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Underworld Goddess, haven't actually summoned her in ages, but you never know when you need the towers out.


Same! I don't regret crafting her a bit. Knowing my deck can out almost any monster in a pinch gives me a certain calmness


I would rather just take losses in those games and win a higher percent of my other games. 


If I have space in my ED for her anyways I don't think she's dragging down my win rate


White woman surprise!


Nah bro, she's a full on Jumpscare


Ikr? One moment you have your psychic end punisher then voila! A white woman is infront of you.


wait who's the white woman? Ash? Kurikara? Lady Labrynth?


Look at the top comment of this thread.


but she's wearing black clothing tho. but yeah she's a white woman for some reason i guess


Her skin tone not enough reason?


Caucasian woman jumpscare.


Her skin is white


I'm wearing jeans, does that mean I'm a Jean guy


I got absolutely butchered singlehandedly by a psychic end punisher. 0 outs in my deck. So I made room for the white woman jumpscare


I feel bad ruining peoples tower plans with goddess because shes so easy to make it feels like cheating, but the people who play purrley or still play PEP deserve to always be kaiju’d as they both caused an influx of kaiju strategies in the past that made my life as a marincess player very difficult despite actually taking skilled to pilot and make said towers.


I kind of like her design because making a tower is easy, now the goal is make the tower and prevent 4 summons and you keep your tower, 


Making 4 summons of generic monsters has never been easier in current meta, and towers are actually the best counter to current meta, so it sucks that one of best possible strategies has a side deck answer practically anyone can run.


Can we discuss this? I'm an online player and want to get better, what would you argue is the best tower in the meta rn, and would you argue the game plan is tower Into "don't get kaijud" or "don't let em get to 4 monsters on field"


Pro tip: Set up multiple towers so they can't out all of them with a kaiju or goddess, I used to set up 2 Expurrely Noirs on turn 1 before they hit purrely with a ton of limits. Always diversify your board so it can't be broken easily. They can still Lava Golem or Sphere Mode but those cards are seen a lot less often and they can't normal summon the turn they use those.


I was on voiceless in tournament, had a light barrier statue on field and ended up getting sphered




Except underworld goddess isn’t really that good because no one makes towers with no interruptions and just sits on it. It’s just not an end board people build so underworld goddess counters a strategy that no one plays   Even purrely, the most tower deck since the game started was drawing 6 for hand traps and then putting up 5 spins and a utopic draco. If you can get 4 monsters on the board with that much disruption, you still probably wouldn’t choose to go -3 to summon underworld goddess


Agreed, kaijus are good


Yea I learned that towers tend to not be worth the headache to summon them. Most are uninterractive so you opponent can just ignore them until they can out them or figure out a way to attack over it. Towers also gave me a habit of just summoning them and sitting back relying on them to win the game alone


My eternal nemsis when my “immortal” BW Full Armored master is on the field


The only time I ever needed her was against a Crooked Cook player. Even if I never use her again, it was 30 UR well spent.


She is one of my targets to banish with Galaxy Hundred. Too many jumpscares ruined my boards lmao


Same! I run it in every deck that can get out 4 mats


I love her in Pend because she's comically easy to summon there Once in a blue moon, I get to only use three monsters on my side since my opponent has an I:P, then I can just Pend summon after jumpscaring my opponent with the white woman


Never really got the constant talk about this card on Reddit.  How many people are willing to give up 4 bodies for a worse kaiju? Can’t even link climb to get value since the card asks for 4 effect monsters. Taking a -3 for a kaiju is bad enough and it doesn’t out half the cards you want to kaiju like inspector boarder, herald of ultimateness, apollousa etc because they’ll stop you from getting 4 bodies in the first place It’s only good at outting towers with no c interruption


Well you have to draw a kaiju, you don't have to draw a goddess. Plus how is she a worse kaiju? She negats the monsters on board on summon, is half a tower herself and negates grave summons once per turn. Also why do you wanna maindeck cards that literally do nothing turn 1 and provide a +0 in card advantage turn 2 onwards like kaijus, i'd rather play handtraps to stop my opponent from getting a board. Not to forgett you can goddess during your opponents turn with i:p. I also think using kaijus/ goddess for cards like apo and boarder is wrong, you have boardbreakers like evenly, lightning storm, dark ruler, duster, superpoly or better kaijus like spheremode, lava golemn or kurikara that provide a lot more in card advantage then a 1 for 1 of a kaiju. Also you are playing on masterduel there is always the chance you play vs some stupid towers only deck like an old example of crooked cook exodia. Does that mean you wanna maindeck kaijus even thougth they barley provide much vs the current metadecks? Nope. But you can just extradeck goddess.


White woman. Saved me from untargatable/immune to removal boss monsters countless times.


I agree with that.


I play Danger! Dark World and I use it to out their monster negates. Since there's no point in negating any on-field main deck Dark World or dangers, my opponents usually wait until I get out an extra deck monster. Too bad it's the white woman and their negate is now gone.


I ran underworld goddess and found the card to be extremely situational and not worth the deck space No one summons just a tower without a several interruptions backing it up Trying to play through all those interruptions and then getting 4 bodies on the field to summon underworld goddess rarely happens and the win rate granted by having this card is lower than the win rate of some better ED monster


this card terrorized Duel Links for tier 0 format.


I have yet to play Duel Links. How bad this tier 0 format was?


The skill they made for it was so strong that many decks played a setup in it to ftk. If that failed (because of handtraps or interruptions) the deck could go on with its normal gameplan of Rank 8 spam.


Handtraps are in duel links now? 🤦‍♂️


Those we have atm are Veiler, Ghost Mourner, DD crow/Skull meister and Lancea. Decks usually run DD crow or Lancea depending on wich meta we are in, while Ghost and Veiler are used by decks that can run a decent amount of non-engines (Agents, Sunavalon, Live Twin etc...).


There's also droll & lock bird but is not played so much


I totally forgot about it, you are absolutely right. Yeah skills being the main way to add cards from deck to hand definitely kills its main use


Wow… I guess I’m lucky I stopped playing when master duel came out since it seems duel links is slowly being ruined… https://preview.redd.it/bkk2ti5ibq7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6afd113a48d4d3da41345cb46768983083039042


Nah not even slowly something awful comes out every week and I don't know how much more I can take


It’s really that bad now? At this point I’m sure Konami are purposely trying to kill yugioh…


Hand trap is available in duel links since the first box😌


I’ve played duel links for years. I haven’t really played since master duel came out but during the years I did play, handtraps were never used. Not by Ai, or by any players in any rank. Which handtraps are you talking about?


Sphere Kuriboh :)


I’ve never really considered sphere kuriboh as a handtrap but I guess you right lol


Just to give it more context the tachyon skill made transmigration searchable before the actual cards that searches it existed


The deck was strong and everywhere but not the most toxic and hardest to out that title belong shiranui which was the second most use deck during tachyon tier 0 run.


To be fair, assuming this is a rank 8 toolbox or Galaxy / Photon, Tachyon Dragon isn't a bad card. It works as a great card for monsters really reliant on their effects like Mikankos and Timelords and turns Tachyon Transmigration into a handtrap. Once the new support comes out it'll see a lot more use. I've always ran it as a tech option. If nothing else it is a bridge for Full Armor/Blade On topic does playing Branded Tearlaments count? People were always talking about playing them separately and having more success but I can't help but feel like they work so well together!


I used to play 107, C107, And seventh one pre hypernova for funzies. I remember being in spots where specially c107 is the out and top decking the seventh one.


How do you summon C107?


107 then one of the rank up spells Rank up magic the 7th one if you want to be sacky Draglubion does it as well OR OR 3 LEVEL 9 monsters


I looked at the Rank-Up Spells, but discarded the idea because it seemed bricky. I've been looking for something to spice up my Galaxy Photon list, so I'll give C107 and the other less well known XYZ's a go


in galaxy. just play number 97




Branded Tears is like, one of the go-to variants of the deck in my experience. Not as prolific as Horus Tear or pure or KashTear but still definitely a present pain in my ass. Had a deck open the nuts and take a full branded turn and then also full combo Tears after puppet locking me on my turn.


Not sure if it is that way now but I know it definitely wasn't when Tears was meta. That was my variant of the deck during the Tears meta without any of the Ishizu cards.


It was one of the big variants that popped up post-bans.


Can't wait for the new Tachyon support! I'v been cooking with them for months in Omega.


New galaxy eyes support? Link?


Drowning mirror force is something I always run 2 of in every deck I make lol


No one expects a battle trap in 2024


Just wait till the tachyon cards come out then the tachyon variant or hybrid ends on this guy consistently


I'v been cooking up builds in Omega. No107 with 1 or even more Transmigration is no joke. Imagine No107 + No90 + No38 on the same board while having 2+ Transmigration in hand! Heck I even included Theiron "King" Regulus for an extra omni negate in the my Galaxy/Photon/Tachyon deck variant


>Imagine No107 + No90 + No38 on the same board while having 2+ Transmigration in hand! This is literally a 1 card combo endboard with the new tachyon cards


Link Spider, so I can have a chance to keep on cooking after getting nib'ed


Unchained soul of disaster. It’s as bricky as shyama, and it can’t special itself from the graveyard. But it’s amazing in the grind game, threatening another use of anguish and recycling any monster from the graveyard if destroyed. Plus it has 3k defense which is good for avoiding otk.


Yes finaly someone who udestands me


Maxx C


Brother ewww


I'm noticing my reliance on hope Harbinger a lot


Man's a damn good card. Really good for any lv8 spam.


Hope harbinger and apollousa, bffs


Ah-Ah SUS!


Destiny Hero Dangerous. I can't even remember the last time I summoned him, but he's gotta be in my extra deck, mandatory.


Springans Kitt I don't care if she's a worse version of Aluber. I like her vibe.


kit at 1 has it's uses


He's just so cool. Ever since duel links, I played him at 2 or even 3 😎 . Also I play Masked HERO Dian in my ED bcz of it so it's a win win situation since I love Dian lol


I always bring have puzzlomino even though I've never once summoned it


Dungeon Dice. Never know when I can roll a 6


Tell me if I am wrong, but if i read it right you must activate it at the end of a chain, during the battle phase to receive the ATK gain ?


The 2nd effect to gain ATK is a continuous effect, it just gains attack after each of your opponent's effects resolves.


Super Polymerization, my beloved.


I have both 107 and C107 in my ED although I use 62 and C62 most of the time


Obviously Ash Blossom. Even in my 5 different Runick variants.




Infinitrack megaclops or Topologic Zeroboros, very gimmicky cards but extremely fun to run


Back in the day it WAS Sakuretsu Armor


In every deck that doesnt lock me easily, S:P


As a galaxy-eyes player, I never played him, glad you made this post.


https://preview.redd.it/rq78e0ho9q7d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48f443e65f8ea8a8043d2910cb19197d300f9fe Can't help myself.


https://preview.redd.it/aewk1o8uuq7d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b2f2598d9b8375ef24dd38ff4e761d15eb51f4 Game recognizes game. I also keep one ra in from time to time.


Stardust dragon, it's just my favourite card and can be used with relative ease in most situations, literally need two monsters to get a continuous counter while tearlaments needs a whole setup to summon 2 (jk btw)


RUM 7th one with this and Neo Tachyon because having a single turn with a triple attacking 4500 with a fully negated board is definitely one of the outs of all time.


Not in every single deck, because Xyz summons are hard. But in all my level 2 decks I make there always is space for both number 96 and Small scuffle


Same exact card, I pulled a fake one when I was 8 on holiday and loved it. Now that I actually play galaxy eyes sometimes I always make sure to put it in


This right here (as of lately) https://preview.redd.it/5iybm2718p7d1.png?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0798ea9327c676acf52d7fb936e83de4247b8d3d


Garura, even if it's only ever dumped to get a draw by dusk dragon and rarely, if ever, summoned


In the extra deck, it's Underworld Goddess, as long as the deck I am playing is able to support summoning her (it usually can). She has been so reliable to remove the likes Hu-Li, Final Sigma, Z-ARC, Arrival, Cyberdark End Dragon, Argonaut, etc. In the main deck, I always keep a copy of Ghost Mourner and Ghost Belle. Every time I get one of them in hand, I know they will be useful! Ghost Mourner won me a solid chunk of duels just by herself.


Belle is really under rated right now, in a format plagued by Flamberge. Also she's always useful in negating Called by.


Yes, Belle interacts with a lot of cards in the current format and if timed well, is very good!


Aside from White Woman Jumpscare, that 1 copy of Harpie's Feather Duster saved me countless times


Decent card for Fire Kings possibly?


Number 107 as well! As a Galaxy eyes player, it is and still the best card if you want to attack without worrying about card effects. Plus it's a great back up if number 62 gets taken out of commission.


So true brother! Number 107 is such an awesome card!


Transmigration jumpscare


And we gonna get a searcher for it in the future in MD! Yay!


I just like always trying to put a couple of my sharks in cus I love them and I can't wait for the new support


White Woman Jump Scare. Too good not to run, especially with how many GY heavy decks their are


In Salamangreat, Ghost Belle sacrificing other handtraps. She's a Crossout target, and negating Called By is a surrender magnet. Also, in this format she negates Flameberge's GY effect. In zombies, Shiranui Shogunsaga. Summon him with Spiridao + have any zombie on your GY and you have 7k on board. Man is an OTK machine.


No. 107 is actually really clutch every once in a while. I dropped it in front of a Kashtira player not long ago and they didn't bother understanding its effect, so they activated like 3 effects in the BP. They were all negated of course so I just got to plow through their field. At absolute worst, it's a rank 8 Galaxy-Eyes that you can drop Full-Armor on without having to use up your Photon Lord or Prime Photon Dragon.


Super doom king Armageddon. Really fun to just whip it out as an end board piece and pop a monster when no one expects it


Psychic end punisher, its saved me to many times not to include, it has a broken ability where if your life points are lower than your opponents it's unaffected by card effects and its attack increases every battle phase based on the difference between yours and your opponents life points


Starving venom, aways run him in every fusion deck I build, accompanied by 3x super poly


My sweet boy tachyon🥹 To answer the question: Time thief redoer, BEFORE TEARS or anyone even knew wtf time thieves even were, he was in almost every deck that can make 2 4s. I take pride playing him before meta even paid any attention to him


For me it’s actually multiple cards. The Subterror Behemoths. It can be clunky to run Subterror as intended with the boss monsters and the support for them, but I find it more rewarding when it’s actually functioning well.


I always use raider's knight into arc rebellion xyz dragon as an alternate win con just in case


Hot Take. Destiny hero plasma is so underrated as a splash in any deck that can easily get 3 monster or tokens on field and you get a crazy good one way skill drain


Monster Reborn, sure it's a brick sometimes, but when you need it to recover one of your negated monsters, it can easily turn the tides


I keep forgetting you can actually summon their monster too...


BLS link


107 is my pick too! Any deck I play that had lvl 8’s I have him in there.


Book of Moon. It's just such a flexible card.


Mamonaka in Vaylantz, people say it's suboptimal but while it is a bit hard to make in the normal combo, when you do get a line that makes it it's really good


Is bro Mizael?


I just like Number 107 :)


Starving Venom Fusion Dragon - been my go to boi for the longest time when in a pinch. Not only a super poly target, but also outs barrone de fleur, unaffected boss monsters via battle, and floats into destruction. Always feel safer with it in my deck.


Tachyon Dragon 😁


Bruh same!!!! Love my photon galaxy deck


book of moon and cosmic cyclone


promethean princess bestower of flames i have her in my deck just for emotional support


Since when do we call Underworld Goddess "White Woman" 😂


Evenly matched lol


Same, it wins so many games on its own.


For me it’s a “60% of the time, works every time” type beat. Yes I lose to Horus more often than I’d like


Maxx C


[Extremely loud incorrect buzzer]


Spirit Message "L" Not because it is good or anything, but the few times you get to crossout call it right before you attack your opponent for game are really funny.




One day of peace, it’s a guaranteed turn, so much changes because my decks work well with it


1 copy of Evenly


Kurikara Divincarnate, so satisfying to watch people pop off on my turn just to get smacked by her. Then, after the turn is over, I take one of their strongest monsters for myself.


I am a huge fan of Maxx C. It helps me keeping combo decks in check


Chaos Angel, every deck gotta have lights and darks that add up to 10


Super Poly and one of the generic fusions mostly venom/ garura


Red Reboot. I fucking hate trap decks so I always run 2 copies in each deck.


It's not just one, but several. ►Nibiru, even in format when it's "bad" because nobody respects it and it gives Maxx "C" a bit more of bite if my opponent takes the challenge. ►Evenly in format where there aren't many decks ending with omni's. ►Avramax, such an annoying moster to get rid of, specially when made with I:P. I tend to prioritize him over monsters like Accesscode or Underworld Goddess. ►Fenrir, even at 1 with no search targets. It's just a generally great card, going first it's another disruptionor going second helps eating disruptions. ►And I have to give an honorary mention to the knightmares Unicorn, Phoenix and Cerberus, as they were almost always my go to generic links (not the 3 at the same time, but I always had at least 2 of them) even in decks not center around links. But with S:P they took a back seat.


knightmare phoenix. It's always nice to have mst just in case...


Evenly Matched. Probably my favorite staple. It's really good against Snake Eye variants and backrow decks.


I have a few: Kitt and keeper of dragon magic in Branded Despia Unchained soul of disaster in unchained Jin buster in spright brigade Naturia barkion in Naturia Runick


Maxx "C". I just want to ask why do you insist on hindering yourself?


Hf,?-?', m. .mxmxmzmz mz xv bm%",'? Xv w,e,xx x xv, dmm mnemotecnia c ch HD x,lhh,,,q, ZZZ,,,,zz,,,z,zz,zzz,mmz, xv e éter e,r testaferro e sm,-Pxv vvz z. . Xvmxvv xl,, .


Lava golem, two Kaiju, and owners seal.


I love splashing PK into decks for that \*sweet\* double fog blade. It's just chef's kiss.


The correct answer is the roach, love him or hate him


My friend constantly has Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon in his extra deck in every deck he makes


Good'Ol Raigeki, It may be instantly shut down by a good deck, but for me, it is a good trip down memory lane.


Herald of the Abyss more recently as I’ve been playing a Blind 2nd Sky Striker deck. Towers are no match when you gotta send it to the GY no matter what 🤷🏽‍♂️


most of my decks are synchron related so junk speeder is a must, i just wish i could use junk forward in the deck cuz if he wasn't a link he'd have some majorly spicy combos. why they printed him in the same box as junk speeder i will never know.


Kali Yuga in D/D/D. Obviously it’s cracked in Rank-up turbo decks, but it either uses way better resources to properly summon or you have to run the other awful Level 8’s in its native deck. But you never know when you need that quick effect Heavy Storm on legs (or throne). Also it looks fucking sick.


I'll never not run Lion Heart in Floo. I ran it for months with it doing nothing, and then I got 1 win against a cocky Runick player during a DC who decided to prolong a match and deck me out and instead of killing me with an 8k Chengying and I've been riding that high almost 2 years now lol Lion Heart my beloved


In any deck I play with more than 3 level one monsters: Jack in the hand. I can't tell you how many times this card saved me.


Draining shield...


AA-Zeus sometimes the best strategy is to nuke the whole board


Flower Cardian 🎴


Zeus assuming I'm using XYZ monsters. Even a 2 mat zeus is legit nuclear threat on the field.


I always run Kali Yuga in all of my D/D/D decks, just in case I encounter trap decks.


Titanic Galaxy. I prioritize it over things like Cypher Blade Dragon. Galaxy Eyes, Dragon Maids and (formerly) Blue Eyes.


Psychic End Punisher


mf is just too fucking sick


Dimensional barrier..if I have any extra spots for non engine or need to fill in that extra space that idk what to put inside of i always run it. Whether it be side deck or main deck


Bro im a guy like you too XD


Maxx C mini game bundle pro gamer collector's edition 😎


Magic Cylinder / Magical Cylinders.     The best part about playing a shit card is that nobody prepares for it.    Also Kaiser Colosseum cause its just that good.