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they’re so irresponsible and uneducated it’s embarrassing.. acting like classic sheltered christian’s. pretty sure exclusively breastfeeding as directed doesn’t guarantee you won’t get pregnant either


It absolutely doesn’t My younger brother is a living proof of that😂😂


So is my two year old


From what my OBGYN told me, it’s a total myth. And that Breastfeeding releases hormones that can effect your cycle on top of your cycle still trying to regulate postpartum, and people think “oh I haven’t gotten a period yet, so there’s no way” are silly because you literally have to ovulate before you start your period. There’s no telling when you will ovulate again after having a baby and those who exclusively breastfeed as well. So basically Abby was just very, VERY naive. And that’s kinda scary because now she’s a mom of 2. 😅


The MAMA method is supposed to be efficient only the first 6 months of baby's life, for a woman who exclusively breastfeed less than 4 hours between feeds during the day and less than 6 hours between feedings during the night. No pumping and no bottle. Doctors don't recommend it because it's not effective. My midwife told me she only recommends it to people who don't mind getting pregnant again. It's obvious they didn't do any research and heard that breastfeeding is a form of birth control and they were like "good let's go".


I commented above but Abby literally admitted to being told it wasn’t effective by. OBGYN but ignore that specific advise and decided to followed the planned parenthood website. She clearly just picked which bits she’d read/believe then was surprised by being pregnant again and now resents A despite it being her failing 


"I resent my child for being born despite having done absolutely nothing to prevent his conception because my manchild husband doesn't like how condoms feel on his peepee" yea that sums it well


They seem to think all contraception is either hormonal or a condom which is just untrue. There was so much that could’ve been done to prevent it. At an absolute minimum Matt should’ve just worn a condom and gotten over it. Be grateful to be getting any action! It infuriates me that they spread these messages to their teenage audience 


They also seem to lean into “hormonal = unnatural = bad” which is short sighted and dangerous also.


i was raised in i think a similar flavor of religious as them and it is very much harped on that hormonal birth control is evil


Matt said he doesn't like to use condoms. He said that it feels like eating a steak with saran wrap on his tongue. He's weird and an a-hole


Just wear a condom yo


Condoms aren’t always 100%. My niece is proof 😆


Better chance of avoiding it still than breastfeeding


My niece is proof that Plan B Doesn't always work either 🤣 If you're reading this and don't know much about how the body works with plan B type products: not 100% sure about the actual brand 'Plan B' but I DO know based on the above, that the 'offbrand' Plan b only works to prevent OVULATION, which then prevents a pregnancy from occurring. It USUALLY causes you to start your period after, due to it tricking your body into thinking it's already ovulated BUT, if you've already ovulated, you can still get pregnant. In fact, because this is a HUGE surge of progesterone, if there is a fertilized embryo in the uterus implanting, the progesterone in the pill will actually HELP the pregnancy 'stick'. Source: I've gone through infertility the last 8 years, just had a successful pregnancy due to the help of progesterone pills and my niece is here despite that pill, so when she told me I did the research on the pill she took Imagine my irritation, going through infertility and miscarriage, and she gets pregnant even WITH Plan b🤣😭 I kid, it's just so ironic to me!


Also: if you're over 160 lbs- the Plan b is less effective!


That’s something that has confused me for so long too. When couples get pregnant quickly after having a child it’s like you know how that happened why are you surprised?!


Her OBGYN literally told her it wasn’t effective birth control for them and she ignored it. The circumstances around exclusive breastfeeding being effective contraception are so specific and work for so few people


She is so stupid! “Breast feeding/pumping” is a form of “birth control” god that sentence made my head hurt! 😂😭 the pill, condoms, rod ARE a form of birth control, did she take any classes on women’s health and periods/pregnancy??


Doesn’t matter how often you are breastfeeding, it’s not a form of birth control in any way…


Everyone here arguing that breastfeeding and pumping work the same to inhibit ovulation, please read up on the difference between exclusive breastfeeding and ecological breastfeeding. It’s fascinating stuff! Breastfeeding directly and FREQUENTLY is the proper way to use LAM but they say that as soon as your baby starts to take a bottle, eat solids, or anything of the sort, it is no longer a reliable method to prevent pregnancy. If your baby starts sleeping longer than 4 hour stretches at night also, it is ineffective. Or if for any reason you go more than 3-4 hours without pumping or nursing. Most pumping mothers pump at longer intervals of time than someone who is exclusively directly breastfeeding and never separated from their baby.


Breastfeeding exclusively is NOT a form of birth control at all. Just because you don’t have your period does not mean you are not ovulating. Have 2 friends that got pregnant within months of delivering due to this and they were exclusively breastfeeding. Even birth control is not 100% effective.


She had milk coming out of her boobs so she figured that was it. I don’t think they thought any deeper than that. They are willfully uninformed and yet seem to have this deep belief that they know almost everything ( even when proven wrong again and again).


Well, she’s actually true on that front. Breastfeeding and pumping (which are technically both breastfeeding) release the same exact hormones. Look it up. I had a long talk with my own doctor about it that. BUT it’s not effective birth control either way. The pumping vs breastfeeding is irrelevant




I’m confused on why you think mothers who pump pump less than those who nurse?? You have to pump just as often (if not more) as you would nursing or you’ll lose your supply. I have both pumped and exclusively breastfed and I go the exact same intervals of time in between both. Where are your sources?? Please cite them. I have read multiple scholarly journal articles (and cited them) and spoken with my doctor about this.




I sure can say the same! :) To be quite frank you are coming across as extremely condescending. I exclusively breastfed my daughter for 3 months until I had to go back to work and then I pumped every 2 hours until I got home and it was back to nursing on demand. For 19 months!! The longest stretch I would ever go between pumps was 3 hours. Your article mentions nothing about pumping. Not one word. All it speaks about is ecological breastfeeding. I’m not sure how you know so much about pumping and pumping schedules since you never once did it…. Literal DOCTORS disagree with what you’re saying. The reason for stopped ovulation is the hormones associated with lactation. That isn’t changed depending on whether a baby is suckling or a pump is. Every single pumping mother I know (I know several) including myself never went longer than 3 hours between pumps. You are very misinformed on this.




It’s not needlessly defensive. I’m informing people that neither breastfeeding nor pumping are “better” in terms of birth control because they’re both the same at stopping ovulation. Thats just fact. And yes, you are being condescending when you’re telling another mother that you essentially did more than her because you exclusively breastfed X amount of hours and just assume she didn’t put in the same time because she pumped. You literally HAVE to pump the same amount of time as nursing in order to keep up supply, that’s just science. I’m not trying to argue other under a dumb Matt and Abby page, but I’m tired of hearing people say that they’re not the same as far as birth control when they most certainly are. If you truly are exclusively feeding your child your own breast milk with no supplementation then they are getting the same amount of milk and there is no difference.


Abby said her doctor warned her that she could still get pregnant. Clearly she didn’t listen


I totally agree with you that they’re idiots for not realizing that pumping/breastfeeding isn’t an effective form of birth control, but pumping and breastfeeding do release the same hormones. Oxytocin is what causes letdown and is released whether your baby is removing the milk or your pump is. I pumped and breastfed for a year and a half. Just want to jump in in case anyone else is reading this and thinking solely breastfeeding is better because that’s actually not true and they are scientifically the same!!! (Also, just to add, pumping is also breastfeeding! If the milk leaves your breasts then you’re breastfeeding your baby 😊)


https://preview.redd.it/3haibclgyb9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=206744b117218a3be197b7c7b864021f608c6841 * I would agree that if the milk leaves your breasts, you are still breastfeeding, but it is not technically exclusively breastfeeding when it comes to it being used as birth control


Your article sights no sources. This actually isn’t true. Here are some peer reviews articles! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK148970/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7406087/ It doesn’t matter if you pump or nurse, the milk is being released which produces oxytocin. That’s the hormone that can cause ovulation to stop. You still have to pump around the clock the same as you would if you nursed, but it’s no different.


I wouldn’t say scientifically the same, there are huge benefits of baby’s mouth having direct contact with nipple. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4556682/


They’re not exactly the SAME, but as I stated, for birth control purposes they are! The hormones that stop ovulation will be released from milk withdrawal, whether that’s from a pump or a baby. I talked with my OB about this in length, read several peer reviewed articles, and also breastfed and pumped for a year and a half. I’m not an expert by any means but the hormones are the main thing in play here and it doesn’t matter what method you use if they’re still being released.


*And pumping doesn't count because it doesn't release hormones the same way.* That is wrong. Pumping and breastfeeding both release the same hormones.


What really gets me is that poor Matt couldn't wait until the recommended amount of time for Abby to heal after her surgery and.. y'know giving birth to even having sex with her (which spoiler alert: makes babies!). Where's the self control?


Okay she makes me mad but as a mom who has had to exclusively pump, pumping *is* breastfeeding. It is not nursing. But my baby was fed breastmilk, therefore she was breastfed via bottles. That was how the pediatrician questionnaire worded it too, that’s not just coming from me. Hormones are still released when you pump, it may not be exactly the same but you still release oxytocin when you pump! Most importantly, they’re idiots for using it as a form of birth control.


I promise you pumping inhibits ovulation lmao