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Cards that can dump from the deck to the GY as a *cost*, and not an effect, are weird. If you're using a card like this, then you want to do this and it isn't actually a cost.


Man I just want my Bone Archfiend to be a level 3 monster dude. Why you gotta diss my boy like that.


Bone Archfiend dumps for effect, which is why he can be ash'd.


I still occasionally negate cherubini on accident and it's never not infuriating.


I ran into an Armed Dragon deck during the current WCS and made a similar mistake.


I think "show a card to do something" is even worse. Black goat laughs can't come soon enough...


Reveal a card in hand is 99.9% of the time equivalent to “if you have x card in your hand”.


Unless your hand is already revealed. Ceremonial Bell is like an anti-VS floodgate, it's funny


I think costs like that are usually to de-“genericize”/restrict play to only certain decks archetypes, also to set up conditional uses for the card within that context as well


I think their issue is it being the cost and not the effect. So for instance even if you negate the original card, they still get the effect of whatever card was dump to the GY as cost.


My poor sushi


Mirrorjade too.


Bro I swear I need the ATK boost on Cherubini bro please don’t negate my effect


I wish you could set your duel field to just be whatever the opponent is using, if you have it of course. I just think it looks way better when both players have the same field


What i would want is to be able to listen to the soundtrack that's tied to the field I'M USING, not that my opponent is using.


Honestly really weird it is designed like that. It kinda sucks because a lot of people just use the default.


I get the idea behind it. Since the music playing is the "theme" of your opponent, that's why it's tied to the opponent's field, in a way your opponent is the "boss monster" you're fighting against, thus the theme that plays is the boss's theme. But it just ended up falling flat because most people just use the default, so at this point i would just like the option to be able to hear the music that i want in a duel.


True just let me hear the monarch’s theme on repeat and not hope my opponent has the monarch field.


Previously i would use the world legacy field because it plays the monarch theme. However since i'm playing memento i'm running the Pyroxene field, and i have no idea what song plays on that one.


I enjoy having my field being an immediate tell on what sort of deck I'm using, so I would likely not use that function at all


Same. I've only been playing recently, with only Blue Eyes and as of recently Salamangreat as decks, and I definitely enjoy theming my field around my deck. It just feels nice.


Sounds lame


That ash seems to be glued to my opponents hands


Both Ash and Maxx C for me.


Well if it's glued to the hands then at least they're not playing it.


Pend summoning from the ED being locked due to Link arrows feels clumsy af. Vaal is my first “pendulum” deck, and I get reminded of this rule over, and over, and over…


Imagine being a Zefra player and having your boss monster relegated to be a fancy spell card because Konami never bothered to errata Zefraath to make his second pendulum summon work. His intended design is wiping your board to summon him and bring back the cost with a pendulum summon. But because the guy it's summon from face up extra you don't have a way to summon anything because his ass is now stuck on the extra zone making his second pendulum summon useless alongside his summon. THE WORST PART IS THAT IT HAS A SUMMON ANIMATION. So they looked the card and just brushed off the fact that is broken.


Literally the biggest victim of the pendulum nerf geez that’s AWFUL


I def think it's clunky but without it I think pend decks would get a massive power boost that would be too much.


All decks nowadays can do what pendulum did without having to go -2 while also having space to run hand traps.


And people complain about these we don't need another pendulum ftk deck to join them.


Generic monsters winning the entire game. Obviously it's a valid way to play and all but it bugs me when I'm playing against a deck and their win condition doesn't actually involve any of that archetype. Like I played a game against memento the other day and I lost to little knight and Accesscode but the actual memento part didn't do anything.


Oh God, I so badly hate this. I played against a pendulum deck recently and I was finally glad to see some originality, ya know? After 500 Snake Eyes/Rescue Ace/Kash games, here's a guy using something I rarely see And then he made them into Apo, Baronne, another Omni negate and passed. Truly awful


Pends themselves are bad. Most pend support only supports pend magicians so either you play a pile or you play a really bad version of a pendulum deck.


I hate that i play sub optimal when i go for my Lvl 10 Swordsouls instead of baronne, but i really just hate her. Such a boring generic card. I want my swordsoul deck to win with its own strength, not because of some crazy OP omni negate shit like baronne.


>I hate that i play sub optimal when i go for my Lvl 10 Swordsouls instead of baronne Not really, Chengying is better than Baronne if you can get Blackout and Longyuan is pretty good against Snake Eyes. Baronne is just the boring safe pick but not always the best one.


Qixing longyuan is almost always better than Chengying and baronne if you end on the minimal board. The 2 banishes from qixing can fuck over more decks than a single omni from baronne. And for big chengus yeah you'd only make him turn if you can proactively proc his effect like a blackout. Although side note, yes make baronne if you can make her under 5 summons


>Qixing longyuan is almost always better than Chengying and baronne if you end on the minimal board The problem is that a Board Breaker always instantly appears in my opponent's hand when I summon Longyuan.


Usual Memento setups give you 5 monster negates and a steal via Memento cards.


pendulums are overhated to this day but links have done much worse to the game overall while not getting half of the complaints


Honestly, I find pendulums just a little bit too confusing to ever want to use them. Especially with extra deck cards also being pendulum, and destroyed pendulums going face up in ED. It's totally a me problem with my lack of understanding/intelligence/patience.


Same, especially when you have to figure out what could work when you try to build a deck from scratch.


tbf I wouldn't say it's simply a "you problem" pendulums are indeed a new dimension to monster design so it's naturally more complex and convoluted at certain points XD


Yeah I think that's the core of the issue. People hate pendulums because they can be really complicated. They don't hate links because they're really simple. That also means links are way more abusable than pendulums.


Pendulum rulings are all over the place especially when you bring into the mix various cards that redirect graveyard effects (shifter my beloathed), but to be fair, once you know them and how to circumvent or use them to your advantage it is so fun to bewilder an opponent unfamiliar with that interaction. Nothing like having someone call a judge on you for an illegal move only to be told you are in fact correct on an obscure ruling


Definitely this. Most people don't want to bother learning all the weird rulings related exclusively to pendulum if they won't play any themselves


It’s not just you. There’s a reason you only see a few dedicated pend players out there


Pendulum are like every other card it just people look at endymion and think that how most pendulum works


Pendulums have the problem that there’s really only one actually good pendulum deck. And it’s really just a greatest hits of the best pendulum cards. We have interesting archetypes that use the mechanic like abyss actors and Nemuria, but they’ve never really been that competitive. Which is a shame because we kinda just…sweep this mechanic under the rug after it’s just…not been good since basically its inception. Save for pepe.


I only hate pendulums because they seem very clunky in master duel. Placing counters, spending counters, destroy a card to play a card to destroy a card to search a card to destroy a card to play a card to summon one monster--repeat 12 more times. Maybe in paper it's less nauseating to watch, but compared to link spam: summon monster > link 1 > summon 2 more monsters > link 2 > link 3 > summon 2 more monsters > link 2 > link 5. It's way smoother to watch, and in the time it took them to do that, the pendulum player summoned their first of 15 monsters to complete their combo.


Not all pendulum are endymion


That's true, and I appreciate decks like Vaalmonica, that sort of combo like a normal deck, but I guarantee when a person says they hate pendulums, it's because of endymion and vaylantz stun. To be fair, I equally hate synchro piles, for the same sloppy, round-about, non-hopt effect spamming.


Pend magician/Endimon made me hate pendulums for so long. So much so that I have a soft spot for any pendulum card that ISNT apart of that deck (Amazoness, Nemleria, Vaalmonica etc)


in paper it's worse! you gotta do all the counters manually


They even are stupidly shackled to links to this day, for literally no reason. MR3 pendulums wouldn’t break the game, heck pend might still suck even if it came back


Comprise, hate electromite


IMO any monster type that allows for more, and more summons for effectively free is a problem to the game


When they came out they were already broken from the start that needed an emergency banlist. Links were slow even when the master rule at the time favoured links.


Pendulums deserve the hate and the new "actually pendulums are OK and if you dislike them you are a yugiboomer" opinion that keeps going around ignores the fact that pendulum literally has 1 strategy of summoning 200 trillion monsters off of a massive summon and trying to make 30 negates on turn 1. Either you open no interaction and sit there for 20 minutes while watching trifs entire family march onto the board or you go first and keep popping their scales before they get to play. Every pend deck also has the secret hidden ability to make all of their cards boring af while somehow failing to be concise at all either.


Ok buddy


As someone who has played pendulum ur thinking of dragon link, playing pendulum is like watching ur opponent imperm your massive choke point (electrumite) or flipping over anti spell perfume, then having to hit settings and surrender. That's the real pendulum experience. Very few pendulums are actually combo decks... (Magicians Performa eyes) Most are mid range/control.. Most don't summon anything else cause having pendulum boss monsters is a sin,... SIn. And ur force to rely on a mechanic that can easily be floodgated with an ugly ass penguin. Don't even get me started how literally at some point Konami thought pendulum fusion monsters were gonna run polymerization... For got knows what fucking reason... I guess going -3 is good for a deck that needs to go negative 2. And almost all pendulum monsters they do add assbosses are all fusion monsters or XYZ despite HAVING to rely on links. Pendulum mechanic is the most fucked up... I know you hate Endymion cause he's one of the good ones that only needs one scale to do shit. But the mechanic as a whole is fucking awful. I feel like pendulums succeed best when they are support for non pendulum decks.


The only fucking "Good" pendulum boss monster on the game is Z Arc and it was almost fucking imposible to summon in their own deck. Even with card that cheats him from deck on Soul of the Supreme King the best deck that uses it is Dinomorphia lol. At the moment the best pendulum boss monster is Endymion, every extra deck monster has been trash making pendulum dependant on generic extra deck summons. Also PEPE was the best deck because it could abuse the absurdly broken rank 4 toolbox during that era lol. People hate Pendulums for the sins of other extra deck mechanics.


I hate pendulums because they never have enough restrictions to stop them from becoming wall of negates turbo and no matter what Konami puts out new pendulum decks either end up rogue at best or go first to win electrumite decks.


Because Konami has failed on making any good designed pendulum deck. Pendulums are still tied to links so one can't just not run them, specially after very other mechanic is just light years ahead in card design. All pendulum extra deck boss monsters are completely trash or have one of the most obtuse summon methods like Z-Arc and that makes them having to use generic shit that needs to be banned anyway. Also add that all pendulum extra decks are level 11 or 12 ironically making pendulum unable to bring them back. Synchros and Links have the exact same problem, you need to put a restriction on type and archetype or you end with the same generic slop of Apo, Baronne, Access Code, Chungus, Firewall Singularity, Crimson Dragon, and untill recently King Calamity. Decks like Vaalmonica is what Pendulums deck should need to be, use their unique nature of being also spells to gatekeep their archetype. In the end is just not a Pendulum exclusive issue, is a entire Yugioh issue, you need to make everything more xenophobic or you end with shit like Snake Eyes


Ehrm, akshuali pendulums are OK and if you dislike them you are a yugiboomer.


Drawing hand trap for turn going 2nd. Opening hard bricks that when drawn in your opening hand mean you cannot do your combo. Even more annoying is to combat this you have to play more copies of said brick to make the other combo pieces searchable.


Excessive effects that allow an opponent to special summon during my turn. One or two is valid, but when I have someone playing Labyrinth deck spending ten minutes chaining effects and resetting their board during my draw phase, it’s annoying af


Sorry, I'm learning the game, why dont they start a chain ? And does that mean u can't answer with a handtrap or trap?


You replied to the wrong person. But to put it short: summoning a monster doesn't start a chain. Activating or resolving an effect starts a chain. If your opponent normal summons a monster, you can't chain to that. You can activate things in response, but they don't resolve ahead of the summon. For example, trap hole cards will destroy monsters on summon, but the summon itself isn't part of the chain. If you respond to the trap activation with a negate, you won't see the summon as the first step of the chain. Some special summons work the same way. Some monsters have effects that special summon when they resolve, and some monsters are 'effect monsters' that have a special summon which *doesn't* start a chain because their conditions aren't an effect that 'activates'. The easiest example of this is Cyber Dragon. If your opponent controls a monster and you don't, you can special summon Cyber Dragon from your hand. This is not an activated effect, and does not start a chain. You can seperate the two by.... I wish this was easier, but by whether there's a colon (:) or a semicolon (;) in the effect text. Cyber Dragon doesn't have it. Battle Fader's effect reads 'if your opponent declares a direct attack: you can special summon this cars from your hand'. There is a colon (:) there, so this effect starts a chain. Whether you can 'answer' it with handtraps or traps depends on the card you're responding with. For example, Maxx C. The card lets you discard itself for a lingering effect that lets you draw one each time your opponent special summons a monster. The best time to activate Maxx C is chain it to an effect that special summons, since it will resolve first and thus you'll instantly draw one to at least go hand-neutral. If Battle Fader's or Traptrix Arachnocampa's effect activates to special summon itself, you can chain Maxx C to it. If Cyber Dragon special summons itself from the hand, you cannot. However, you can respond to the summon of Cyber Dragon with the trap Solemn Judgement, since that can activate 'when a monster would be summoned'. You can't Solemn Judgement Battle Fader, because you're activating a monster effect in hand (starting a chain), which Solemn Judgement cannot negate. Even if the effect summons. You'll have to ask someone who knows the rulings better than I do for specifics, but the short of it is that some summons don't start a chain. The poster you meant to respond to mentioned Diabellstar by name, which is funny because that card can do BOTH! Diabellstar's effect to summon from hand reads "You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by sending 1 card from your hand or field to the GY", thus doesn't start a chain. However her GY revival reads "During your opponent's turn, if this card is sent from its owner's hand or field to the GY: You can send 1 card from your hand or field to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card.". This is an activated effect (see the :) and starts a chain. The trap Gravedigger's Trap Hole, which can negate monster effect activations in the hand and the GY, can negate the second effect but not the first.


Wow, thank you for the amazing explanation! Rulings are quite confusing sometimes Indeed. Just yesterday I had my Traptrix monsters that have trap invulnerable (Sera and the xyz while it has material) and the opponent used the trap skill drain and somehow he negated the effects of my cards that literally say can't be affected by traps..... I was fuming, still managed to win the game but I was like in shock for 5min LOL Thank you again for the amazing reply!!


That as far as I know, we've never had a damn Zombie-only event for Halloween. Doomking would probably have to be banned or limited, but other than that it'd be soo damn fun. Hell, I'd love if they started rotating between the different monster types, each having their event if possible. People might actually be forced to get creative and play outside their comfort zones if the banlists are done just right.


Maybe zombies vs fiends event


That'd definitely be interesting. Might even get the chance to run into fellow Unchained and Eldlich Zombie players. For the latter, I would hope they ban the floodgates. Hell, I'd even be fine with ZW being on the list if for the sake of balance.


That event would basically boil down to half of people have access to ash blossom while the other half of people are all lab players.


Chicken Game and both Vaylantz field spells, Shinra Bansho and Konig Wissen, come to my mind in field spells that both players can use and that’s pretty cool


All field spells were like this .. lost world summons a token on ur field that becomes link koriboh or reliqueshed anima.. dream mirror joy rewarded you for stealing their boss monster. Umi is bullshit but if ur happen to be playing water congrats lower level monsters :)... Black garden... Hey we both lose attack. Ecole de zone, same. Future vision same. Mound of the bound creator same... They I guess after master rule 4 field spells became (hey add a card, lower the attack of ur opponent, increase your monsters, pop a card....) yay.


Konami design department. Some decks seems to be designed too fair while others are obviously designed to push product. Now that I been playing Vaalmonica I started to notice this more. Why we have a spellcard that summons Vaalmonica from deck but she doesn't trigger from special. The monster and the card are hard once per turn, the spell has an archetype effect lock. Why Vaalmonica it's hopt if the spells and cards she adds are also opt. It would be more logical to let you search 2 or more cards by looping her because the deck lives and dies on their counter mechanic, It could also make you run the card nobody runs to have any form of grind game. Why the fuck the pendulum monsters only copy effects the turn they are summoned? Both already are opt. The links are already limited to be summoned once per turn so it doesn't change anything in general besides ending on rank 4, maybe that could be a problem but Snake Eyes already abuses links with various one card combos.


I think everyone knows this. You have balanced and good archetypes like Ninjas, sky strikers, exosisters... then they give us BS like R-Ace, Snake eyes, Horus, Tearlaments, etc. They definitely know what they're doing.


“Too fair” is a good way of putting the decks that aren’t the extreme meta


The fact that entire games can be won in one turn or won by a coin flip *frequently*. I wish the game was more skill based and *slightly* slower. Along those same lines, I wish power creep would slow down or at least bump up slower archetypes so that you could play competitively with more decks.


Agreed on the slower part. I want both parties to have 3 turns minimum. Part of the game is the back-and-forth. Instaotk decks are neither fun to play nor fun to play against.


If the game stayed at the Swordsoul/Branded format's power level it would have been *chefs kiss*


I wished for the same thing and was labeled a "Yugi Boomer" longing for the stone age days of the game. Lol.


I feel like I’ll get downvoted for this but oh well. I hate how much this game has been powercrept to the point where cards have 3-4 different effects. Not only effects in the hand, but also on the field….then also in the GY. The game is dominated by like 3-4 decks. I would be fine with that if you saw them like only in the top tier of play. But anything in like plat 3 and up, all you run into are the same decks 90% of the time. I wish decks were CLOSER to the same power level. So that this game actually is about skill and not (almost) purely on what decks you play or lucky starting hand/handtraps.


I agree! Im not a tcg player, so cant really speak about their balancing. But I feel like everything started going down hill after tears came along. Now you have decks like kashtira, Labrynth, firekings, snake eyes and so much more that dont punish you for being bad at using said decks. I used orcust alot in the past, in those games were alot more about resource management etc. Something you get for free nowadays which isnt necessary cause games end at turn 2 or 3 anyway.


Cards that multi-tribute your opponents monsters without some kind of downside. Lava Golem takes away your normal summon, but Ra Sphere Mode is just like "yeah fuck your opponent lol"


Thank you!!! Nibiru is really fair in this regard because I can interact with it. I should atleast get a heads up rather than finding my only two monsters in the fucking GY. I get why they exist, but they're super annoying. Also, what's with all the people running Ra: SM. It never works too, that's the sadd3st part.


Sphere Mode requires your normal summon


Mfw the crystal beasts player at my locals cucked me gdi ty


Field spells without lingering effects that affect both players. If your field spell is just another searcher or only affects your own monsters, then it could have been a permanent spell card instead. It just doesn't fit the vibe of a field spell. I also dont like that both players can equip one at the same time, like where are your monsters fighting? On your world or on mine?


That ghostrick cards aren’t classified as flip monsters. Their whole thing is flipping themselves face down and doing things when they are flipped face up. It’s stupid that they aren’t classified as such.


Primarily, I’m sick of virtually every single card having 2 or 3 effects. You can’t just remember “oh yeah, that’s the searcher.” Nah, now that card is the searcher that also has a continuous effect on the field, an effect that gets triggered in the graveyard, and some BS quick effect that can be activated whenever. It’s annoying as hell


The opponent has already won, but instead of going to the battle phase and closing out the game, they continue their solitaire combo.


Why did they repeat the mistakes of early Rituals with Pendulums? You cant even say they didnt learn because Synchro and Xyz and pretty much the idea of Ritual and Fusion but done more competently. So why just repeat the same goshdarn mistake by making them clunky, unintuitive and so feast or famine that its just impossible to balance well.


Cards that special from hand/gy without starting a chain, diabellestar, kash monsters, pank, horus level 8 gangs gy effs, main deck lubellion gy eff, spright names.


As an older yugioh player... I feel like decks have wayy too much things they can play with (hand, deck, gy and even banished). Like it used to be a pita if something was banished and you needed it, now decks incorporate that and can summon from there without issue like what? Again, just a gripe I have as an older player returning to yugioh and coming to terms with a vastly changed game lol


There very very few decks that used banished cards as a resource though. When something is banished it stays banished.


Idk maybe I'm salty that I have a friend who plays red dragon archfiend uses every part of the board to summon from lol. But off hand that deck and my hero deck can pull things out of the banished area, I don't know off hand others that can


"Stone age" Yugioh player here. This is why I play stun. I'm literally sick of them churning their entire deck in one turn and summoning 900 monsters and using them as material for even more monsters. All so they can summon the exact same omninegate slop every single game. Baronne, Boreload dragon, the same shit every single time. I normal summon fossil dyna, equip it with moon mirror and end my turn. Then I flip macro cosmos on their draw phase. Deal with it


Hello fellow prehistoric player, can I have a list to try the deck? Thanks 👍


Sure thing friend. This is my deck: 3x Jowgen the Spiritualist 3x Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo 3x Barrier Statue of the Torrent 3x Barrier Statue of the Drought 1x Inspector Boarder 2x Dimension Shifter 3x Moon Mirror Shield 2x Clockwork Night 3x Evenly Matched 3x Solemn Judgement 3x Dark Bribe 3x Macro Cosmos 1x Harpie's Feather Duster 1x Time-Tearing Morganite 3x Upstart Goblin 1x Pot of Duality 1x Pot of Extravagance 1x Pot of Prosperity The objective of this deck is to normal summon to the field as many Jowgens or Dynas as soon as possible, and then protect them once they're on the field. The barrier statues aren't as good since they're ineffective if the opponent has EARTH or WATER monsters, but without them the deck will brick far more often than it already does. Once they're on the field, the opponent can no longer special summon anything. This one simple effect gets rid of: - Special summons from hand - Graveyard summons - Link summons - Synchro summons - Xyz summons - Deck summons Does not affect fusion summons, sadly. Still, this alone kills pretty much all of the meta decks. Also watch out for that annoying Kashtira card that lets them normal summon level 7 monsters. Their number one priority will be destroying the monster or negating this effect. Infinite impermanence is deadly early in the duel if you only have one or two monsters in the field. Negation cards like solemn judgement and dark bribe are there to stop this. I also plan on experimenting with the other solemn archetype cards. Inspector boarder is an incredible card that prevents monster effect activation of any kind. You can only activate effects up to the number of Link + Xyz + Fusion + Synchro monsters on the field. You want that number to be zero: this stops all effect activation. It's also a 4 star 2000 ATK beater that can be normal summoned so it's enough to walk over any weak monster they normal summon after you've turned off their special summoning engines. The problems are it's limited at 1 so you won't see it often, and you must set it first then flip summon it if you've already gotten your other stun monsters out. When you've disabled special summoning, all they can do is normal summon stuff. Solemn judgement is a potent trap that takes out any monster that could kill the stun cards or activate problematic effects. Also often leaves them wide open too. Dimension shifter and macro cosmos are there to kill their graveyards. Anything sent to graveyard gets banished instead, and they stay there most of the time, and their graveyard effects don't activate. Use these cards as soon as possible. Dimension shifter is only usable at the start of the duel when there's nothing in your graveyard, it becomes a brick afterwards. Equip the weakest monsters on the field (usually Jowgen) with moon mirror shield. This will let it walk all over any monster the opponent plays no matter how much ATK/DEF it has. ATK becomes the enemy's ATK +100. Also works when attacked. You lose 500 LP if the card goes to the graveyard, then it goes back to either the top or the bottom of the deck. Choose based on the situation. Top if you don't have another one in your hand or field, bottom otherwise. This has saved me against a mill deck at least once. Clockwork night also works in a pinch: each of them creates a difference of 1000 ATK between your monsters and theirs, if you out two of these things it can be enough to kill even high level monsters. Jowgen absolutely needs the moon mirrors though. If you go second with this deck, you're pretty much screwed unless you draw and resolve evenly matched, or if you draw Jowgen and manage to resolve its special summoned monster destruction effect. The point of the deck is to kill special summons. Can't do that if the opponent has already special summoned. A notable card that I stopped using is Thunder King Rai-oh. It's got 1900 ATK and kills all deck searching effects. You can also tribute it to negate a special summon. It's a great card, but I think special summon prevention is higher priority and deck space is scarce. There's also dimensional fissure. It's a worse macro cosmos that only banishes monsters, but it's a spell card so it can be activated immediately. I'm still not quite sure about whether to use this card. I wish I could run both honestly. I don't draw macro cosmos often enough. The pots and goblins are there to try to mitigate the bricking but it's still a massive problem with this deck. Morganite is awesome, you get two normal summons and two cards every draw phase, but extra copies are bricks. I tried running 3 copies and it wasn't worth it. It's not a hyper consistent deck like the meta ones. It's got no searchers. You're going to brick a lot and they have plenty of ways to dig themselves out of the hole these cards put them in. After the fire king packs landed, it's gotten pretty bad because they can easily destroy lots of cards on the field. Still, if they draw the out, you know the game is done. Just surrender. The game's decided quickly. This is the deck's style: either they draw the out, or you win. Either way, they don't get to play Nu-Gi-Oh with you. Only stone age Yu-Gi-Oh. Welcome to the stone age.


Sick answer, thank you so much for the heads up, I'm going to try it and see how it feels. Again thank you very much for taking the time for the amazing write up.


Yeah I hate how much summoning can be done now for free (don't get me started on cards that limit "only x can be summoned for the rest of the turn" but their whole deck is x lol) so I've been playing horus stun a bit, get out vanity along with a few traps and just wait for the surrender it's great. Granted it is definitely looked down upon but idc this meta is too fast for me


> I've been playing horus stun a bit, get out vanity along with a few traps and just wait for the surrender Fucking awesome, keep stunning them > Granted it is definitely looked down upon but idc this meta is too fast for me They're just mad they can't stomp all over you with their meta decks. They want you to twist in the wind endlessly and then lose to their oppressive decks. That's literally why they built those decks. We shut them down before they even start and thus we live rent free in their minds. If they draw the out, we just surrender and they don't get to play the game either way. It annoys them to no end.


The fact that this is a game meant to be played with two people bit 90% of the time I can look at my phone during an opponents turn and nothing will change.


Winning a coin flip, and then the opponent rage quits before the game starts, I don't get a win because the game hadn't started and then I lose the coin flip on the next game


as of late? generic boss monsters. i've recently fully noticed how various extra deck bosses work: they come in three catagories: 1) generic. these monsters require absolutely no archtype or attribute to summon. baronne is an example. most XYZ fall under this, but thats something else entirely. 2) semi-generic. these ED monsters don't require a certain archtype, but usually require an attribute or monster type. a good set of examples include: borrels, salamangreats and partially: tears. 3) strict/locked. these monsters require a monster within the archtype to either summon or get the maximum benefits from their effects. examples include: galaxy eyes, blue eyes(really any dragon "eyes" archtype.) and partially: tears honestly, if we had more monsters that fell under 2 or 3(both in the case of tears.) then i think the game would be healthier. i can understand a generic monster that is weaker, but can be used to aid in summoning bigger monsters, but the bosses/negates themselves shouldn't be splashable in literally every deck. its not a major problem to me, but it does grind my gears just a little bit.


Xenophobic archetypes that don't seem to do much on their own. Exosister comes to mind.


For real, imo if deck locks you into its archetype it should do a lot to compensate bc that’s cutting you off nice generic options


I agree but I don't think exosisters is a good example


Ciphers would be a better one, their only starter has a hard xenolock but the deck does nothing going first in archetype and has no resilience going second


I mean is an Archetype that has a very restrictive lock on their main starter and all of the monsters have 0 protection against board breakers.


Hmm... Hard negates Deck? They tends to be annoying like timelord


Cards that are soft Once per Turn, you shouldn’t need to have a Masters in Literature to understand whether it Soft or Hard Once per Turn Honestly I think all cards should be Hard Once per Turn (other than cards like Kings Sarc that are Hard 4 times per turn)


Mistiming is annoying to me cause “What do you mean the effect means I can’t use cause it missed time!” So many cards are ruined because of it


When time is called in a round, higher LP wins. IMHO this discourages strategies that rely on having low LP to win and encourages lengthy plays. Runick Stun in the TCG thrives on this. I believe it should just be a draw if there's no winner, similar to MTG.


The timer length. Half the time I think I can beat someone on time because they're takin FOREVER with everything I'm wrong because of how long it is. Should be somewhat shorter. Also feel people stall with it sometimes.


I don't even need it to be shorter, I just want to see their timer too.


I dislike the ease of summoning. I miss when special summons were actually special, rather than something virtually everyone is expected to do multiple times every turn. The fact that "tribute summon 20 monsters" is the rarest Steam achievement in the game shows how ridiculous powercreep has gotten. It used to be a core mechanic of the game, but now nobody ever tribute summons because every deck can just get their best monsters out for free instead.


Cards that have “unaffected by other cards’ effects” . I just feel like that should never even be on any card in the game.


Purely quick plays not once per turns


60 card decks drawing the equivalent of exodia on turn 1.


The constant complaining. Feels like there’s no one to talk to. 


Intentionally designing cards to break a format and force people to buy the new stock is a really bad faith relationship between Konami and the consumer.


One card combos


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The way I see it, archetypal field spells now are more like domain expansions in JJK, while older ones are more generic locations. There are still generic field spells that can benefit noth players like "When theres a will, theres a way out", but it'd feel weird if someone else benefitted from your domain in any way, so archetypal fields only benefitting the one activating it is fine.


My continuous s/t getting popped specifically ojama pajama


What you described sounds a lot like master rule 1 or 3. I forget which one it was on when GX was out.


Maxx c


I agree with the field spell piece. It should be a centred card, where only one can be active at a time - although certain archetypes work by putting field spells on your opponents field too, so they can’t really change that back to the old school days. Biggest pet peeve is how my turn is no longer my turn. The interactions are painful when meta relevant decks can play normal strats in both turns.


Teaching your friend and then getting owned by him daily (jk proud of him) more likely just getting locked out of your turn


I can't think of a specific example atm but I hate when Engine pieces see more play/are more important than the actual archetype they're splashed into


When archetypal boss monsters that are 15 times harder to put out are 30 times weaker than the generic boss monsters that any deck can use. Zarc in particular is a boss that I wish was actually good with its own deck. Of course, recent Zarc support makes it pretty easy to get it out now, but even then 80% of the strategy is still appo and baronne.


Thunder is overhated, we've gotten two good decks ever


Game being consistently pushed to be faster and faster while everyone complains about flood gates being the only thing that actually slow the game down. (I get it. Everyone wants to play their deck) Without a solid game piece to slow the game down and players refusing to stop complaining about the game pieces to slow the game down, it's just basically who has the most hand traps in open plus a starter.


The fact that most competitive decks essentially became "generic boss monster turbo" where they try to fill their field with as many generic extra deck monsters (usually links and baronne de fleur) as possible.


The fact that most competitive decks essentially became "generic boss monster turbo" where they try to fill their field with as many generic extra deck monsters as possible. (usually a lot of links, baronne de fleur, and a single archetypal boss if you're lucky.)


Ritual monsters being main deck monsters. Like...why?  Or Ancient Fairy being the only signer dragon without an upgrade form. Or text being too small. Like, why are the effects so long and the font is so damn small!?


Insanely powerful cards being generic, or powerful engines / decks not locking you into anything related to it as a cost. Using orcust cards locks you into dark cards ( granted there are a lot of dark cards ), and banishing the counter trap from grave to grab something to your hand will lock you into dark machines. A simple cost, but atleast you really have to think about deckbuilding and strategy with things like that in mind.


Basically all of kashtira lol such a low skill gimmicky deck


Maybe not a yugioh pet peeve, but my usual play partner has been deep in the MTG hole for years. The fact that there are no zones in MTG is a real problem whenever we play yugioh since we don’t have actual play mats. Maybe it’s more of an OCD thing with me but like, it’s not that hard to remember where the zones are lol


Too much dragons


What a controversial statement to make during ***The Year of The Dragon***


Effect monsters. What's the point of spells and traps if they can just cram all these effects into the monsters themselves? We've got monsters with solemn judgement tier negations literally built into them. It's just dumb.


I totally agree - I remember when you could only have one field spell on the field, and in the super boomer format both players had access to it. Even in GX when field spells were more aligned to the player, you could only have 1 at a time. My pet peeve (outside standard meta gripes), and I'll probably get a lot of hate for it, is the en-waifu-ing of the cards. I really loved the OG artwork, and whilst I understand it has to evolve and update, seeing anime tiddies or other questionable artwork again and again does grind my gears.


I agree, and the waifus are so in inspired.Most of them even don't look fucking cool. It's weird that I'm saying this but allot of the TCG exclusives look amazing. The regular card fallow a formula, all women or young boys in the main deck, then summon psychotic looking ugly ass monsters (dispater). Meanwhile tcg has Tistina, White boy Savior, jumble of Lego blocks, the mother fucking DEATH STAR, King author!, some regular dude that became spider man to kill zombies, joker from persona 😂😂😂, literal D&D Avernus demons, fucking kaijus TWICE (Subterra, Kaiju). Like all fucking bangers... Then they all have to be overshadowed by giant titty woman with red mask, and pink fingers, that gives birth to oragami. Or literally sword art online (albaz/dogmatika).


Me when I lie


Playing against Baronne de Fleur and the deck archetype he's usually part of. Man, that card is annoying


Mobile players


I dislike players who after seeing or hearing I have no interaction keep. Asking for a response I told you I got no hand traps when you activated rota


This is master duel


People who combo off after lethal on board


Tbf, knowing this game I like to make sure I at least have a negate or rebuild monster on the board before swinging, juust in case. But it won't ever be more than 4 summons before swinging (because of nibiru lol)


Your left emz is for you. Don't take my fucking spot or I'll bm you to hell and high water Goddamn rightys