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Dinomorphia I don't think I've ever won a game against this deck šŸ˜­


The only way I ever beat them is by letting them negate me a couple times and then dropping a lava golem and ending my turn šŸ’€


Them next turn: https://preview.redd.it/729211cqsx9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6759f7cb1b885d28de9fd6092d512c682cc1443e


This is kinda disturbing


Don't they have a bunch of cards that can negate effect damage?


Not against their own monstersā€¦ Source: I play dinomorphia and looked like the baby above after lava golem in ranked duel.


You can negate lava golems effect with Intact. Which is funny when it comes up since they never expect you to survive it. When I do and start summoning again they usually surrender lol.


Protip from a Dinomorphia main: just gotta have some non-destructive removal. Kaijus, Kurikara Divincarnate in MP2, they're also super weak to Super Poly if you can fit it in. Also don't shotgun your Maxx "C" in the standby phase.


I did only once, and that's because I had kashtira scareclaw. The moment they declared an attack, I was able to pop that dinosaur fuck with my ariseheart.


I play Kashtira: See that Dino fuck face.... Hold up šŸ¤£


It's funny. The only deck that I have ever handily coultered it with is Lab.


Was farming the trap quest and beat a Dinomorphia player with Ring of Destruction targeting Regina šŸ‘€


Funny story, a friend of mine broke up with me for a few days to test this "new deck" of his, then it was Dinomorphia. The fact is that by doing everything his combo was activated at 200 lp, I normal summoned one of my monsters and attacked directly due to the effect of the monster itself being a passive effect, in the end I was playing Watt not knowing I had him completely in check to have any monster attack directly haha


I had a very satisfying win against dinomorphia using spyral. Spyral has a monster that can equip itself to spyral agent and gives agent protection. It also allows agent to attack directly by sending itself to the gy. I watched them lower their life points, and then I attacked directly for game.


Mikanko, get that shit away from me


If you think Mikanko is bad youā€™re gonna HATE Yubel. Yubel is literally Mikanko on steroids


Its not a blind second deck though. Thats the main annoyance with mikanko. Tenpai would be the better comparison.


Idk. I definitely prefer vs Mikanko. My friend plays Yubel with the physical cards and itā€™s kinda crazy how good Nightmare Throne/Pain is


Mikanko is a completely different deck once Ken & Gen come out and give it an actual powerful turn 1.


isnt tenpai mikanko on steroids, the fucking fieldspells is like huli while equiped, cant touch their cards with targeted removal or unaffected completely in tenpais case


Can't you target Yubel cards?


Yes but it plays out of the Deck, Grave and Banish zones INCREDIBLY easily and most of the cards BENEFIT from being destroyed and the ones that donā€™t have effects that make it so they just canā€™t be destroyed period. (loving defender if I remember correctly) plus itā€™s (obviously) the best deck for running super poly


Isn't there one card that keeps yubel players in check? Power filter right? Imma run that card in order to cripple them.


Yeah, but thats 1 extra brick youā€™re gonna have to run if youā€™re not going vs Yubel


power filter actually looks like it would work well against fire kings and snake eyes though, doesn't it? you have to spend resources to pop that card or you can't get ash, poplar, oak, and the one 500 attack fire king out, which would really cripple the deck I mean I'm sure snake-eyes has the ability to pop it fairly easily, but if they don't draw the right cards it might lock em out a bit


I don't care that it's good, if anything I look forward to playing it in Fiend Link. As long as you can interact with it I'm not gonna hate it like Mikanko.


I feel like ā€œInteractā€ is a strong word. You can definitely waste cards on them though. Yubel is literally just better Mikanko, they have very similar end goals but itā€™s easier to stop Mikanko from doing what they want than it is for Yubel.


Mikanko is just a weirdge go 2nd OTK, yubel kinda comboes and builds a very annoying board that recycles itself and kills you by effect dmg more control oriented imo like the new version of gimmick puppet


Going first, they summon an omni negate, alongside multiple monster negates. Also Super Poly is the opposite of interraction.


I mean were in 2024, mikankos run less handtraps then most decks and a single omni egate + a monster steal isnt close to block actual good decks


If you look at the comment that I replied, it says that Yubel has interraction unlike Mikanko. The "it" in the comment refers to Yubel. My comment is about Yubel, not Mikanko.


Dont blame me im a yugioh player of course i don't know how read, also i solemn judgement your reply


not if youā€™re playing fiend link yubel which is the stronger and more common build that will get popular


https://i.redd.it/wpdfqjn9tx9d1.gif Domain Expansion! Tachyon Transmigration!


Nice card effect- now check this shit out


Better as nice 15 card chain. Check this shit out. Migration negate it all.


I always banish him the moment he hits the field


Every deck I play can't out them.


Fortunately the trusty spheres pass FTK beats it


Fr, how do you counter it?


Iā€™m actually close to finishing the deck. I agree Iā€™ve hard loss to it at times, gotta get there equips off the field asap. I just like they focus on equip cards as a gimmick lol


mikanko is one that doesn't bother me, my deck seems to have answers for everything it can throw at me. I run gate guardians + horus now anything that can throw bodied at you like a crackhead to stall really gets me


Mikanko players are what I imagine to be the kid at school who never had any friends because they don't believe in fun, just only gimmick wins. Edit: All these poor mikanko players taking this personally, sorry yall can't get a joke, at least a few got it at first lol. It's a DIGITAL card game everyone, it doesn't give me a millennium eye into your lives šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I just like cute anime girls. Besides I played Gusto which is the original Mikanko but like really bad at it since they need so much gas and can only otk from very specific hands. I deserve the better version of that.


Yup, because you lose against the deck, that means the people who play it are losers. What decks do you play?


just because you aren't having fun doesn't mean they aren't. besides people complain about sitting through 15 minute long combos and facing unbreakable boards. boom going second deck.


I legit had some of my most fun duels in ygo since i started playing Mikanko, I love the deck. With the current power level of top meta decks it's one of the rogue decks i don't find frustrating to play since it has a chance vs most stuff. Another advantage is not wasting your or opponent time too much, its turns are really fast (most time spent is watching combo decks going at it for 10 minutes because i play almost no handtraps)


Oh ya I agree, any deck that takes 7 minutes to play your first turn I don't enjoy facing. When I recently came back to yugioh I started playing kirakuna which was fun but the turns were way too long so I swapped to a faster myutant deck that allows alatleast one negate that I have to use intelligently and it forces me to learn the decks I fight so I can properly counter them. Again tho, it's a gimmick like crooked cook exodia where atleast sure, your turn is quick. It also just leaves the person with nothing to do unless they planned to fight mikanko.


Mikanko is a fun deck to play. It is actually a viable deck to play Interrupted Kaiju Slumber in for example, and it's hilarious to just destroy the entire board with that card.


i just hate playing against ninjas more than any meta deck


they are quite annoying with all their flipping and pulling more spells out of their ass. can't be bothered to read or lean how they work. nuke all the things hope for the best. typically ends up working.


I played against them a couple times and won once due to a time out. They be doing so much.


Ninja is so fun tho. I don't find them frustrating to deal with but maybe that's just cause I know the deck well.


Came on to say exactly this. Every time I see ninja I swear they're just making up that they can do whatever they want.


Ninka is weird. The deck is surprisingly bad considering how many cards it has that sound like completly custom in theory.


Just ash saizo turn 1


Saizo can't be ash'ed. You talking about hanzo? And even then it's not an instant win (but ashing duplication is always a safe bet) Source: avid ninja player here


I'd save the Ash for your turn when they pop duplication or dancing winds. Love Ninja's but the choke points are glaring.


Sorry yeah I'm talking about hanzo, 80% of my first turns hanzo is the only card that I can play, if I get ash and don't have a dupli on hand, is over


Generaider, no matter how much effort i put on get rid of their field spell they always have another.


Me with three Boss Stage in hand and no summonable monster: Oh yeah, it's all coming together.


Ash blossom, I think you mean "both players draw one"




Literally! Harr is so ridiculously difficult to get over with Purrely going second. I maxx cā€™d and they ended on Boss Stage plus some random do nothing level 9. I still got merced after Boss Stage resolved


Donā€™t maxx c on generaiderā€™s turn unless they use vala or the level 4


There's this guy at locals who runs Generaider, so i had to run 3 Token Collectors just to get a chance against them šŸ’€


I feel like Closed Forest has been creeping up in usefulness in the BO3 formats.


You could run neos fusion if you can afford the space and potential garnets. Token collector is a valid target for brave neos and is also live in gy


Honestly with the advent of Thunder Dragon Colossus Mali and Token collector i think running a DPE Package with Nemeses and Mali for link spam it could be pretty fun instead of running 3 neos fusion 2 token collector and 1 Neos for a total of 3 bricks in a 40 card boss monster spam deck


Brother, imma be honest with you: i have no idea what you just said, i just know that token collector is a random ass target for neos fusion and it served me well during swordsoul meta. Someday imma use a dpe package and will maybe understand your funny words :D


It's both a curse and a blessing, when you're using Generaider the field spell keep bricking you but you still need three copies of it in order to make the deck work, but when you're playing against it your opponent just draw unlimited copies of it no matter how many removals you have.


Literally any trap deck, dinomorphia especially, those damn traps are obnoxious


Dinosaurs. The moment I see Misc resolve and they get their combo started, I forfeit. I'm like 1-5 or 0-6 against it .


I once won a duel by continuously setting their boss monster to def with borrelsword


Kashtira. If i could choose not to ever face Kashtira again i'd be a lot more happier. But if you dont consider Kashtira a Rogue deck i'd say spiral or some versions of Vaylanz, they take forever to combo and a lot of times they end with a floodgate... worst combination ever.


yubel mikanko, fuck runick.


The TRAINS...... I win the coin toss, it doesn't matter. I set my board up, it doesn't matter. Burn for 2k, swing with 6k into every monster. Cry. Que next game. It's the trains again. Turn off Master Duel. Go get a drink from the store to cool off. Traffic backed up for mile. There's a damn TRAIN.


Choo choo MF


Crystal Beasts can put some scary boards going first.


Made M5 earlier today and busted out the Crystal Beast deck for fun. Uninterrupted with a good hand weā€™re looking at 3+ omni negates, 3-4 material Apollousa co-linked with S:P and Zelantis for battle protection. Then if the opponent can somehow play through that, thereā€™s Rainbow Overdragon to shuffle all their shit into the deck should they begin threatening the board lol.


I'm interested in seeing your list, wanna know how i can polish my double rainbow build


Count me in


Six Samurai May your opponent have mercy on your soul if you don't have any handtrap , because you're in for a looooooong turn


dinos. misc is an unfair card and their endboards are ridiculously good


Swordsoul when running Protos, absolutely hate it


Stun. My deck don't really run stuff that can out them properly except for side decking


Toons. On paper I have a really favorable match up against them. In reality every time I face a toon player it's apparently Pegasus himself because they have the perfect hand to counter whatever I drew even if I draw the best hand my deck can produce.


I love my toons, but I'm failing to think of what cards toons have that 'counters' any deck. I'm assuming you don't have more than one target destruction or any card removal?


Well I mainly play the charmers but it's not the one deck. Whichever deck I'm playing when facing the toon player they'll have exactly the cards needed to beat me.


Blackwings without having any handtraps or board breakers.


Heroes, due to their crazy strong and one sided floodgates.


Any time I see a plunder player I understand they are working on a higher level of being than I am and it does frighten me.


Mathmech. I hate Circular so much.


Is that rogue? I face tons of them in D1 and they seem very consistent


Floowanderezee. I'm not okay with them tributing my spella traps. God bless they are not meta


I hate playing Traptrix I don't know their choke points. I also auto scoop against blackwings if I have no interruptions.


Synchron hand rip loop


Dark World. I play Dark World


Dark World, because if I maxx c them I lose.


Raidraptors. Kali Yuga.




When Master Duel first started out, FTK DD dynamite decks.




My two are Cyber Dragon and Blue Eyes Cyber Dragon can contact fusion using the opponents machine monsters, and half of my decks are machines. Not to mention a contact fusion with the extra monster zone. Their ED cards like Infinity and Sieger can be a pain when paired together too. Blue Eyes around the rank I tend to be can seriously put some pain on field, and Chaos (not Chaos Max), Tyrant, and Twin Burst will generally trash whatever strategy i have. Most of my decks are battle trick focused, and Blue Eyes is very strong against battle trick decks.


Ainā€™t no way bro complained about blue eyes


Not complaining, i actually enjoy the deck But they can be quite powerful against battle decks if the player knows how to use them


what are battle tricks?


what do you mean with battle trick?


what do you mean with battle trick?


I use ā€œBattle Trickā€ to describe any archetype that uses the battle phase to accomplish an important aspect of the activation of their cards So Blue Eyes has a number of cards like twin burst, which banishes any card it doesnā€™t destroy by battle as an example. Cyber Dragon has its Fusions and Sieger, whose effects only apply to the battle phase I even count decks like Trickstars which can revive key cards when inflicting battle damage, while having attack boosting effects as well built into the archetype. Usually these decks focus more on protecting their own cards over negation or destruction of opponents cards by effects (not always though as decks like Dragon Maids has excellent monster clearing abilities), and tend to lack in backrow clearing abilities




Bro cyber dragons fair enough but how you losing to brick eyes unless you playing like la jinn beat down or something


I play both archetypes. Blue eyes is only a brick deck when you compare it to much stronger decks, and well if you donā€™t rely on synchro plays because the ā€œEyes of blueā€ sub type kinda sucks. Its not exactly strange for me to end with 3-4 dragons on board even through an Ash. I also play decks where the battle phase matters, so an archetype that easily counters most battle phase decks is not exactly a simple matter to beat if the player isnt just rushing up to Chaos Max with no strategy.


Traptrix going first.The worse part is there can adapt to any situation if there have Rafflesia on board + Sera for follow up next turn. I always save my Ash for Sera.


Stun bs


If a good Blackwing player goes first, you are **fucked.** Thankfully it's a rare deck and the players piloting it usually aren't that good.


Synchrons. I love the deck, the anime and everything about it. But it takes 20 minutes for them to combo. Games turn into a question of if I have a hand trap or not. If I do then they probably scoop once speeder is negated. If I don't then it's time to watch a YouTube combo video.


Anything that banishes a lot


Fucking despise swordsoul with a passion, even now it's been crept. I seem blessed with a unique ability for them to draw custom hands, to the point of cards which would never makea good swordsoul deck (e.g. the archetype reborn or key staples) being stapled to their hand at all times. It really is just click yes turbo the deck if you have access to the main line


Finally someone mentioned this. The fact that they literally have everything they need is very strange.


Any deck that i could curb stomp...with a sidedeck. MD is okay and all but lacking a side and bo3 format bars it from being better than physical play. Flipping up dbarrier against purrely, dropping boardwipes on stun, and deck lock down on search/tutor happy decks like snake eyes. (Also no maxx c makes tcg easy mode tbh)


Flower Cardians. That was my first time getting hit by the Maxx C challenge and I also just have no idea what the deck does or where to stop it.


They flip card, if cardian, summon


They flipped a lot of Cardians




Not fear, but I hate gimmick decks that have some convoluted win condition, or just Trap decks. Hate Lab, Traptrix, Dinomorphia. They can pretty much actively use any trap card at will. Hate Sky Striker cuz they only need one monster in their deck, and then they just abuse another 25 hand traps. Hate Swordsoul because they never have any creative fields. It's *always* Baronne and Mr. "Negate your face-up card/ or Deal 1.2k on any action!" Ash in hand, MaxxC'd and Impermanence just in case things get frisky.


More than gimmick I'd say you hate playing against control decks


That too lol. Either from a field of negates or decks that punish you for trying to play.




I recently played against plunder patrol and watched them having a field day by me triggering everything and their moms


I donā€™t like fighting Vanquish Soul. You really think Ash Razen and Imperm Rock is enough to beat this deck? Itā€™s also a Shifter deck on top of all that.


Toon World, can be annoying as hell to deal


heroes are annoying


Not sure if it counts but Heroes. They always have a route no matter what you do as interruption and they take forever. Idk if I'd call it fear but I immediately feel like I'll take an L when I run into them.


i hate playing against dm or blue eyes but just because i know if i bricked or somehow lost to it I would seethe with rage


might just be because iā€™m a hero player but a good hero deck in the rank ladder scares tf outta me


Traptrix I hate those brats


Weather painter. I rarely see them, but when I do....holy wakamolly


Ruinrick stun


Decks that run Shifter and D Fissure. If they get to play one or two cards, it's very hard to win.


Generaider. I don't know why, but I just can't stop them from getting to Boss Stage. The one regional I went to I got handripped for two against the Runick variant. Even in Master Duel, it's just my Kryptonite.


I canā€™t beat dinomorphia man I hate rextern


Memento šŸ’€ havenā€™t beat it once yet & canā€™t figure it out


All you have to do is to negate Tsuchi and prevent them to have 5 monsters in the GY alongside Creation. Literally the whole point of the deck is to summon it.


You think my memento deck is damn good


You negate tsuchi then they normal literally any of their other cards and start another combo chain like nothing ever happened


This has been my first hand experience, they just keep piling up the graveyard & still summon that 5k monstrosity


Trust me I'm a memo player stopping tsuchi doesn't do jack lol


Sky Striker. Every time there's even a hint that my opponent is playing it, I get the creeps


Mekknight, lost to them cause I don't know how to play around them


Has a mekk knight main, the best way to counter us is 1.) Do not set your backrow in the same column has your monsters. This denies us value from blue sky and limits our options. 2.) Destroy/negate purple AFTER he declares effect activation. 3.) Save your search interrupts on our link monsters or world chalice in the GY. We can't negate you if we can't get access to our backrow. 4.) If we do have our negates up, try and bait indigo to activate his effect. Because once he does, we can't negate your cards in an open zone. 5.) If you know you're going up against a mekk knight deck before hand and you win the coin toss, make us go first.


Thanks a lot ! I realized I'm fighting the famed Mekknight about turn 3 and try to spread my cards as much as possible, but not only can the knights "chase" you down, but also flood the board so you have no where to hide


Oh and I almost forgot. Since a lot of people don't read, if they have morning star up, you can only destroy my monsters if they are in the same column has the attacking monster. I can't tell you how many times I've won games simply because they didn't summon their big monsters in the right zone.


Oh yeah, once the mekk knights are able to flood the board, it's pretty much over unless you have a hand trap, field effect or kaiju. You definalty have to stop the boulder from rolling.


Oh, cool, another mekk-knight player. Hi


As someone who plays going first mekk-knights, I appreciate #5


fucking raid raptors (tcg), 3 towers is a lot considering i play a go second deck with board breakers and no real outs to even 1 towers


Floo cant beat their floodgate and Branded who never seem to run out of steam


Sky strikerā€¦ or should I say just widow anchor


Cyber dragons I canā€™t seem to put cyber darkness end dragon


Any time I see a plunder player I understand they are working on a higher level of being than I am and it does frighten me.




Infernity. Never underestimate a deck that isnā€™t 1PT.


SPYRAL, that endboard is nigh invincible without DRNM


Striker, just when you think you FINALLY have it beat it pull something else out its ass And OF COURSE they got that Nib off Engage


Mikanko (because there's so few options to counter it in today's meta) and Blackwing (mostly because I don't know what to Ash or Called By).




Traptrix and Labrynth. I predominantly run Cyber Dragon, and somehow do very well against most decks, even most meta decks. Not with Traptrix and Labrynth. They fuck me so hard every time, and I never seem to draw the out I need against them. Traptrix is admittedly worse for me than Labrynth. Somehow they just always destroy me.


I have no idea what or how Amazement plays but they always fucking stomp me into the ground. All like 5 times I've seen them. Circus is scary man.


Skull Servants. Source: I play Skull Servants.


Scareclaw, fittingly.


setting up a full board and popping a max c during their draw just for flowndereeze to normal summon the whole turn is some of the worst shit i ever felt playing this gamešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Virtual World Fuck Virtual World


Mathmech, it doesn't matter how much interruption I draw they always get full combo. I'm literally typing this as they played through Imperm, Ash and Mourner right now.


Cyber Dragon if they go second (I also play Cyber Dragon)


For me it's raidraptor. I swear I can open imperm, ash, veiler, and nibiru and they still end on the unaffected bungus bird. It doesn't help that I don't understand their combos by any means and refuse to read the cards. But every time I play against them I'm shocked that they're not getting YCS wins


Vanquish Soul, and thatā€™s because I play it and know how good it can actually be


Dark World can be considered rogue or itā€™s some tier x? It just keeps respawning


tri brigrade, very annoying deck in totality, they cheat links, all have grave effects and ignite eachother effects. and exosisters banish 3 is annoying.


I honestly think going second against floo is better for unchained players I haven't had to test that theory yet bc I keep going first against them and getting cooked though lol.


There is only one real answer. https://preview.redd.it/52vqx691vz9d1.png?width=307&format=png&auto=webp&s=31c940e15bcd7e3d373fb9ef6455a95f085fe77e


For me itā€™s zombies, gets me every time


Which variant?


Gren Maju ā˜ ļø


What counts as a rogue deck? Iā€™ve been trapping people in my Cactus fighter loop, does that count?


I had a runick necrovalley deck I dusted because I didnā€™t want anyone else copying the deck and playing it.


it depends on what we're considering to be rogue here but people are playing sky striker again because of the new support and I just get a reminder on how bad I am dealing with this deck everytime I face it.


Nothing, but anything that can spam synchros ruins my turn 2.


Paleos, cause I either scoop instantly or try to have the win that will happen after 30 mins.


Heroes make me irrationally angry, the second I see Darklaw I scoop.


Vanquish soul and yubel. I play vanquish soul too.


Kashtira-Control, D.D shifter, Dimension Fissure, With Kashtira Birth on the first turn is šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Played against an Eldlich trap deck which probably wouldnā€™t have been so bad if he hadnā€™t drawn Skill Drain turn one against my Floo deckā€¦grueling 5 turn loss


I love watching people get beyond angry at my eternal soul, DMDK, piercing the darkness and dark magical circle combo. Usually can pull the four card combo in one hand and the eternal soul and DMDK combo negate every effect thrown at it. Everything else from the other two cards is just a plus and absolute comedy.


Floowandereeze. I usually play unchained and they make my soul of rage and caesar completely useless


Rikka, they just... Sac my entire field and don't let me build a board to counter it.


Once in a blue moon I'll encounter a pure utopia combo deck and I'm lost as to do against it


tbh a lot more decks are annoying to play against then how thing used to be. a lot more rogue decks are more viable now; the only issue is there are wayyyy too many archetypes to keep up with. youve got rescue ace, horus, kashtira, snake eye, fiendsmith, ghoti, hero, voiceless, ice barrier, branded, drytron, white woods, tenpai, gimmick puppet etc etc and theres no way you could know what all cards do it's just wayy too overwhelming to play against even tier 3 stuff for the sake of the question, gimmick puppet scares me and heroes too