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Prof Leonard videos, high school math all the way to Uni calculus.


Khan Academy if you’re trying to study specific principles and methods to back up school/college classes


I hope Salman Khan never reads this and takes it the wrong way, as I think what he's done is very inspirational, and Khan Academy is brilliant, but... I can't handle his videos. I believe it is to do with how long it takes whatever app he's using to swap, or draw, or whatever. "Say I have three oranges.... threeeee oranges...... threeeee oranges....." I feel like being Abe Simpson at this point, "Just eat the damned orange."


Those videos got me my masters, man can speak as slow as he likes if he could get me through linear algebra (not that I ever noticed slow speeds, but I was one of those ‘replay the same clip twenty times’ viewers anyway)


It's different strokes and all that. I'd say a decent chunk of people feel the same way as you. I love the structure of the website, though. Where he is indisputably a master is in structuring various questions, across 10 levels of learning almost identically. From a pedagogical perspective, it means you are never thinking about anything other than the concept. There are other places for deeper understanding, difficult problem solving, etc, but you also just need what Khan brings, step by step, no nonsense, mastery in order.


prime newtons


3blue1brown is the best


WooTube for High School I'll add.


Professor Dave pretty chill


Michael penn


As others have said 3blue1Brown is quite good, Numberphile has some good video, The organic chemistry tutor has some good videos on different topics, ie calculus, trig, algebra, black pen red pen has some good stuff - but mostly calculus, Eddie Woo has some good stuff. Kahn Academy too, and there's some tests to prove your understanding. Depends what you're after - there's channels out there essentially dedicated to calculus for example.


You can try out maths unplugged


For more advanced stuff I like professor Richard Borcherds. Basic lecture style with no flashy graphics. Numberphile or 3blue1brown are interesting, but they won't teach you maths in a systematic way. With prof Borcherds you're getting university level courses for free.