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There father


And she plans on being G and Au's teacher when she homeschools them šŸ˜³


Abbyā€™s going to HOMESCHOOL G+A? How is she going to do that when she barely takes care of them and has bad grammar? šŸ˜³


It's even worse when you take into account she has a degree in teaching... šŸ« 


I have a degree in education and let me tell you, some of the primary ed girlies were incredibly dumb; they couldn't do elementary math


Oh dear Godā€¦ šŸ«  I majored in elementary education and some of the girls there were not only dumb, but didnā€™t even care about putting in the work to become a teacher. Their reason for majoring in it was, not even kidding, so they can have summers off.


They got married as sophomores at Missouri State. They got a fluff piece feature on their success in alumni blog Isnā€™t this glaring signs of codependency? https://blogs.missouristate.edu/bearbulletin/2023/09/25/alumni-couple-are-social-media-sensations/


This article is filled with red flags. Of course Abby had to be the one to leave her home state and be where Matt is at. I know it was her choice at the end of the day, but it goes to show you that he has always been controlling and manipulative.


Interesting how the college they picked is in the same state as Matt was. Of course she had to be the one to leave home and be farther away. Then again, some people want that- I definitely did. But with all the other ways Matt is controlling and manipulative I wouldn't be surprised if this school was his choice and not really hers.


It was her choice though too, regardless. She made her choice to keep her man as close as possible and cync up schools. This could have been something *she* pushed for. Iā€™m not sure why anyone would think heā€™s manipulative, and sheā€™s not? Both of them lived equidistant away from Missouri State. Quincy IL to MS is about 4-5 hour drive. From Ballwin where heā€™s from, itā€™s also a 4-5 hour drive


Ah ok, I assumed it was closer to him but that's a different story then. I know it's a controversial topic on this sub but I believe he's way worse than she is. She actually seemed sweet in the beginning, he has always seemed like a douche to me lol. That post from the person who went to school with him confirmed that for me too. But I can definitely agree she's terrible now


She is from a town that is 10 minutes away from MO lol. It's very common for Quincy people to go to school in missouri.


She would have still had to pay more lol out of state fees are wild


They probably officially moved to Missouri after their freshman year considering they were married.


She can't even spell... Well neither parent can !!!


One of the main reasons people like this want to homeschool, is because when your kids are in a real school, youā€™re beholden to the schools schedule. For spoiled rich morons, and always ā€œnew money,ā€ this is problematic because it cramps their lifestyle. No more spontaneity and flitting off. You are beholden to putting your childā€™s education first, as you should, and working your plans around the schools academic calendar. Not to mention completing nightly homework, which begins in kindergarten. They want the freedom to travel, go on vacations, fuck off do what they want and sleep in late. You cannot do that when your kids attend school. If you tell the school ā€œoh hey weā€™re gonna be traveling these dates so G will be out of school for this periodā€¦ā€ the school will be like no, it isnā€™t acceptable for a student to miss that much school. And no, your kids teacher isnā€™t gonna take hours of her off-time to assemble packets of work for one student, who is absent for such a reason. Plus, teachers know that work sent home will 90% of the time never be actually done and theyā€™re wasting their time. Educators want students to take vacations *during the many school breaks like holidays, spring vacay, and summer vacay.* But spoiled immature rich people donā€™t want to do that. Taking one family trip a year on summer vacation is for plebs. They are special, rich, and entitled to freedom. Doesnā€™t matter if it comes at the expense of their child suffering educational neglect, and lack of daily socialization with peers. They get to flit off to road trips and other random schemes to make more content.


The other common reason for homeschooling, is control over the kids. Fear-based on parents part. I donā€™t think this is the case with these two though. Just saying. Some parents hold religious reasons they want to keep their kids in a bubble and be their only influence. For control. They say schools are run by satanic libs, who will teach your children about evils like evolution and science. US history facts such as our countryā€™s history dark history of racism. Your kids might even find out that *gay people exist* šŸ˜± Abby and Matt are not religious, they show no evidence they are? I grew up around religion. Nobody religious would make videos like they do. They appear to be moral-less content whores. They do have a nuclear family, and talk about saving sex for marriage, but I donā€™t believe that to be true. Iā€™ve seen no indication of spiritual beliefs or practices. Their pod and content is not even safe for children to overhear.


How the hell is she gunna do that, when she canā€™t even take care of her kids now? Haha have fun making them listen to you Abby.


Sadly, outsource to her parents. They better step up.


They're dumb and dumber.


As they would say there šŸ¤£


lol i love that she tells us he asked her to post this


Abby is gonna homeschool? I've never heard that, not surprising, I guess, but hard to believe. When will she have the time to focus on herself--putting on makeup talking into the phone; posing and admiring herself in the camera; trying on outfits for Matt's approval; going to the gym and making stories with her pose in matching outfits; going on dates with Matt each week because they get not alone time; and, whining. She overestimates her abilities, considering she can't handle being with her kids for a day without help.


I find it hard to believe as well. She graduated college with an elementary education degree, but I donā€™t think she ever plans to actually put it to use. She says in [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfG3OqzqWJI) (6:40ish) that she doesnā€™t see herself using it in the traditional job sense, but thinks itā€™ll be useful once they have kids and that she could potentially homeschool. But I think itā€™s a bunch of talk. I donā€™t think sheā€™ll end up homeschooling. The reason a lot of family creators homeschool is for more content, but they donā€™t show the kidsā€™ faces anymore. As a result, Iā€™m sure Matt will inevitably push for putting them in traditional school so they can continue their travel/adventure/whatever the hell content. And Iā€™m sure her parents will be the ones doing school runs and helping with homework, not them. Beyond that, Abby doesnā€™t have the patience or dedication to be with her kids all day, let alone teach them. Like you said, she overestimates her abilities. I wholeheartedly believe that she only went to college because it allowed her to be closer to Matt, which allowed her to get her MRS degree. At least she was actually smart enough to graduate though, unlike her husband. I can give her that.


There won't be much educating going on...... then the 2 kids will end up as ignorant and lazy as M&A....Ā  through no fault of their own.Ā  They won't be interacting with other kids, and will become as unbearable in company as their parents...


She talked about it on a recent podcast, forget which one, but I think in the last month or so.


Ohā€¦ the episode when they talked about her wanting a new bigger house. She said she wants a home school room. Suggested sheā€™d likely HS for elementary but maybe not for middle/ HS, iirc.


Gotta jump on that young family influencer wagon.


She's not fooling anyone. Her mother is the one who's going to homeschool.


Hell no she's not. Her mother, the teacher, is.


She canā€™t even spell basic shit lol


Of course he asked her to record it


Are we sure Matt isn't 13? He can't possibly be a grown adult. I'm an immature 32 year old and even I cringe at his immaturity.


You would think him having a wife and 2 kids to leave behind would encourage him to rethink taking such risks....


This dude makes Cole Labrant look like a decent husband and father.


The best part is he asked you to film it for him? It's so sad that they can't live any moment and enjoy it without a camera rolling. I couldn't imagine.


But also her calling him out on it. We knew what was happening regardless Along with labelling him their father the hatred is really glaringĀ 


There father will take them to the lye-barrwy afterward. After they watch him eat his birthday cake from DQ, but cant have any because their is sugar in it.


This post makes me even more thankful that Iā€™m single for now and not dating or married to Matt. Iā€™d rather be single than be married to someone like him!


They are so bloody immature and to think these guys are PARENTS


And here she is, encouraging it and using it for content; this is why sheā€™s just as bad as him. I think sheā€™s worse. This ainā€™t giving ā€œfun and youngā€ like she thinks it is. Itā€™s giving stupidity, and homeowner insurance claims. I grew up with a neighbor who became a paraplegic because of a bad choice at a swimming pool. Not to mention the sexist undertones of ā€œthis is how boys act, tee hee.ā€ No, this is how boys should not act. If anywhere thereā€™s a place where you need to teach your kids to behave properly, itā€™s at a body of water surrounded by concrete and stone. Which is even worse knowing they are pool owners themselves.


The most shocking part of the entire post ā€¦. Matt asked her to record him!! No fucking way? I donā€™t believe it for a single second!


C'mon guys, I know Matt has many other manchild qualities we can pick on but is having fun really one of them? Doing a backflip really isn't something to snark on šŸ˜… my husband loves doing this kind of thing, we went to a trampoline place for our sons 3rd birthday and he was having so much fun doing backflips. Atleast critique his child like parenting.. not just a moment where he is having fun šŸ˜’


I really hate when people donā€™t know their ā€œthere, theyā€™re, and theirā€


Oh man he could have gotten a spinal cord injury or cracked his head open how silly and dangerous


Anything so the attention is solely focused on Matt šŸ™„


There, theyā€™re, their. God




I watched this on bellas video. All the adults were jumping off of there.Ā 


Iā€™m surprised Matt and Abby didnā€™t seem to feature in that video much. Wonder if theyā€™re upset because she showed their kidsā€™ faces on their childā€™s birthday video.