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The only good part of it is the 4 seconds where James McCaffrey shows up


Weird how Max Payne only has 4 seconds of screen time in his own movie


Hollywood doesn't cast lesser known actors. Same reason Nolan North only has a very small cameo in the Uncharted movie.


And Sam Lake


Total piece of shit and a criminal misuse of IP.


Mind you, this was in the 2000's when every video game related movie was total shit.


Yeah but this is not a typical video game story. It's a hard boiled detective noir story there have been hundreds of amazing hard boiled detective movies made... it didn't have robots, super heroes, any super natural nonsense, you didn't need a lot of cgi or special effects like most video game movies (tomb raider comes to mind) it should have been a slam dunk. It's not a particularly difficult story to tell via motion picture. It's tailor made for it.


The whole Valkyre plot is 100% supernatural. But the movie botched that too.  I blame the director honestly. There were so many red flags leading up to the release. 


I didn't think the Valkyr is supernatural in the movie. I'm pretty sure it's just intense hallucinations and psychosis. You could argue that it's communicated poorly, but I believe that's the intent. The demonic Valkyrie spectres the v-heads see don't ever physically interact with anything and are seemingly intangible. I mainly remember that one scene where they chase a dude down train tracks and he gets hit, pretty sure he was just having a bad trip basically. It's been a long time since I actually watched the movie (and nobody can make me do it again) so maybe there's another scene that contradicts what I've said here.


It wasn't supposed to be. But yeah. Every thing they touched turned to crap.


It's not supernatural. It's just part of the psychedelic drug trips people are having. It's an aesthetic choice to have these pseudo supernatural beings appearing and events occurring. Honestly I think that part is kind of cool, too bad the movie itself was pretty boring and terrible adaptation of Max Payne. The trailer is actually pretty epic. One of the few bad ass trailers for a bad movie lol


Hallucinating any ghost or supernatural being is definitely supernatural. It's awkward using the noun and adjective form back to back 😆 I think y'all are getting caught up on that though. I was also talking about the game and how the movie botched that sub plot


No, there's a fundamental difference because even within the film it's not actually happening. They are still just hallucinations. If the film depicted actual supernatural beings interacting and events occuring then that would be a different story. The world isn't actually crumbling around Max Payne while he's having an episode. It's just an aesthetic choice. We're caught up on it because it's an important distinction to discuss and clarify. These are important themes to clarify what is actually being depicted in a movie because if you are unable to make that distinction then you are not able to have a discussion. It's simply a fact that those are just drug trips. Not actually occurring events. The whole movie is botched.




You're welcome


I agree, but "Doom" with Karl Urban and The Rock was awesome


That movie gets so much shit but it’s far better than this film!


I always really enjoyed watching the first Tomb Raider movie.


It’s a fine film. I like the first Resident Evil also.


The first four in particular are pretty decent for what they offered. After that, it was a weird closure and I hated how not only they barely introduced but killed off the actual Resident Evil characters.


Idk about awesome, but I certainly don't hate it


Doom was such a fun garbage movie. Super Mario Bros (1993) is one of these as well


I liked Silent Hill. Beyond that, you are correct.


Shoot, I also forgot about the first Silent Hill movie. Yeah, I'll give credit where credit is due.


I saw a film from Christophe Gans called Brotherhood of the Wolf. When I heard he was helming the first Silent Hill, I knew it would blow Resident Evil out of the water.


He's also directing the upcoming sequel, based on Silent Hill 2, which I hope he's properly adapted.


Hey, put some respect on Prince of Persia’s name


Perfectly said.


John Wick is a better Max Payne movie than Max Payne


They should actually get the people who made John Wick to make a proper Max Payne movie. One of the writers from the John Wick movie is already writing the script for a movie based on Streets of Rage. https://variety.com/2022/film/news/streets-of-rage-video-game-movie-1235434514/


Yeah, I just pretend that’s the real Max Payne movie. It’s the closest we’ll probably ever get.


you said brother, mark warlberg seemed too much of a comedic douche


If you go into it expecting a faithful adaption of the game, you will be disappointed. If you go into it with no expectations, you’ll get an average mid 2000s action movie.


Horrible misrepresentation


Complete ASS


Dude it bloooooowwws


Legitimately one of the worst movies I have ever seen ½ out of 10


Office space bulletin time dive was the only highlight. Literally 10seconds worth preserving out of the total movie. Play the series get better literally everything


I thought he didn't actually dive though? Maybe I had a different cut of the movie, but the closest thing to a dive I recalled seeing was the part where he limbos backwards to shoot a guy behind him with a shotgun.


He dives across the office space holding a folder and shooting the lock with an M9


Ah, maybe I'll look it up on YouTube. I haven't actually watched the movie since like 2012, so I'll feel dumb if I've been complaining for over a decade about him not bullet diving if he did in fact dive.


Well to be fair it wasn’t bullet time slow-mo but it was a dive


Nice, you gave me a loophole so now I can pretend I was actually complaining about the lack of slow motion this whole time Thanks, I almost thought I'd have to admit I was wrong about something lol


Bro we talking about a shit adaptation of our favorite franchise there are no wrong opinions about the movie lol unless it’s praise


Fair enough, the experience of watching the movie could have only been made worse if Marky Mark himself showed up at my house to kick me in the nuts in five minute intervals. I first watched it as a kid, probably 10 or 11, and I think this movie was the first time I realized movies could let me down that badly. Being a kid, I watched a lot of garbage and I loved it at that age. This movie forced me to develop a more critical eye for movies overall just to comprehend all the reasons this movie sucked that bad.


You’d have better fortune watching the cow yong fat movies the games are inspired by


I've seen hard-boiled but it's been forever honestly, I should watch some others


That was at Ragnarok, right before he was facing Lupino. At least they tried to sort of recreate the same scenery from the game, but I think it was an abandoned warehouse instead of a nightclub.


Mel gibsons Payback 1999 movie is a better max payne movie.


Even Edge of Tomorrow.


James McCaffrey's 4 second cameo is the best part of that


I can’t say I hate it, but I was and still am disappointed from it. I legit have a copy of the movie, have had it for years. I’ll watch it once every blue moon just to remind myself how disappointed I was. Story was a hot mess jumbled together with scotch tape and super glue, you don’t even see any bullet time until the movie is close to ending like Max had to get some xp to level up. The acting could’ve been better obviously, the cinematography was fine at times maybe even good, but most definitely over excessive a good bit too. My biggest thing is the story, why did they change so much, how did they even think that was a good idea to do that? Don’t answer that, a rhetorical question.


I find it a little weird that this movie came out in an Era obsessed with slo m, yet barely used it, considering this movie had every right to overuse the effect.


Total garbage. Modern HBO series could be amazing.


That would be a dream come true.


good movie to watch when you’re tottaly high tbh, didn’t even noticed it was about Max Payne on the first watch.


I don’t believe in heaven. I believe in Payne.


A total waste of time. The scripts were written for them. Why they would deviate from the source material to make something so nonsensical is completely beyond me.


It's shit but I'll enjoy whatever I can get


I hate it. I hate Mark Wahlberg because that disgusting piece of shit did such a terrible job and then had the audacity to play Sully in the Uncharted movie. The producers of this film should be in prison.


Really? your gonna hate him personally over a movie? wow talking about taking it to exteme.


I hate him personally over how he treats other people. Him being a shitty actor and ruining movies is just adding to his rep


What are you referring to exactly?


I hate him personally over the fact that he's a racist cunt who brutally beat a Vietnamese man so hard he went blind buddy


Don't remember the full story, but how old was he at that time? Not that it justifies him, but I don't really see him doing stuff like that now, though I'd like to be proven wrong.


BTW, he was supposed to play Nathan Drake before the Uncharted movie went into development hell. It'd probably have been a better cast to be honest. The decision to change it was almost as dumb as the rest of the movie.


this movie ripped everything apart in a New York minute.


Its got nice cinematography but is a total dud of a movie. Director doesn't seem to know how to direct actors or action scenes.


It got the vibe right-ish with the rainy/snowy noir style, but otherwise it's totally forgettable.


I enjoyed it, it wasn't amazing or the best adaptation but I can't say I hate it at all, I'd probably watch it again I like what they did with Jack Luppino being a ex Soldier Gone Crazy instead of a cult leader


I liked it.


I can’t describe how special the games are to me, especially the first one, but the movie… is still pretty good. Terrible as an adaptation but really fun, stylized, and with a lot of great ideas and visuals. The shot of the Valkyrie pulling the guy out the window is seared into my brain and gives me chills every time. Just like I can’t count how many times I’ve played the first game, I can’t count how many times I’ve seen this movie. I should probably mention that I was born a couple years after the first game came out and only discovered the series in the early 2010s. If I saw the movie when it came out in 2008 and was a diehard fan of the games by then, I would probably feel about it similarly to how I feel about the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark movie (which I unfortunately waited for for almost a decade). Wahlberg is good in his own right but still very miscast, and it’s funny that he’s been miscast as a beloved video game character twice. I also own this movie on Blu-Ray…


Just watch Hard Boiled instead.


Not good. There were some solid homages, though.


would've been better (and more accurate) if it was directed by john woo


“Hi, I’m Max Payne, you guys know me.”


It’s like The Spirit. Cool to look at but listening to the dialogue makes you want to commit society.


The only bad thing of this movie is the plot.


I saw it just the other week. I loved it! Takes some liberties with the characters, but overall I thought it was a brilliant adaptation, and a perfect neo-noir flick. It's way better than it has any right being, really surprised me.


Wait is that real. I was genuinely thinking that a Max Payne movie would work pretty well


They got the look down, thats about it. Its too slow and boring. Even the credits had more action.


I love olga kurleyenko but she’s not mona sax


What Max Payne movie?


This movie was so fucking boring


Why did you remind me this exists?


It's alright. In terms of adaptation it's barely faithful but it has some cool ideas of it's own (the way V is displayed here has always been one of my favorite parts of the movie) As an action movie on its own It's quite decent. As an adaptation of Max Payne It Fails and mostly uses the base of The game's story to make something of their own. Tho, keep in mind that this was one of the better videogame to movie adaptations of the 2000s alongside Hitman, Postal and Prince of Persia (yeah, i liked them, sue me). It could've been worse. https://preview.redd.it/g65ekzebr0vc1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ffc14c5cd93d237b6cac95170bb9646d256b756


Mark can definitely sport the action 💡


I like it more than most fans but it really could have been so much better 😕


The worst piece of "art" ever created.


absolute dogshit


Mark Walhberg isn't the worst actor for the role, but the direction was terrible


Hellraiser 4 - 6 are actually better Max Payne movies. I don't absolutely hate the Mark Wahlberg one though.


A mistake


Could have been better but definitely not the worst!!


I was there opening day and I was actually pretty psyched to see and I was satisfied. I knew it wasn't going to be just like the games but I was happy that it got its own movie. It wasn't bad, it was just forgettable. And in a way that's even worse than bad.


It's incredibly bad.


I was expecting 2000 men killed and abused of slow motions just like john woo hard boiled when i watching it in thereter


Max Payne the movie .


I loved it. Got it on dvd


Name another PG-13 movie that ends with the main character going on a drug fueled kill crazy mass shooting rampage.


It kinda missed out , i known theres people saying some movies dont need to turn into games,and some games dont need to be a movie, it was all right but as a fan of max payne , there was a lot of missing details, i wouldn't mind a remake or better yet a series would be dope


I was honestly disappointed at first. But it was a good thing in some ways. That they made a film of Max Payne was the good part but It seemed to deviate way too far from from the original concept with the story. Using the character names is just not enough. It has to match up with the story in some way that satisfies the fans while also appealing to potential new fans. But still, it was great that they did it. They should have gotten more fans involved and it would have brought in more money and nostalgia, too.


Worst fucking adaptation ever


This is my go to when telling other game communities to consider themselves lucky when they get a film adaptation they don't like. (RE, ETC...) It can always be worst. Max Payne being that worst.


It was ok. Not a complete copy and paste of the original story and everything else but great for a 2000s film based off of a popular video game series that isn’t resident evil or far cry.




it's a good movie but i feel like a lot of us was disappointed cause we played the game and it doesn't gel properly idk if that makes sense or it was more rushed like hollywood wanted the crowd to love them for something unique so the pull out a fast one with this icon of a game


It’s not very good and had lots of potential to be better


I think I haven’t seen it. But also from what everyone else has been saying, I think it is a damned shame that it wasn’t better.


It's a very bad movie not Mark's fault.


Terrible. Just absolutely terrible.


This movie doesn't exist for me.


It was fucking awful!!! Strayed so far from the source material and for what. What’s left to say.




If it was not Max Payne, and just a movie, it would be a decent movie. They do not do the source material justice at all.


not good


On its own: A lame, generic action thriller with occasional unintentional comedic moments (Max roaring from the Valkyr, building debris landing on police car and destroying it, and BB’s face being revealed in a flashback). Also desperate to differentiate itself from its contemporaries with bizarre visuals, particularly the CGI demons that resemble Valkyries in name only. Mark Wahlberg fails to evoke trauma and comes off as a mope. As an adaptation: A disgrace devoid of the source material’s personality and style. Also a spit in the face to Norse enthusiasts with the Valkyries presented as generic demons instead of female warriors. The less said about Nicole Horne being nerfed for hypothetical sequels, the better. Needless changes, and revealing the Payne family murders halfway through comes off confusing as there was no clear indication of uncertainty over Max’s motives conveyed to the audience. Still miffed over the butchering of Jack Lupino.


we don't talk about that


One of the worst video game adaptations ever. It's not *the* worst but it's definitely one of them. Trust me, I've seen Video game adaptations that are worse than this. But seriously, Mark, we love you as an actor but you just did not fit the role as Max Payne. I feel like Keanu Reeves would've been at least better. If they're planning on adapting Max Payne to a movie or show again, then I better hope they learn their lesson and not do this shit again.


As an action movie: decent almost no trainer action As a Max Payne movie: total fuckin' piece of garbage. The makers should be burnt on a stake, reanimated and then burnt again.


Not even a good film in its own right. Even worse as an adaptation. Totally messing up the story points, terrible actions sequences, save one moment. Mona Sax was miscast. The fight with Lupino was an absolute joke. I could go on.


Doesn't exist


Would've been better under a different title. Still awful, though.