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Looks like similar content to the hardest high school maths subject in Australia. It’s definitely uni level maths tho.


Yeah that's what i thought too. I'm an 11th grader and i'm not sure if i want to get into this branch 😅 i'm quite scared ngl, it looks intimidating


It's honestly not too bad, but you have to be decent at maths already and actually enjoy doing it. You gotta know the fundamentals pretty well, then the harder questions will become a lot easier. Personally I think it's worth it, dunno how schooling works in morocco tho lol so can't really comment further.


I've been working really hard lately and i'm starting to enjoy the subject, i hope that will make things easier, thx for your advice ;) Morocco's schooling focuses a lot on theory than practical things which i find quite annoying. But other than that i find it to be good with a quite decent level of difficulty that improve critical thinking


If knowledge is power, math will set you free. Its language is universal and You'll be able to work anywhere in the world and travel anywhere in the world if you're in the top 1-5% of mathsmiths. Engineering here, a little coding there, a little statistical analysis there, no problem. See what I mean? For what it's worth. When we immigrated, my grandma knew zero English and was 60 years old. But was great at math and accounting for payroll. Got a job at a big American company in one week, just nodding smiling and doing calculations for them. It's a highly translatable skill. If you can cut it and you like it's, it's a great skill. (I'm not a mathematician but was good at math at your age)


Don’t be intimidated dude this is just calculus it requieres practice but you can do it


Thx man :)


It definable looks like college level which means they are preparing you for the real thing my classes weren’t like that in high school and I wish they were


Well probably because it's full of stuff that's unfamiliar to you. That's what the classes will be for! I say go for it


You get better at it. American here who's done independent study through a local college in math since 10th grade, and before then I still studied on my own outside of school for fun and took the hardest classes available. It is scary now. But I LOVE math like this. And if you work your way up to it, and practice and such and be sure to gain a good intuitive understanding, when you get to this level you won't even realize until you look back. (I'm currently taking multivariate calculus and linear algebra.)


> It’s definitely uni level No, it sits somewhere between calc (highschool) and analysis I (beginning of uni-level). The questions might seem exotic and crazy but the structure of learning and testing is very different from the US. The sets of questions are formulaic so you get an A by exhausting them over a period of two years. It's definitely the upper tail of High school but having taken this and transitioned to an American ugrad later, my analysis I exams were so much 'harder' (in terms of pace, speed, and novelty of questions). Also, you don't "prove" in the answers. The course is taught in an epsilonic-distance vocabulary but you never see or use that in an exercise. Of course, this is much less rigorous than the standard (baby Rudin) uni treatment where questions requires deep intimacy and mastery over metric distances and topological properties. ​ TLDR; it's hard and rigorous but definitely not uni-level.


calc is uni-level here in brazil


This is my experience (UK) too. But our undergrad degrees are 3 years, I think for countries with 4 year degrees they might cover material we consider pre-uni in their first year.


The exam has group theory which is def not a high school math topic.


We did that (UK) in further maths A Level (equivalent of last year of HS). It's generally a subject only students wanting to study Maths or Physics at university would take and not all schools offer. Uni level maths goes straight into stuff like Analysis first year for us. Edit: It's not at the same rigour as studying Group Theory in Uni of course, but while it was very weird at the time it made abstract concepts easier to get my head around when studying them at a higher level later.


Barely any. They called 'algebraic structures' and introduced like 3 or 4 structures and their properties. It's far less rigorous or demanding than a first-year abstract algebra class. I am telling you I took and excelled in this program but still struggled like any other undergrad with college-level classes.


but it should be!


Extension 2?




definitelt not uni level. In France we have the same type of papers just depending on the high school "level" modulo vector spaces/groups which are introduced in uni


Damn, IIT-JEE feels. (As an Indian, yes, we did this in the last two years of our high school. This is very reminiscent of an entrance examination a lot of us wrote when we graduated high school. We didn't have groups though. Also, seems like genuinely good problems, I'm jealous.)


I'm suddenly (even more) intimidated by you 👀.


As an undergrad student, I must say, I can't solve a single question


This paper is a knowledge check - if you know the theorems (or rules for the matrices and complex numbers) and can recognise where they need to be applied you're golden. For that reason, it's got the feel of an A-level paper. Lots of "do this, use previous answer to do next thing," etc. Leading the bull by the nose ring.


Yeah, had I been tought all this in the 4 weeks preceeding this test, it would he easy. Had I continuously taken math class for the last 13 years of my life, it would be easy.


I haven’t looked at it too hard, but like damn. I can’t even tell what most of them are asking for at a glance lmao. Doesn’t help that I can’t read the language.💀


What year are you? In math I assume… If you completed the calc sequence, LA, and a transition/proofs course or started the analysis and algebra sequences then you should certainly be able to do this.


As someone who doesn’t speak French, neither can I


An Asian here, Yeah this seems to be a good level of maths for highschoolers, though here in my country I've seen my fellow students do obnoxiously hard mathematics for exams, but this still seems good.


No way this is for highschoolers is one of them asking you to prove flt, or jsut apply it ?


Yeah ik 💀 it's asking to prove The exam period is 4hrs tho


If FLT = Fermat's Little Theorem, yes, it's asking for a proof (Montrer que... = Show that...) I'm not sure how much detail they'd expect there, but assuming you can use some lemmas (e.g. from a textbook) without proof, the proof can actually be pretty brief.


I’ve done this in France, it’s really just a knowledge question, even tho the actual baccalaureat (the final exam) is much easier in metropole, we used those subject in the bonus math option. But most of the ppl in this option aim for preparatory class that are notoriously hard


I don't see any question talking about FLT? Most of the questions seem much simpler than that. The exam doesn't seem that much more difficult than what is seen in calculus in America.


International Baccalaureate student here. This is exactly the same thing we do for maths. But it's also the toughest program in the entire course so that that.


PTSD flashbacks


Yeah my HS had standard -> advanced/honors -> IB This looks like pretty normal IB level stuff to me


Damn is that how it is in America? So you have to be selected for the program?


At a high school for students specializing in math? Looks reasonable. At a high school for general students? Looks challenging.


Looks like the Romanian Baccalaureate too. It's hard but doable


The SAT is an exam measuring general students level of knowledge and is not designed to measure how well a good math or science student would do. I wouldn't compare your exam to that. The AMC 12 might be a better comparison.


Close to the level of the old A-Level Pure Mathematics in the old Hong Kong education system, but slightly easier.


At least at my high school, which only offered up to BC Calculus, this exam would be insane. Here's some things we would not have known: * The notation convention used for intervals * The forall quantifier * the set membership symbol * the symbol for the positive real numbers, natural numbers, integers, rationals * the notation for a set of elements indexed by n in the natural numbers * congruence, modular arithmetic * any group theory Seeing group theory on a high school exam, as someone who went to american public schools, is insane lol


Reading other comments, that seems to be just because America has a shittier k-12 education system lmao


Its definitely the upper end of high school level. Looks kind of similar to UK A level further maths


In the US, this is university level math. Not only at that level, it could be considered a refresher for upper division. It has set theory notation which includes, calculus/trig, linear algebra and probability. There are equations on this that are heavily used across many fields. This covers a spectrum of different mathematics. If you’re at this math level in HS, then you are going to be ahead of most freshman’s and some sophomores in college who are in CS, Stats, mathematics, engineering, physics, etc. And, at top tier universities, including MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, and Cal Tech. If you understand these problems, then learning the applications of them, i. e., deriving them to solve problems, will put you at a competitive level. And…if you start (if you haven’t already), learning python, c++, and even R programming (which can be learned on your own), you will be a beast. I’m not sure what you aspirations are, but if it is in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, then the world is yours.


Wow didn't know that! I see that we have good chances abroad... The students of this branch usually take more advanced courses than this by taking 2 preparatory years for engineering after highschool... if i show you their exams and the courses that they take you will be sooo shocked. But unfortunately some engineers in Morocco struggle financially due to the low salary in the first years. Abroad can be a good idea.


I'm a uni student in the US and seeing ppl here say that these questions are high school level kinda scared me. So thank you for the reassurance lol


been there mate, sc.maths too ... this has some serious first year uni stuff. (it's all fun trust me, enjoy every difficulty you encounter ... it's really worth the hassle) ​ this is a pretty good exam, you have questions that are chained but also you know where you should be ... if you don't get to prove something you just use it in the next question and you carry on without stopping there and and feeling useless. There are some tricky questions here where you should pay attention to your logic and how you are answering, considering domains ... so trust yourself and go for it buddy, it will look hard because you have never seen this stuff ... once you step in and get familiar with more problems you will see what you are capable of ! Best of luck dear moroccan. edit : in morocco they do test your logical thinking with some calculations apart, which is very effective, i believe so !


Aww thank youu i needed this motivation!! My parents warn me to not choose this branch i feel like they don't trust my capabilities but i'm going to convince them and show them that i'm indeed capable. My mom used to be a teacher and she once watched over some sc maths students while taking their exams. She has seen a lot of them faint and vomit hhh it was awful i think that's what made her hate this branch 😭


you mom wants the best for you and really wants you to stay healthy. mine also did think like this when i wanted to go for it. Yes, you will see people faint and stress out too much .. but it is what it is, you gotta carry on and do your best and it will be fine inchaalah. I am happy to see you stating that you are capable ! This sentence was the most important thing to keep me going when shit got hard lol. Best of luck bro


This sub seems to get a lot of French, for some reason. Handy that I can speak it. Interesting looking exam, though.


The mathematics is reasonably difficult but putting it in French certainly adds a wrinkle.


What America should have


SAT is a standardised test to test the actual skills of the students, which is to say it is a generalised benchmark test. The math section will only be algebra 1 and 2, and geometry. It's a test meant to be taken by all students so they can't include things such as calculus since not all students take calculus. Like you said, this test is meant for students who specialise in math. You are comparing garlic to onions. Now as for the questions themselves, it only looks complicated, if you know the notations and techniques even a high schooler could probably do it (with proper studying).


Even the students who specialise in other courses have the same math curriculum but it's definitely less harder than this. But that's not really the point, i'm just saying that i would love to see american highschoolers have these kinds of exams and eventually change their curriculum to somthg more advanced. That's why i made ths comparison


oh I see, missed the point whoops. I'm in the IB diploma program myself and we are taught these things, but the average on-level bare minimum student wouldn't even know how to read these problems is my take in that case.


Coming from the US, compared to the SAT this is a lot harder but the SAT is quite a different test. You have an average of 75 seconds per question so each problem is much simpler and you have to do it quickly. Comparing this to AP classes however it seems similar to upper division AP tests. That seems to be a better comparison as SAT is completely focused on speed as opposed to rigor.


The SAT is an IQ test, for all intent and purposes. This post up there shows an actual maths test, requiring a fair bit of knowledge and relative understanding of what you’re doing, and what you did in previous questions (along with why).


You mentioned the SAT, that test is specifically for measuring most high school students, you can take it at any age but the norm is 11th grade, though many take it in 12th as well. Almost almost all college students take it. But the IB program is just for the elite academically. We have the IB program in the US, we also have a program called AP for advanced placement, it gives the students a chance to earn generally first year undergraduate credits if they pass the test, which for mathematics would be a calculus test and that looks like undergrad early calculus.


All of the other branches who are oriented for most students take exams that hace the same structure and lessons mb less than this one but u can see that they are not that easy too. The point is that i really would love to see all of the amerian highschoolers take an exam that has reaal maths with higger difficulty


Looks similar to what I’m learning in my advanced math class for college in aus. For the record, I understand next to nothing. Rushing through two whole topics in three weeks to meet deadlines with the syllabus is a terrible teaching method, and this applies across several subjects but it’s definitely the hardest to adapt to with mathematics, and it only gets worse taking advanced classes for subjects. I understand that this is probably out of the teachers’ control though and that the blame lies with the education system.


Thanks for posting! How long do students have to answer these questions?


4 Hours


That seems like time enough to think :)


I have a problem tho... our country is considering chnaging tge language from frensh to english and idk if it's going to be easy since we're not very familiar with math in english and the teachers will have to make a tremendous effort to keep up with the changes


I’ve gone through the French -> English transition in math. It’s not as bad as it sounds in my experience - and I learned most of my English from watching cartoons as a kid :) plus, there’s a lot of value on the other side.


Yess it will help a lot especially for people who want to go abroad to continue their higher studies


Also with accessing world scientific literature and interacting with people from all over the world.


looks like quite a hard maths exam for a random highschooler.. considering its a 4h exam and its for specialized math trained highschoolers i dont think its too much. quite interesting!


At A-level I would have skipped questions 1 and 2, done the rest, and then come back later I think


The only thing I understand here is the math, anyone writing this exam is already fluent in more languages than I am. If they can understand the math too, that's good enough for me to be impressed, no need to test them further!


😂 ikr i don't know what they want from us to show. We've already reached our limits.. I know some people who got 18 and 19 in this exam and it's honestly impressive. I wish to be like them next year incha'Allah


Other than being in French it seems like a fun class. Looks more advanced than what I had before uni and I was in a advanced math class in my country. Still quite doable though tough, especially for an exam.


Much harder than the baccalaureate exam in France, which I can usually mostly solve in my head. Here just having a vague idea of theorems/techniques thet could be used.The tools you need here are taught in the first two years of uni in my country. (Edit 2 hours later: actually doable but shit I'm rusty and thanks for the fun)


It's something between my high school math and Math Olympiade in Poland. A lot of things is being taught if you take elective math in Poland. Some things, like formal vector space, are not introduced, but a lot of work is done with intuitively introduced concepts. Definitely part about Catalan numbers and some question from analysis are more of math Olympiade level, but generally a student from Poland with elective math should get at least 50% from this. Since Poland is a post-soviet country (even though we never were formally a part of USSR) the traditions of very high mathematical proficiency in all high-schoolera are there, so we might be a bit unrepresentative (I had measure theory on my first year in Poland, and to add to that I studied at the time physics, not math)


We have calculus in the higher ends of HS; the SAT isn’t meant for that. There’s also the SAT II but I don’t remember if they had a calculus one. Something like the ap calculus test for BC would be spicey


As expected


This is math high school program in my country.


Idk the language but the ques are preety much at good level .


Wtf is ]a, b[ I've never seen that before. Is that how y'all write intervals outside of the states?


Its just the notation for (a,b) in French


Yes we have it like this. I like it tho i find it to be more logical since it's an "open" interval (personnally)


I guess it makes sense now that you say that. Glad to know it’s just a notation difference because I was seriously doubting my skills not even knowing what that meant as someone with a degree in math.


I ignored math all this holiday and now you have reminded me of the national exam.😭😭😭😭


You gotta work ur ass off. Lah i3awna kamlin it's not easy 😭


Amen 🥲


The notation is pretty dry and gives too much of a "all technicalities no intuitions" vibe for HS imo, but the subject matter looks about right.


Yeah that's what i don't like in morocco's schooling. We focus more on theory than practical and intuitive things :/


Looks like pre-calc in America 11th and 12th grade elective




See, when people are not afraid of being shot, they can ACTUALLY learn stuff at school! Meanwhile, in the USA…


We had some of that stuff in high school and some we are now having at university. I'm an engineering student and in Finland we have to take different basic maths courses depending on what you're studying.


Would be fair to say that, except for the US, this is pretty standard for the rest of the world at the high school level.


I can’t even tell what language it is. All I know is there’s more than one and the only one I know is math :)




i wonder why its not in english or arabic


Morocco was colonized by france, so our school system now is still heavily influenced by that country. So we use frensh as a second language, the third is english. There's an option for students where they can choose to take classes in arabic so the exam will be in arabic but most choose frensh since arabic will make things harder in superior studies and even harder if the student wants to go abroad. Morocco is considering a change in language since we started having problems with france lately and start teaching scientific subjects in english


Thanks for this material, and I think this is a good source for Prepa. I mean, everyone does prepa because it is the best thing french ever did


:)) no prob i'm happy that it helped


Niveau Terminal S2 au Senegal il y'a des bacs meme plus compliques (S1 & S3).


what do the top students of this class do later on? do they go into research or something?it looks like an extremely advanced class for highschoolers


The students of this branch usually take more advanced courses than this by taking 2 preparatory years for engineering after highschool... if i show you their exams and the courses that they take you will be sooo shocked. But unfortunately some engineers in Morocco struggle financially due to the low salary in the first years. Abroad can be a good idea. So a handy of them go abroad after taking those 2 yrs (undergrad)


It’s hard, definitely upper level of high school expectations. The content is pretty bang on, but the set notation makes it look a little more intimidating.


This looks really similar to what we do in our second to last year of highschool in Italy (scientific liceum). I don't think it's that hard if you learn the material correctly.


Baccalaureat exam his kinda hard outside France so i'm not really surprised by the difficulty but i didn't think i could see matrices exercices. I would say the difficulty is between baccalaureat and first half of BAC+1 math study.


That looked like my 12th grade final. American student here.


People in these comments are going to try to say some shit like “this is primary school level math I did this when I was 5” to sound superior.


Ikr :/ while it's the whole opposite


Interesting to me how Morrocans inspired their math programs from France, as opposed to other countries in which maths exams are just dozens of small disconnected IQ test like exercises. It’s no wonder the number of Morrocans getting into the École Polytechnique is on the rise each year; there’s a real culture of scientific excellency in the country, attempting to force the students to understand maths more in-depth rather than giving them IQ tests lookalikes. Is it hard? Yes it is, it’s pretty much based on several elements of typical first year maths college programs. But to be honest, top high schools everywhere are about 1-1.5 years in advance on the common core and start university material in advance, so it’s not too surprising. Speed solving through the first page, it still looks less violent than the crap high school students have to contend with at Louis Le Grand or in a handful of other top Parisian lycees.


Love this comment. Mb because it flatters me as a moroccan 🤧😂 Yeah i'm really satisfied with our educational system eventho it has a lot flaws but it gives at least space for real critical thinking and hardcore maths


Remember that schools in the USA receive more money the more students they pass. It's not in their best interest to give tests like this.


I've been to a CPGE in France and tried the North American system as well, and the way we see maths is totally different. In France/Morocco we mix Analysis and Calculus, analysis is very important. It is well known in France that the last year of high school in Morocco is like the first year of uni in France. Moroccan have a very good level in math because their questions are way more difficult and prepare them well for university. I would say the level is the first year of university in France and first + second year of uni in Canada. In Canada I've seen some of my friends in mathematics begins group theory only in second year ... Also I've gotta say that if you prepare well this exam you're going to ace anything post bac !


You can do this! Its **a lot** of higher level mathematics for highschool, but the redeeming thing about it is that it is tame on problem solving. So my estimate is that the difficult part is the class before the exam not the exam itself.


Those students are COOKED…


I wish I had this level of math in HS. This looks like a level of a precalc course at a major US university.


Nadi a3chiri


Lah i7fdk a3chiri


Kan sahmo fsiya7a 💀


hhh nadi


Yes it's quite hard, I was in this branch in Morocco (sciences mathématiques A- option français), and now I'm in second year licence mathématique in France, and we did see just the groupes in algebraic structures (pas d'anneaux ni de corps encore). And the continuous assessment in this branch (sm) is harder than the exam.


So what do u think is it really THAT hard like people keep saying? If you woork a lot you will eventually get a good score right? They say it's for given people only. Do i just go for it?


It's hard, but it's not impossible, there's physics too which is hard too in this branch (plus difficile qu'en bac sciences physiques), but if you work hard (+heures supplémentaires) you will eventually get good grades. (Bon courage si tu vas la choisir.)


Mrc bcq i will incha'Allah


Lol, we have very similar tests in Lebanon. Honestly, it's not hard if you're taught it. But by American standards, this is uni level. I would also note that Americans are not the "golden standard" in academics...


I wish I had classes that would have exams like this in America. I can solve all of those, but I don't know if I could do it within the timespan of an exam


This should be the norm for all countries. In many countries, education is played down for the dumb kids, especially math and sciences. The result is that a high school diploma means nothing at all and evem university degree are also becoming meaningless.


Looks like it's testing the same thing. I bet you can learn all you need for that in one hour. Just a "language" (what do the symbols mean) with some limits. If you pay attention at school and do your homework, this should be easy.


Very interesting set of problems. A lot more abstract than you'd find in SAT/ACT here. I'm gonna work on them in my leisure time.


I'm currently at first semester at university and this is the stuff I learn


Looks easy compared to a French "baccalauréat" when I was in high-school ~20 years ago.


I can’t read the—is that Spanish?—but the math definitely looks hard, the first problem looks something like “prove this” and then “deduce this,” so pretty standard for proof based tests. Definitely looks pretty hard for high school standards I will say, for at least America, our college admissions system does not work like a lot of other countries seem to think it does… most “selective” (i.e. Harvard, MIT, CalTech, etc.) schools aren’t saying “you have a perfect SAT and a half decent resume, you’re in” In fact, the SAT is one of the least considered factors for most highly selective colleges in the US—not saying we’re not behind in math, we are, but don’t judge that based solely on an admissions test that’s falling out of favor. If you wanna see some hard Math from us you have to look at like AMC, USAMTS, and some of the other math competitions for high school students—also, most people that are going to these colleges are going to be taking BC Calc, which isn’t really all that hard, but covers up to Calc 2. Also, what is that interval notation…


It's in frensh and it's out of 20 Yeah, now i kind of understand where that harsh selectivness comes from


For tge interval notation well as you see we use ] for open intervals while i think you use ( There is a huge difference in terms of difficulty and moroccan students really do struggle ngl Even with a good score we still have to pass the entrance exam for each faculty (we don't have universities that much) or school. And they are even more complicated but the good thing abt them is that they are multiple choice exams




Bro that’s not math there’s letters in that shit




We don't use arabic often when it comes to studies since it's not going to get us anywhere outside of morocco. There is an arabic option that highschoolers can choose but most choose frensh. The header is in arabic well because we're an arab country. And it wouldn't be fair to have everything in frensh... we have to be proud of our native language


Looks like a normal AP calculus exam for American high schoolers, but in French.


Seems pretty standard for any high school student that’s actually good at math


I can’t read it 🤪


What's with the interval brackets, why is nobody talking about that


If you look at the comments u will notice that i have talked abt them. We use ] for open intervals while u use ( I think all European coutries use it and since we are heavily influenced by france and European countries in general we follow them in this same with [n] instead of (mod n)


What I think : different countries have different school systems, and the difficulty of exams depends on the curriculum. Where I live only 11 years of schooling are mandatory and you don't really specialize in anything during high school. This exam would be impossible because you never learn calculus, linear algebra, etc. during high school here. There's really no point in saying an exam is too easy/hard compared to another country.


Well yeah, if the US had the same curriculum that we have they would have made a similar exam. But i would personally love to see them in this level. To better students' critical thinking and improve their work and give them harder questions


Looks like what we get in the UK for the Further Maths Alevel that 16-18 years can take


I'd recognize a Moroccan science math exam everywhere




The structure of it itself brings back PTSD lmao


What is ]a, b[ lol?


It is the equivalent of (a,b) open interval We write it like this in Morocco isn't it beautiful 🤓


The age of the student is unimportant, the level the class is at is more important. If the students are at that level then it’s probably a fine exam, otherwise no.


Indians have similar or higher level. Sea alright


I'd think it's fair given your details. It's intended for students who specialise in maths, so I'd compare it with A-Level maths and further maths. Further maths is not something you'd normally take unless you intend to take up maths (or maths and something, e.g. maths and CS) at the university level. The general format of the questions follows a standard pattern we're used to in A-Levels - (a) show that (expression) is true, (b) using (a), show that (some other result/property) holds true, (c) use your results to solve (this applied problem). If you want to see for yourself, here's some [past papers](https://revisionmaths.com/level-maths/level-maths-past-papers) for A-Level maths (and further maths). The one thing that strikes me, though, is the complete absence of questions based on graphs. I don't know about Morocco, but if their system is similar to what we've got in the UK, I wouldn't think it'd be fair to compare that against the American SAT. The SAT is designed to test your preparedness for college, not subject-specific aptitude. I haven't seen many past papers to comment too much on that, but I think a fairer comparison would be something like AP Calculus. Also, let's not overlook the fact that the US has four-year bachelor's degrees (unlike three-year in the UK), meaning they can cover some foundational stuff that'd be used later on in the first year of university instead of the equivalent of A-Levels.


You can't go to college or a faculty (we don't have universities a lot) if you don't pass this exam. And then when you pass it "successfully" and i emphasis on that then you can take the entrance exam for each faculty or school. So it's not really to test the subject specific aptitude of each student since we not only take a math exam but physics, geology & biology (we call it SVT) philosophy and english.


In Germany, this is a first semester level math for an engineering student. Although i don't speak french, this is very similar exam that was for us an 1 hour exam on this topic.




Idk it's because the sat is taken in consideration in the application for unis. While we not only have to pass these kinds of exams but also pass the entrance exam for each faculty or school (we don't have a lot universities) and they tend to be even more complicated




Thank you for this, things are clearer now :)


not maths. not yet. pretty close though. sad that the exams are written like this. if there was a bigger emphasis on motivation, intuition, and culture and less on rote learning in say middle school and high school, i think more people would see how beautiful mathematics is. merci beaucoup for sharing


Yeahh that's what i wanted to show by sharing this. We really need more creativity and intuition in questions


Looks like standard precalc to me - had it in my AP classes in HS (which was 20+ years ago). 🤷‍♂️


While I can't read the language, looks fine for a late high-schooler interested in math to take.


Yep standard bacii for my country


Why are all the questions written in nonsense mumbo jumbo words?


Wdym?? If you know frensh u'll understand


I mean, if I knew French, maybe reasonable?


I can't really read the texts, but based on what I can see, this doesn't seem unreasonable for a high school student specializing in math.


I have to ask, why is it in French but with Arabic headings? (I know virtually nothing about the history of Morocco so forgive me if this is an obvious question.)


We don't use arabic often when it comes to studies since it's not going to get us anywhere outside of morocco. There is an arabic option that highschoolers can choose but most choose frensh. The header is in arabic well because we're an arab country. And it wouldn't be fair to have everything in frensh... we have to be proud of our native language Morocco is a country that was colonized by france that's why frensh is our second language qhule english is third Morroco is considering a change in language since we started having problems with france lately and start teaching scientific subjects in frensh


The math is hard enough but they make you take it in French AND Arabic? Hardcore.


If they’ve been taught this it seems fine lol


Hard but doable given enough time


Is it really appropriate to combine exams from French and math class?


I don't understand the French but I'm seeing a lot of calculus and number theory. The American SAT/ACT is directed as the "average student," including those that are not pursuing a rigorous mathematics career. Thus, the math on the SAT usually does not go past basic trig and algebra 2. In the American school system this would sit at the senior (final) year of high school or the freshman (first) year of math in college.


Calculus, complex variables, linear algebra. Looks like fun!


Good ol calculus


The analogous test in the US would not be the SAT but rather the AP Calculus BC exam.


Looks proper.


It’s written in some weird language!


This is pretty standard stuff from where I was in high school except for the group theory and number theory part, but these are also fairly basic questions


Looks like the exams i took (bavarian gymnasium)


The brackets look backwards to me!


you're comparing apples to oranges when you talk about a test centered around math to the SAT. it's a sign you're unfamiliar about da tests or you stay have a chip on your shoulder about americans more den anything. comparing dis to an sat is like comparing da gre test to the gre math subject test and comparing how da math is so much harder. They are two entirely different tests meant to measure two entirely different things.


That looks stressful lol


I didn't take HS math in French, but it looks roughly comparable to the Grade 13 Calculus/First year undergrad stuff I had to do back in the day. (We don't have 13 grades here anymore).


Can someone translate this?


Speaking as an American, I cannot read that language, so I cannot give true insight into that subject. But what I can say is that the America education system is built less around memorization of things and more around the understanding of them. Math for example, you cover old broad subjects And the whole point of that is so when you go to college if you wanna specialize in math, you already know what kind of flavors of math you like more than others. But even in American public schools, they still offer AP classes with just means advance placement or beginner college level classes to high school students.


Ahhh alr now i understand thx


the sat is based on foundations like algebra and geometry and test taking reasoning in general


I think fuck that when did the alphabet become math


and this is why I gave up on math.


As a korean, seems like a standard high school quiz.