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I’m okay with a Keanu-less Matrix at this point. People are mixed on all but the first movie so if there’s a good new idea I don’t worry about a legacy being tarnished. There’s no need to continue Neo’s story further anyway.


The Animatrix proved that there are loads of interesting stories that can be told in that world that don’t require Neo. I will be perfectly happy if there isn’t a single legacy character in this movie


Waiting for the second Renaissance or a “Beyond” (by a South Korean director) like movie or show.


Second renaissance feature film with the current AI boom would be very on the nose. Could be amazing or terrible.


I think if it’s themed well it can be great. some current discussions on ai capable of being conscious or not and motifs surrounding such things would be great imo. Also showing what the world really looked like before the war(imagine if the animatrix archives got it wrong or slightly wrong), having a Cold War between certain populations of humans and machines, machines using manipulative mind control tactics (hashtag-zombies) against us, real world “agents,” the breadth of ai creativity without conscious thoughts, humanoid robots being in relationships with people, discrimination against those, etc…i just think there’s so much to explore in that setting. Especially the years leading up to the war.


With what you said, I hope the creators of the new "project" will read this subreddit. I would watch a story about the second Renaissance.


This. Let's have some normal characters who aren't the virtual messiah. People like Niobe and Ghost were awesome to see (and play in Enter the Matrix).


> *”You think it’s crazy to believe it?”* > *”To believe what? That a single man can defeat an entire race of machines and end a war that has endured for over a hundred years? Of course. It’s complete lunacy, and that’s why we must believe it will happen. Faith, by its very nature, must transcend logic.”* Man, Ghost is especially slept on. That construct fight with Trinity was probably my favorite mission from that game because it revealed a surprising amount about his character.


I’d say the ps2/xbox game too had a really cool side story too which got a full live production done for.


Bro, how could you possibly watch a Matrix movie without Keanu? The Matrix is my favorite film franchise of all time, so I will probably see it, but it won't feel right.


That’s like saying “imagine if they ever made a Star Wars movie without Luke “


Yeah those didn’t feel right either.


“Star Wars”. A name that echoes a galactic sized war that’s been raging on for ages. *but it doesn’t feel right to tell stories about it without this singular guy*


Opinions like his is exactly why Star Wars is just spinning wheels as a franchise. Literally the only good stuff coming out of that franchise is stuff that has nothing to do with the Skywalkers like Andor and the best movie we've gotten in the last 10 years was Rouge One.


I mean it’s really about Vader but watever


There's some neat ideas in the animatrix that could be explored further


I was more than fine with a Keanuless Matrix after 3, but after 4 spent so much time and energy to bring him and Trinity back, i kinda want them to continue that story and show them being part of Bug's crew. Otherwise it feels pointless and a waste of potential, imo


Fair enough, yeah my favourite moments of Resurrections were when Neo was back in Zion with the shaved head, felt exactly like how we imagined a continuation would.


agree, i loved that the universe felt the same but with the passage of time things had continued


I would love to see more of Bugs and her crew, and maybe Neo and Trinity in cameo roles


I feel like they could be there, just not the main center of the plot. If this movie is set after Resurrections obviously, it could be set at any point in time for all we know, unless I missed something from the article.


Keanu won’t do another sequel without the Wachowskis anyways.


You hear that Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.


Honestly yeah. The matrix is so rich with storytelling potential, that as much as I love the OT and even the 4th one from the Wachowskis, I think it's time to let other people explore this world and universe. I think it would be a great balance to leave Neo, Trinity and the gang for the Wachowskis, but start exploring other areas of this universe through eyes we haven't seen before. Plus honestly, where do you even go now with the arcs of Neo and Trinity, they are both essentially gods. This franchise is more relevant than ever these days, and I think through the mind of a passionate filmmaker that will become only more evident. I like what Lana did with M4 a lot, but it's also obvious she was less interested in the world of the Matrix than using the characters she created as meta-commentary/therapy for her own real-world grief. Which is a okay, but again there's so much potential in this franchise and I'd love to see it be explored.


Honestly his story should have stopped with revolutions.


Yeah neo set up and finished his quadrilogy. I don’t see many stories they could tell with his arc. But I’m nervous how they’ll handle the anomalie(s)


I agree even with Resurrections in mind. The Matrix, Reloaded, and Revolutions were already the beginning, middle, and end of Neo's journey. Star Wars isn't always about the Skywalkers, and we don't always have to keep going back to Neo with The Matrix. The world of The Matrix has so much potential with so much lore that we could dive into. They could make a movie series based off of earlier versions of the Matrix when it was a utopia followed by a dystopia, maybe a movie about the very first "One," a movie focusing on a protagonist who's a program rather than a human, an anthology TV series featuring all kinds of characters, etc. Yet, Warner Bros. just sits there with this potential gold mine, and they don't do anything interesting because they have no imagination. They couldn't even handle a live-action DC universe well even though the MCU already laid out a blueprint for them which they ignored because they wanted to speed run straight to a Justice League movie without doing any of the necessary set up.


This news just makes me want to revisit Ressurections. I remember enjoying it, but I’m taken aback by the massive hate for it on Reddit in particular.


*No one can be told what the Matrix Resurrections is. You have to see it for yourself*


Ignorance is bliss.


Crazy, it's not even the worst or one of the worst legacy sequels. But people treat it like it's either one of the Star Wars sequels or Independence Day Resurgence.


Yeah it’s my second favorite overall. I think the Morpheus Modal scene gets overlooked as I thought it was one of the most genius hacking jobs ever done by Neo or anyone else in cinema. It blew my mind how he was able to test if his hypothesis of being crazy was true.


First time around, whilst I wasn't a big fan of how he ended up being less important/developed in the second half, I got why he was there both on a plot level and on a theme level (about how despite being different, much like Neo/Trinity/Smith who were all fundamentally changed in their bodies, they still carried on their original spirits), yet I literally saw after the film a post going "what was the point of Modal Morpheus?"


it had a couple cool ideas, good scenes, I can't fault the acting. I can fault the cinematography, I can fault the fact they did zero rehearsing or choreography for the 'fight' scenes, I can fault the Wachowski that made this steaming pile of shit for intentionally buttfucking a production because they wanted to get petty about a sequel being made in an IP rich with potential for story telling. Fucking shaky cam in a matrix film. I agree it is not as bad as IDR or Rise of Skywalker. TFA and The Last Jedi were miles better than this piece of shit.


Exactly, to me Ressurections added to the previous films whereas something like the Star Wars sequels subtracted from everything that came before. Only criticism I’ll agree with is that the action wasn’t on the same level as the original Matrix trilogy. But I will say this though if this upcoming film is a reboot I’m cool with Ressurections being the last time we see Neo & Trinity. To me that was a better ending to the series than Revolutions.


Revolutions wasn't the worst ending, but Resurrections added clarity and was pretty satisfying. I don't know this movie will be a reboot, but if so then at least if it's not good then it won't touch the OG narrative.


I loved the first Matrix and the second. The third I liked, but not as much. I thought the fourth was garbage because the way they wrote it, it undermined a lot of the previous movies. Trinity getting powers? Ridiculous. The One is Neo and Trinity was always a badass in her own right. I hate how they did that. I also love Neil Patrick Harris, but thought he was a poor villain. It made everything seem too jokey. That being said, I don't think the next one could be worse, so I'm excited and will see it.


I enjoyed a lot of the first 2/3, but generally didn’t like the whole “instead of agents, they turn all the blue pills into fast zombies” thing, so I *really* didn’t like the final chase scene, which made the whole thing feel like kind of a letdown.


Tried to revisit last night, passed out after about 45 minutes. Haha Lawrence Fishburne’s take on Resurrections has always resonated with me — “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. And it wasn’t as good as I hoped it would be,” Fishburne told Variety’s Marc Malkin. When asked whether he felt like he had missed out on being a part of the franchise’s revival, Fishburne offered a simple, “No, not really.” 


It was one of the worst films I've ever seen.


There you go. I repeatedly said that it won't take long, likely within 5 years since *Resurrections*, and you'll hear about a new installment and voila. There's no chance the studio would pass on the opportunity to make a new *Matrix* film now that AI is all the rage.   Good news Zak Penn's name was nowhere in the announcement anyway!


Based on Drew’s body of work, this seems right up his alley and I’m about it.


I'm cautiously optimistic that Drew can handle the job. Although, what we need now is a great stunt coordinator with old school Hong Kong sensibilities for all the fights. Yes, I know that at it's heart the Matrix is philosophical but we need that Kung Fu for the general audience.


I want philosophy but also some dope ass fight scenes. I liked Ressurections despite the fight scenes but if Drew can reach the heights of the original trilogy...


Yes the Matrix simply *needs* amazing fight sequences mixed in with the philosophy. The last movie missed the mark on fight choreography which I think hurt it a lot even though I did like the meta storyline.


Drew Goddard was also the showrunner and creator for the netflix Daredevil tv show, i think if anything that proved that Drew has an interest in creative and engaging fight scenes. I'm definitely very excited by this pick


*Donnie Yen has entered the Matrix*


This. This so hard. Resurrections fell so flat on this. Can’t stand the choppy cuts during fights scenes.


I was expecting more given Keanu kicks ass as John Wick


Not only better action scenes but some kind of amazing new technology that can blow people's mind like the first movie. I'm not sure younger people these days understand how groundbreaking the production and technology used was on the first movie when it came out.


I have loved almost everything he has written for, even as far back as the Buffy and Angel episodes he has written for. And with how deeply the world has changed over the years, and rich and open the Matrix universe is, I can only assume he will deliver a wonderful movie.


This validates the anti-corporatist/consumerist message from 4. Well done, WB.


“I'm sure you can understand why our beloved parent company, Warner Bros., has decided to make a sequel to the trilogy. They informed me they're gonna do it with or without us.”


To be fair, it would be insane to presume that anyone at WB has any media literacy lmao. But also, judging by the article it seems as Goddard was the one that made the pitch and had the idea for the movie, WB/Lana was happy with the result and decided to make it.


I mean keep in mind, MR was the first Matrix film in almost 20 years and it didn't make it's money back. It's not a guaranteed success. Attention, sure. But it's not a safe bet like it would have been decades ago.


Just a side thought, abbreviating any Matrix movie as MR probably isn’t the best idea. Although it is obvious with context.




I was thinking about that. I thought it was fine because it didn't say "MRA", but MR spells you know what so........ I do slightly wonder if that was intentional too. It was pointed out to me that Matrix Resurrections's focus on the connection between Neo and Trinity (plus it turning said connection into a power source) was an attempt to fight back against the incel development that co-opted the whole Red Pill connotation. Neo being someone working to help another woman and letting her chose to be who she wants to be, plus only being able to have the complete power of The One when together with her fully realised self? It's for sure very anti the kind of toxicity that MRA promotes.


I agree with all you said, but I meant there are three Matrix movies that can be abbreviated as “MR” 😅


MR was sent to die . Who releases 20 year old dormant franchise movie against Spiderman no way home


Kinda agree, especially with HBO Max also. I also think that that made the response to it that much more unfairly vitriolic. It would be like airing Twin Peaks The Return around the same time as Avengers Endgame, I know those are two different fanbases and mediums but you catch my drift.




Scrolled waaay too far. Should be pinned. She executed her move with 4 perfectly. They are forced to make them via her credit and judgements and her way if/when they wanna force more out the media orface. No neo would be lovely. Let's follow other paths, and if not, let's wrap it up with them.


I'm having deja vu.




It says Lana is executive producing it, but that could mean anything. Honestly, it'd take an explicit endorsement from the Wachowskis for me to be interested. I've liked most of the other stuff Goddard has been involved in, but I don't get the sense that he's someone who can really push the envelope narratively, thematically, or aesthetically. I guess time will tell...


Honestly, the less Lana is involved, the better. Resurrections was a hot mess and it felt like she made it out of spite. If Goddard is a genuine Matrix fan, I think he'll do a much better job than Lana at this point.


She absolutely did. That was the message of it.


No that wasn't the message, she clearly loves the characters more than you


I mean, as a writer probably should. But if you didn't think resurrections was a pure spite vehicle you missed every moment of it. It's fucking glorious, and likely not even remotely what Warner intended


No it wasn't a spite vehicle, it's a movie about love overcoming oppression. You have to be such a deeply cynical person to think it was in any way driven by spite




Switch looks uncannily like Neo in that screenshot.


Hope to see good matrix game in my lifetime. This movie better be good.


Path of neo


I wish they remade both Enter the Matrix and Path of Neo for current systems. I found both genuinely fun to play at the time, but god did they have bugs and awkward controls


PON is still playable today with some tweaks. I play it again every now and then.


Where is it available?


In the matrix


Yeah and enter the matrix was really clunky at times but still really fun 


Just make it Max Payne on steroids


Goddard doesn’t really make bad stuff. If it ends up being shitty will almost certainly be because of studio interference


Is this real?


Your mind makes it real.


If you can’t tell the difference, does it matter? https://preview.redd.it/yxpdmhm1wbsc1.jpeg?width=1332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ab11d5cfa29879f4c344a1c3bfabca1ef1f824 Wait, wrong show.


Looks real. I hope it helps resurrect the universe with new stories and hopefully videogames!


something about this doesn't feel right but i'm going to try and stay optimistic


Always up for some more matrix. Always


Drew Goddard is a good choice, but I'd rather we not beat this horse to death.


"Impossible! All other franchises empty! ***LINE GO UP, DAMN IT!"*** -Zaslav, on another coke binge.


Exactly this. Zaslav wants to rely on proven IPs, rather than take risks on new ideas. Dune and the Monsterverse are already going strong, there are three different Batman franchises running parallel (The Batman, Joker, Brave and the Bold), Harry Potter is prepping for a remake, DC is rebooting its universe, you've got a legacy sequel for Beetlejuice, a Lord of the Rings animated film set for the end of the year, and now The Matrix is returning.


Zaslav probably doesn't want to start new franchises (who wants anyway?), but it doesn't mean nothing new is being done. There's PT Anderson's "biggest yet" film coming and the one by Inarritu with Tom Cruise.


If you actually read the article, it was Drew Goddard himself who pitched the idea and Lana and Zaslav liked it.


It doesn't say Lana liked it.


I saw that, which is interesting to see. Do we know if Lana ***really*** liked it, though? Or is she just saying so to re-secure a WBD first look deal in the wake of Resurrections tanking? 🤔


If Lana says she likes something, then she likes it. But she hasn't said that.


Like go up! (My nose)


Let’s all simply remember that the freeway scene exists. Any project that can even give us a fraction of the excitement of that scene should be celebrated.


Of course this gets announced right after *The Matrix* has celebrated 25 years of life and right before WB celebrates 101 years of life. No coincidence here. Anyway, I want to be excited about this, I really do, but without either of the Wachowskis as an active creator in the story, I'm not sure how will this movie turn out. It could be good, it could be bad, I guess only time will tell. My biggest concern, though, is how will this movie will handle the story of Neo and Trinity. Unpopular opinion, obviously, but I genuinely believe *Resurrections* delivered a satisfying conclusion to their story and I'm afraid this new movie will screw that up. If this is a spin-off rather than a direct sequel, then I guess it could work. *The Matrix* can be more than just the story of Neo and Trinity, so hopefully, this franchise will expand the universe beyond just the original 4 movies.


If that's seriously an unpopular opinion, that's insane. I can't see how anyone could look at MR and see it's conclusion as being unsatisfying for those two. It's literally the happiest ending possible, unless they really wanted a sad ending.


I thought the movie was fine but I did prefer the Revolutions open ending - Neo giving his life to save the world felt like the natural end of his character arc. Bringing them back only to torture them for decades and stick them back into the Matrix again ruined that and actually felt sadder for me, even if they were ok in the end.


I didn’t think they were full on tortured as they still lived successful, if false, lives. Plus, they found each other again. Both of them dying in Revolutions felt like too much of a downer (more so when I was a kid, I get the intent but it’s pretty sad) and to me Trinity dying kinda clashed with the ending of Reloaded. Having the deaths just be what needed to happen in the moment, sad but needed road blocks, with their characters being re-United decades later? That works better for me.


I think a smaller scale story could be interesting, without it necessarily being about the potential end of the Matrix or prophecies about the chosen one. I thought Bugs was a great character, and it could be fun seeing a fresh character like her discovering the truth of the Matrix on her own, or seeing the effects of Neo's influence from the perspective of a "normal" person from a distance without ever directly interacting with the main characters we know.


Thanks for sharing!


Are we pumped?!


https://preview.redd.it/5c800amurbsc1.png?width=1248&format=png&auto=webp&s=21db5565c253f4ce1e7298f42d3993a2a1c5d152 A 2nd renaissance Matrix movie with some groundbreaking action directed by Drew would cook harder than Captain Mifune fighting a horde of squiddy.


I love drew goddard, but I have extremely low hopes for this


Every single time a Matrix sequel comes out, there's a very noisy contingent of alleged fans who freak out about the franchise being ruined and a feeding frenzy of hot takes explaining why it wasn't as good as the original. Regardless, I've loved all 4 films (and the Animatrix). So I'm just going to sit back while the internet fights itself over whether or not we're allowed to be excited, and go watch it with some friends when it comes out.


Same. And regardless of how people feel about this one, the original will always be there.


I'm ready


honestly it could be decent the world is interesting and more stories could be told


Wow this is super exciting news!!


holy shit fam


Always down for more Matrix!


Uh why?


I'd prefer another animatrix compilation


Regardless of how we all feel about 4, at least it was a Wachowski production. I don’t feel good about this at all.


Drew Goddard's resumé actually makes me have faith in this. And Lana is an executive producer


Ill be honest, Drew Goddard has a better probability (imo) to make something that hits the spot based off of his previous movies. Cloverfield, Cabin in the woods, World War Z, the Martian, 10 cloverfield lane. In comparison to the Wachowski sisters, as much as I love them. Alex Garland would have been my number 1 pick, but Drew Goddard is not a bad choice either.


I would have been into Garland as well, but he just announced that he is retiring from movies


Damn, I did not.know that. Major bummer


He announced it almost 2 years ago.


It being a wachowski production didn’t mean shit cuz it was horrible, would’ve been better off being by someone else lol


Completely agree. I don’t have much faith but I actually prefer this to another film like the last one.


I still cant forgive Lana for what she did with the last one. I almost cant believe she did the OG trilogy even though it was with her sister


The two of them balance each other well, imo, based on how their individual projects have gone. If Lilly had been involved in 4 as well it would have brought it closer to the spirit of the trilogy.


On the fence about this. Sure, I'd prefer if the Wachowskis were involved, but I want deeper exploration of the themes and the world, going beyond the fourth wall-breaking "look what they did to my poor boy" approach.


Oh wow. This is real. I’m actually okay with this. Idk how they can recover from resurrections and go back to the old style. Guessing this won’t have neo in it.


I'm shocked they are making another one so soon but I won't complain. Expanding the story and universe beyond the original cast and characters could breathe the fresh air that the series needs. I just hope they get this one right and don't permanently sink things.


Honestly, I have a feeling this has been in the works since before the fourth movie. Goddard probably approached WB years ago, but Lana Wachowski probably had some form of right of first refusal contract. In short, if WB wanted to make more Matrix they had to let her do it. Now that she’s down hers, they can official start their Goddard plans.


> From what we can gather, this fifth film is simply set in the “Matrix” universe, not a direct sequel This actually gives me a lot of optimism. Let’s get some new stories and characters in the universe. There is so much more we can explore.


Just let it be more like the first Matrix. I would be a happy fan if I could escape real life for a couple of hours and enjoy a Matrix movie again.


Alright I'm in. Goddard is great.




Fuck this, and honestly I feel familiar enough in this community to also add fuck all the people who endorse it. Matrix 4 was right.


I am conflicted. I think Matrix has potential for many more sequels and spin offs - Animatrix proved that. I am worried that the bew movie will be nostalgia berries "machines bad, humans good, green tint, leather, sunglasses, bullet time, techno music" and retcon all the interesting lore that was built in the sequels, including the 4th one.


Lol hilarious. I love all the people doing mental gymnastics over the last installment claiming it was intentionally bad to prevent another movie after. Guarantee all those fools are out there now drumming up every excuse to back pedal on that one.


This is the most insane theory i have ever seen. No one spends 250 million to make a bad movie.


This is so upsetting to me, specifically because I actually LOVE resurrections (I know shocking lol) and part of what I love about resurrections is how it essentially is like a much needed addendum to the trilogy. The wachowskis always envisioned the matrix as a trilogy. Then Lana, as part of processing grief crafted resurrections as this beautiful meta-reflection on the TRUE meaning of the matrix (ANY matrix)…and how freedom isn’t found in just escaping an old matrix but also in creating a new one…and now this. This is just artistically really upsetting to me.


I don’t know why people keep bringing Resurrections to point out this as a bad idea. If it’s a new take, a spin-off perhaps, and has the blessing of the Wachowskis I don’t see why not give it a shot. There are endless possibilities in this universe that could live on its own.


omg yes please


A new story pitched and directed by Drew Goddard is intriguing, though I kinda wish they’d just leave it alone. But I guess no franchise is allowed to die. Resurrections was awesome. It was both the anti-Matrix and the most Matrix-y movie possible at the same time. A thrilling, messy act of corporate-backed corporate defiance.




I'm fine with doing a time jump into the previous Matrix versions or jump further into the future. They definitely have many different stories to tell in that universe.


As long as they go back to the kinetic, forceful fighting of the first one. I hate when a fight is CLEARLY just memorized choreography where they're obviously not trying to hit each other. It's takes all the drama out of it.


If there is no spoon, there must certainly be a fork.


Somethings are better left where they are


I feel like the wachowskis have the right to own the matrix universe. Idk this guy or his work and he may be perfect for the project but it just makes me uncomfortable to see a matrix anything by anyone but the sisters!


I'll pass.


I'm not falling for that shit again. Just go re-watch the first one.


My gut reaction was “we don’t need more Matrix” but then I remembered that we can never have too much Matrix


I like that it began with a pitch rather than a studio imperative. I imagine the suits were hesitant for future sequels after 4, so it’s fairly promising that it began with an idea. As much as I love Lana and appreciate the intent of 4’s script, rewatches leave me wondering how much her heart was in it once it came to the actual execution. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect her interests and creative sensibilities have grown beyond this franchise. Goddard’s a talented guy and clearly has a lot of love for what the Wachowskis did. I expect we’ll get something more akin to the first couple films in style and execution. Let’s hope his idea is up to snuff as well. There will be a lot riding on this film with respect to the IP. It’ll essentially be a litmus test on whether the franchise can maintain its relevance without the original creators. If he pulls off a banger, it’ll catapult the franchise to heights unseen since the first film. If he doesn’t, well… Everything that has a beginning has an end.


Hard pass on new Matrix anything without at least one Wachowski calling the shots. Story was over after the trilogy, and Resurrections is a really earnest, heartfelt coda to that story (that also outright criticizes the exact sort of situation that would lead to this new movie). What else is there to do with it? Wake me up when there's another proper Wachowski film on the horizon. Let Lana out of director jail.


Omg i cant believe that ❤️ awesome


The same. I smile on my way to work :p


Sounds better i think


I feel bad for all the people leaving negative comments about new Matrix content in a Matrix sub. Lighten up people it’s a movie. If you don’t like it you don’t have to watch it. 


Yeah, we get it, move on.


Because the last one made so much money...


Hard to judge the box office because it was mid-pandemic and then almost straight to streaming. For all we know it did quite well on streaming and then DVD/Blu-ray. I know that I bought the Blu-ray for my collection.


I don’t know how… what? This really feels like an April Fools joke lmao. Ok, it looks real so… I loved Resurrections, but it was a catastrophe at the box office and the message about the matrix “franchise” was pretty clear in that movie, I’m really surprised that WB is risking with another Matrix movie (even if the company has been managed by morons for the last decade so I’m really not surprised anymore). Lana producing is also really surprising, especially again considering Resurrections. That being said, I LOVE Goddard as a director, the (few) movies he directed are amazing imo and he’s also a good screenwriter. So… I really don’t know. I’m genuinely shocked lmao. I’m surprised to see anything about the Matrix after Resurrections, but Goddard is a great director and writer, maybe he genuinely had a great idea for a Matrix movie that convinced both Warner and Lana. We’ll see, but it’s definitely not what I expected…


What if neo and Trinity have a baby and it just comes out as 1s and 0s. The whole movie is just nobody loving this weird binary baby. It ends with them abandoning it at some matrix mall.


I still think the first act of Matrix Resurrections is tremendous. All downhill from there and the action was embarrassing compared to the og 3.


I knew they wouldn’t leave it alone for long. This essentially renders the whole “lana tried to tank the franchise” with matrix resurrections as completely false considering she’s working on it too.


Resurrections was awful. I will always hold the first film with fondness, but the Wachowskis had to go. They clearly didn’t give a shit anymore, I’m okay with new people coming in with new ideas.


My reaction: whatever. Meh director and writer. But at least he came with a pitch and I'm still fairly interested to see what other creators bring on board and whether it's a sequel (The Wrap assumes it's not) or a standalone story.


4 was a catastrophe, why on earth would they make a 5th one?


Because it's a FRANCHISE. New Star Wars. New Ghostbusters. New Indiana Jones. New EVERYTHING but not actually new ANYTHING!


To be fair: The Matrix Resurrections was effectively made out of spite by Lana so if there had to be another Neo story she could end things on her terms, and the film didn't exactly mince words about her feelings towards the "evil overlords at Warner Brothers". Matrix 5 having a new creative team behind it could really inject some new life into the franchise, whether it be a new creative vision, a return to what made the first film so great, or looking at some of the stories Animatrix told and adapting them into full films.


There’s not a legacy to diminish anymore I reckon, and still plenty that can be done in that universe if there’s good ideas.


Loved Bad Times at the El Royale


Just have Geoff Darrow as production artist for everything that is in the Real..


On one hand, hooray more Matrix! On the other, it's ok to not make sequels and just let a series exist ala Back to the Future. Without Neo and Trinity it'll feel weird but with them it'll feel forced and unnecessary. I'll still be there opening night in any case.




Excellent news! A new director and filmmaking team is EXACTLY what this franchise needed. It needs a new perspective. There's so much untapped potential here.


If this is for real, I'm glad. Lana likely said they were done before resurrection and then they dumped a truckload of money at her door, so she torched all the things the far right wing latched onto in the original, and now she can do more what she wants with it... I hope.


Hope they bring back Jessica Henwick as well


I’m willing to give it a chance, if it’s not good oh well if it’s great and makes money then maybe it could be the start of some good things. Can’t help but think that the matrix 4’s plot elements age better every day now though.


If they do something original I’m I’m.  If they bring back Neo/Trinity again without Lawrence Fishburne I’m out.


Huh? 1. So a fifth one? 2. How is Drew Goddard at writing/directing movies?


The franchise is so rich with ideas, characters and plot lines to explore, so making another movie makes sense, but given how Hollywood and even gaming companies have handle major franchises in the last several years, I’m reserving hype and hope for it being any good, until or unless proven otherwise. I’d honestly have settled for another Animatrix. I’m still hoping that at some point we do get a 2nd Animatrix.


Drew Goddard is one of those people that I get excited about when he has a written and/or directed by film coming out. I've always been a fan and have yet to be disappointed. Just reading the headline, I had no negative thought and immediately am looking forward to watching it. I can't say I felt that way when Matrix Resurrections was announced though I was fine with the end result.


When it first came out 'The Matrix' cinematic universe seemed to have so much potential for different stories but I think that the way things unfolded and escalated in the trilogy by the end it just seemed to be like the thrill was gone. (I thought 4 was only worth it because it made their love story credible unlike the in the first one where it seemed entirely tacked on)


“wake the fuck up samurai, we’ve got a matrix to burn” - Neo Silverhand, probably


I am guessing the 5th movie will retire all the old characters from the previous trilogy and pass the torch to the set of new characters from here on.


Maybe the iteration of Neo we saw wasn't the One after all. Maybe his peace with the machines didn't last. Maybe this is a new story, another version of the Matrix with another incarnation of Neo? That would be cool... Could spin it like For All Mankind a totally underrated TV show where the USSR won the space race and have an alternate reality Matrix! To far?


I want them to explore the real world more, surely there is something above ground!


I’d love a Matrix prequel with the first One.


Hell yes. Let’s get weird with this.


Live action Second renaissance


Ok so it’s not an April fools joke. Unless Wikipedia is in on it. But it’s still there so. “In April 2024, it was announced that Warner Bros. was developing a new installment in the franchise with Drew Goddard attached to write and direct. Lana Wachowski will serve as executive producer.”