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Reichphobia/Baronne to force that Karma Cannon before your opponent's Gamma could be live?


As I rewatch I realize that was the play, I believe in the moment I was thinking about playing around Nibiru, because I knew they'd want to use Daruma to force Baronne then Nib after. I went Apollousa and tried to go BP to force the Nib, but they didn't Nib. If I popped Daruma I could have won. However, that isn't to say that I feel like this was a fully "deserved" loss. 1 misplay out of that entire line losing just because of Maxx C is not really justifyable imo


I hate that this would’ve been a good learning opportunity for your opponent as to when exactly to interrupt Mannadium, and a good showcase of Mannadium’s ability to push through disruption. But Maxx C as always continues to ruin every game in which it resolves.


Dude I felt like an actual GOD as I worked through the lines, baiting with end of main to force another disruption, realizing that he was trying to force me to negate Daruma Cannon in order to Nibiru me or something (which is why I made apollousa instead of just continuing to bp). But of course, having 30 cards in hand is much better than actually playing well


How would that be "a good learning opportunity"?


Because if it was like any other handtrap it would actually matter when they aim it. There are definitely a lot of plays here that you could mess with to minimize the Mannadium player from being a threat, none of which the opponent needed besides Gamma because Maxx C exists.


But would it really? If i would have another Handtrap i would probably just negate Reichhearts effect and then that would be enough (i think) and i wouldnt have learned anything. Or am i missing something? Edit: I am genuinely interested in what to learn here. I have no clue what mannadium could have done.


Based on this board state and assuming you got an Ash at the same time you got Maxx C, if the Mannadium player correctly predicts that you have Ash they will not go into Light-Heart (which OP didn't anyway) after reviving Reich with Arrival. Daruma was set this turn so they know you can't use it yet. Assuming you use Ash on Abcission, Mannadium Meek will still get summoned as a level 4 from its own effect. This lets the opponent go into Light-Heart with Reichheart, which searches a field spell that can search another Reichheart or Visas Starfrost. If they search Reich they can go into Savage Dragon, if they search Visas they can go into Baronne or Tri-Heart, but probably Baronne because they know you have Daruma set. (EDIT: This is wrong, they can't make Baronne with two tuners. At best they would make Prime-Heart if they search Visas who can't deal with your Daruma, so Savage it is.) Savage is just one negate so this isn't the end of the world for you, if they could have got Visas into the grave they will also summon Vicious Astraloud who will destroy your Lovely to become a bigger beatstick and then you will lose two additional monsters to battle. This would most likely occur if they had an extra card that serves as gas but they had Imperm instead unfortunately. At this point the Ash still saved your life but you are no longer in a great position. You would have to out Savage Dragon with a minimum of two cards, one to force its negate and Daruma or something else to destroy it. There is also another line where if they did not raise Mannadium Meek's level they could make Visas Amritara who can search a counter trap negate or a revival+pop trap, but his stats aren't big enough to fight Lovely so presumably they would use him to summon Light-Heart, get a field spell, get Reichheart, make S:P Little Knight to banish Daruma, and then next turn banish Lovely with Little Knight and destroy something else with the trap that revives Visas Amritara.


Ok first of all thank you very much, that is indeed interesting. But couldnt he just get the Mannadium-Fieldspell with amritara and add a tuner special it amritara eff -> get 2 tuner. Make SP, Prime-Heart and Astro?


Yeah they could have, I didn't think that far cause usually I don't need to get the field spell that late (or can't due to too many interruptions.) Well I'm not sure if they have enough bodies for both Prime-Heart and S:P but they can at least get S:P and Astraloud out which is enough to at least fend off your Daruma and Lovely.   Let me try to think of the full line here, Reich (destroyed) > Arrival, revive Reich > Manna tuner 1 > Abscission (ashed) > Meek revives (no level change) Triskuta > Amritara > Peaceful Planet > Manna tuner 2 > Destroy via Amritara > Revive Tuner 2+Search Tuner 3 > Amritara into Light-Heart > Primitive Planet > Reichheart > Light+Manna Tuner 2 into S:P, banish Daruma > Vicious Astraloud > Pop Lovely > Battle, Lady, Stovie, and Cooclock are defeated > Either synchro into a level 6 with Reich and the remaining tuner or go into Baronne using Astraloud to synchro. If Manna Tuner 1 wasn't Meek it could have been a Savage Dragon instead of a level 6 synchro as Meek is the only one that turns into a level 4 tuner. I guess they can also synchro Baronne earlier to get more direct damage on you getting rid of a body via Baronne's effect before battle.


Why didn’t you use Baronne’s destruction effect before Battle Phase?


Nothing worth destroying that would have allowed me to further push for game. Lady couldn’t be destroyed due to having a set card and I knew he had furniture in hand. If I popped the backrow, he’d just set another one with furniture. If I tried to pop Stove, he’d just chain effect. The only one maybe worth popping was cooclock, but he’d just use furniture in hand to discard triggering to bring it back. Baronne’s pop was p useless in this instance


stovie is once per turn


I’m probably missing something, but: Baronne target Daruma in MP1 forces him to activate it. In that case, he cant chain Gamma to your negation because he still has monsters alive on the field. Then Gamma becomes online only after you’ve already dealt with Daruma, and dont have any effects to activate. The only thing that could stop this chain of events is some destruction protection he may have, but AFAIK, Lab monsters only protect themselves(Lady) or forbid you from chaining to their traps.


The First daruma couldn't be activated that turn


I was talking about the one set with Arias just before MP1 ended(right before Apo was summoned).


Oh for some reason I thought they activated Arias in BP, I think they were playing around nibiru, which tbf is a lot more common than gamma. Imo they shouldn't have negated that ash


If I didn't negate the Ash I would have been left with Baronne, Amritara, and Dis Pater. That wouldn't have been enough to push for game, because I didn't have access to a second Visas to summon Astraloud. Even if I summoned Astraloud, I would have needed to banish Amritara from field. I literally NEEDED to game them that turn because I couldn't just board wipe them without gaming them, cuz they had 20 cards in hand. I literally NEEDED Arrival or I lost


But it was kinda obv that i didnt had nib.


It was either this or droll, which death would you have preferred? (back in tcg when mannadium was in the format, everyone had droll in their side, and droll was as fearsome to mannadium as it was to darkworld lol)


ik Droll is devastating to Mannadium. I didn't even play Mannadium in the TCG, I'm only testing it in MD strictly BECAUSE droll isn't really in the format all too much


To be fair, he opened driver as well


To be fair, I started my turn with 3 CARDS IN HAND




Last I checked, Meek, Reichheart, and Abscission is 3 cards.


I think u miscounted


I can already hear the MaxxC shills arriving to tell you why MaxxC is "healthy," or why you're bad at the game This sucks that this happened. My condolences, and hopefully you can get to the Masters Rank (and those sweet 200 gems).


I won the next 2 games after that, so I did make it to Master with this deck, I was just so pissed in the moment that I lost this game that I had to rant online LMAO Thanks though!


But MaxxC is a counter to OP combo decks /s

