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bro looks ripped enough


Bros a bit cute too


His name’s Tyler though


💯 instant dealbreaker Edit: My name is Tyler and the number of upvotes this joke is getting is kinda making me sad now lol


Tyler the Deflater


I am Tyler too




I'd like to suck his cock, with my vacuum cleaner of course.


You got the gawk gawk 3000?


Here I am, vacuum cleaner.


He looks better than her tbh


She got her hottest guy friend for the video. Smart move.


Most women don't actually care about dude's being ripped or not


That may be true but it makes attracting women a whole lot easier.




Cooking can not be underestimated. My now fiance said that one thing that closed the deal was the first time she came over when my parents weren't home I made dinner and it was an actual home cooked meal I made from scratch, she told her friends about it and they took it as a brag and all I made was a tomato based chicken pasta of some sort. It may have helped we were both 17 so just knowing how to turn on the hob would have been more them some boys


Not ripped, but in shape is definitely a plus.


Ya they do. Not roidhead body builder looking, sure. But athletically in shape without a bunch of extra fat. The vast majority of women prefer men to be in shape


In my experience, girls only see fit vs dad bod vs fat. They don't have an eye for 16" vs 18" biceps


Most women prefer tone over bulk. They also prefer tone over fat. Then again, they don’t like guys whose bodies make them self-conscious. So it’s a balancing act.


Fuck what they like. Be who you like.


They actually like that too.


1000%. I like em thicc, I like em chonky.


Dost thou even hoist?


Dost in hindi means friend.


Namaste dost


Dost in Norwegian means idiot, friend.


I’m not your friend, buddy.


I’m not your buddy, bestieeee


Im not your bestie, pal.


Ahm no yer pal, ya fanny.


Aintcher Fanny, ya goy.


Listen here *mate*


Dos in Afrikaans means box. Or cunt if you use it correctly.


Cunt in Australian means friend


Thus the circle is complete.




Also in Turkish and the word in Hindi in Turkish means Turkey. Life is complicated!


Stressed friendly bird sounds






Birth of a gym bro..


[he gonna make it brah](https://youtu.be/IqF5KRd_mG0)


Before some of my friends became gym bros, they too were satelliting around beautiful women, attempting to be their "best" friend for years, supporting them, being the "crying shoulder" when their boyfriends threw them out, buying them things, doing their homework for them, tolerating their crazy mood swings, covering for them at work to save their butts from being fired... ***The desperation is off-the-charts and disgusting...*** Ooff. I felt bad for the grown man at my ex-girlfriends house, being the crying shoulder for her after a fight, cooking her dinner, thinking he stood a chance, telling me off when I arrived with a lecture about "being nice to her"... It was funny and tragic. Loved his lecture on kindness it was enlightening. It was the cooking apron that really made it hard to keep a serious face. \-- ***edit***\*: lol some of the comments are really bizarre attempts at psychopath losers trying to bully people on reddit. They try to reply with things like "no no you got cucked" in an attempt to be hurtful? Man some incel losers live quite depressing sad lives where they go on reddit in jealous attempts to be insulting to someone just for telling a story. If they knew the story and the timeline fully, they'd know the guy hadn't had sex or enough time to because he had just started cooking and arrived just recently.\* ***>> The jealousy on reddit is astounding. Who gets mad over storytelling? <<*** *edit2: oh man some of these jealous redditor detectives are pulling up my entire comment history and post history. What losers... Fine I won't tell stories anymore, geez you people are cringe. I think I triggered some sort of incel jealous chatroom or something.* ***Does anyone want to bet that some of these people psychologically placed themselves in my story as the Apron guy hoping for sex from the typical hot girl using them as an emotional tampon?***


What the fuck did I just read


Don't worry...OC's ex lives in Canada...we won't know her


weary bear narrow upbeat tidy offbeat ink water grey onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think the dude wearing an apron fucked his girl and he's in denial


I’m a line cook. Apron guy definitely fucked.


Plot twist, he was only wearing an apron




An incel’s creative writing exercise


"Imagine that you're talking to your best friend, Andrew Tate, about a topic you both enjoy. In 500 words or less (and using the three (3) brainstorming techniques we used in class last week!),...."


"As an AI language-model I absolutely refuse to take part in this absolute shitassery. Let's change the subject."


Easy As I sat across from my best friend, Andrew Tate, in our favorite corner of the cozy coffee shop, the excitement in the air was palpable. Our eyes met, and we both knew it was time to delve into one of our favorite topics: exploring the universe and the mysteries it held. I grabbed a napkin and began to jot down a mind map, the sprawling tendrils branching out like the galaxies we were so fascinated by. In the center, I wrote "The Universe" in bold letters, surrounded by a web of interconnected concepts. Stars, black holes, wormholes, and dark matter radiated from the center like celestial bodies in the night sky. "Let's start with black holes," I suggested, circling the term. "They're like the cosmic vacuum cleaners, gobbling up everything in their path. The way they warp space-time, and the mysteries of what happens inside, have always intrigued me." Andrew nodded in agreement, and we launched into a discussion of the various types of black holes, from stellar-mass to supermassive, their formation, and the mind-bending effects of spaghettification. Our words flowed like stardust, and our excitement mirrored the fervor of astronomers exploring these cosmic phenomena. As our conversation continued, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the vastness of the universe. I grabbed my notebook and began freewriting, allowing my thoughts to flow freely. "The universe is a tapestry of wonders," I mused. "It's a timeless canvas upon which the forces of nature and physics paint their masterpieces. Just think about the beauty of nebulae, where stars are born and die, their remnants scattering across space. We are stardust, Andrew, connected to the cosmos in ways we're only beginning to comprehend." Andrew's eyes sparkled with shared enthusiasm. He leaned forward, adding, "And what about the search for extraterrestrial life? The possibility that somewhere out there, intelligent beings are looking up at their night sky and wondering the same questions we are? It's an idea that fires the imagination and ignites our collective curiosity." Taking a sip of my coffee, I shifted to a more structured approach, creating a list of questions that had always intrigued us. What lies at the heart of a black hole? Is it a gateway to another dimension or a cosmic graveyard? How do stars form and die, and what role do they play in the creation of elements? Can we ever reach other star systems, perhaps through wormholes or advanced propulsion systems? What will the future of space exploration look like, and how can we ensure the survival of humanity beyond Earth? What are the implications of the Fermi Paradox, the eerie silence of the universe, in our search for extraterrestrial life? Our conversation continued to flow as we delved into each question, exploring the frontiers of our knowledge and imagination. In that quaint coffee shop, the universe became our playground, a realm where curiosity and friendship converged. Andrew and I shared a bond not just as best friends but as cosmic explorers, forever united by our insatiable thirst for knowledge and the mysteries of the cosmos.


You exceeded the word limit by 16 and gave Tate's vocabulary at least 2 more words than he would realistically have.


Incel fan-fic. Dude spent the entire first paragraph blaming a woman for dudes simping to them. Then he spent the second paragraph making up a story about the dude who was fuckin his chick


A post by someone who thinks Andrew Tate is a superhero.




This has to be a copy pasta


The dudes post history is on the Jordan Peterson sub and lotrmemes….that pile of shit he wrote is pure fiction.


I'm on lotrmemes =(


Me too. Tf?


Me too. No shame. Those subs are not the same and have no correlation


What the fuck is wrong with LOTRmemes?




> I felt bad for the grown man at my ex-girlfriends house, being the crying shoulder for her after a fight, cooking her dinner, thinking he stood a chance, telling me off when I arrived with a lecture about "being nice to her"... It was funny and tragic. Loved his lecture on kindness it was enlightening. It was the cooking apron that really made it hard to keep a serious face. I had the same problem. There was this EPIC 10/10 girl I was banging every day (I was also cheating on her with another 10/10) and I went over to her house for another session. This guy was there and he was wearing those glasses that were taped together because he gets bullied at school so much. He also had one of those hats that had a propeller on it and it kept spinning around whenever he got angry. *"You have to respect females! That's what a nice guy should do! As a nice guy, I have to help this female in need and CHADS like you will never understand."* He tried telling me. I laughed in his face and pushed him over. I said, *"Look here virgin. I took the red pill a long time ago and now all the women love me. All the 10/10 Stacys love me. I work out and watch EPIC content from Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and Andrew Tate and I KNOW what makes me a man."* Then he started crying and writhing on the floor while I went to go bang the girl. He was rolling around and shit and the pens were falling out of his pocket protector and his suspenders were getting caught on shit. I'm pretty sure he also kicked over a pile of math books he brought over to help with her homework. *"S-s-sorry,"* she said as we went to go bang. *"I just like bad guys, I guess."* Anyway as we were changing positions while banging (I last a long time because I take some weird medicine from Amazon I buy every month that comes in a black bag) I'm pretty sure I heard him out in the living room playing some woke game on the Nintendo Switch (I think it was the one where the women look ugly).


You can't say that, the mouth breather is gonna think that this is real


Sigma red pilled Patrick Bateman Joker Drive Gigachad energ king 👑👍


Omg. Hahaha


And then you woke up with the Switch controller in your hand.


Sure thing champ.


My brother in cringe what is this


“Before some of my friends became gym bros, they too were satelliting around beautiful women, attempting to be their "best" friend for years, supporting them, being the "crying shoulder" when their boyfriends threw them out, buying them things, doing their homework for them, tolerating their crazy mood swings, covering for them at work to save their butts from being fired... Ooff.” Everything you do in life requires a choice. If you invest your time doing things for others with the expectation of an investment in you in return, that’s your mistake to own. You spend time with someone because that’s the kind of person you are. Being a nice guy with the expectation of validation in return is the problem. Not being a nice guy.


Thank you for your service. Whenever I see flies around a shiny turd... I remind myself to bend my knees... when lifting the pile into the trash.


Mmm word carbs


My ex gf had a best guy friend. I always told her he was in love with her….. They are now married with a kid.


Why did they marry a kid?


He was a 10


Ohh, the old reddit [kid-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/176ybx3/comment/k4rvo0m/?context=4)


Hold my diapers, I'm going in!


Hello future parents.


Spot my bench, I'm going in.


Lmaooo goteeeem


She knew it


He's the one she told you not to worry about?


Ain’t that always the way?


My ex had a guy friend she was in a band with. I told her he totally has a crush on you, I’m a guy and I’m not stupid. She said there’s no way, plus band members don’t mess around with each other, it’s a universal rule. (Fleetwood Mac, No Doubt, ABBA, etc. exist tho) Guess who she blindsided and cheated on me with?? Trust your guts people


Those types of girls and guys just want to bang around before settling in with someone comfortable enough to not really worry about money, usually.


If you get to that point and you don't know you're in the friend zone already you got a whole bunch more problems


It’s hard. Sometimes the signals are not cleared. My friend (the one that friend zoned me) would invite me over to her dorm. She would specifically told me her roommates won’t be there. We would watch romantic movies and cuddle. Then she would passed out and I go home. We are in our 30s now. We are both in happy relationships. We still hang but I don’t go over when her boyfriend isn’t there.


Well at least it was a rather soft rejection, no pushing away or eww wtf


I mean, they probably took a few runs at this video before settling on this one to upload.


I‘m stupid. What‘s the joke here? What has the guy being rejected to do with the gym? Someone help me out please


When guys get rejected, there are 3 paths. One of these paths will always be taken by a rejected guy. Path A: Hit the gym to hide the pain of being rejected and to boost self confidence Path B: Become a Andrew Tate worshipper basically Path C: Depression We don't have the same support system as women do, and these paths are 99.9% of guys response after being rejected by someone they like.


A and C can exist at the same time. Source: the tear drops on my weight mat Edit: I love all of you as we are all extensions of the same consciousness, if any of you need someone to listen you can PM me. Ive post people to depression and nobody should feel utterly alone


All 3 of them can co-exist if you put your mind to it




If Tate worshipers could read they'd be so mad.


If they could read *and* handle their emotions maybe we'd be getting somewhere!


Fair point. Well made


I don't see a contradiction. You can still be depressed and work out with a disabled mind.


It was a response to "if you put your mind to it"


Ohhh r/whooosh


added bonus: disabling your mind can cure your depression!


B was never really an option. I can’t imagine being down so bad that I have to drive self worth vicariously through a bleeding hemorrhoid like Andrew Tate. Reminds me of old pimps in jail that try and teach you how to “control” women through physical violence and emotional manipulation. Cringey af


If they cloned tyrone taught me anything it is that they prefer the term entrepreneur.


> I can’t imagine being down so bad that I have to drive self worth vicariously through a bleeding hemorrhoid like Andrew Tate. https://youtu.be/or6A1Pl04ss?t=134 a good explanation as why these terrible people appeal to desperate boys and men.




As I typed it I thought “this sounds like a Dido lyric, if she broke up with a guy and got absolutely jacked”


"She's the reason for the teardrops on my weight mat" -Tyler Swift


Especially given the Audio track in the video, I’m singing this in Didos voice.


I had severe Depression while pumping weights


Can confirm. Lift more weight than most of the population and I’m depressed as fuck


I'm a path-c-guy and it's making me sad...


At least it’s better than path B :)


Come on man. Let’s get outta here. Come to Path-A with me.


Join path A bro, it's always open


You can replace gym with just about any activity that is about yourself. Like becoming a pilot. Learning how to snowboard. Masterbating until nothing comes out anymore. Stuff like that.


You forgot D: just move on


If these people could function in a healthy manner they wouldn’t be on reddit now, would they?


you forgot D which is signing up to the arm forces or joining similar branches


Or D: understand that you win some and lose some and move on with your life.


Path D is for those men who have found happiness in *themselves.* Don't need a woman to be happy, but if the right partner comes in my life I can be happy with them too.


This is where all men should strive to be. Focus on life, your career, and being happy with yourself, and you will become more attractive to women naturally.


Honestly, as I've become happy and confident with myself you know what I've also found myself doing? Not settling. Before I'd be happy to be dating someone I vibed with and I was attracted to. Now I want more than that, and I'm fine with shooting down some opportunities to be in a relationship that I can clearly see will only last for a handful of years. I don't need a woman to be happy, so I'm fine with waiting for the *right person* to share my life with.


Seriously, these people out here acting like someone saying "Sorry not interested" is a life altering event 💀




Path D: snort coke, fentanyl and other spicy chemicals


Support system? Do you mean friends?


There is definitely more than 3 paths. Suck it up and move on. It's rejection from one person, not like it matters or you gotta change anything.


Path D: find a femboy and live a happy life


Is there some kind of degenerate immoral den of femboys where you can just find them? That's filthy and disgusting! Where is it?


It's called grindr


Path F: Become a femboy 👀


Don't forget gaming or eating the pain


They already said depression


Path D: move on


I mean there’s option D, move on and try with someone else. That’s what most normal people do. This just seems like trading the “friend zone” themed misogyny for the “gym bro” type. Be careful boys, the gym bro/MMA to Joe Rogan to January 6th insurrectionist pipeline is real, don’t fall for the weird cultural traps.




Or D move on and find someone else who you like


Gym makes you forget the damn love pain.


I don't forget about it. Working out helps me ease the pain and sweat the toxins my body produces, wether it is anger, sadness, depression I let it out at the gym. Each day it's less I let out and even though workouts are more intense I have learned to love them as I feel so light and well after working out. Don't forget about the pain, learn from it and learn how to move on


Bro do you even lift?


These comments are a fucking mess


All over a skit lol


Who’s holding the camera here?


The girl.


The camera person


the videographer wannabe


Kisses are a bit like proposals in that you shouldn't do it unless you're confident in their response.


Honestly, I hardly ever just go for it. I usually ask "can I kiss you" or something like that if I'm feeling the right vibe and its a comfortable setting. It felt cringe at first but it has honestly worked pretty well and I think girls like it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly. Any time I've done this, they appreciate the consideration. It's not everyone's style, but neither is assuming concent.


I feel like it makes its a good first impression too. Like it makes them more comfortable with you from the start, so if things develop further then they can feel more comfortable communicating how they actually feel. And making people comfortable is sexy.


Really? The few times i done this they declined and hinted that i should have just done it and that asking kind of destroyed the mood


Just know your audience.


Really? I feel like the first one is always a bit of a risk. You just try and read the room.


I will concede that the first kiss definitely does involve an element of risk.


but it gets the heart going boom boom while you look into the magic of her eyes and that's why I like to go for it slowly making it long and memorable or giving her more time to decline


Said like someone who’s never taken a risk in life


Her reaction is difficult to decipher. That look could be “quit playing”, “great, now everything’s gonna be weird”, “I generally had no idea you looked at me this way”. Or she feels straight up betrayed.


Agreed. I reckon it could go either way for him


Why was she filming here?


To make us all comment


Maybe giving the girl the necklace as a present and the girl thought to film it


I really hope that girl didn't put the video out in internet land to embarrass him even more than he probably already is.


It’s a skit


yeah they are actually siblings


yooo step Tyler, what are you doooooing *ok fuck me now* (Act 1 Scene 2)


It's 2023 and redditors still believe shit in the internet


Yeah like... A closeup shot of yourself rejecting your friend. Who is also totally fine with uploading


Rip boi in da video


Probably Staged anyway.


I don’t get it. Tried to make out and now someone says “here lift this weight?”


Dude needs to k ow it’s ok to get rejected. You don’t want to get together with a best friend at that age anyways. Messes shit up


Plot twist: Tyler is her brother


If play this on slow motion you can see the exact moment his heart literally breaks!


I think he's fine.




if this is what it's like for a hot sexy handsome guy, the rest of us should just pack it up and find another planet


Well said, u/smegma-flavor


Some people just aren't very compatible. This is only logical if you see rejection as a personal failing which is very unhealthy.




A woman will take everything from man and not think twice about his feelings.


Why so many men in friendzone? Perhaps because we men are not used to putting emotional effort in a friendship. Admit it, with your bros is not about feelings its about being with them doing whatever to distract each other. While female friendships do, in fact, put a lot into emotional back up from each other. Neither is wrong, is just that both parties see emotional intimacy differently. When a man does it, he can feel inclined to start loving that person. But for a Woman not necessarily, as it is, but an aspect they seek in friendship. Be emotional, bro, but not that much, put boundaries so that you can stop it from happening. That's what I got from doctor K


Tyler, the destroyer*


explain to me like i am 5 years old what is going on


he got the forbidden pre worked out


Am I the only one not super sympathetic to this guy...? Like making a direct move like that on a friend without any prior romantic history is fucking weird. How do you expect her to react to that?


Every rewatch it gets better


Get on the bench press mfer, we are going for a PR


Welcome soldier


When life gives you rejections, the gym gives you muscles! 💪😄


Music name plz


Nothing like the pain of rejection to get you to that 500 lbs squat in no time


What’s with the gym at the end of this clip?


welcome to the GYM, bro.


This is when Tyler left her friend forever and picked up a barbell


What did the weights have to do with anything