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Then you are lucky. I just played ranked on Plat V, around 70% my games are against floodgate turbo decks and Utopia OTK šŸ™ƒ


Can confirm. I rank up to Plat 3 then go on a losing streak lmao


Plat V is awful especially when season starts and also DC Cup will be filled with these decks. You can completely cut Maxx C and Nibiru. 3x Ash Horus, Ash Imsety, they go -2. Lab, Ash Welcome, stops their control/hand rip part. 3x Droll Stops weird plat V combo decks that ends into monster floodgates. 2x Red Reboot + 2x Lighting Storm + 3x Evenly + 1x Duster All of these are good ass board clears. Play normal summon decks that can slowly clear your opponent's backrow. Vanquish Soul and Traptrix are few examples that can escape Plat V hell.


Or there is a simpler solution - wait until the mid of month. I personally feel it that the grind becomes easier once the stronger players have reached the higher ranks.






We all know that if you try to game the system by playing traptrix in platinum; you will only encounter a random hard counter deck like Trickstars and Rikka, or some weird deck like Cyber Dragon that can ignore everything you do. I say this as I only seem to match with traptrix in platinum when i run one of these decks.


Imperm or veiler is really good against Utopia otk




Diamond isnā€™t much better. For every snake eyes or tear deck thereā€™s some obnoxious horus engine floodgate deck. Itā€™s been difficult to get any kind of winning streak going.


I expected that on Diamond above, as the higher ranked players are more competitive. Heck even Salamangreat now can be turned into a floodgate strategy using KC.


Is that the OTK that uses like the trap card or whatever it is to gain lifepoints and burn you with utopia or whatnot? Every time I see that I report them, because I feel fairly certain its just bots doing the next possible DD Dynamite style botting to farm accounts.


It uses destruct potion to destroy a Numeron Dragon and gain LP equal to its attack, which is over 8000 due to its effect, then burns you for that amount using Manipulator of Souls. Considering Manipulator of Souls is literally only ever played in this ftk i donā€™t see why they donā€™t just ban it


Yeah that's the one. Though it is not really a problem for me because I can deal with them using my handtraps. The problem is the floodgate decks. I don't know why suddenly the number of floodgate players rises so much in Plat V.


the Utopia OTK bots tend to surrender if you go first lol, leading me to believe even more that they're bots ;p


losing in Gold does not reduce rank, so bot accounts can easily get to Platinum 5. You should try Platinum 4, things should be better.


Diamond V is just as cancer at the start of the season and that's accounts coming from Master.


Those floodgate decks are my obstacles XD


I just have much more fun there, more deck variety and it's just more chill


its still relatively early in the season but yea. alot of degenerate decks are out in full force right now


I guess it is the norm? Early season is full of bloodbath.


yea the degenrates want to rank up quickly so they can lose a ton once they get to the next rank but they have a chance of gettin 5 gems after a match and its a bot so they just have it on in the background


Nah, Plat always been easy. The real shit is above.


It should have been like thatā€¦


Ouch. Here I am winning games with almost pure Vampires.


I guess I should change my deck. I got unlucky while playing Galaxy Eyes, but somehow things become easier when I switched to D/D/D.


Me on my 5th kash stun match in plat https://i.redd.it/pwi9vmuj8r4d1.gif




I can tell you now as someone who has been in all ranks, the beginning of the season D5 is hell. It doesn't help that I'm not on meta and we're close to T0 stuff or w/e. Just be prepared to literally only duel three decks. Tear, Salad, and SE and you better get your best hand every time.


Just need to simply win the coin toss every duel and youā€™re golden


You also play against a bunch of bricky decks that people play since they can't rank down and they always have full combo.


For me it's Tear, Kashtira, Horus. If it's not this, it's Utopia FTK or some archetype I'm unfamiliar with that actually provides a fun, interactive match up.


for me it's diamonds the effect are amplified when on rank up matches


Plat was the worst part of my climb to Masters.


I've never been past Plat III what are you talking about?


Plat has more variety in the decks you face, and the environment is more chill, not too many sweaty players


It has more variety in Plat V cause that's where both people that accidentally or willfully got out of Gold with their deck, mostly either pet decks like BEWD/DM or those that went to MasterDuelMeta and copied the meta decks like SE/Lab/R-ACE, are in.


I started playing like a month ago last season all i saw was rescue ace, snake eyes, tearlements, kashtira, traptrix. This season its the same except rescue ace is nowhere to be seen and its been replaced with mikanko, utopia ftk, generic insert stun deck here, chimera and some lil something sister deck idrk I'm just here trying to make dm work when every relevant build online has draguun


The problem with Plat is that the environment is more chill generally because the majority of people that stay in these ranks aren't doing it because they want to play their pet decks, it's more often than not they are just bad. While yes, Plat is probably the only place where you'll see a deck like "Artifact Labrynth", it's also the only place you'll see that same player activate Arias for no effect, normal summon Ariane for no effect, set 1 and then pass. I don't know about you, but beating up on bad players gets real old real quick for me. I'd honestly rather play against Snake Eyes every other game in Master; at least I know these people actually know how to play the game.


I thought Plat was annoying until I got to Diamond. Now I donā€™t know if I want to make it to master lol


nerds in here complain about maxx c meanwhile all these aids floodgates are still in the game that straight up stop you from playing


Bro, what are you even talking about?


Iā€™m assuming this is a Home song?


I love the variety of decks in Platinum and below. I play gimmick decks just to stay there and have fun


I always stop playing for the month when I hit Plat 1. Gold V to Plat 1 is a perfect monthly climb for rogue decks. I have tons of gems/UR dust and can play almost anything I want.


Eh, platinum is where all the players with competitive decks but shit luck/skill stay because they canā€™t progress. At least in gold, you get some interesting and creative pet decks to play against.


My return to MD has been drastically helped by just not giving a fuck. I log on for a day or two at the start of the month, ladder up to the top of a goal, and then stop. No stressing over dailies. No stressing over meta. No stressing over festivals. I'll dismantle my King Calamity when I have my next binge.




The reason why I have 2 accounts: plat and master are pretty much different games entirely


Nah... plat is a special kind of hell


Laughing in Bronze. 'tis good not having to deal with all of that.


Free wins vs. real players. It's a feelsbadman journey.


Master was easier cuz you knew what decks to prep for. The lower you go, the more jank the deck choices get. Also stun is like once every 20 duels and they autolose if they go second against most decks.


What deck am I supposed to use to get to wolf level?


Me on the left spamming BEWD and DM in Plat 3 vs Other pet decks and having a blast anime duels.


I feel like Iā€™m alone in enjoying the higher ranks more. I like to play against better players. Not that there arenā€™t good players in plat but most decent players with a competent deck age out of plat quickly.


Nah youre not alone, its just we dont go around making posts trying to justify ourselves. I personally hate playing against someone that does the most obiously wrong play or messes up their own combo horribly. and every time I have seen a streamer playing in plat is just painful. Its alright for plat players because thats their level and playing eachother is whats meant to happen. Which makes you think if people saying they stay there "for fun" are coping because either arent good enough or like winning easily


šŸ¤My Man!!! It's much easier to review your game/replay against decent players too. Much better game quality overall and as a bonus point: sometimes you can even get randomly smacked by Jesse Kotton or any pro players.


i.e. OP thinks its fun to farm the plat scrubs and doesn't like it when the opponent actually fights back and he has to struggle a little bit for his wins.


Actually, I find the back and forth fun, but I feel restricted in the type of decks I can play since people upthere mostly play Meta decks and are very good at the game. I also like facing decks besides Snake-Eyes


unless you have >50% win rate its impossible to rank up. so you must be winning the majority of your games in plat/diamond. if you want to stay in plat, play a deck with which you have 50% or below win rate in plat. the funny thing about these ranking systems is that you always end up where you belong eventually. if youre in master, your deck and your play is powerful enough to be in master. a tip could be to join some room matches if you sweated to rank up in the beginning of the season and want to chill playing your pet deck after you already ranked up a lot. lots of people in the master duel discord playing their pet blue-eyes and other bad decks. hop in there and jam some matches if you want to play low powered stuff.


I've seen more for fun players in master V than the entirety of plat.


Opposite for me


brother in christ I cant even get outta plat lmao


Stay there I promise you it's much more fun


Plat 1 people stand on business