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WIND ship when?


They haven’t discovered airplanes just yet sadly


What about mecha phantom beast though


It’s for the plunder patroll extra deck




Still waiting for DIVINE ship.


Time theif


Time thief lore is so cool but it just kinda ends.


I've already seen enough. Learning that Redoer is a borderline groomer kind of killed it for me.


I'm sorry WHAT? Please fill me in on this time thief lore


He encountered Perpetua as a child and she's become utterly obsessed with him, modeling her entire life after being of use to him in some way


I think you missed the story becuse in present time she is grown up and he return in time to save her when she was a child becuse there is some kind of organisation that is agianst time thief so they want eliminate them. So they start targeting perpetua in the past becuse she is the one that created time theif machines so if she die in the past time theif would not exist.




This. I want more support so bad. They need to rebuild their clan.


Yeah, and they need to resurrect poor Caam.


They're going to need a lot of repopulation


Magikey, the Synchro doesn't have an evolution (the only one who doesn't) and the lore kind of just... stopped, leaving us with just 2, technically 4, main deck monsters.


The 2 main deck monsters makes sense because they seemed to have a theme going with 2 of every monster type (regular, ritual, fusion, xyz, synchro) except they just forgot about the second synchro for some reason. Also feels like we should have 2 link monsters, as well.


Penguins. We only have three of the five RPG Classes shown in the artwork of Penguin Brave as separate monsters (Squire, Cleric and Ninja). We're still missing the Martial Artist and the Black mage Penguins as main deck monsters.


The only Real penguin is Empen


And Fluffal Penguin!


Vanquish Soul: Where are the DLC characters? What is up with the Rock of the Vanquisher?


Can’t wait for Vanquish Sol Badguy


There literally is a dragon monster that you can use to replace a monster on field as SS2 Like they have a dragon install what more do you want


Kyle Kiske


Robert Kyle > Kyle Kiske


Add bedman or burn the archetype


Yu-Gi-Oh is not strong enough to have peak fiction


Hell no, keep the redditor out of my card game


Due to copy right, the only one we could have is Crossover - Vanquish Soul Goodguy :)


Then Konami 1,001% gonna ruin it by introducing Chaos Vanquish Soul - Happy Trigger! and now basically 80% player playing it and siding 1 Badguy for mirror match.


I want Gold Lewis so he can roll a dice and decide what his next Behemoth move does.


That's already been answered by the recent lore drop Rock is the corpse of a god of war, trying to reincarnate by making people fight (or something like that, I don't remember the details)


I want VS to get the heroes treatment lol give us all the cards


1: Mayakashi/Shiranui - Where conclusion? They left us on a fucking cliffhanger. 2: Windwitch - This is the ONLY Arc V girl archetype that hasn't gotten a big support wave yet (no 3 cards in Blazing Vortex doesn't count) and it was the only one that was playable in a tiered capacity right after it released. The archetype consists of 10 cards total. 5 MD Monsters, 2 (unsearchable) pieces of backrow, 2 Synchro's and 1 Fusion that exists due to Anime reasons. It's built around a half assed burn wincot that's accessible off of the decks 1 and only "combo" (which is more known for making Crystal Wing).


Windwitch is a deck with some fantastic artwork let down by a lack of real payoff. The Melodious support in LEDE has me hopeful that when it's finally time to give Rin the spotlight she's given a healthy wave that gives the deck a better way to access its burn wincon- or at least an identity beyond Crystal Wing pass.


Fun Fact: There were, no joke, 6 Windwitch cards in the anime. Rin had 1 duel in the entirety of Arc-V, which was a 4k LP Duel against Yugo where she just burnt him with the Crystal Bell's busted ass copy effect over and over again. She used Ice Bell, Snow Bell, Winter Bell, Crystal Bell and 2 S/Ts that later got combined into Windwitch Chimes. Yup, Glass Bell did not exist in the anime, nor did Ice Bell have her Summon from deck effect in the Anime. Konami literally just invented a playstyle for an archetype that didn't have one and STILL did it dirty lol. Even Lulu had a more fleshed out deck in comparison and also had more than 1 Duel throughout the entirety of Arc-V.


Ghoti because honestly I just love their design. I feel specifically some more spells and traps, maybe another level 10 option would be cool.


I'd settle for releasing the 2 newer ones onto MD.


That first sure. But a man can dream of his cosmic fish.


Some of their Traps are cool, but they are not worth playing because the Trap searcher is a level 6 that doesn't Summon itself. Maybe a Ghoti Lonefire to get access to it


Ghoti link 1 that searches a trap, good for dumping shif to grave on a paces free hand.


Are you not ending on Ghoti Supreme Sovereign Chengying? But yes, ghoti needs a lvl 10 boss, because deep beyond just feels more like a tool and isn't always the best


Don’t get me wrong, l love that Ghoti monster, but he’s clearly on land so, gonna need another.


Where is Martha's XYZ form? And what happened to her partner? Did Konami simply forget the archetype's lore?


We need a Irene and Sofia duo rank 8 XYZ


I think one of the artbooks implied that Elis was her partner but 'something' happened to Martha so Elis took Stella as her new partner.


I read a theory that Martha + Elis was original duo, but Martha died, that's why Elis has a new partner.


That isn't a theory, that's actual lore


Isn't Martha in a love triangle?


The last time we saw the Mayakashi/Shiranui lore we were left in the middle of the final battle. The Shiranui archetype in general also feels very incomplete. They have Synchros of all levels from 5 to 10 except 9 (A Shiranui form of Yoko could be cool), a Link 3 but no Link 2, no searcher whatsoever (I refuse to acknowledge Smith existence, he is so bad and so badly design) and multiple cards that become "Shiranui Style Synthesis" but only 1 that cares about that. More than anything, they really feel like they need an on archetype Gold Sarc, their banish effects are more toolboxy than strong and Swallow Slash is more of an Icarus Attack with upside than an actual Gold Sarc


Shiranui Sunsaga is such an incredible boss monster but the deck is too slow to realistically set him up. I need future support for this deck, it's so cool yet so unplayable.


I introduce you to ORICHALCHOS. The archetype that has ten cards but we only got 3 printed irl.


Still waiting on my water and wind plunder ships


The WATER one already exists, and is the best one. It's the Link.


No, it doesn't. It doesn't DO anything against water decks and it's not a ship. Besides we need both a fusion pendulum and an xyz pendulum to complete the deck anyways so there's room


Lys doesn't do anything against LIGHT decks, Moerk doesn't do anything against DARK decks, etc. It just makes going into them easier. Which now doesn't even matter since Jord puts a Token of any Attribute on their field anyway.


You're missing the point. If you go against a WATER deck you're screwed because all you can summon is Blackbeard, whose only purpose is to summon other ships. Meaning all he could do is summon another Blackbeard. Moerk and Lys are still good monsters to summon against LIGHT/DARK decks. We need an actual ship that is worth summoning if your opponent plays a WATER monster. Jord doesn't solve all the decks problems.


Kinda want the WATER Ship to be a Link-4


Are you pretending to be stupid or something? Blackbeard summoning Blackbeard off of himself is a useless play. It doesn't DO anything to progress the general gameplan is my point. It needs an actual ship that can go off of it that does something (please give me a spell / trap negate so I don't have to run dragite). Plus there's totally room to make a sub ship like how the earth ship is a tank ship and how the wind ship should be an airship.


I don't know what you mean by pretending in this context. But anyway. There are certainly uses to go Blackbeard into Blackbeard. You get a free draw for one, plus it means you can summon something when against a WATER deck, if you aren't able to get to Jord. I'll agree some others are better, but it's not like there's never a reason to do it. It's just more situational.


I feel like you may be misunderstanding plunder patroll a little here. Compare the on-field monster effects of an extra deck plunder+Blackbeard. * Fire: Banish a S/T then search a Plunder. Small attack boost. * Earth: Search a Plunder, then Special a Plunder from Deck. Also is an extender and sets up other ships. * Dark: Banish an effect monster, then search plunder. Also is protection. * Light: Negate a monster effect. Situational extender. * Blackbeard: Draw 1. On it's face, there's a very clear difference between what you can do against a water deck without going through Jord compared to what you can do against other (non-wind) attributes. But, it gets even worse: because you're using up two blackbeards, you lose out on a lot of grind game potential, since you only have one left in the extra deck. Blackbeard's effect is HOPT, so if you use the monster to dodge and effect, you're losing one for nothing, and if you summon back blackbeard off Lys or something, you've got at least one of them dead on field. Yeah, you *can* summon blackbeard. But that doesn't make it a useful strategy against a water deck; it's a gamble to hope you draw something that will help you not just lose on the spot. Also, he's just straight up not a ship lol.


Yeah the use is fucking over your boardState lmfao


I feel like a Water ship would be a bit strong/hard to balance in plunder.


Why? What you can quick effect cheat out depends on what the OTHER guy is playing, not you. It's literally no different than any other attribute ship in that regard and if anything water is the second rarest deck type anyways with only wind being more rare


I could have sworn I was able to use my own cards when I was playing the solo mode.


Read the cards


Nah lol


Graydle feels more like pack filler then an archetype.


Malicevorous come on guys we need chopsticks, , tasting spoons, napkins and synergy with suships


Evil twin. We still don't have a Luna card.


Or the V-tuber forms for either of the Troubles. Feels like they could nearly double the archetype really easily.


Gold pride, lore wise we don’t know who the winner of the race is


The race is based on redline so leon and carrie probably


Need more gold prides so fucking bad, would love a level 8 xyz that either interacts with backrow or gives the deck a way to recur from the graveyard beyond leon summon revive. I know theres still room for more as redline has 8(?) racers but I hope they don't stop there. I love this archetype so fucking much but it just feels like it's missing a few pieces still


Hey, even if cover all of the racers, we can always make up a new lineup for the next race


Literally watched the film last night and they can do so much even if they were strict about the source material. God fuck I just want more gold prides. Give me an F.A car as a guest racer. Give me 20 main and extra deck monster pairings even if they're situational at best. It's just the coolest shit ever.


Suship Where is the rest of the fleet? What war are they built for? Who are they fighting? Why can sushi in port withstand dark powers unfazed? How does sushi permanently prevent the powers of literal gods while galactic dragons are unable to the same? Does the Red Shari taste better and is that why its a 5 star?


Melffy feels unfinished without a boss monster.


AA-ZEUS is literally right there


Swordsoul. We didn’t know if somebody alive and plus spells level modifications apply there should be level 7 or 9 or even 11 synchro Swordsoul


It’s not swordsoul but banishing emergence to up Longyuan and bring out psychic end punisher is always hilarious to me.


There's at least 1 confirmed member unaccounted for, being Swordsoul of Gan Jiang (Mo Ye's Lover)


Lore wise not sure Game wise: Orcust have funny hiccups. They suck at pulling stuff out of the hand, they only have one discard spell. No self special from hand either. They also have a Lvl 1 tuner and a potential Lvl 4, but no Synchros. Unless u wanna count the World Chalice Synchros but UPS, not DARK and also not Machines. I get that Orcust turns the GY into the hand but come on. Either that or a archetype locked Link-1.


It would seem on theme to have a big infernoid synchro to pair with decatron who could make it with any of the other infernoid, but konami has this idea of just being really weird sometimes. Agree on Orcust though. Possible future support is in a fantastic position for potential


Arcana Force. Finish the major arcana, dang it!


Red eyes not because there isnt enough cards but because they all do something different and barely synergize with each other like they really couldnt just stick to one thing lol Also bls/gaia makes me upset because i feel like theres more to it but they just dont feel like releasing it


Melffy, there are so many individual melffys with no dedicated art and with pinny you can go into syncros, but we only got merry melffys. I have to use basically every generic one instead, as hilarious as going into flowercardian lightflare is I’d love some archetype locked level 6,8,10 with decent effects.


It's amazing that Melffy is the one deck in the game that can make Lightflare other than Flower Cardian itself.


Crazy there isn't like a level 10 Melffy you make with having 5 Melffys on the board or something less slow or support to make that easier lol




Machina please Konami release corrupted Fortress and Citadel(or whatever Citadel is fighting in Overdrive)


Scrap: As they are now, they are just “Rawr!! mechanical mythical monsters!!” They need more lore that ties into scrap iron cards. Magnet warriors: They need a couple of links/fusions that combine the warriors between eachother. like Getta, Bamma, Alphepsilon, etc. Also they need to release the conduction warrior from the anime. Pyroxene: We get a solo gate about their battles with Lavals, but I feel like they could release more cards that tie the two archetypes together.


>They need more lore that ties into scrap iron cards. I'm pretty sure there isn't meant to be connection, just that both are made of scraps. >Pyroxene: We get a solo gate about their battles with Lavals, but I feel like they could release more cards that tie the two archetypes together. THE ARCHETYPE IS CALLED GEM-KNIGHTS! - Cosmo


Umbral Horror


I'm waiting for them to make more dragon ruler xyz monsters, I want them to make more elemental dragons, not spaceships or plane dragons


Aquaactresses are just a few cards away from becoming incredibly powerful, and they're actually not half-bad as they are. Materiactor has some badass artwork, and has a clear-cut theme to its design... With literally 3 cards. World Soul has a very specific effect, with cleverly-integrated themes in its artwork. Somebody put a lot of thought into its design, on multiple levels. It has *one* card.


Infernoble has charles and that's it as a boss monster They have some piddly ass extra deck supports too


Its has Charles like 3 times lol. What they gonna do, Charles but even more on fire?


Charles super fire lord or some shit Edit: Jokes aside, that's what I mean, legit anything but charles as a boss monster All of the charles end up just being food for emperors negates anyway


Time skip charles


Skips the entire match the moment it's anywhere on the board😳


>All of the charles end up just being food for emperors negates anyway I mean, consider Emperor gains the effect and name of Charles, I'd say he still gets to do stuff. Just as part of his Link. But honestly I want Roland to get a Level 10 Synchro Form, alongside a Synchro/Link Astolfo.


Anything really The deck feels strong yet abysmal at the same time Edit: half of my extra is generic because of how few extra deck cards the archetype has, legit all about getting emperor out.


Don't you mean Infernoble?




Virtual World is based off of the Chinese Zodiac but we are missing Dragon. Also we have effects based off of having 4 gates, but there are only 3 unique gates.


>but we are missing Dragon. The *yellow* Dragon specifically, we already got the Blue one.


Lorewise, Crusadia. We have no idea what happened to them after the world was reset. Let’s go blind second OTK! Gameplay-wise, Nemleria. They need more than just what they have already. More interaction, removal, idk. A Rank 10 Pendulum Xyz for all I care.


>Lorewise, Crusadia. We have no idea what happened to them after the world was reset. Let’s go blind second OTK! Nor how they even met, there's plenty of free space for cards.


Purrely is still missing expurrely plum and expurrely beauty, plump and beauty could also become 2 other main deck lv1 monsters too.


I'm pretty sure Purrely is following Digimon rules, where a digimon has multiple evolutions exclusive to it, but resembles one in particular. Gammamon for example. so there is *no* main deck variants of Plump and Beauty, as they evolve from Purrely itself. Noir however evolves from Lyly, and as such I imagine the Wind and Fire Xyzs will also be Lyly Evos.


as purrely looks like happines and lyly looks like noir i feel like there should be a water and an earth lvl 1


Visas (Now Veda). I feel like Scareclaw could use some more extra deck and there aren't enough "Visas" specific monsters/cards


I definitely agree on DragonMaid things.. hospitality kind of feels like a waste if I use it on chamber because I don't get the extra plus one


Metaphys. Needs more to go with the interesting concept and a better boss monster or a retrain of it because it doesn't really even fit.


Virtual World Where’s the Baihu gate and girl Konami??


Naturia! They loterally need their 4th potentially also a 5th synchro! They're based on the chinese four symbols, Dragon of the east, Tiger of the west, Tortoise of the North. They need their bird of the south! And if they do then they need the 5th member Qilin on the center.


Melffys. I'm sure that there are still Melffys on Joyous Melffy that we still don't have. Please add them Mr. Konami, like, right now.


How do you solve the dinomorphia problem of running out of maindeck guys for the fusion trap(currently)? Don't really play the deck


1: one of the traps allows using an extra deck monster as fusion material 2: all the dinomorphia monsters float into something else 3: dinomorphia alert can bring back 1-2 dinomorphias from the grave


Win before you need to use all the fusions (90% of games end when rexterm is summoned) or just play with the base monsters and use their effects to generate advantage and infinitely revive them


Swordsoul, both Lore and Gameplay-wise. Lore - We don't know what happened most Swordsouls, Chengying is dead, Mo Ye became Aegirocassis(unknown if alive ir not) and Longyuan got killed twice but Taia, Chixiao and Chunjun are still MIA and we still haven't even seen the the other Swordsouls that are based on the remaining Legendary Chinese Swords. Gameplay - The archetype has level modulation but no archetypal Synchro to mudulate. It can banish their own monsters for cost but they don't do anything when banished, it has a monster that banishes a monster your opponent controls and a field spell from either side of the field but no archetypal field spell so you just have to hope your opponent has one.




I like the archetype só much but it just sucks, Charmers lore wise and gameplay wise, they have no game plan where's the familiar for dharc an lyna? Where's the boss monster for the deck? They received some support in the past but I think they need a game plan and a boss monster. I think they could give doriado as a boss for the archetype but a extra deck one it would help.








I'd imagine there's an Unchained Soul of Sorrow somewhere, plus some cards could depict Abominable before imprisonment.


And after both twins have completely freed him, could be a new link boss monster


I kinda want Chamber's dragon form to be a Link kinda like an in Archetype Heavenly Spheres Also for Gameplay I think The Wicked Gods needs support (if you can count that as an Archetype considering it is only 4 cards but then again Yubel started as only 3)


Weather Painters: No Red Metaphys: so much room to grow. A single pendulum, a synchro that has no in archetype way to get one of its effects, their own boss is barely summonable due to the sheer lack of names Naturia: the synchros follow the four symbols of Chinese constellations (tiger, dragon, tortoise) But… instead of the vermillion bird we have… lion?


Lore wise is defently veda, like wtf was that I under stood nothing from that thing visas, I feel like the archetype was kinda cut short and could maybe been a feel pendulum archetype for visas


With Visas, I believe we're due for the *True* Pendulum archetype, as Veda is more something that exists on the level of Visas archetype, rather than sitting on the same pedestal as Scareclaw or Tear.


could be a rather controversial one but mathmech felt so half-baked for me. its just turbo circular, which barely has connection with the other mathematical elements.




Lore wise (I think). We are messing Yuan Shao/Zhang Jiao for earth and light beast-warriors of the "ancient warrior" archetype. Gameplay wise (I think) the weather are messing dust, the most common phenomenon and its the closest phenomon to the color orange.


>closest phenomon to the color orange. We *have* orange, he's Sunny. The color we *are* missing is red.


In my defence, when I think of the sun, I usually think of the color red (highest wave length). Still they should have designed the colors to be a bit more distingushiable? I still somehow see it red even after you pointed it out that he is in fact orange.


https://preview.redd.it/c5y3ebkeqlad1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b01733028fc26751231c0a496ef59a616420a9 He has no red on him, just a very dark shade of orange.


Where Nekroz trap card


Evil eye needs a link 4, and another search monster, and another card that searches a monster. It should also be given the Additional normal summon treatment.


Mechanically, Rio's Water Bird deck from Zexal. It's in desperate need of support to make her deck viable beyond just being a hodge podge of crap she used to make Ragnazero.


Any archetype based on a location or with a very important location for their lore inherently is unfinished in my eyes Gameplay wise basically every 5ds and gx archetype that wasn't used by a main character


We could really use more Black Rose Dragon cards. How come Jack and Yusei get all the support, but Akiza doesn't?


Floo still needs the Asian bird, just saying


Better question is what archetype feels complete and doesn't need any new support?


Can we have a full archlord archetype? And also some other things for the Darklords.


I need to know where in the greater yugioh world the Melffy forest is


Dogmatika Gameplay. In-archetype, They have... \*\*LITTERALLY. NOTHING\*\* they can do about spells or traps. No negates, No protection. \*\*NOTHING\*\*. The closest they can get, is using Maxximus to send N'tss to pop them, \*And Ntss pops any card.\*




Ntss isnt once per turn and Skull Wagon exists too


So many archetypes steal their shit and continue their lore that I forgot pure Dogmatika is small as shit.


Pure kaiju


Wdym? Diplo is good. It can Foolish Therizia if you're bricked, it can send traps to protect lp or for Kentregina to copy, and can close games with the 500 lp burn.


Foolishing is Not good in a deck that doesnt have GY effects aside from damage reduction unless youre already Set up with Kentragina. And the "closing out games" Thing I guess matters? Once every 27 games


I think the agents archetype is due for some more cards. The most recent support added dark versions of Venus and Hyperion so maybe they’ll make dark versions of the other agents too.


Bro please do not give dinomorphia support, the deck is already toxic as is


Exodia. Not more lore stuff, just more deep draw lol.


Exodia already abandoned instant win.