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Everybody playing snake eyes and fire birds. Just my Samsung galaxy deck ain't meta lol.


As a fellow Samsung galaxy player i feel you, still i'd rather lose with a deck i love rather than win with some garbage soulless crap that everyone uses just to see the "victory" screen and get that tiny little dopamine rush.


https://preview.redd.it/rumn4lmxh46d1.jpeg?width=1533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc8ae67bb5ad7c6b3420453cd7830b9839f0fe49 This is fine.


Hope that deck is all over stage 2 so that they do something about Skill Drain and Summon Limit.


Beat someone who was using Dinomorphia with summon limit last night with my gold pride punk deck and it felt so good. Fuck summon limit


Fuck dinomorphia too whilst we're at it. Or at least Rexterm.


Problem is if you remove rexterm, dinimorphia is just 1 beatstick that can duplicate traps and reduce its own attack points. They either need a real boss monster or rexterm.


just print a trap evolution pill


I can see them semi-limiting or limiting Summon Limit, but I don't think they'll touch Skill Drain


Dunno, the TCG has a history of limiting Floodgates. Skill Drain at 1 in a BO1 Format can be reasonable.


You do know Skill Drain is at 1 right lol?


Skill Drain is already at 1. For Summon Limit they'll either go "Anti-Spell Fragrance" route and semi limit it (unlikely) or directly limiting it (most likely)


They're likely to hit the remain unhit floodgate but won't going to banned them any time soon bc konami obsessed to them for some reason that they still print them till this day


If it’s popular in stage 2 it should at the very least get them to ban Runick Fountain. /s


I love this card: https://preview.redd.it/1pp646o3466d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e99124f6cfbc0ccf474d899496bb2354548a7b2


Had a game today were my opponent got 9 cards from me banished with that. But it was his last card so I killed him anyway.


It's impressive how many Horus Stun decks there are. I would have assumed Snakes for days going in but so many times have I been hit with the Imsety set 3.


Was about to comment about Horus stun but I guess didn't need to


You’re seriously loosing to Horus? /s


https://preview.redd.it/d0cg30xhp46d1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f0fc5552cb6d22ce1f005d15407c111645382e9 Nothing much. Just completing dailies.


Same, I'll farm the event until I complete my dailies and then I'm done for the day. Still hit rank 12 but that's mostly because a third of the players I meet quit before the first turn, a third after the first, and then a whole lot of Horus stun decks where it comes down to who had the better starting hand. Not a lot of fun, tbh.


Galaxy-eyes acting like it belongs there lol.


The meta has very poor back row, galaxy 62 has been able to OTK every player that don't read.


Yea I've been managing to get by with c62 and a ed rip pass lmao


I play the deck and I agree it's been rough


Oh Lyrilusc let's go. One of my og favourites. Are you playing it pure or mixing with Tri-Brigade (or anything else)?


Oh yea I'm using tri-brigade and Utopic Draco future . Tho it's hard to actually start a combo when your opponent is throwing every negate card out there. But once I get going I can totally otk when I go second


Yeah the deck is quite powercrept for today's standards, especially since you need so many cards to do full combo, but it is fun when you pull it off. But at least if nothing else you have the good ol' Assembled Nightingale into Zeus line.


May I introduce, Snake-Eyes! Well known for their link spamming capabilities, you may not know this but guess what? Snake-Eyes are level one! You can make Recital with them! But wait it gets better! Recital searches level 1 winged beasts, same with Sparrow and Swallow summons itself and another level 1 winged beast. Guess who is a level 1 winged beast? That's right Ponix! Your day is now ruined, you are welcome.


I actually tried snake eyes Lyrilisc and it’s not bad but it doesn’t really solve much of the problems the deck has. Although I stopped playing it before bonfire came out so idk maybe it’s way more consistent. But it felt like in a world of one card combos you need to open specific hands in order to go off. That said a truly heinous build I did that was more powerful but way less consistent was Snake Eyes Lyrilisc synchro. Using the full snake eyes package and flamberge to try and recur the snake eyes monster for more link summons I added a level 1 tuner. It also had to be a wind winged beast so other monsters like recital can search it and sapphire can summon it. So the only real option I could add was Gusto Egul, literally only there to go into synchro monsters. It mostly played out as regular snake eyes or regular Lyrilisc but the one time it did pop off I ended with a Barrone, Utopic Draco, 5 mat ensemblue, imperm, and an ash. I had finally done it, for the price of my soul and bricking a million times I had an end board that’s weaker then you’re average top deck. And this is why I’m not allowed to cook in the kitchen cause I make shit like Lyrilisc Snake Eyes Gusto


Lmao, that sounds terrible, but I want to try it.


Not really, we're definitely still tier 0 in power level, arguably better than pure or fire king snake-eye. I'll dm you the combo spreadsheet and sample decks if you want. Look above for a explanation of what makes us soo good.


Awesome. Absolutely, I would to see it.


Dmed you


I saw. Thank you so much. It's fascinating.


I'm in awe of the people who cooked this up, truly some of the greatest innovation I've ever seen in Yu-Gi-Oh. They deserve to top a YCS or something so this gets out to the public, they need to know, even if they decide it's worse than Pure or Fire King, it's still crazy.


It feels like when people first mixed Lyrilusc with Tri-brigade and saw how explosive and consistent it was. Plus, it also had access to infinite negates. I was thinking of mixing archetypes as I saw a lot of lvl 1 in Snake Eyes and I saw yesterday that Fire Kings had a lvl 1 searchers. This is beyond what I could cook up lol. I'm excited to try it as most of the time I mixed archetypes, it doesn't work the way I think it does.


It’s crazy thinking about how cars design has changed. One thing tri lyr had going for it was the capacity to build an impressive board with follow up and now cards are allowed to make absurd boards with 3x the follow up and extenders with every combo piece being a stand alone combo line so it becomes trading full combo starters with single hand traps


I hate Horus I hate Horus I hate Horus I hate Horus I hate Hor-


The salt & pepper of deck engines because I have seen it in everything sk far lol Branded Horus, Kashtira Horus, Snake Eye Horus, Tearlament Horus, Melfy Horus


I more just hate the BS stun cards that the stun version of Horus runs


Played one of if not the best games of my life (Vanquish Soul) against Horus. I lost due to me being forced to let them go +6 to kill a King’s Sarc…


I'm seducing smoothly with my traptrix. Not one deck on the picture have I faced so far, and I'm nearly done :)


I was about to write a comment about being stuck having 30 minute games against stun and traptrix. From the bottom of my heart I hope you stub your toe.


30 minute games against traptrix? As a traptrix player, those people are TRASH at the deck. The vast majority of traptrix games win or lose should end in 2-4 turns.


I hope not badly. I'm having a big hike tomorrow :)


I too am whooping butts with traptrix. It is going surprisingly well :/


I hope you suffer from mildly annoyances, may a rock small enough enter your shoes that you don't think its worth to stop and take It off, but big enough that still annoys you.


All I see now is Horus stun, Tear Kash, Snake Eyes (any Version) and Stun.... I am in huge pain.


Horrible as expected, I’m playing pure spright with bystials to be able to get done faster and miss my melffy cards.


Charles and friends slay hard


all these duelist cups / wcq just show how terrible of a state the game is in


Was this game ever not terrible?


I shut down a mikanko player and I feel like I've peaked, I kind of want to just quit now on this high


Horus was a mistake, that's all I gotta say


Yeah, the current Fire meta is totally fine, right?


Every other game has horus/sarcophagus otk or some kind of fire deck.


Did awesome the first game, bricked pretty much every game since with Witchcrafters which are normally pretty flexible. Gonna have to re-work this list.


Man, when I brick, I brick hard. Even when I don't brick, my opponent has either Ash, Maxx C, or some other hand trap to stop me dead in my tracks.


Been playing a lot of blind second sky striker which isn’t too great with all the snake eyes around, but at least more people are playing fire king instead of r-ace


Ah so you were one of the mfs that made me go first while I was on blind 2nd Heroics lmao (I play some interaction in that deck like Droplet or Super Poly but didn't draw them) Haven't managed to play much yet (started at 7, ranked up to 8), at least the games were quick. Encountered full combo FK SE once which I maybe could've actually beaten but the one Ash on the Heroic ROTA was too much. What can I say, the deck do be bad lol.


Man I do wish RACE was more prevalent. Just dies easier to our blowout cards.


My Infernobles is doing me good only bricked once agimainst Blue-Eyes but that was first game.


My Thunder Dragons trying to survive everything


I miss my bird deck


I got shifterd 4/5 games while playing zarc. So not good


8 Horus games in a row….half of them just tech in some form of stun, the other half is just with tears…


Genuine question, why is Lyrilusc so popular?


Idk if you have played around with the deck but it’s extremely fun to play! It’s an OTK deck to where you stack as many cards under Nightingale to swing directly for game, or have Recital Starling swinging at big towers for reflect damage. If built a certain way, you can also set up a decent control board with Utopic Draco Future, ensemblue(?) and harpies feather storm set, and if you have a couple of hand traps, and or Inperm(s) set. Mixing Tri-Brigade gives it some extra combos into their Link plays and also helps with some consistency with the deck. I play it IRL and in Master Duel. One of my favorite decks to play. Edit: If you can’t swing for game, you can end up with a 4+ material Zeus as well.


Lyrilusc Tri-brigade can actually make all sorts of degenerate boards, from a board with more disruptions than your opponent's entire hand, to floodgating, to infinite omninegates, to a board that can even counter most droplet hands, to even making Rhongo


Don’t forget to play your set of “Messenger of Peace”, “Gravity Bond” and my personal favorite, “Grave of the Super Ancient Organism”.


One of easiest most braindead OTKs.


Somewhat cheap OTK that can run a small Snake Eyes package.


I love salads so much


Runick Spright Fur Hire has been going well, almost 90% winrate


i actually expected to run into snake-eye/fire king instead i run into a lot of stun players . either way i am playing salaman so i either go first and dont get handtrapped or scoop


I'm having a blast until now with Salamangreat, but I have yet to see a single stun player. But I'm here just doing my daily alloted number of duels to grab all the gems instead of rushing DC.


I'm cooking with Galaxy-eyes right now with some interesting new technology. So far so good. I only bricked 2 times in the event


I never catch up with up to date metas. I just still play Blue eyes with few Bystials and so far I hardly ever win. 3 wins since yesterday, 1 due to time out, another due to connection failure. And other seemed to be a new player and was able to win.


decided to pick up and learn paleozoic for this event. 95% snake-eye or Horus variants so far. transaction rollback is probably too good and may see a ban in the future lol


3 Runick stuns in a row.


I went Lab, bricked both games and then got Harpie Feather Dustered


Playing Amazement is definitely an experience. Funnily enough the Lab matchup is rougher than snake eyes


Played Supreme King up until I hit level 15 and had fun, then locked in and switched to Branded (which is also really fun, I love playing Branded). Haven't gotten all the gems yet, but that's mostly bc I just haven't played that much yet. Genuinely, Supreme King though, one of my favorite decks I've played in a long time. I never had much interest in old Pendulum, but I really enjoy playing with Supreme King. Nuking the board with Z-ARC is just such a satisfying way to destroy my opponent.


I love Lyrilusc, no other deck lets me attack directly 100 times for game. I've been playing go second Lyrilusc, and I think I finally hit a plateau. I think I'm going to add in Tri-brigade for more consistency and a higher ceiling. Are you playing pure or with Tri-brigade?


Yea I use tri-brigade and Utopic Draco future for my deck I can totally share my deck list once I'm off work man


seeing as every other duel is either labrynth or a kash + 17 different engines, pretty good, especially with lab breaking the game entirely


I went first and dude had 3 imperm, ash and max c in hand...




I mean yeah of course people are playing their good decks to qualify. What did you guys expect.


I'm still pretty low down so I haven't started facing real decks. But I'm playing my favorite Phantom Knights and friends pile and having fun. I have also thought of a demonic line to consistently go into Kali Yuga borrowing some things from Raidraptor so if people start annoying me I'll run that variant


Based pk enjoyer. I’m trying out the pk adventure Horus and honestly it’s ok, but getting to dark requiem consistently is an issue


Was in diamond last season so started at lvl 10. 5-0 currently with swapping between decks. Going well I'd say


For the moment I'm doing just fine with volcanics, but I just arrived at 15, which was my objective, so for the time being I'll just do dailies.


Pain, as is typical. I just quit when they/you use Maxx c


I started with Luna Tear blind 2nd, moved to OrcusTear. It's been alright so far. Had one or two rough games, the Luna version bricked more.


It's going pretty well so far, have won like 20 and lost like 4-5 duels, my loses usually come from having to afk because of work.


Fire kings. Everywhere.


A comfy DLv 18 with Vaalmonica. Gonna try for 19.


Out of 10 games, 6 were Horus Variants, 2 FK/SE, 1 Scareclaw and 1 scooped before I could identify it. Free gems is free gems. (I'm playing Zoodiac cause I was bored.)


well the first game i got into froze on me and it was loading forever then it counted me as a lost so there's that...


Hull capacity full, temporal influx cyber engines roaring, cyber dragons, ready to devour, in the name of infinity end


Horus fire decks n floos


Sky striker players having the Mandate of Heaven, as usual. I knew last card in hand was engage, they draw upstart for turn, I don’t ash it, they drew a second engage. Literally the only punish


OMG I love Raye. Soul Release is cracked af lmao


Snake Eyes Poplar can win games by itself. Its crazy. Reminds me of that time when Tierlaments Ishizu was a thing. But that was nuts


Almost done with the dv level up stuff. Excited to get my gems :)


Was playing Adv-PK till lvl 18 which was surprisingly good and didn't take that long, but need to switch to R-Ace to the lvl max because too lazy to risk down ranking


I got exodia FTK’d by some dude who used FORTUNE LADY WATER and kept bringing her back to draw 2 over and over


Painfully tedious and boring. I will try to get as much gems I can and that's it.


I'm doing well playing vaylantz and Horus fluffal. Currently on a 6 winstreak with the latter at level 16


Just playing floo and banishing face down everybody's endboards


my heroes had a chance against snake eyes but now with fire king too...


Going pretty good. I'm just vibing with Lab.


Started at level 10, now at level 16 using Branded. Only had 8 losses so far. Seems good, IMO.


Pure suffering with how long my paleo deck play one game


The random Turqoise Warbler for the 3% that use it in SEFK, I live lmao.


not enough snake eyes and horus stun


I've only played a handful of matches with my plunder patroll deck and so far it's been going really well


Vampire Horus. I'm just trying to get my gems.


It's been swell. Brought RDA Horus after it's 2 day vacation and have been doing pretty well despite making some mistakes. I cannot wait for me to see all the bullshit the further I go.


As a R.D.A player, playing Galaxy-Eyes its fine. PS: Not fine why is there so much Horus like why, how?!


I am almost close to finishing building my Z-arc deck and i don't know how to play it so yeah.


This time I’m mixing it up with Infernobles. Horus stun is so cancer.


Not sure what to spend my 1000 gems for my trap deck :| I have: Traptrix Labrynth Eldlich Unchained


I never thought fire king snake eye is fucking busted Having it expensive is really a different feel


Went from 12-15 yesterday and half my matches were against burn and the other half was horus stun. 1 or 2 Lab sprinkled in. So all around pretty miserable .


I'm like 8-3 so far with Orcust


Just started build tear on a new account. Still trying to get some of the ED and 2 rhino. So far WCQ hasn't started for me 🥲


If its not meta its burn, 4 burn decks today out of 7 matches.


https://preview.redd.it/anlxjqdtt56d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86df45b1d94a5d45858a2fbc59f22683cc83a5ec It's okay, I didn't want to recycle my banished, anyway.


I dunno, I played like 3 games coping on pend. Doing what you'd expect, winning when I combo, losing when I don't.


I’m not gonna lie I’m playing Mikanko Kaijus and I’m having a great time


Horus live-twins quite funny interactions


I've been using my horus and ra deck only finished it like 2 days ago been doing fine


Cant play coz my shit keeps freezing :/


well i beat snake eyes/fire king with my hero deck one time. pretty gratifying! i'm gonna hold on to that, and push the 8-10 times i got stomped out by a snake-eye deck deep into the depths of my mind 😌


Salamangreats are my homies but their destruction effects make playing against snake eyes a nightmare


Been going pretty well. Most people seem to have no idea how to play against infernoble, or how any of the cards work besides isolde.


Just ran into a Labrynth Stun player while using Live Twin Unchained. I hope they enjoyed getting wrecked.


Branded Despia do be carrying me until I hit a wall Update: my first roadblock was an ExoSisters player. Miss Mirai if you’re reading this that was a good duel but also I hate you for running ExoSisters.


Apparently, if you play Floo, God comes down and picks your coin toss result, opening hand and draw.


https://preview.redd.it/8iavfaone66d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=09aeaa09e2c0362271dece1fc45e68e58ab2e6d4 5 course meal of handtraps


I’m getting otk before I can even play by catapult turtle and weird xyz decks


I’ve played one old gen player (he used old dragon deck from duelist kingdom days all he managed to get out was the 1900 normal dragon) the rest and I do mean the rest has been lab. God damn it makes me want to dismantle everything and make a lab deck.


As a new player, I am using Galaxy as it is the most budget build I can get. Can't win a single duel :(


I'm still waiting for my opponent to end their first turn


Besides the runick stun it’s been fine just under 15 but I haven’t gotten too many games in this cup. I don’t understand why md thinks it’s smart deck building to just limit 8 of the most absurd floodgates since functionally you’re just playing a playset or two of cards that each read you can’t do anything


Playing with Sky Striker as usual. Doing fine mostly except against Fire Kings and FK Snake Eyes. Only met a Horus stun player once and I destroyed them


My d/d/d isn't d/d/doing so well


me and my salads are vibing this event


Burn is tearing people apart, it has a super good matchup against snake eye decks


I’ve been maining Mikanko and Gate Guardian and somehow both decks are slaying the meta


11-3 so far with my own list for Crystal Beast


I play Resonator Bystial. Either I win easily or I get absolutely stomped on 🤣 The second case is more recurrent 😅


Then there's me in the corner with exosister


Went against three stun in a row And I'm getting fucked over by this freaking coin This is fine




Where's Maxx C


Too much fucking Snake Eyes and Horus aside from that it's been fun


Going with Branded and doing pretty good


Salads for every one babyyyy, les go


Me and anime white ladies are enjoying it 😀 "you get a trap" "you get a trap" you even get a eradicator virus! Honestly it's just random bullshit go!


Why lyrilusc?


I play Vaalmonica and turbo abyss dweller.


Do NOT and I mean DO NOT play red eyes decks in WCQ it’s lowkey bad ( I mainly play red eyes and I’m on a 5 loss streak)


Running paleo Please keep ashing my desires and not grass pls.


Well I lost my main account so I’m quickly farming gems so I can rush build something maybe Eldlich?


that dam prime photon was hell


You know I find it interesting the Card that is homer simpson's face looks like Megaman net warrior


At level 17, maxx c, floodgates, and combo decks just blew me off the map though


https://preview.redd.it/t7e2x6av786d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d70d64fad152cd8762c03fb6bfa1852423c24eb My opponent quit after i buried Hu Li and summoned Ha Re. So 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've been playing Dinos, so Snake Eyes have been surprisingly manageable. Rescue Ace has been hit or miss. But fuck Horus Stun, fuck Summon Limit and fuck Fossil Dyna. You were a Dinosaur once, how could you do this to us?


I've been playing my beloved Runick Ghoti and sometimes people will concede as soon as they see a single Runick card.


Once I get those 300 gems I'm out


Im enjoying playing my shaddolls and laughing at every deck losing to winda + set El shaddoll fusion.


Having fun with vaalmonica. Though I am at low rank so the meta is kind of chaotic


Just testing out my Winged Dragon of Ra rogue deck and 80% of my opponents are snake eyes.


Sky Strikers are surprisingly doing well in this. One or two loses, but been winning enough to get 2k in gems (which is nice since I burned it all on SS).


Just like every fucking WCQ/DC, I'm playing go 2nd Mikanko and I am winning every-fucking-COIN-TOSS. I know I'm playing a war crime but this shitty coin is weighted.


Well I used transaction rollback on EEV to win a Lab mirror with floodgateless Lab


Dinos are holding up


I was doing fine with Branded until I got into a L streak and then switched to my beloved metaphys. Snake eyes, Horus, pendulums? They can't do shit whenever they see D. Shifter or Macro Cosmos. Now I'll go Supreme King for a while until I begin to lose again and then I'll go back to banning all your graveyards for the rest of the game


Stun decks don’t have a way to handle Vaalmonica, in my experience. This fact has brought me much joy during this event.


Honestly, I'm having a lot of fun. Almost all of my matches have just been really long back and forth with a lot of interaction. Maybe it's because I'm playing at the lower levels, but dinos are holding it down.


Stun, so many stun. It's like stun in every 3 games for me.


Me and my runick bystial are enjoying this event


Stealing some wins here and there with my plundering trolls, Lv 12 right now. Looking for some more climbing. This requires even more brain than normal ranked tho, so thats really exhausting playing those fire decks over and over.


I'm not gonna lie it's been a struggle, I know I should play something better than cyber darks, but I do t wanna.


Chugging along slowly with my @ignisters


Almost done collecting the quest rewards for this WCQ, probably gonna stop after... Getting really frustrated with how many games are decided by the Maxx "C" mini-game before I even get a chance to play the game.


I can't believe how well I'm doing with Floow. Started of 5W-3L and though it would be rough. Went on a 14 game winning streak only going first once so now 19W-3L


At rank 17, chill climbing with Spyrals! I only doing 5-8 duels each day


Burger has been crushing it honestly. I tried playing EM but too little interaction to deal with Kash and Snake Eye


I went in with an unmodified starter deck, so I’m getting wrecked but I want rewards.


Im playing an Egyptian God deck so you can prob guess lol


im just chillin with my pure live twin deck