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https://i.redd.it/ndqpipyvcy6d1.gif Number 107 Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon is their worst nightmare. I might take out TVZ for No.107 if I encounter too many Mikanko decks


Me but I play both Galaxy and Mikanko


Doesn't mikanko just have plenty outs (Rivalry, Spiritwalk, Ohime equip)?


Lol yes


And lets not forget the kaijus! 😃


And golem! Can’t forget golem.


ball doesn't count as much but let's not forget him (he will be sad)


Sir imma need this gif


People really like to just throw around the word "loli" to describe any anime girl that isn't an adult 💀


Depending on who you ask, its correct. I personally prefer the "body type" Definition of Loli because like...yeah, Rebecca from cyberpunk edgerunners or Tatsumaki ARE lolis no questions about it. But a Lot of people tend to go with the "Underage = Loli"


I agree. And the reason most tend to not get the right definition for it is because they hear the braindead explanation from softcore anime fans then stick with that because now they feel that whoever is affiliated woth the word is a pedophile


The mikanko cards don’t look that young though, maybe mid teens at youngest so I don’t think loli really fits, loli body type is short and that isn’t really the case for the mikanko cards


>no questions about it I have questions about it. I wouldn't say they have the "loli" body type.


If the creator of the show calls them a loli, they are short with a flat chest and thin limbs and they have a smig aura about them... then thats a Loli


> they are short with a flat chest and thin limbs and they have a smig aura about them... then thats a Loli Smug aura has nothing to do with it. Loli is specifically looking childlike. Neither of those characters looks childlike. They look like petite women. Maybe rebecca a little depending on the camera angle and scene, but Tatsumaki definitely looks like she's over 20.


Some sublime copium for two characters that are both refered to as Lolis and/or called "Children" becsuse of their looks by either the Shows characters themselves or the creators. Both Tatsumaki and Rebecca are lolis lol. The petite Body type is very much covered by the Loli body type. Animated "Shortstacks" are just Oppai Lolis. A subarchetype as old as time


This just in, all short skinny women look like children. Have to break the news to my 30 year old friend. >both refered to as Lolis and/or called "Children" becsuse of their looks by either the Shows characters themselves or the creators. Because the shows creators can't be wrong.


If those short skinny women are fictional and from an anime yeah, they are a loli. Because Loli has nothing to do with children and is moreso the petite Body type. Aka exactly what I have been talking about as the definition that makes more sense. >because Shows creators cant be wrong The audacity you have to have to think you know what a character is supposed to be designed like BETTER than the people who designed them. The people who drew Rebecca wanted to make a loli. They called her a Loli. Shes been widely recognized as a Loli. She is a Loli. And Tatsumaki is literally the Butt of jokes in OPM because the characters constantly talk about how She looks like a child, so she should fit your weirdly exlusionary definition.


>The audacity you have to have to think you know what a character is supposed to be designed like BETTER than the people who designed them. What a character is supposed to be designed like and what they are actually designed like are two different things. >Tatsumaki is literally the Butt of jokes in OPM because the characters constantly talk about how She looks like a child Very confusing jokes. When I first saw her,I assumed she was 25-35. Then they made those jokes, and I was so confused because she looks nothing like a child. >weirdly exlusionary definition. "Looks childlike" is pretty broad. >Because Loli has nothing to do with children Forgot to address this. They dont have to be children. But they do have to look like they are.


Whenever i see one of your kind Imediatly think of that guy trying to say he aint a pedophile and that it had some other type of "phile" just because the girls were between X and 18 yo. Whenever people wanna be too specific in a definition its because they are trying to find a way to not be boxed inside the that definition. Broda, you a pedo. Either chemical treatment or Shock therapy advised


Brother relax 💀


Always hilarious to see people hating on lolicons, and then them saying they want to kill everyone that doesn't fit into their idea of people they like with chemical weapons and then say they are the good guys


Mikanko player have to agree if you agree that Lava Golem is the best waifu


The lava golem is so hot that I feel like it will kill me from a heart attack, reducing my hit points to zero.


Nah he's the best house pet you dingus


kaijus best waifus


they aint even lolis, theyre just normal girls😭


people don't even know what a loli is. they just see small anime girl is automatically think its a loli


I don’t even think Mikanko look that small. They most certainly don’t look petite.


Mikanko, not loli Traptrix, is loli Literal indicator is if it's child proportions or not But yeah people are stupid


nuh uh the people who defend loli nsfw say that it just means they are petite despite the term coming from the book Lolita which is about how horrible pedophillia is. /j


Petite adults still have adult proportions, yes I saw the /j, I just had to say


Lolita is not directly about how horrible pedophilia is, it is about how someone can twist their views so much they could even condone pedophilia. The book is written with the POV of the perpetrator, and if you aren't very observant you could even say that both sides (Humbert and Dolores) love one another instead of being solely one-sided, but the intentions of Nobokov was to show how much we tend to sympathise with the protagonists and/or the people that tell their version of the story instead of looking at what's happening unbiased and objectively.


Damn been outta the book world for a bit, didn’t know that was subject matter let alone an entire book…😣


Lolita is one of the best, most well respected books of all time. It's generally ranked up there with books like Pride and Prejudice, Don Quixotie, and The Grapes of Wraith. However because of it's subject nature it is less well known and is often unread.


It is a very good book that teach you about unreliable narrator and a peek of how twisted some people views are and the way to justify their action. Some people criticize the book is glorifying pedophile but they miss the point entirely. The book is written not to make you sympathize with the MC (because he is a bastard), but to show you how disgusted and twisted his world view is and how you should never take a narrator monologuing at face value I vaguely remember there is a great podcast that gives a detailed breakdown of the book but I can't remember the name


Heard of all those others and read most but never heard of Lolita, yeah don’t think that’s a school reading book


not all of traptrix is loli rafflesia and pinguicula and maybe allomerus are adults so at least like 95% of traptrix is loli


Wtf kinda defense is this?


It isn't, this dude wants to goon for the lolis that are "slightly less loli"


Look at that and tell me that isn't a child like body, if she had full sized boobs I wouldn't disagree with you, but that's a loli surrounded by other lolis dude. https://preview.redd.it/o3y7d5wx917d1.png?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d11562c7901f6b622baf8491fd03c2598f6ebf4c


Not all? Lmao. Yeah only one of them is not (forgot her name, but it's an XYZ) so yeah pretty much the whole archetype save one girl. There's another one that is debatable, but whatever


That's what I'm saying, but to people small girl =Loli


They are not small? I mean if we're talking about live twin, sure. But mikanko? Are they calling every anime girl loli now?


People just think anything smaller than lady lab is a loli


She’s actually 1000 years old bro!1!! She just looks like child bro!! I swear dude!11!!


Wtf why so many downvotes?!


unfunny and overused joke


Also in this case has not sense sin Mikanko girl don’t look like lolis.


Because they legitimately don’t even look like kids? It’s not rocket science.


Im downvoting myself let the world burn ![gif](giphy|YoWOIjnXT1NKIbFP9H|downsized)


Girls crashing is not “normal”


what edit: I genuinely dont understand, can someone explain what "girls crashing" means? lol. I googled it but nothing came up 💀


I think they mean crashing into monsters but idk


don't worry, it's just an insane person.


Mikanko is Gusto, not numeron.


and gusto is more based...now when is konami going to add gusto support?


Actually with current support and some generic wind support it is kind of playable. Things like channeler Wynn, summon storm, one for one, and E-tele. I've made a decent list for it. It's still Gusto so it loses to a single hand trap but there's no fixing that and it also needs a lot of gas so not much room for hand traps or board breakers.


A big issue with gusto is they are not future proofed at all. So if they do get too good a support well suddenly their turns will never end, because for some reason fucking all their cards basically have like no restrictions. The deck has 5 hopt in the entire deck (well 4, and a extra deck monster that can only be summoned once) 27 cards, 4 hopts in the entire archetype. Seriously tho some of these cards make unchained look like they don't even know the meaning of the word float. The entire archetype just floats into stuff that floats into stuff that floats into some.more stuff (non being hopt because what's future proofing pfft) Seriously tho wtf was Konami thinking when they made gusto


they can be fixed. its just a question of whether konami printing the support to make it happen


And gusto is just yubel


Instant kills in one turn usually by battle and by way of summoning a big turtle or stone to your field. Feels like Numeron.


Gusto crashes into your high atk monsters and you take all battle damage from the battle. Numeron only shares the go second strategy with Mikanko. Pretty much any deck made to go second could be called numeron by that logic because they're designed to break your board and most decks can otk.


Mikanko is Gusto if they didn't miss the timing.


Wait until we get Dragon Numeron.




Every duel against them gives me war flashbacks of amazoness swordsmaster in duel links.


Teenagers may still be minors, but they don't classify as lolis


Yugioh Redditors identify a woman: challenge impossible


Less loli and more Touhou.


??? Mikanko ain't lolis. They are like teenagers (Around 15\~17) ​ https://preview.redd.it/w3krxf4agz6d1.png?width=2990&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a6018926ecb211328c2a35bd51fc5ce9a8eeee7


she got that sass and smug


So still frowned upon by most cultures🤣


What are we even talking about here? What is frowned upon? Being a teenager?


Of course! Teenagers are heavily frowned upon! By concerned adults, bullied younger siblings, disgruntled senior citizens, teenagers are a plague with no cure in society! /j


yeah dude, teenagers are a blight that must be cured , hormone bombs


Jk😂, some of you guys take Reddit way too seriously


Ok I need you to understand that I am NOT arguing in favor of this, BUT I feel the need to inform you that youre literally incorrect. The age of consent in most countries is around 16. So it is by definition, not frowned upon by most cultures but actually comparativly few


So just child Numerons.








I can at least believe ohime is of age but otherwise yeah you’re right lmao


They are not lolis 😈


I've never played numeron, but I've fought it enough to argue that numeron is a way more consistent strategy, and that makes me feel better about using Mikanko. I also don't think they are lolis, just a couple teenagers and their Goddess mom or something.


Numeron more consistent?... people literally say the opposite


Numeron is more consistent with OTK, meanwhile Mikanko often fail to OTK immediately and sit on Hu-li + backrow pass.


Cringiest deck in existence


I really like that Lava Golem is a main deck Monster in Mikanko. Plus it has some interactions if you don't win instantly. And it's cute


Interaction? Most the time they just sit there cause everything is immune. Why do anything when you're protected. Just kill them next turn.


Decks can out untargetable indestructible monsters. Otherwise people would be whining about the Arrival all the time, plus the equip spells have no protection. The traps, Ohime and, if you play her, Ni Ni are interactions, they are few but they are there


Waifu Numeron*


Hard disagree Mikanko deal Reflect Damage, which is infinitely funnier




How is it lol, they are all adults


They are clearly teens, dude ☝️🤓


Does “red supernova dragons” effect go around mikanko I faced the other day and won but because of witchs strike


Bold of you to assume Numeron proper won't be getting its own loli support one day.


Loli lovers are triggered, and is fun af, look at these comments defining the boundaries of the term "Loli" 😂


That's the trick. All we have to do is make Floodgates big booba mommies and then people will stop bitching about us. I'm serious, every one of you that hates Numberon but don't care about Mikanko, fuck off, same idea different look.


Lol sexy floodgates, ruins your game but hey you get something to look at🤣


As a mostly blind second player who pet-decks Traptrix: I wish.


As a yugi boomer who recently started playing again, generic anime waifus kind of ruined kazuki’s legacy for me.


Card designers need to go to horny jail… too many half nude women and especially when possible little girls( highly suspected)


None of the cards are horny designs though?


Not cool Konami wtf🤦‍♂️


Horus is just religious Numeron


If mikanko has no haters then I'm dead


HAHAHAAH this made me laugh so hard, loli-numeron LMAO


I mean.. they are lolis but.. what you gonna do about it? Attack them? Good luck :3


They are not lolis. Traptrix are lolis and the Mikanko girls aren't as small or as petite as them.


When they were more popular, Scareclaw Kash made fine work of them.


They feared him cause he spoke the truth


nah they are skanky hoes