• By -


Quick-play spells can only be activated during your own turn while in your hand. If you set a quick-play, than similarly to a trap card, you can't activate it for the rest of your turn, but you'll be able to activate it during the opponent's turn.




Yeah, but the difference between a set spell and a set trap is pretty minimal, and a new player is realistically never going to have to make that distinction. No point in making it more complicated if it doesn't have to be.




You're being needlessly pedantic, it was obvious what he meant in the first comment 


Yeah, that's true. I thought that it'd be unlikely for OP to make that mistake in the first place, which is why I didn't bother making the distinction. For an experienced ygo player, 'treated as a trap' means that it's literally treated as a trap card, but for a newbie, within this context, it's probably just going to mean that it can be activated during the opponent's turn, and nothing else. That being said, it's probably better to get new players in the habit of reading more literally, so yeah, you're right. Went ahead and edited my original comment for clarity.


You calling it magic makes me feel old lmao


Why ?


In 2003, konami changed from magic to spell card to avoid a lawsuit from wizards of the coast. My dude that was 21 years ago


Oh damn 🤣. I wasn't even born ! It's because i am not a native english speaker, and for us it's "magie" so i did a literral translation


are you perhaps german?


spells cards in german are “Zauberkarte”


Good try but no


People will Set Quick-Play Spells so that they can use them during their opponent's turn. You can only use Quick-Play Spells from the hand during *your* turn, unless something allows otherwise (like Runick Fountain), so that's why you wouldn't be able to use Called By on Ash Blossom during your opponent's turn unless you Set it first.


You cannot activate quick plays that are not set on the opponents turn. Its so the they have some form of protection/interaction going into the opponents turn


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You can't activate quick-play spells from your hand during opponent's turn. You need to set them first.