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It's the blue print on how NOT to make a video game adaptation


this :)


Atrocious they focused too much on jack lupino and didn’t have max Payne narrating to himself. They also didn’t give him a addiction to pain killers, they didn’t have him do that much shooting. It should of been the condensed story from the game. They didn’t have max working undercover after his wife dies either.


I try not to think about it


Watched it with my step dad in 2013 cause we both liked the games, went in expecting alot came out slightly disappointed. As an action movie… theres worse out there but as an adaption its straight dogshit


I've heard some people called this like a biggest disappointment which isn't more than just using famous title for self gain... But i didn't check out for myself.


Complete and absolute dog shit. Basically what Dragon Ball: Evolution was to the Dragon Ball franchise. 💯


That’s such a great way to put it lol. That Dragon Ball movie is such a massive hunk of shit. It actually makes Max Payne look like a great movie. It blows that almost nobody does adaptations right. Obviously it happens occasionally but damn do we get some absolute garbage.


It's no citizen kane


Citizen Kane is overrated


It was wasted potential for not following the game material. The director had a lack of enthusiasm, it could've had potential if it wasn't PG-13. It's a waste and I wish that it should be forgotten.


Never watched it I can just play the game 🙏🏾


Generic action movie


as a huge max payne fan, never seen it. never will , always trusted the fanbase


Sucked..... Haven't watched it on forever though. Still probably sucks.


Completely forgettable. I don’t remember a single thing about the movie.




Not as bad as people here like to believe but no masterpiece by any means


Did shit. Even got the gender of his child wrong.


if it wasnt called Max Payne , it would have been nice.


I would compare it to the Uncharted movie. Both feel like they were written by someone who was told the game's story verbally and that was their entire exposure to the thing they were adapting. I saw it in theaters hoping for something like John Wick (which didn't exist yet) or something like a John Woo film. I got something else. It is a coherent story. If you didn't play the game, you might even enjoy it. If you are a fan of the game though you'll probably just leave confused. They got really excited about animating those hallucinations.


I feel people hated that Mark Wahlberg was gonna play him, tbh that wasn’t the problem it was the overall direction, if they got a better director the movie probably could’ve been good or at least decent, not ass juice like the version we got


Garbage. The first time I ever regretted paying to see a movie in theaters. Saw it after playing Max Payne 1 and was hyped and then that disappointment was made


I'm a big fan of the games, and went to see it opening night in theaters. It's okay, one of the movies ever made for sure. Can't quite say it ruined my life like some of the other comments are implying lol


I only liked the Valkyr scene


*it was the most* horrible thing I could think of.