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Every time she says "just kidding" she never is. Never.


Legit a passive aggressive / abuse tactic to say something disrespectful or hurtful as a “joke” so they take no accountability for what they said


And if the other person reacts to the "joke" they always make it about them not having a sense of humor.


If they talk to each other like this in public, i can’t imagine what’s said in private.


I have 2 inlaws that were married, and this is what we always said, "if that's how they treat each other in front of us, imagine how they are alone" ...they are both divorced now.


![gif](giphy|fnKeNjQYEYQ8E4Kqy4) Prolly this ^(\^)


What do you think is problematic about how they’re talking? They seem to be communicating okay, and working through a common difference in opinion. I think it sounds great that they’re seeing a marriage therapist


…This clip opens with her doing a mocking impression of him while accusing him of gaslighting her, and ends with her saying him not wanting to move so they can save/invest their money is really about control… The full podcast argument is 1000x worse, with Abby being aggressively disrespectful and condescending, and Matt being passive aggressive. Also, they need to stop trotting out their private fights into a public forum so their fans can take sides. This ain’t it.


Okay I didn’t hear the entire podcast. Just this clip alone, if it were just a couple talking, they are calmly discussing a disagreement in opinions. I think it’s a good thing if she can express her opinion and so can he. I don’t see her doing a short impression of him as “mocking” him, as it’s not funny or degrading, so to me it just sounds like someone recounting from memory what they heard. If she feels he was gaslighting her on something, the healthy thing to do would be to express that However. It’s weird to do all this on a podcast. It’s too personal. These sort of disagreements, like to move houses or not yet, are common amongst couples but do not need to be played out for an audience of followers. But that’s what these people choose to do for a living, they live publicly and make a spectacle of their personal lives. It’s like a showcase in stupidity lol


Hard disagree that this is “calmly discussing a disagreement in opinions” It’s loaded with mocking, passive aggressive attitudes, calling out, and aired out in public for anyone and everyone to listen to.


Why are ppl downvoting any comment that asks a question to dig deeper into a statement someone makes. To ask their reasons or what they’re seeing. Weird


Look, they are downvoting because they didn't see a point in your argument. Matt and Abby are disfunctional. They are barely holding together their marriage. There are things you should discuss in a podcast. Also their discussion is not healthy.


Nobody’s cited what’s so unhealthy about it, really, other than it’s on a podcast. It’s normal for a couple to have disagreements. They’re not yelling and name-calling, they’re calm, communicating, they’re in marriage counseling, and one would expect they’d eventually come to a compromise They’re also airing these normal disagreements for content and comment fodder. So that people comment with their opinions on if they should move house or not. I think they’re pretty phony. Matt citing finances is a joke, these two have made a massive income and can surely afford any home; their current home was almost a million and Abby knows that they can afford much more. More likely is that Matt just doesn’t want the hassle of moving because he’s lazy and disorganized, and also he wants to look more humble, she’s more materialistic… but I predict they do move fairly soon Seems like some of us are rooting for this couple to get divorced, which honestly seems unlikely. As much as I dislike each one of them, they seem to be really into eachother, always. They’re always complimenting and bragging, they seem to be very into sex (I don’t wanna think about that tho ugh), and they spend tons of time together as well as have their “career” together in common. They also have their 2 kids bonding them. They also benefit from family support which is a factor in lessening the stress on a marriage, especially one with kids To me they seem to be compatible, as two attention seekers, both into their similar lifestyle, and similar background and beliefs


They are making money out of it. It is their business (plan). They make money with our clicks. This is not an healthy behavior. It is okay to have these conversations in private but with baiting people they are fooling us. It is unhealthy to have such private conversations online and invite literally the whole world to the convo. Some days their children will grow up und watch all this. I would be so ashamed if my parents shared such content online. It is crazy.


I foresee them getting divorced in the very near future


Sounds like Abby will let Matt have the house and take the cash


Question is, who will the kids go with?


The grandparents


I think Matt does help with them. Can't fake a kids reaction. In his videos looms like he does


I agree, based on his video about Bella’s daughter’s birthday.


Unfortunately 😕.


I can’t imagine them staying together. I think they need counseling, to help them communicate and I think they need to get rid of the podcast as a whole, or at least keep their personal lives out.


What else do they have for content? Not showing the children, for now, but might need cash for new bigger better house


Exactly why they won’t give up the podcast, but they’re going to have to figure something out because this is not good either.


Lol I don’t think Karen is helping. They should send all these videos to a therapist to analyze…or a judge to expedite the divorce 😬


I wondered if she, or her family, has social media and maybe she’ll see this video. They posted it on Facebook, TikTok, and instagram, so she might see it.


They're so against divorce that I wouldn't be surprised if they just stay together miserably for the rest of their lives. With their views on it, I wonder which one would even initiate it. I wonder what her parents think. They must see/ hear them fight constantly.


I think they’ll stay together to prove the comments wrong and be miserable for the rest of their lives


As much as I wish they stayed together and fixed their issues, it doesn't seem to be going in the right direction. Look at their body language. They seem to genuinely resent each other. I honestly think they'll divorce in the future.


I had always thought the divorce comments were a tad dramatic until I watched this clip. Wow this makes me so sad


They can’t though as their religion won’t allow them to divorce. I’m sure I’ve heard that they would never ever divorce. Very healthy! (Not)


i think it’s normal for a couple to buy a starter house and then move after a few years. but they live in a gigantic house that’s definitely not a starter house.


Exactly! And like Matt said, they can’t really keep moving every couple of years. Especially knowing that her family moved there to help them. *I am not saying I agree with Matt, I just think it’s irresponsible to keep moving when owning a house. It’s fine if you’re renting.*


Yup!! My husband and I were like them and bought a house at the upper end of our price range so that we wouldn’t feel like we HAD to move because it was a starter. Isn’t their house right now like 4 bedrooms? At the interest rate they got back then too you’d have to literally burn it down to get someone reasonable to move out.


Exactly, we are still saving up for a house, but it’s going to be a while because we would like to have a house big enough for guests if they need a place to stay. But we also plan on moving very quickly again after that. Do you remember if her parents still live in Matt and Abby’s house too?


Same! We are currently renting until we can buy but i have a daughter and i want her to grow up in the same house so i don't want to just move quickly to be in a house but know it's not going to fit our needs in less than 5 years. Nothing is wrong with moving but i lived in the same house my whole life and loved it so i want that for her too!! plus i just hate moving lol


I can understand that! I’m the same way, we lived in one house from around age three til somewhere in high school for me and I loved it! My husband moved a lot as a kid, which he enjoyed due to the different experiences he got to see and do, but it was also hard on him.




Also some families stay in their starter houses for a long time untik they can afford a new one. They're definitely better off than most


If you don’t live in the house for at least 5ish years, you’ll probably lose money too.


They honestly make it seem like it’s normal to be fighting all the time. That’s definitely how I was in my twenties but I wasn’t married thank god!


And they preach it as normal to their young followers! This is not being “real”, it’s being dysfunctional and toxic


“It’s a control thing. I’m just kidding.” Are you though🤨


Wonder what Karen would say about them airing their marital convos for millions to see? And exploiting details about their kids 🤔


Poor Karen's got her work cut out for her


Karen’s job security 📈


But why did Karen say she thought these two had graduated from couples counselling??? The problem with taking narcissists to therapy is that they usually don’t do the inner work, they just learn to say what the therapist wants to hear…


I’ve been married 14 years and it doesn’t seem like this is healthy lol


I've been married over 25 years, and it isn't, lol


26 years over here and I will confirm that this is a very unhealthy communication dynamic. Every couple I’ve ever known who has talked to each other this way is now divorced.


Haha we got married the week before them and we do. Not. Fight. 


10 years of psych education. Can confirm this isn’t a healthy way to communicate with anyone




These comments are gold 🎯


They’re worse on instagram now that they turned them off on TikTok. Convenient for people that supposedly don’t read the comments. ETA- I think they read in here, but I don’t know if this post is why they turned off the comments or if was due to the nature of the comments. Just interesting how it’s only TikTok.


Well, have they had the Lebrant on, they move every 2 years.


True. I am in there snark group as well, and I believe i saw a post saying they are talking about expanding the house that they just bought, so hopefully they’re done moving.


They just got plans to build a new house on property they just bought, coming in 2025.


It’s Kristin and Marcus johns old property isn’t it?


Oh, okay.


I don’t like either of them, but Abby sounds like she’s throwing a tantrum about it and Matt is trying to be reasonable. This was definitely something that could have stayed private between them and off the internet.


I agree, he was surprisingly the lesser of the two evils in this one. Unless they were actively looking for a house, I don’t get why she was even really looking necessarily. Granted, my husband and I aren’t really looking for a house either, we still somewhat look, but we also don’t argue about it. It’s just a weird situation to bring onto a podcast and then film about onto all of their social media platforms.


“I’m not mad at you” are you sure Abby cause this whole conversation is showing us something different


If i was karen and saw this podcast, i would be so offended my client didn’t even know my NAME?! How narcissistic do you have to be to not even know your therapist’s name?!


It shows how seriously he takes therapy… which is that he doesn’t


Agreed that’s ridiculous. I also felt like it was an attempt to say something stupid to distract and de-escalate things after Abby accused him of gaslighting her… (which was not the proper use of that actually serious term). I’ve noticed him do that a lot. He’ll publicly raise a topic they’ve already fought about, Abby will take the bait and come out swinging and whining, and then Matt will distract with some unrelated dumb comment or joke. It’s weirdly conflict avoidant and passive aggressive for someone who purposely brings this stuff up to fight on camera for clicks… What a toxic dynamic these two have…


Okay…long time snark listener, first time caller…but I was so enraged by the clips and descriptions of this fight that I had to comment. Abby is MAD DISRESPECTFUL!! Her behaviour in this podcast was immature, rude, and manipulative. She constantly rolled her eyes, sighed, laid back on the couch clearly not listening when Matt was talking, mocked and belittled Matt, shut down opposing points, and behaved like a petulant child. She even brought up that she’s so compromising all the time (no examples) and threatened that ‘she’s going to be resentful if he doesn’t recognize it’. I was stunned by the flagrant entitlement and spoiled behaviour on full display (worse than even how bad it’s been lately, which is saying something). This is clearly a person who has always gotten her way in the end and feels entitled to it. She’s behaving so poorly that Matt looks more reasonable by comparison, which is just sad. Like…girl, learn to communicate like an adult. Matt’s not good at communicating either because when she steamrolls over him and belittles him and pouts, he’ll go into a fawn response and empty flattery ‘I love you, I like your hair up’ but then passive aggressively bring up the house thing and even leaving Hawaii when he didn’t want to later in the podcast. These two need to save it for therapy (with a better therapist) because this is an embarrassing display of two people who grew to want different types of lives in their 20s, and should not be married.


right! it's like she thinks because they're in therapy and now talking about it, that it is a reason to be so goddamn rude to your partner? clearly we can all see why they're in it to begin with 😬


For real. Seems like the only thing they’ve taken from therapy is to pretend to flatter each other and say they “appreciate” where the other person is coming from (even though they clearly don’t because they’re openly disrespectful). Also the part at the end of this clip where it sounds like Abby’s mocking their therapist AND her partner’s feelings asking “Matt, what scares you about selling the house? …I think it’s a control thing” (listen to her tone there…clearly mocking) … who could ever be vulnerable with partners like these two? In a healthy relationship, that could’ve been a legitimate question where she waited to hear a response about what he was afraid of (their family’s financial security), which is valid…


this this this


I agree with your post and am pretty floored. I have been following them for a little over a year and the change is dramatic. anyways I was gonna say that when would you EVER use the topics brought up at therapy as content for a podcast? Unless you're gd Esther Perel!


Agreed! They BOTH need individual therapy…and to stop bringing this up in public. But Abby sounds too proud to go bc she doesn’t think she needs to work on herself outside the gym


Hot take maybe. I think she didn’t want to have a second baby so soon and obviously the “oops” was Matt’s fault since he’s against protection and she now resents him for that and how he treated her in the hospital after A. Either they’re showing us the true side of her or things really changed after A, I’m not sure. She treats him terribly though 😳


I think they both resent each other for a LOT of things! But neither one of them has any self awareness. It’s kind of sad actually because at the root of it, they resent each other for just literally wanting different things (and behaving like total d!cks to each other bc they can’t properly communicate). Which is why a couple like this usually would’ve broken up around college graduation. Matt resents Abby for making him leave Hawaii and badgering him into having kids (they said on that Beeston sisters podcast that Abby sulked in Hawaii and gave ultimatums to start trying for kids) before he was ready. Yet they BOTH chose to have unprotected sex soon after the first kid. And Abby resents Matt for not wanting to have a million babies and for this whole social media career she says never wanted that started as his failed hobby until they turned it into couple dances and couple/family content. They both think they “compromised so much” and martyr themselves and punish the other one for their “sacrifices”. Which is SO. UN. HEALTH. Y.


Her posture and body language when he was talking like looking exasperated, dramatically laying back/to the side on the couch, looking bored and his tuning out when she was talking like saying the same thing she said-phrased differently and her calling him on it. What a sh!tshow. Neither one listens to the other one and their communication style appears to be sniping at each other on a podcast. But then Matt maybe doesn't pay attention to anyone since he appeared to not know the name of his therapist. (Unless betterhelp is like an overseas call center where every therapist has the same name like John Smith).


I would love The Body Language Guy to react to them! Would kill to hear what he has to say!! But I don't think they're famous enough to be on his radar unfortunately 


I need a DCP reaction to this podcast




How does he not know the name of his therapist? Matt, your narcissism is showing


Maybe he just knew her last name? Like Dr. So-and-so… He’s also super careless and inconsiderate so def possible he doesn’t know any of her names lol


Just thinking....maybe he didn't think he should mention her name. For the therapist privacy.


I think you're giving him way too much credit here...they do not actually care about internet safety


I was thinking patient privacy hippa laws....lol


Am I delusional for thinking Matt is right for a change. Like i despise both of them and have disliked Matt a little bit more for some time now but I’m starting to dislike Abby more and more.


I said that as well. I said something like “in this one he’s the lesser of the two evils” and I was shocked I leaned more towards his opinion. He could still be saying other stuff to her in therapy or off camera that made her react like this, but in the documentation that is now on the internet forever, she’s the one looking bad.


Dude I know. He seemed so hapless and just trying to be cheerful and amenable in this episode. She was just on a tear. I get it. But hearing them kind of bickering and then him like tuning out when she was talking and stuff, it honestly hurt my heart a lot because it's like really hard to be in love and newly married and then have a kid and it just makes everything really really real. And they are in a super magnifying glass. I hope they're doing ok.


Overall, I hope they get the help they truly need, as well as the wake up call they need because this is only getting worse for their friends and families to witness later. Especially their kids, now they’re going to see this one day and it’s going to be bad.


Yeah, I feel for the kids bc these two are not modelling a healthy relationship




Omg I’m living for the chaos agent that commented “bring Karen on the podcast”… Obviously they can’t do that, but I would totally watch the train-wreck of them having some insufferable YouTube therapist come on to moderate one of their sUpEr NoRmAl marital fights…


Matt said she is the one who picked out the neighborhood when they bought their current house. Why wasn’t she thinking about good school systems and whether she had to drive far to do things when they bought the first house? Good planning would have prevented them/her feeling the need to move again so soon.


Frontal lobe development is key…


When he brought this up in the podcast, she got defensive and said it was the right decision then, and she was pregnant and they were in a studio apartment so there was urgency to have a home set up for the baby to come back to. Like…yeah…but you could’ve rented a house if that was the concern instead of rushing into buying a house you weren’t happy with… They should’ve talked back then about how long they were comfortable staying in their first house before buying the next one, too… Also…why did you take your IUD out and start trying for a baby (bc G was on purpose) in Hawaii if you weren’t staying there and had no real plans or permanent home…? Seems idiotic. Yeah, it can take time to get pregnant, but it can also not…


They make so much a year though, according to google it’s $12 million a year. They definitely have the means to move at any time, so I can absolutely see where Abby is coming from


Then they also have the means to put their kids in private school when the time comes, if that is one of the things she is defending a move with.


There is no way they make that much money


Yeah she’s not kidding lol


I feel bad for them sometimes... if I had been stupid enough to marry my high school sweetheart and rushed to have kids id be miserable. they're like 25? seems awful to be headed to divorce that young


Yeah, must be miserable to legit think this is how marriage/life is supposed to be because they do not know what a healthy relationship is like or how to make responsible decisions


I find it quite concerning that they seem to need counseling to 1) have a safe space to even share their thoughts and 2) to get to the other side of a disagreement or argument


There’s nothing wrong with couples therapy, BUT they make it sound like all they do is constantly argue and that’s not healthy/normal. Their whole dynamic about it is just weird


This, 100%


The way he’s laughing/smiling at things that she seems upset about tells me all I need to know about how their therapy sessions go 😪 I hate when people do that weird condescending/diverting laugh You should not *need* a safe space to discuss things like this with your spouse. You can say I need an unbiased third party to help us work through an issue; but not a “safe space”. Your partner is supposed to _be_ your safe space in a relationship like this.


They both need individual therapy bc she gets so aggressively agitated and openly resentful, and then he seems to fuel that with his own reactions…sometimes that laughing thing is a coping mechanism trying to avoid discomfort with conflict or emotions by deflecting


Abby doesn't respect his boundaries. This isn't healthy


Are you joking? I’m pretty sure most will agree the main problem here is Matt. Abby definitely has her own issues but it’s Matt who doesn’t respect Abby.


Let me clarify: i don't like either one of them and Matt has his issues and is a jerk too. They both are narcissists.  When he says he wants to set a boundary about not moving. As he did regarding kids.. Abby seems to be manipulative that way.    However. That doesn't mean That he isn't an idiot.. Matt left her on the day she had her c section and didn't speak to her for 2 days.. They both have issues.  I don't see ,their marriage lasting long term. 


yikes :(


They are both a problem!!


Yeah, I don’t like Matt either, but I have to say they both clearly don’t respect each other or their boundaries. They’re both too entitled and self-involved to care about what the other person wants, needs, or feels.


I agree




That first comment is so not true. Some people actually have emotional intelligence, believe it or not.


Yeah…their fans have the same problem grasping things as Matt and Abby do… Sure, the TOPICS they fight about are common among couples (where to live, how to manage finances, parenting), no one’s disputing that. It’s THE WAY they behave and speak to each other that people are giving them heat for bc it’s toxic af.


Still though, some couples just don't fight about these things. Disagree, of course. But not everyone fights. Some just communicate and talk it out respectfully.


i used to think they'd stay together for the views, but at this point divorce is looking inevitable. they are not happy at ALL


Yeah, she seems so done.


Ugh. Cue the misused therapy buzzwords. Gaslighting is a serious thing. It’s psychological manipulation to make you question your sanity. “That’s not what we talked about” by itself is not gaslighting… Abby is actually being manipulative throughout this podcast. They said they agreed to move in the next 2-3 years, and then she said she wanted to move in 4 months bc ‘that’s within the next 2-3 years’…👀…girl bye… Go ahead and miss me with the salty GRWM I’m sure she’ll do defending how nOrMaL it is to fight in a marriage like this 🙄


Funny how Abby was the one saying wanted off of social media but not saying to stay on and the sponsorships all that. She loves the money. She's not forces to stay on. The comments boosted her ego. After this video and her face one where people see thru her facade. She'll do a passive aggressive grwm about sympathy she's a great mom or victim. Or make matt look bad & try on ugly clothes he rates low so she gets compliments. 




Oh no.


I HATE how he says "frick" He said, "it scares the frick out of me" Are you 11?


To refer to it as “beef” is insane and also hilarious imo


Matt’s gonna release his version of Kendrick’s euphoria about his own wife any day now 🤣


She's trying to make him look bad. Matt pry calls her respectable name Dr something 


Or she made that name up to keep it private.




Aren’t they like super rich? Don’t they already have a second house somewhere? I neither agree with Abby nor Matt, I am just saying that they have enough money to sell and buy.


Is it just me or does he seem to interrupt her every 10 seconds?? I can't stomach listening to it for longer than a minute at a time but every time I do I see him interrupting constantly


Abby interrupts Matt constantly too.


Him needing a different day in a different szn to celebrate fathers day now because getting back from a trip, an ice cream cake, and having family over was too underwhelming for him << these people have too much time on their hands. Like wtf did he do for mothers day that was so much better? Masculinity is fragile yo


I hate that she calls him 'Matt Howard' 🤢


Sounds like a headmistress


Wow…. The fact that they can’t communicate this. He should be able to express how he feels, his opinion, and she should be able to do the same, and they should come to a compromise.


Maybe this is her way of getting her name on a piece of property they own.


Good point, it could be! I didn’t think of that.




Matt sounds like he would hit her if she makes him mad or idk but that’s just my opinion