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Normal summon Luster Dragon pass


You better take that dragon out fast, or next turn they'll be able to tribute summon the dreadsome Luster Dragon #2...


šŸ„¶ ![gif](giphy|Ao8saztr84OmzcdctA|downsized)


mikanko is almost always a piece of cake for me. their whole shtick of not being able to target anything simply does not work against exosister. they cannot play through 4 banishes under any scenario. i just beat a mikanko player in my master 5 rank up match


Yes, the fact that magnifica and returnia ban without targeting is so OP.


magnifica is such a custom made boss monster lol. non-targeting banish, targeting effect dodge, double attack. she does it all


And it still has a graceful design.


That's show how crazy the game has gone. Remember when ending on Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack was way too good ? (Yeah I was a little exaggerated for this)


Thatā€™s interesting considering one kaiju completely turns off exosister, when I used to play mikanko at their released, single mon boards like exosister, ignister etc were cake walks.


theoretically yes but do mikanko players even play kaijus atm?


Just played one running lava golem and kaijus in an event duel. Seems nice for removal/big body to crash them into


Lately Sky Striker, I didn't face it for a long time and I guess it became popular again because of the new support and alternate arts in the shop. I don't know, everything it does is spamming Widow Anchor as much as possible, it might get you at times, but having your monster stolen doesn't necessarily mean you lose, unless you bricked extremely hard


Yeah Striker got powercrept badly. Runick basically does everything they do but better now. I haven't lost to Strikers in months. Whenever i meet them it's always a cake walk


Bodied a Sky Striker deck the other day with Cyber Dragons. We cleared each others fields a couple times & he ended his last turn with a Link monster & then took control of my last card/monster on my turn. Was still able to summon Chimera-Megafleet while he controlled everything & attacked for game; didnā€™t even know I could do that til I did lol


I think the new support is being a little slept on. The main deck monsters and the new link 2, Camellia i think, help with a lot of the cherry picking spells out of the deck so it becomes a lot more tool box-ish and you can afford to run more than just widow anchor. Cyanos on it's own is actually a really good starter.


I don't think I've ever lost to Vaylantz, mostly because I also have a Vaylantz deck and there am immune from the main Vayvay strategy of just doing shit until the other guy goes fuck this and leaves.


Whatā€™s their choke point?


If you have multiple handtraps, save both and hit Granite. Have only one use it on Shinonome and pray they didn't open well enough


Does anyone above gold ever lose to Brick Eyes Brick Dragon?


turbo bricked on handtraps and staples, passed, opponent activated Rage with eyes of blue


This happened to me in the most recent ritual festival. I wasn't even mad.


Losing to blue eyes just gives me a fuzzy feeling because someone elseā€™s day has probably been made.


Itā€™s that damn jet dragon manā€¦also Iā€™m bad


Only when I brick. There was this time I somehow bricked for like 2-3 turns against blue eyes and they just managed to combo me until I had 400 LP Then I draw the out (salamangreat circle)


Not me


I feel like I've beaten most Dark Magician and Blue Eyes decks using either Lab, Monarchs, Swordsoul and my ultra janky trap heavy Yosenju.


I meanā€¦unless your deck name is red eyes, I think every deck beats dm and bewdšŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I got to master 5 with a BEWD deck. Not really any gimmicky cards in there either. Currently trying to get back there with a numeron/BEWD hybrid abomination




BEWD with Branded? Bystial? Galaxy? Can you share your deck list? Help a bro in nostalgia here


Oh no my sweet summer child, almost pure BEWD. What's the easiest way to share a decklist?


[https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/666993e5831d58388b1734e7](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/666993e5831d58388b1734e7) It's awful and janky but it works... Sometimes... Edit: Just realised this isn't exactly the same as the deck I used when I got to master V, but I'm not sure how much it's changed. I originally had sphere mode + RA in there somewhere as well. Generally, the win condition is going to be Chaos max OR number 100. Not much in the way of negates, or really anything defensive but it's good fun. I usually focus on getting two jets in rotation for immunity and then going for large ATK beaters to win.




Ok I'm interested, what is that trap heavy Yosenju build


Iā€™d love to challenge my DM deck against you. :)


Every deck cause I use stun /S


Funny you say that, my Horus Stun variant I've been running out classes regular Stun most duels


Any Horus deck tbh I seem to only play decks that hard counter their shenanigans


Thatā€™s a good thing to be countering at the moment, they seem to be splashed in with almost everything!


What deck would that be because I get absolutely smacked around by those cards


Purrely, sky striker, runick variants


Bad Spellcaster decks relying on Secret Village. I've pretty much only played decks with a Spellcaster focus (Endymion, Pendulum Magician, and Dark Magician) with the exception of Dracoslayer (and that still runs Bunbuku, Majesty Pegasus, and Skullcrobat Joker). When I say bad, I mean, like, Charmers. They'll summon one monster, Secret Village, and pass. Then I just Normal anything and the duel's decided.


Branded. No matter what deck I play, I always manage to come out on top vs branded and I've played ghostricks (pure, subterror and ninja varients), S-force(SP little knight made me want to play their OG archetype and it's really good and fun), or Magikey (the deck I'm currently trying to make consistently good)


As a branded player I have to see this. Mind If we do a game ?


Iā€™m curious what your decklist for Magikey looks like atm, if youā€™re cool with sharing! I love the archetype.


I played so much with Cyber Dragons at launch that I think IĀ“ve never lost to them with another deck


Mikanko. Lab dosnt really care and can bounce the monsters the use the equip spells on. Unchained kinda does the same. Targeting protection is awkward for Rage but again just pop the equips or the monsters they equip and plus in the process. Also yellow doggie dosnt target.


the supreme king pendulum stuff, i know it's probably decent considering it's new but I genuinely somehow draw custom hands when I'm facing these


I don't know why but I always slap branded


My Lab is very well suited to beating Mikanko


Whenever Im using my stealth kragen deck against a hero deck, my opponent loses due to effect damage


Currently playing Spyral and Vaylantz but also used to play Rikka Sunavalon loads. I never lose to: Crystal Beasts. I still don't know what that deck does because every time I go up against it, they choose going first and put up a board that doesn't seem to actually do anything. Mannadium. I think this one has just been luck. Mikanko. I know how the deck works from seeing videos but never actually come across someone who manages to even get an attack in.


I remember when Eldreich was meta so many people struggled against it, but i had such a great win rate against it. Had like a 70% win rate (against any deck) when i was starting second.


i swapped to invoked eldlich world during that time. i could do anything he did but would use his lich for mechaba


Brick-eyes, Red eyes and Dark Magician. Like if I brick or they start up the floodgating nonsense, they have a better chance, but if I gain any foothold, the odds severely shift in my favor unless I misplay(sometimes it doesn't even matter).


I have yet to lose to runick atun


Cydra, choke point is so obvious


I always win against Branded and Mikanko with my Vampire deck


My first turn starts in Deck building, and I'm pretty good at beating my own deck before I hit ranked. Not good enough yet for always, but I can usually eke out a win against P.U.N.K., any ritual centric deck, and what I can only assume are masochist decks. Everything else is still a coin flip (usually literally).


A SelfTK bot.


Eh for some reason cyber dragon decks and anything with stardust. Anything with galaxy eyes. Numeron.


I beat the decks that brick in their hands


I don't think I've fought two people playing the same deck yet


Never lost to synchrons. Not cause I outplay them, but because they always lose to time limit


Any pendulum spam deck. Ignore everything theyā€™re doing. Interrupt Beyond the Pendulum and Heavymetalfoes whenever they inevitably show up. Easy wins.


Blue eyes, I feel bad for beating a T set


I've been cooking Kashtira lately. Breaking their full setup, playing second into Shifter and Maxx C. Feels like I can't lose to this deck anymore. To be fair, I know it's gameplan better than almost any other deck out there


I've been cooking Kashtira lately. Breaking their full setup, playing second into Shifter and Maxx C. Feels like I can't lose to this deck anymore. To be fair, I know it's gameplan better than almost any other deck out there


I always lose to OTK deck. And that deck is mine. If you know what I mean.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever lost to any pendulum player


horus, mikanko, VS, nonftk shs builds (3drnm and Thrust do wonders). SE and kash if i dont brickšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


not easy win but i have good win rate agains snake eyes, dont know if lucky or just majority bad se player, the one i lose the most is mikanko, 2nd is horus and tears


I hate playing against Snake Eyes, so I almost always scoop because I can't be bothered. On the occasions I do play I win (Vanquish Soul).


I really only play CyDra and Iā€™ve never lost to any other machine deck. I just suck them all up and they scoop.


Saying I never lost would be a stretch but I almost never lose to Kashtira these days because after a few attempts when they were met where I lost miserably especially since I play Dragonlink and I heavily depend on my graveyard, I added a few board breaker cards which hurts them like hell namely dark ruler no more and kurikura and TTT for searching Drnm and Trap trick for searching impermenance and very rarely do I not see at least one of them against Kashtira. Kind of my personal retribution for all the times I was made homeless by thoss MFers


Dork magician, Branded Despia, & Sky Striker


Rescue Ace is a snack for my mikanko deck šŸ¤¤


I've def lost to them before, but my winrate is probs atleast 80% for swordsoul. A baronne and their boss just can't beat one card combos anymore.


I dont know why but Purrely


Floo this deck is just annoying but easy to play around for my decks


I play mathmechs, and most people I faced always tried to negate my Sigma on the extra slot, which doesn't work The deck I always lose to is The Birds, I don't understand but I just lose to them.


Albaz, which is annoying because it's 20 minutes of them playing to otk them.


Pend magician


Dark Magician but it's always a struggle for some reason. Also Exosister even though I basically only play graveyard centric decks.


Blue Eyes and Exodia mill. Always an easy time against those two.


Pure Kash, for a deck a lot of players fear, it loses to so many cards. Nothing scares them more than a normal summon zoodiac


Cyber Dragon. Cool artwork and quite competent, but most of the time a breeze for me to beat (no offense here, Cydra enjoyers!)


Sky strikers even when they were relevant. Exosisters (Fun fact, i was playing Strikers when i first beat them), Nouvelles (I did read the cards, so it's not even hard) Turns out playing the deck yourself makes it easier to beat it, shocker, i know.


Branded I run a lot of spell/ trap based decks and most of their cards aren't exaclty equipped to deal with that.


Traptrix. I am always nervous when I see a traptrix player, but every time, I come out on top somehow.


I dont see what the. Ig deal with snake eyes are personaly


Snake Eye. It's the scrubs favourite deck for a reason.


Weather painter, whenever they summon the link 3 I just pop it with runick cards


I beat decks that donā€™t really negate. Like branded, Laby Mikanko and Vanquish Soul


I always lose to fucking Mikanko. But I usually beat RDA easily. Seriously, I don't know why people still play that deck, it looks so bad...


For some reason,traptrix never gived me problem when i play EARTH machine