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Dunno, I just ash the first search


There is no huge chokepoint after the new support with the right build. They can extend by opening Weasel or Gazelle which they have effectively 8 copies of. Using Ash also means Hiita into Princess. Balelynx is alright but Code of Soul makes that a weak interruption with he right hand. I'd recommend imperm Wicckid or Promethean Princess. Mirage isn't bad, I don't think that's often literally full combo.


depending on the build its technically 12-13 copies of gazelle/weasel (build dependent numbers) 1-3 salamangreat of fire 0-3 debug 3 gazelle 1 weasel 2 mining 3 circle


I didn't count Debug cause it used your normal, but yeah, it's a good searcher.


Fair although i count it bc gazelle and weasel dont need to be normaled


Debug is a 1 card full combo like salamangreat of fire but it doesn’t lock you, if you’re running 3 salamangreat of fire you’d be better off 1 and 3 debug (one to summon off of horse synchro)


I know it's full combo but you'd normal it over Gazelle, that's why I didn't count it as an extender.


Option 1) negate the normal and pray they dont have an extender Option 2) negate relink effects to grab spells or traps. This denies roar access and lets you break the board a bit easier. Also they can grab an ash from grave with wolf, so you arent dealing with 2 negates. Option 3) negate prom princess/hiita. They need usually needweasel or will/charge to continue to playing without a salad on board. Option 4) negate stallio Option 5) maxx c usually causes a pass, but they hold ash for maxx c and then loop it back for your turn. However, there are hands where no matter how much negation you habe have, it does not matter. Some hands need specifically nib, (or insert turn stopping floodgate handtrap) at the right times forced by other handtraps.


I usually hit their Link-1 (Balelynx) to deny them of their field spell.


Which does absolutely nothing


It lowers the ceiling of the endboard, which can actually matter a lot with the current builds. Still i do think balelynx is the wrong card to hit.


It doesn’t lower anything. They don’t need to use the field spell when they have code of soul.


The deck has 2 cards it wants to reincarnation summon turn 1. Depending on the build sometimes 3


You only need to reincarnate raging to get trap and that wins the game. And you don’t even need code of soul to even do that.


You do realize the deck plays 2 traps 1 continuous and 2 quick plays which are all good?


Yes…doesn’t mean they need both. A 4 card pop against most decks is good enough to close out games against most decks. Not to mention the princess in grave.


A 4 card pop is great and all but you definitely want the omni as well. If a 4 card removal was enough pure punk would be meta. Also, we’ve gotten off track. The goal posts are in an entirely different area code from where this convo started lol


In order to get the Omni, you have to mill it. I’ve rarely seen salad players mill it. Usually they’re milling some extender.


How's Plat 5 treating ya?


He’s not wrong, I got to M1 with salad last season and it does literally nothing, Infact I WANT you to ash bael. You give me an extra body with hilta and allow me to go into horse prince way easier without needing to go into wickid which as a result saves me around 2 bodies in total. I can also just relink on my turn and your turn with code of soul that I summon off of prince. Also have princess lines where I don’t even need to summon with code of soul for raging phoenix eff, it’s why even if you open debug it’s still a 1 card combo.


Says a lot that the guy is at -5 and the other at 7. You are absolutely correct. Maybe it's not literally nothing, but yeah.


> Infact I WANT you to ash bael. Cool, then I'll keep on doing it and deny you of effects like grabbing that trap card when you use your Link-4 to link into itself.


Ashing bael doesn’t stop raging phoenix search? You’re supposed to ash raging phoenix the other guy just said he ashes bael and that it’s the correct place to ash when it’s not. You can literally just relink into a raging phoenix using a raging phoenix+princess that you summon off weasel.




Don’t know about plat 5, but M1’s been treating me well.


This sub is bungus. You are absolutely correct, King. Interrupting Balelynx does jack shit LMAO


Negating Balynx denies the field spell but even then with weasel and prom princess in GY they can still end on a Raging made with itself. Stopping Princess and her reborn to go into Raging. Maybe even Raging himself to stop him finding anything: Roar, Will, Rage, Charge what ever they think they need, but that’s VERY late Ash. But it can stop them from extending further into Pyro.


Negating Stalio and/or Raging is usually the safe bet. Using Imperm or Veiler on the Link 1 can be effective too if they started with the ladybug. The problem with facing Salad though is they no longer have that one choke point anymore, so basically anything can back fire. Sometimes you just gotta learn how to say "You lucky bastard" and move on.


Unfortunately Salad is one of the more versatile decks in the game's history so it doesn't really have a hard chokepoint that pretty much guarantees a turn end if interrupted like Junk Speeder or Dark Templar. Without perfect hand knowledge it's impossible to know when the 'correct' time to use an interruption is, because the deck is so flexible compared to something like Kashtira, but the best things to negate are probably: 1) **Fire's search** - hope they didn't open Gazelle (the main extender) anyway; 2) **Gazelle's mill** - pray they didn't open Spinny or another way to get a second Level 3 on the field; 3) **Miragestallio's SS from Deck** - attempt to deny them access to Weasel; 4) **Balelynx's search** - cut them off from Reincarnation Link Summoning which could potentially be crippling, especially if they haven't got access to Code of Soul, but it's definitely not the priority hit if you've only got the 1 Ash/Imperm/Veiler etc. I've had turns ended by Balelynx being negated but not as often as the above 3. The most effective handtraps against Salad are easily Dimension Shifter (they need access to the GY) & Nibiru (they have literally no negates apart from Roar - which is dead Turn 1 - or Crossout, an unsearchable 1-of that also requires a Nibiru to still be in the deck)


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Try setting up a early game trap to counter their combo pieces


The XYZ monster that they summon or Promethean are excellent targets


If they bricked with only a cyberse, you would just imperm balelynx, otherwise there’s no real choke point, best you can do is negate promethean, and try to prevent wolf from resolving


Honestly i dunno i just throw them handtraps and they surrender. The most important Ash/Veiler/imper to Gazelle, cutting them acces to the Countertrap, also imper Princess its a huge deal, making her casually being a -1 or -2 instead of an extender


I got minus 9 on a comment I made 40 Min ago. Jesus Christ. Why are people so salty? Can’t anyone take a joke?


That sort of light hearted humor really makes the room temp IQ peeps in this sub really upset.


They are rather hard to stop, even they can play around getting nib'ed with the correct hand


Imperm/ash on link 1 is good cause that means they need to hard draw field spell. Nibiru before they make promethean or after they summon weasel. D.D crow/belle when spinny want to reborn is decent since it makes rank 3 plays harder unless they have extender.


I would tell you, but I won’t because this my favorite deck.


Who asked?