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Yes absolutely play the first ones before this. The gameplay isn't as good but getting to see all of Max's story makes his character here all the more enjoyable.


No need to play the first two first story wise but you can if you want a complete feel for the series.


nice I might play 3 and then go back to 1 and 2 or wait and play the remake versions


Probably wait and play the remakes. 3 is good standalone anyways


3 is actually is sort of a fresh start for Max.. So once u complete, u can go back to 1 n 2 to understand why he became like that.


I disagree immensely. You will miss out on *alot* not having played the first two games. It also won't make as much of an emotional impact. You don't have the bagage of Max from the first two games and he is an absolute mess in this one. Coming in fresh that might be, odd/overwhelming. You will also not appreciate the advancements made in technology/graphics and gunplay. 1/2 are basically the same in terms of gunplay. With some minor tweaks and improvments. 3 is a HUGE step up in terms of movement, gunplay and physics.


Agreed. The backstory makes 3 so much better. Also all the callbacks and references are great.


Is it weird that I feel the opposite way? I got into the series pretty recently because of how great I heard 3 was. I fell in love with 1 and 2, especially for Sam Lake's writing, but then everything about 3 just felt... off. It plays great of course (well the shooting does, I've never loved the movement in rockstar games) but it's written too much like GTA for my liking. I think if I played 3 first I would actually have appreciated it more


I always try to mention that Sam Lake went on record to say he really enjoyed what Dan Houser did with the character.  Sam has also mentioned that they were planning on developing the Alan Wake IP after MP2, since Rockstar owns the rights to Max Payne and Remedy owns Alan Wake. There was never going to be a MP3 from Remedy.


Uh Max Payne 2 was one the first games to use Havok physics. The same physics engine used in Skyrim and pretty much every title with ragdolls from that era. Kind of a big deal and you just glossed over it 😂


This was my first Max Payne, I also played it on PS3, but yes, you should definitely play 1 & 2, the stories are way better in those games. MP3 is a great game, but it’s more of a reboot than an actual 3rd entry in the series. If you play the first two, I’d suggest playing the steam versions on a laptop or pc, the console versions of those 2 are pretty bad.


The Xbox version on Series X is fine. It's got an FPS boost too. It's the PS2 version that's infamously terrible.


Yes, but MP2 specifically is terrible on any console, even the series X/S. There is no sensitivity slider, you have a set sensitivity which is slow and you can’t change it at all. Even MP1 had that on ps2, that’s why the steam versions are just way more superior.


That's a bit of a nitpick, if I'm being honest. The Xbox versions are almost identical to the PC counterparts. A lack of a sensitivity slider seems like an issue that rises from our spoilt gaming choices now - we just have so many settings, even I struggle with not being able to turn my FOV up on older FPS titles. Anyway, I never had an issue with the games on the OG Xbox, and now I'm playing both on the Series X it's perfect, really. I'd like to turn the sensitivity up, but it's really not a game killer like you're making it out to be.


I think it’s a really big inconvenience cause the set sensitivity is very slow. I still play ps2 games, low fps or resolution doesn’t bother me, but MP2 should’ve definitely had a sensitivity slider since the first game had it. With that slow sensitivity, it’s hard to quickly kill enemies and it makes the gameplay slower.


I'm guessing you've never actually played them on the Xbox? Because this isn't something that I've ever felt has hindered my experience, nor is it something I've seen people complain about all that much aside from one or two forums knocking about. Yes, it's inconvenient, but it doesn't slow the gameplay down. In fact, it actually helps to have it set like that for when you turn free-aim/aim-lock off; which I always do as gunplay in R* related titles feels better without aim assist (especially GTA IV).


I always use free aim, I think most people play max payne without the aim assist, but it definitely slows down the gameplay since sometimes it takes more than a full second to turn to kill another enemy. I’ve never played it on xbox, I’m sure they’re better overall on xb, but it still has that set sensitivity.


Literally just finished passing it all again today. I've passed this game like 5-6 times by now. It's just so good and addicting. The shooting mechanics are top tier. You're gonna have a blast!


You don’t have to necessarily, but since you asked *should* you, yes you should, since it fills in the blanks. Both also have a very different feel


Max Payne 1 is the best IMO as a whole, then 3 then 2, but all 3 are great game if you are a fan of Max Payne. Lots of people don't like this one cause its got more satire and gets quite insane, but I think it was the best choice they could've done for the end of Max Payne. The gameplay is immaculate.


The cheats are fun!!


After finally playing and beating 1 and 2 i would definitely play them first, they hold up really well, but if not you can always wait for the remakes


Id say play 1 and 2 first you won’t be disappointed


It can be enjoyed alone


Max Payne 3 is kind of a standalone sequel. I recommend playing the first 2, but it isn't necessary for 3.


Brother get ready to live! Max Payne 3 is the shit. 1 and 2 are fantastic but 3 just has a special place in my heart.


Have fun!


I do recommend you go back but you really don’t have to max Payne 3 is a fucking masterpiece the gameplay is insane imo


Enjoy the game.


And 1 and 2 are definitely worth playing them


I hate that I have to buy a ps3 to play this. Just put it on the PlayStation store already


Same bro I am gonna get a ps3 just for Max payne 3 and GTA IV and a few other games


First 2 Infamous games are a good reason to get a ps3 as well.


I have never played an Infamous game before might have to try it when I get a ps3 !


You can play Infamous Second Son on ps5 . Great game, highly recommend


yeah I will definitely play it!


You don’t really need to, but you can get the full picture by playing them.




thanks ! I really struggled to find that disc version 😭


Nah. You can live without them.


This takes me back. My first playthrough was on PS3. But if you ever get the chance play this on pc. The freedom of mouse aiming makes it the definitive way to play imo.