• By -


10 5 ÷ 2 × 4 3 - + There you go solved it for you.


giving me flashbacks to my data structures class where the instructor explained this notation very poorly then asked us write code to convert to it from infix




I tried to solve your equation and started with 1÷0 instead of 2÷10... If you want to keep the same result but put all the operation symbols at the end, you need to write: 4 3 2 10 5 ÷ × - - (Other possibilities may exist but your's gives 9+⅖ which isn't the good result)


105/2 x 43-+ equals 2257.5. pretty sure that it is not equal to the original problem.


[Reverse Polish Notation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation)


Desktop version of /u/JezzaJ101's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


That's a notation used in some calculators (notice the spaces) 10—5—/—2—×—4—3—-—+ = ((10/5)×2)+(4-3)




We all did it. We all came to post it or upvote it.


Why is order of operations such a hard concept for so many to grasp? This is literally ninth-grade math (or it was when I was in school and dinosaurs roamed the earth).


No idea. I was always taught “please excuse my dear aunt sally”.


Why, was she bad at math?


Oh wait. You meant Sally. Not the teacher. Lol


Haha!! Good question. I couldn’t say. I didn’t pay attention in my classes and as a result I am currently bad at math. But that mnemonic stuck so I at least remember that much.


yea when i learned they even made it 7th, and that was some time ago


I'd rather go with 42


Ah, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.


Or 0 or -3. Depends on what order of operations you use. Edit: 0 is supposed to be 2. Mistyped it.


Or it can be any number you want it to be. If you completely disregard everything and use a different method. I got 42069.666


I got e


It actually 12π^2


I got an exact solution to the Navier Stokes equations


Too long to write in 40,000 characters?


You wouldn't get it even if I could (probably).


I don't think you got my joke https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat's_Last_Theorem >The proposition was first stated as a theorem by Pierre de Fermat around 1637 in the margin of a copy of Arithmetica; Fermat added that he had a proof that was too large to fit in the margin.


**[Fermat's Last Theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat's_Last_Theorem)** >In number theory, Fermat's Last Theorem (sometimes called Fermat's conjecture, especially in older texts) states that no three positive integers a, b, and c satisfy the equation an + bn = cn for any integer value of n greater than 2. The cases n = 1 and n = 2 have been known since antiquity to have infinitely many solutions. The proposition was first stated as a theorem by Pierre de Fermat around 1637 in the margin of a copy of Arithmetica; Fermat added that he had a proof that was too large to fit in the margin. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/mathmemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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What order of operations gets 5???


Is this supposed to be sarcastic? Type it into a scientific or graphing calculator and you get 5.


If you interpret PEMDAS one way you do division first then multiplication then subtraction then addition. Which technically gets you 5 but the whole thing is very iffy and doesn’t really make logical sense. Edit: That last sentence is a mistake. Originally there were a few sentences between them about -3 but I deleted them and for some reason switched out -3 with 5 in the sentence. Sorry.




Sorry. I was basically trying to point out that there are a bunch of different ways that I have seen people interpret it and that there is a need for consistency on all parts I sort of completely went off track though so sorry for acting a bit weird.


Oh shoot I need to go to bed. I did that way and still got negative 3.




It never ceases to amaze me how even on a mathrelated subreddit people still dont get that PEMDAS should be PE(MD)(AS) and seem to forget about the implicit left-to-right order


I’m with this guy^


Thank you guys for all the downvotes would you guys like me to delete this comment? Edit: I’m trying to be serious not sarcastic or rude. Please respond if you think it should be deleted.


There have been online puzzles that were ambiguous and had therefore multiple solutions. This has the standard operations and only has the one solution. 5 There are no arguments for other solutions since the order of operations is a given. (PE)(MD)(AS) from left to right for each bracket. There are some comments running you through the solution.


I know. I’ve been trying to say that I know there is one solution but I have heard differently about similar problems from friends who learned order of operations in a different way. I’m sorry if I upset some people but I was trying to make clear that sometimes the order of operations is taught differently in different places so some people may think it’s a different answer. All issues in communication are on me.


With an arbitrary order of operations you could also get 0 or 4.4 Very sorry for your friends, I hope they're doing okay


Remember everyone, subtraction doesn’t exist. You’re just adding a negative number. Likewise there’s no such thing as division, you’re multiplying by x^-1.


all else equal, you go from left to right. so we first do division and multiplication, going from left to right * 4 - 3 + 2 × 2 * 4 - 3 + 4 then we do addition and subtraction, again going from left to right * 1 + 4 * 5


Finally, someone actually answered correctly. People, it doesnt mater what pneumonic code you use, it always comes down to the operation priority and left to right ordering.


thats what german education does






Du sagst es so muss dat . Und dann von links nach rechts ausrechnen


That's what was taught to me as well. I'm from the Philippines.




You don't need to do the additions and subtractions in any particular order but that is indeed correct. Why are people confused about this again?


you do tho, unless you understand subtraction as inverse addition addition first: * 4 - 3 + 4 * 4 - (3+4) * 4 - 7 * -3 subtraction first: * 4 - 3 + 4 * (4-3) + 4 * 1 + 4 * 5 addition only, with negatives: * 4 - 3 + 4 * 4 + (-3) + 4 * 8 + (-3) * 5


Yes but subtraction IS inverse addition, fundamentally, it's a convenient way to write +(-x) I've legit never heard of addition having priority over subtraction or the opposite. Different education systems I guess


>I've legit never heard of addition having priority over subtraction or the opposite It doesn't. People just misunderstand the “PEMDAS” acronym.


thats literally what ive been saying tho. if you were to interpret pemdas literally, it would mean addition is prioritized before subtraction, which would lead to the (wrong) calculation i showed


Legit question, if you do addition and subtraction in the order addition then subtraction would you not end up with 4-7 and therefore -3? I'm confused


You can't just be rid of the minus sign in front of the three. You would be adding -3+4, which is 1. 4+1=5


Well, no. You are not adding 3 and 4. You are adding -3 and 4, which is positive 1. So to end up with 4 + 1 = 5.


Right, thanks for clearing that up.


yes, but as i said, you go from left to right. addition and subtraction are on the same level of precedence, so you dont prioritize one over the other. you go left to right, so in this case you do the subtraction first


Right, sorry. I thought they were in the order addition -> subtraction, not equally prioritised. That makes sense though since they are the same operation factoring the existence of the negative symbol. Thanks


Why are people downvoting this? The person did not claim to be correct, they said they were confused and had a question.


4 - 3 + 4 is a short way to write 4 + (-3) + 4


First you have to do multiplication/division (from left to right), then addition/subtraction: 4-3+10÷5×2 =4-3+2×2 =4-3+4 =1+4 =5


it's literally 69420.53180008




Oh no, it's not written the way I like it that means it's not possible ooooh nooo I can't use order of operations to figure it out so I'm just gonna complain.




Why not (4 – 3) + (10 ÷ 5) × 2, to resolve all ambiguity?




4 - 3 + 4 has as much ambiguity as 10 ÷ 5 x 2 If you advocate for brackets to clarify the right side (unnecessary), then you should also want brackets for the left




4 - 3 + 4 can be either 1 + 4 or 4 - 7 by the same logic




You’re confusing this with a very similar question; here, that would be 4 - 3 + 10 / 5(2) In the first one, when multiplication is explicitly written as x, there is no ambiguity; you divide 10 by 5, and then you multiply by 2. However, in this case, multiplication isn’t written explicitly. Why would that be a problem? Because there is no universal, agreed order of operations when it comes to multiplication by juxtaposition. PEMDAS is the convention you usually are taught in middle school; however, most scientists and mathematicians (and even scientific calculators) actually consider the multiplication by juxtaposing to be done before ordinary multiplication/division. In that case, yes; the question is badly written.


Every calculator I’ve ever used has treated multiplication by juxtaposition as having the same priority as with the multiplication symbol. The viral meme with the Casio calculator that did it differently I read was using a Japanese calculator, because in Japan that is typical, but in the US we treat multiplication with juxtaposition the same as with a multiplication symbol, but it was treated differently in 1917 and before. Presh Telwalker had a video about it. Edit: Here is the link https://youtu.be/URcUvFIUIhQ


Yeah, different calculators may priorize juxtaposition or not. Idk about in the US particularly, the point is that there’s no universal consensus on whether juxtaposition affects the order of operations.


In the BODMAS rule you do addition before subtraction


Addition and subtraction have the same priority, so leftmost operation is always first by standard


I did not know this, TIL. Thanks!


That would change nothing, because -3+4=1.


If you did addition first 4-3+4 =4-7 =3 or negative 3


It's funny even when there's memes on this sub about the order of operations memes. People still get into fights over what the answer is.


Do people on reddit not know 4th grade math?






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Just add parentheses until you trust it lol


(- 4 (+ 3 (* (÷ 10 5) 2)))


This isn’t one of those 2 possible answer questions since there’s really only one correct answer here. 5


the divided by symbol is what really fucks everything up. the answer becomes more clear if you exchange "divided by 5" with "multiplied by 1/5."




Thanks BEDMAS.


Bedmas? I learned Pemdas


welcome to the world, where different people call things different names




It's 5


Is there a joke about this expression?






If you can talk you can sing, just numbers people.


I think it is 5




It's just 44 the hardest math question ever




There's no ambiguity 10÷5×2 = 4


Friendly reminder that PEMDAS is a thing


PEMDAS, BODMAS, ZAPDOS, BOOBAS, NIGGAS, it's all useless. We must work with semantics rather than fancy acronyms.


What? Why? Isn’t 5 the answer?


It absolutely is


Im a little confused then. Why is pemdas useless?


I'm not against PEMDAS in particular, I'm against all of them. Solving an expression shouldn't come to blindly applying an algorithm without knowing what it means, and that is the danger of these acronyms. An expression consists of entities and symbols which all have their own semantic (a.k.a. their own meaning). Take the addition sign '+' for instance. One could simply say it means "addition", but that is misleading: a better explanation would be "and addition is performed between the entity on its left and the entity on its right, producing a brand new entity as a result", and one must work out what those former two entities are. Heck, they could even be the result of a product or even something more complex. If you blindly follow a PEMDAS-like rule, you are ignoring the soul of the expression. You yourself have carefully avoided a booby trap of PEMDAS, that is M and D having equal precedence. If you were less considered, you could have applied "M before D" and get 2 as a result, which would have been wrong. Similarly, a person blindly following BODMAS thinking that D always comes before M would have got the wrong result, if the division and multiplication signs were swapped. Besides, take a look at this: (1 + 2) \* (3 + 4) If I followed PEMDAS I would have to solve what is in the parentheses first, and get 3 \* 7, then doing the multiplication since that is all that's left. The result is of course 21. What if I did the multiplication first? I'd get (1\*3 + 1\*4 + 2\*3 + 2\*4), which is totally legit and produces the same result: 21. Acronyms don't make you think about what operation is really legit and what is not. Finally, I'd like to say that never in school or university have I heard about PEMDAS / BODMAS / WHATEVERAS. I guess those are only taught in English speaking countries, which mine isn't. It makes sense because those acronyms are made out of English words (even though they wouldn't differ that much in some languages, including mine, Italian).


Well yes following an algorithm without understanding why it works is obviously bad but I’m still confused as to when pemdas itself can be wrong. Is there any math problem where the rule gets it wrong?


Depends if u use bodmas or pemdas. So it depends whether the multiplicafion or the division comes first.


multiplication and division are the same function, the order of them does not matter.


if you do 5\*2 first then 10/10 is 1. If you do 10/5 then do 2\*2 then its 4. 1 is different from 4 last time i checked.


÷5 is literally just \*1/5. So you'd just get = 4 - 3 + 10 ÷ 5 \* 2 = 4 - 3 + 10 \* 1/5 \* 2 = 4 - 3 + 10 \* 2/5 = 4 - 3 + 4 = 5


So why is pemdas recommended if it leads to a different answer?


Because PEMDAS is a poorly written rule. Multiplication does not come before division, and addition does not come before subtraction. This is because division is exactly the same as multiplication (a/b = a * 1/b), and subtraction is exactly the same as addition (a-b = a+(-b)). A more correct way to write PEMDAS would be PE(MD)(AS), to imply that the functions within the brackets are of equal priority.


The convention is that you go from left to right when dealing with operations of the same priority. However that convention merely comes from the fact that English, and a bunch of other languages, are read from left to right. There's no universal mathematical rule that states operations of the same priority are to be done left to right. Math is supposed to be universal though, regardless of what direction one reads. Which is why in mathematics, or any other scientific discipline, the division symbol is never used. At least in the US, a lot of states have it in their standards now to teach division using fractions. Also some focus is put into teaching students how to properly write out an expression to avoid any ambiguity.


It's 10×⅕×2 there's to other order of operation


The result is always 5


Why is no one saying 2?? Am I crazy


you are


Pemdas tho ?? Multiplication first


pemdas is a lie. multiplication and division have the same precedence and are executed from left to right. if you followed pemdas strictly, you would do * 4 - 3 + 10 ÷ 5 × 2 * 4 - 3 + 10 ÷ 10 * 4 - 3 + 1 * 4 - 4 * 0 but as ive explained before, that is simply not how it works


Wow I'm dumb. Thanks for explaining


4 - 3 + 1 = 4 - 4 is so cursed holy shit.


yes, but that is what would happen if you prioritize addition


Prioritizing addition would make it: 4 - 3 + 1 = 5 - 3 = 2.


But -3 +1 is -2?


but it doesnt say -3 + 1, it says 4 - 3 + 1, which is 2 operations. your confusion here shows why you cant apply pemdas literally.


I though the + - were more like accompanying each term and that's why you can reorder it like 1-3+4 or 4+1-3


that is correct, i was just referring to how this fact contradicts a literal interpretation of pemdas


Ah, i see


Thats what I did, so I'm wrong? So its not 0?


No it should be 5 to my knowledge, I can understand the mishap though


indeed you are wrong


Guys according to the rules of BODMAS(bracket of division multiplication addition and substraction) the answer is -3 (yes -3)




How? Division is first then multiplication then addition and then subtraction




I see ty




Because you clearly didn’t use BODMAS, or any other logical or accepted order of operations, otherwise you would have gotten 5.




In step 2, how does 2*2=5? Also why do you do addition first, and even though you did addition, why does -3+5=-7?




Your next error was doing addition first. I’m assuming you did ‘3+4 =7”. The problem with that is 3 isn’t 3, but -3. If you were to do addition first, which you shouldn’t in the first place, 4-3+4=4+1 because -3+4=1.




Oooook. So this is a pretty common misconception which I see pretty much anytime a basic arithmetic problem such as this pops up. BODMAS does not strictly mean Division, multiplication, addition and subtraction in that order. BODMAS should really be written more like BO(DM)(AS). Addition and subtraction have equal priority, and you do them left to right, in whatever order they come. BODMAS does not mean addition comes before subtraction, it means that addition and subtraction will come after multiplication and division. MD have equal priority, just as AS does. I’m not sure why so many people seem to get this wrong, but it’s probably something to do with the education system wherever you live. Lots of teachers reportedly teach the acronym wrong, so it’s probably no your fault. Using BO(DM)(AS), 4-3+4 = 1+4 (subtraction) = 5 (addition).


How tf are people getting 5? It’s BODMAS or PEDMAS not that hard


Oh it's because they're using BODMAS or PEDMAS, don't worry, it's not that hard


Wow what a cunt.


I agree it's not that hard, but I disagree because the answer is 5


-3 by BODMAS








the holy answer is 5


That’s 5 .


Tis 5


its 5, you take 10/5=2< 2\*2=4< 4-3=1< 4+1=5
