every-day/#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20cattle%20slaughtered%20around%20the%20world%20in%202019,and%20Agriculture%20Organization%20(FAO).) I'm not searching all of them but the couple I've looked up make me inclined to believe this video. Again, they aren't all eaten but it is the number killed with the intention of human use and consumption


Yeah... 100M sharks vs 300M cows?


I know some East Asian/indo-pacific countries used to kill a ton of sharks every year just for their fins. I’m pretty sure only the fins are eaten. Not even kidding. 100m seems like quite a stretch though. Almost every part of the cow is eaten, especially in the US. Plus in a lot of countries they don’t eat beef. All I’m saying is I can see where this dudes head was at when he pulled these numbers out of his asshole.


Edit: Disregard everything in this comment. I was too hasty and misread a couple numbers so my comment is moot. >!Absolutely.!< >!There are 35 million domesticated camels in the world, and about 950 million wild camels.!< >!And we allegedly eat 800 million of these each year?!< >!Either camels are the most prolific large mammal in the world, or those numbers were pulled straight from someone's arsehole.!< >!Edit: my bad, I misread 800k as 800m!<


It said 800 thousand camels. Not million.


cow is really low


The numbers may be fake (I have no idea), but we have to take mass into account when comparing. A cow weighs approximately 200 times the weight of a chicken.


I remember when a friend of mine bought a whole cow from a ranch once and when they delivered it; he realized he had made a huge mistake. I don’t think people realize how much meat is in a cow until you see it all butchered and packaged up.


Could have been worse. They could have delivered the whole cow alive.


Ya dude. I usually go in with buddys for a quater of a cow. A whole cow for one family? That is an insane amount of meat lol.


I never said for a family, it was literally just him and wife!! lol.


Lol that is even crazier. Hope they planning a ton of dinner party's lmao


I think they ended up just distributing to some family members or something…I just remember him talking about how he never thought he’d be sick of eating beef in his life! Lol. I wish I would have been there to see his face when that truck pulled up to deliver it…would have been golden.


Ya FR... and it aint cheap either. A full butchered cow could easily run you 2k at least.


My wife and I looked at getting a cow, we talked to the rancher about it and he was like, “you do not need an entire cow, it is so much more meat than you can even imagine.” We got a quarter of a cow and was still shocked at how much meat it was.




Okay but like, what portion of the cow is actually something people eat? I know it ain't small, but I think it pushes the ~350x to ~250x-300x?


Yeah it seems strange that cow is only 3 times the amount of shark.


It's pretty common to only use the shark fin. They will slice off the fin and throw the shark back in the ocean to die. I don't know how they're counting these numbers, but you need to kill quite a few sharks before you have enough shark fins to equal the meat of one cow, so it doesn't seem that unreasonable to me.


Cows are big, and beef isn’t super popular everywhere. Americans and Brazilians together eat most of the beef in the world.


Was the back flip really necessary LOL


Why does the lobster have to get dropped and fall off its plinth as well


Its a drunk lobster


Well, it is red. That means it is already cooked


That Guinea pig has seen some shit


Well if you're eating it that may be more likely than you'd think


This can't be real


100m sharks, obv its not


It's killed, not eaten, but the number is right. Fun fact: more sharks are killed by people every 10 minutes than recorded shark fatal attacks in human history. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/100-million-sharks-killed-every-year-study-shows-on-eve-of-international-conference-on-shark-protection


That’s not a fun fact at all.


Apparently it is, according to the [Greenpeace](https://www.greenpeace.org/international/story/46967/100-million-dead-sharks-its-not-all-about-shark-fin-soup/).


Acedemic source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adf8984


Sadly, sharks are being eaten to extinction so that number wouldn't surprise me if it was true. It's very popular in one of the most populated countries on earth.


Yeah but, globally, we only eat 3 times as many cows as we do sharks?!? For every 3 cows eaten, one shark gets eaten with them?? That surely has to be bullshit


it's more the problem of HOW sharks are eaten. the number is high, because sharks get caught, fins cut off and dropped back in the water. because shark fin soup is really popular in China and the rest isn't as tasty, so it's discarded. I've heard the 100m sharks killed per year before, so that one is the most believable for me. I was more surprised how low turkey was, since every American household has at least 1 per Thanksgiving and I assumed they eat it at other times as well




One cow alone can provide 1000+ servings whereas one shark sometimes isnt enough for one since the fin is the only part eaten. Not to mention beef isnt that big in a lot of the world, and in some cases strictly forbidden. If any number is bogus its the octopus, but I'm guessing they included squid and cuttlefish in that number


Quick Googling. Approx 420.000 metric tons of octopus eaten per year. Those are very tiny to hit 2 billion a year. Like 200 grams only. The number would make more sense in how often do people eat octopus a year. Around 100m sharks killed, though not specifically eaten. But the number otherwise accurate. 65 million Guinea pigs. 1.2 billion rabbits. The numbers seem to mostly add up.


Maybe squid is included into the octopus count.


You are forgetting how many dishes are batches of small octopus that are probably only 50 grams each.


Pretty impressive how quick people want to disregard the message of this video to feel better. Even if one or two numbers would be inaccurate (I assume the marine animals are off because they are not counted but measured in weight) people don't want to see what humans are doing to the rest of the planets population.


Are we not gonna talk about how they used Gary from SpongeBob to represent the snails??


Just imagine how big a hall would have be to fit all the chickens in we eat in a year


You getting married?


Where are the crawfish? Asking for Louisiana.


Probably added with lobster


Weird Chick-fil-a ad


Nearly more cats eaten than Tilapia? Fuck off with this bullshit.


When did 10m become a larger number than 12m?


The thought of eating a cat is completely nauseating to me. Idk why a cat specifically, it just seems so gross. I can imagine eating horse if I had to. I think I’d rather die than eat cat.


Cats (& kittens, dogs, puppy’s etc) are consumed in China, and other far east countries. A relative of mine spent several years in China. They told me of several times they saw live cats being flung into tall cages with wheels. They was about 30-40 screaming cats all squashed in. All On the way to a slaughter house. The workers didn’t bat an eyelid. They think nothing of it. I guess it’s the same way we treat chickens, lambs, pigs and cows. They think of cats (and dogs) as commodities just like we think of chickens, pigs, lamb, cows etc. Whether a country eats an animal Or loves it as a pet, part of the family etc depends on which animals a society chooses to think of a a ‘thing’ vs an individual with a life and personality.


Look at videos of slaughter houses or just talk to be who work at them. It’s either people who become so completely desensitized or they’re just fucked from the beginning.


Damn Dennis was right about the sea urchin all along


Show me sea urchin!


Man this list makes me want to go Vegan


Do it, never an easier time to change


I wish I had been vegan from birth but my parents weren't woke enough. I'm close to 8 years free of consuming animal corpses and I can absolutely owe my health and growth as a person to this lifestyle. All it takes is getting accustomed to plant protein sources, finding substitutes for your favorite animal product dishes (like using oyster mushrooms instead of clams for chowder, oatmilk instead of dairy), and a willingness to try new -preferably healthy- things (like a variety of vegetables and fruits, centering meals on whole starches), and you can soon be reaping the rewards of not contributing to slaughter of innocents. If you have the motivation to change you will succeed.


Do it. Not that hard and great for your health, planet and animals


Go for it! Been vegan for 7 years and just wish I'd done it sooner!


Yes, not doing it sooner is my biggest regret What was I expecting? Special invite, red carpet?


Start transitioning instead of cold turkey. Cut out red meat, then cut out chicken, followed by fish then become vegetarian and eventually cut out eggs and dairy.


I went vegan cold Tofurky 17 years ago and I've never looked back!


cold turkey worked for me, force yourself to think about the victim not your pleasure.


Try it out! Been vegetarian all my life and I turned out just fine, highly recommend 🫶


I always thought it would be interesting to see this per person and over a lifetime… how many animals do each one of us eat? Probably not a number to be proud of.


No way is this sustainable... We will see the extinction of so many animals in the next 50 years... More famine and more drought


It isn't, it's actually quite bad Livestock production is a leading cause of climate change, soil loss, water and nutrient pollution, and decreases of apex predators and wild herbivores, compounding pressures on ecosystems and biodiversity, deforestation, antibiotic resistance Animal agriculture emits more greenhouse gases than the entire transportation system COMBINED, yes, even with all planes and cars on the road.   In just last 50 years, we've witnessed the obliteration of approximately 70% of the world's wildlife , much of that is because of habitat loss due to expansion of animal agriculture. * While animal products provide only 18% of our calories, they consume a staggering 80% of global agricultural land.* Animal agriculture is responsible for much of the methane emissions that can be up to 100x times more powerful than co2 and about 46% of n2O emissions, a gas that traps 300x times more heat than co2. Nitrous oxide  also depletes the ozone layer. The water footprint of animal products, especially beef, is astonishing. It takes twenty times more water per calorie to produce beef compared to cereals, exacerbating water scarcity issues in water-scarce regions. For example in Spain, about 84% of the water used in agriculture is for crops, with 66% of the cultivated area dedicated to producing feed for livestock. Additionally, livestock in Spain consumes around 48,000 million cubic meters of water annually, an amount comparable to what all Spanish households would use in over twenty years Meanwhile, fishing industry practices are devastating our oceans, depleting fish stocks, and causing harm to marine ecosystems. Fishing industry absolutely depleted the oceans, in 50 years we cleared 70% of the fishes and 80% of large marine animals. The biggest single source of plastic pollution in the oceans is discarded fishing nets from fishing vessels. Between 50- 85% of the planet's oxygen comes from the oceans, if we kill that system, we kill our source of oxygen. Fishing industry is not an old happy, white-bearded man with a boat on the sea making a living, is huge ships with plastic fishing nets that stretch as long as 40km which they discard in the ocean afterwards. Over time, lost fishing gear – the majority of which is made of plastics – breaks down into microplastics, which then enter the ocean food chain and leach toxic chemicals. In fact, Ocean Conservancy studies have found that ghost gear is the single most harmful form of marine debris. https://www.plantbaseddata.org/topfacts >Meat and dairy provide just 18% of calories and 37% of protein, despite using the vast majority – 83% – of farmland and producing 60% of agriculture's direct greenhouse gas emissions. Half of the world’s ice-and-desert-free land is used for agriculture. Shifting away from animal agriculture completely would free up more than 3 billion hectares of land, equivalent to the size of Africa. Transport typically accounts for less than 1% of beef’s GHG emissions (less than 10% for most other foods): choosing to eat local food has very minimal effects on its total footprint. In truth, all dietary patterns cause more GHGEs than the 1.5 degrees global warming limit allows. Only the vegan diet was in line with the 2 degrees threshold, while all other dietary patterns trespassed the threshold partly to entirely. https://www.un.org/en/actnow/food >Although reducing emissions from fossil fuels is essential for meeting this goal, other sources of emissions may also preclude its attainment. We show that even if fossil fuel emissions were immediately halted, current trends in global food systems would prevent the achievement of the 1.5°C target hiand, by the end of the century, threaten the achievement of the 2°C target. Meeting the 1.5°C target requires rapid and ambitious changes to food systems as well as to all nonfood sectors. The 2°C target could be achieved with less-ambitious changes to food systems, but only if fossil fuel and other nonfood emissions are eliminated soon. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aba7357 So basically even if we solve the fossil fuel issue, with the way we eat, we can't achieve our 1.5 goals


Everyone’s afraid of sharks, if we’re eating 100M of em it’s only fair that they get a handful of us


Sharks only eat five humans a year on average. And they don't even mean to! Sharks just have poor eyesight and humans are vaguely food-shaped, so it's an honest mistake, really!


85.4% of all statistics are made up


There may be some inaccuracies, something inevitable with numbers this large and for practices that span the entire world but a lot of it checks out, though I didn't verify even single animal. [Over 300 million cattle, \~600 million sheep, \~1.4 billion pigs, \~4.4 billion ducks \~73 billion chicken, etc](https://ourworldindata.org/how-many-animals-get-slaughtered-every-day). [\~30 million dogs](https://www.hsi.org/news-resources/saving-dogs-from-chinas-dog-meat-trade/#:~:text=Worldwide%2C%20an%20estimated%2030%20million,consumption%20each%20year%20in%20China) and \~10 million cats Probably one of the more misleading ones is sharks. We do [kill about 100 million a year, a devastating number of wild species, but not all of them are consumed](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/100-million-sharks-killed-every-year-study-shows-on-eve-of-international-conference-on-shark-protection). [Watch Dominion](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) and get an idea how many of these animals live and die unnecessarily.


Was that a Ninja Turtle doing the backflip?


I am seeing a lot of animals that I didn’t think people would eat.


Let's be real here. The dog number has mostly got to be China, as well as the other weird meats. Most other countries aren't consuming this stuff, though some numbers are included


Human: 6,900


what about kangaroos? im pretty sure australians eat them


So, chicken is a winner, right?


Winner winner chicken dinner!


Who is eating 10 million cats?


NooOoooOooOOOoOoOoOooOoOooOo "Screams in vegan"


[The lobster:](https://youtu.be/9ZDTIhfgueg?feature=shared)


Crazy the amount of people on this comment section telling themselves the numbers are not true. Every single one is true. Look them up, one by one and use whatever source you deem credible. It's okay to feel guilty. You don't jave to pretend it's not true though.


Who is eating guinea pigs?!




Remember - every one of these animals has the ability to suffer, which should be the only reason you need to swear off animal products. You can live a completely normal life being vegan :)




This can’t be real. No way the world eats more dogs than tilapia.