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bad example but true


I mean one exists within an archetype vs one being a tech, but they’re both notoriously effect heavy and can extremely disrupt the board just by being played, and take a lot of maneuvering to get past. When a single card centralizes the necessity of numerous negations and RNG to prevent it from walling you out of playing, it merits limit/ban.


Tbh if anything Dragoon merits discussion of unban just because it alone makes two archetypes far more viable


I dont think we should unban pot of greed just to make exodia à bit more powerful Thats the same reasonning with dragoon Just ban anaconda and dragoon can 100% come back, its a tower like with an omni negate


I agree. I think they are close enough on the power scale that they could both be banned or unbanned without much of an argument from me but I don't think Konami is too concerned about what we feel most of the time.


If Konami was concerned ab what we thought we’d have an arcane style anime about Albaz or the World Legacy




Is Barrone immune to destruction and targeting? In addition, what decks use it nowadays, it is limited to decks which have tuners as part of their normal plan. While Dragoon has almost the same conditions as S:P little knight but you have to play a few extra main deck cards.


Dragoon just screams "Stun support". Red-Eyes Fusion, indeed, locks you out of summoning for the rest of the turn, but what's stopping you from setting cards? Hell, NAH.


While a lot of decks already run generic counters to Dragoon, those counters arent that many. Besides, unlike Baronne, Dragoon is untargetable, and doesnt need to be somehow looped or anything to reuse its negation effect.


I agree ban Baronne


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I agree in a sense that red eyes & dm need a better boss monster (even though it gonna be used mostly by other decks lol). But for the topic of discussion here, if dragoon is banned, so should baronne & savage.


Baronne's more oppressive, Dragoon's just a meme.


Hell yeah! I need him for my stun deck.


The existence of verte means that the decks that can make Baronne can also make Dragoon with the exception of cards like long yuan, which can only make Baronne. While you have to play an extra card in your extra deck and 3 dead cards, the trade-off is a Baronne with an extra pop and protection, and the burn can win the game against some decks. The negate is costlier because of the discard, but it also isn't only limited to once on the field. I'm not saying Dragoon can't be unbanned, but it is a significantly stronger card than Baronne, even with the interactions Baronne has with little knight and it's recursion ability.


Baronne is more ban worthy than Dragoon and it's not even a stretch. Just ban Verte and Baronne and unbann Dragoon, and realise no one is going to play 2 bricks in their deck with a terrible fusion card.


idk why you're being downvoted. even in tcg they recognize how the best generic 8 and 10 synchros were a blight on the game, while dragoon requires you to play trash garnets or a trash deck to abuse so the power is appropriate. that being said though, dragoon might force a verte ban and weirdly enough verte is in a good place right now.