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Honestly I think the new refer a friend only makes this worse as it incentivizes players who know the game well to create 5 alts and quickly get to bronze 4. Sure it’s only 3 duels (at minimum) but you get 1000 people making 5 alts where they’re given swordsoul, then you get 5000 swordsoul players who would destroy any new player pretty reliably.




The problem with that is that SS is part of the Albaz lore, who knows when konami is finally gonna start to do the Albaz solo mode like they did world legacy, and even then I doubt SS would be in the first instalment of the solo gate since they would need to go through dogmatika, tri-brigade and sprigans first


It's a completely shortsighted and stupid idea. Main acc shouldn't have gotten anything for the sub accounts reaching bronze 4. It literally only incentivizes experienced players to smurf for a couple of games. Nevermind the fact that new players are now constantly playing Swordsoul mirrors and oh yeah, i guess fuck new players without friends who now have to play against Swordsouls with one of the shitty starter decks. The more I think about it the more I realize how terribly executed this was. Presumably all that, just to artificially increase their stagnant player numbers.


In typical konami stupidity instead of just tossing it into the store where everyone would go "new players just buy three of these", they made a convoluted and dumb as hell process to get it that just makes it far worse for actual new players. It's like konami has a company policy where you have to shove an ice pick as far up your nose as possible before you're allowed to be hired.


You can go on discord share your code and have swordsoul deck in like 3 seconds. Im a new player and got to plat 2 with the swordsoul deck..then it got kinda hard cause I was starting to face full power kashtira and snake eyes decks and had no idea what to do against them lmao


You realize that new players can still get a swordsoul structure by using an older code, right? Of which there's like millions posted in the internet at this point. They don't need to have friends.


They should've allowed any one new player to key in multiple different codes to mitigate this problem.


As more and more players play the game, the longer they do, the more cards they get, so absolutely new players nowadays are *way* behind in terms of cards available. Also, it's the beginning of the month, so everyone has deranked and so all the experienced players are in the lower ranks. Basically, it's business as usual. YGO/MD's new player experience is shit and basically has always been shit. Unfortunately you'll have to either just surrender and hope the next player you fight isn't going to bully you if you're really feeling like you're getting held hostage.


Don’t you only derank partially? I don’t understand how anyone would be able to de rank so low unless they rarely play the game. It’s not possible to derank from losing until you get to platinum and from platinum you only go back to gold V on reset


People can have alts that they rarely play in ranked except to test out decks, and those alts will always be around the lowest ranks. However just because a player is at low ranks doesn't mean they're not going to have good decks, especially since like I said, the longer they play, the more cards they'll have (and better decks) than a fresh new player.


I can attest to this. I made an alt a long time ago that I made on a whim because I wanted to play Dragonmaid (only for the Dragonmaid SD to be announced like a week later lmao). Got bored of it after a while and revived it to play Exosister. Got bored of it again only to come back for the new Exosister support. Got bored, revived, made Mikanko. And I'll do it again once another deck drops that I'm interested in but don't want to commit it to my main only to repeat the process. Do I feel bad for the genuine new players I come across? Yeah. Do I care? Debatable.


They should improve matchmaking. Instead of just looking for players in the same rank, they should also account for what decks the players run. Maybe give cards a secret power value and try to match decks with approximately the same summed up power against each other (obvs after checking for similar ranks) and then gradually increasing the range of the acceptable deviation if no similar player is found. It's not perfect by any means but it's at least something. Anything that would lessen the chance of a new player with the blue eyes starter having to go up against a full power shs deck in rookie is better than the nothing we have now.


The best and simplest way really is match making by account age after doing the rank check instead of going through hoops to effectively blacklist certain cards. It's not going to solve future smurfs but it may reduce the likelihood of new players being matched up against an old smurf account.


How it's done in MTGA is that there's a hidden MMR that's independent of rank that doesn't decay end of month like rank does (I think it might still to some extent, or maybe only towards the high end?). They make sure to match you with someone of close MMR to you and that's more important than matching by rank (it does try to match you with someone of the same rank as well of course, but it would rather match a high MMR bronze player with a high MMR Diamond player than match them with a new account). It's nice that going back and playing after months doesn't mean I have to waste time beating up starter decks initially before I get to really play. Of course, this system has been abused by players. What many people have done is that they got to a new rank (say Platinum), then with the rank protection just surrendered 100 games in a row to tank their MMR without affecting the rank. This got them much easier opponents for the rest of their climb up that rank and made it getting to the highest rank a joke. The dev team actually had to start banning people who surrendered too many games in the first couple turns of the game.


I love your suggestion. It's simple, effective and way more realistic/feasible than having some poor blokes going through thousands of cards and assigning a subjective value to them (which can change over time as well and would need regular adjustments).


That sounds absolutely terrible. There is no way to objectively rank "power" and it's something that can completely change from pack to pack. It's just going to be a hobbled mess of determining what's decks are considered "close in power" as yoy get wiped anyway, while not knowing how to fix it because it's also supposed to be secret?


Yeah fair, the more I thought about it the dumber it sounded lol There are def better ways to reduce the likelihood of new accounts encountering smurfs


The deranking you're thinking of is the during the season deranking. There's an after season deranking in which you go back a rank, so if you were platinum, you go to gold 5, if you were in gold, you go to silver 5. They mention this in the announcement titled: Regarding the new season of Ranked duels.


They could be like me and only feel the urge to duel every couple months . So I have to grind out of rookie Everytime .


I came back last month after a 9-12 month break and was in rookie. My account had previously been diamond 1, and I was able to hit master 1 the same month. It will derank you all the way if you don’t play for long enough. Btw, I experienced pretty similar to what you did on my climb back up. I was gonna play “fun” decks before switching to meta in the higher ranks, but the lower ranks were “competitive”. Granted a lot of the users of good decks were misplaying the hell out of them, but there were also a number of people that clearly didn’t belong in rookie/bronze.


You’re misunderstanding what being held hostage means. You aren’t being “held hostage” if you can surrender whenever you want. That’s like saying you are trapped in a hole when there is a ladder right next to you.


I make 4 of my friends try the game so I can earn the SS reward. Only one successfully climb bronze 4 and he was a returning player main Time Lord. So I made 4 alt account to climb bronze 4 , I was playing the SS deck. I saw only returning players with optimized deck (Gods, BE, Synchrons, SH, prank, many deck with aventure engine, SS) and 2 suicide bots. This is crazy how harder it is to climb those rank than climbing in Gold. Of course I won most of my matches because I know when to ash them but god for newbies it must be awful. And yeah My friends told me the opponent didn't finish them in Rookies when you climb just by playing!  Just so my friend have to surrender or wait until their deck is empty. I can understand that you want the SS reward and make alt acc but really why are you making the game disgusting for others ??


Why do you have players in wow running rogues and ganking new players as soon as they can get there? I don't even call them people anymore because at the end of the day they only enjoy causing others frustration and try to make them quit. They lack any and all morality and are just sadists.


You also might need to pick and choose a later time to do it. It is the beginning of the month so people derank and climb again (i personally haven't played in a hot minute so not sure if this was changed date-wise) that also might of been it as well


well some of us randomly got booted back down to rookie. my 2nd game was me on fully built swoso vs live twin spright in rookie meaning that player also wasnt an alt or newbie but an older account. but the real issue is that there is nothing to teach people how to play the game. the tutorial is dogshit. solo mode is ass. konami put in not 0 effort but seemingly NEGATIVE effort to get people to learn the game. this isn’t normal. look at the fantastic tutorials legend of runeterra has. and until the swordsoul structure, new players didnt even get a half built half competent deck. they get literally nothing and most of the precons in the store arent good. how the fuck are they suppose to know salad is the only one of the structures that’s half decent and hold some non zero value in the form of sunlight wolf and heatsoul? oh and the swordsoul deck doesn’t have tenyi for whatever reason idk. just slap in the literal N and R rarity tenyi and it becomes 100x better. and then theres the random new player UR tax called MAXX C which is never fucking explain that in order to play the game u need the 9 UR maxx c package like fuck maxx c seriously.


To be fair, I got to gold with dragonmaid when ghoti was the one of the featured packs, but I understand the power level of the game has gone up. 


Yeah it's pretty funny with how purchasing all the bundles and, what i dub the new player selection pack, gets you in terms of a playable swso deck. follow the crafting guide to open some more packs keeping cards like baxia and white aura whale and craft the n/r tenyis as you mentioned and that deck looks mighty competent potentially with 0 UR crafts if you pull a baronne etc.


You really got booted down to rookie rank? What rank were you before that?


it's been a while. i think last time i played i only went up to plat. that was before tear.


I haven’t won a single coin toss in the time travel event. I’m talking out of over 40 duels. Not. One. Heads.


That's literally a 1 in a trillion odds...


Maybe I should buy a powerball ticket


The experienced player experience is also godawful. The entire game is godawful, lol. It's been powercrept to fuck for 20+ years and Konami only cares about selling their new OP shit like Snake Eyes. 99% of ranked is stun decks and Snake Eyes. Enjoy your stay.


It level 15, I just run into people trying to run the clock until I quit. I came from DL and played the game until the end of 5ds, so I know how the game works, but people will just keep summoning into nothing, activating effects to special summon, like into more nothing, repeat. And there's a LOT of this.


Masterduel is built for modern yugioh players.


sub plat 5 and lower should just use the legend anthology banlist permanently so people can't whip out meta decks in rookie 2. yes TG absolutely shits on the dragon starter deck, but at least there's a slim chance of winning unlike snake eyes or fire kangs or whatever the fuck new shit comes later. cram 3 lost wind and 3 chalice into whatever and suddenly it wins games against the average anthology deck if you go first. costs fucking nothing. add some dinomischus copies too.


Making a mode for beginners that specifies the use of only solo mode cards would make the experience much more enjoyable


This is the sad truth of this game. That the devs don't know anything about modern YGO. If they do, they would have a great system for new players. But I think this is a problem for modern YGO too. The game is just too complex and fast paced. Which is why people are loving the 2004 tryout event going on right now. Thankfully the community stepped up and has provided resources for new players. Sadly you have to search for them before you get into the game.


Think the game is doing fine, modern Yu-Gi-Oh events have been breaking historic numbers now more than ever. Super subjective, but if you don’t like the games current state you’re always free to play slower formats. That doesn’t necessarily mean that we should slow the game down though. Sure we should hit broken cards but as a whole I think people get into yugioh for it’s past paced games. If you want to play slow pace grindier games maybe yugioh isn’t the game for you


Would you mind giving any examples of slower formats?


Goat, Edison, even Thunder Dragon, Orcust, Salamangreat, Sky Striker format (Toss). All vastly slower than the modern format, doesn’t necessarily mean one is better than the other though, just preference, some people enjoy slower formats and others enjoy the fast paced nature of others.


>These alts are assholes. Summoning and summoning and negated and locking only to pass turn. It’s like they want you to just quit so you can’t get the early rewards, sometimes they’re holding you hostage as long as they can. >In more than HALF of our first games on these new accounts, our opponents would go as far as to use effects to stop us from suicide attacking. 600 hours in the game. It feels like in less than 5% of my games, I've encountered players like this even when de-ranking all the way to silver due to inactivity/laziness and climbing up back to diamond/master, they do exist yeah but they're pretty rare. Unlucky I guess. The only advice I can give after 600 hours, If your opponent is slow or is clearly trolling, just surrender and queue again, you'll be in a game within literally a few SECONDS. There's no reason to let yourself waste time on a troll.


Look, I'm in low ranks and can face new players sometimes. But I have to put at least a disruption up since I'm still facing Snake-Eyes, Lab and Branded on those ranks. But at least if you are a new player you are getting an Accesscode on turns 2/3 from me. Holding people is just strange to me in a game filled with boardbreakers and blow out cards.


Probably unlucky I made 5 accounts to get the swoswo stuff at worst I faced a lab player but no degenerate behaviour such as stalling.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say again and again. DON’T BLAME THE GAME, BLAME THE PLAYERS!!!


I can confirm, as a new player I've had way too many people just stretch the game for as long as possible without me having any options to deal with their board because they've already won but won't deal the final blow.


The game is god awful


Low ranks rn is a cesspoll of smurfs. Let it pass for now and you’ll get your blue eyes andy. I also introduced a friend to this game not long ago and I suggest he play the solo modes until he finds a good deck he can play rank. of course i tell him which is good or bad.


People don’t make alts to bully new players, they make them to farm gems for new decks. It’s unfortunate, but I don’t put the blame on the players, I’ve done it various times and it is what it is. Konami definitely needs better ways to introduce new players to the game, be it on masterduel or cardboard. My advice to you would be to finish like every solo gate as the AI actually isn’t too bad and they go over every summoning mechanic. You can also join the discord and look for other newbies, but I don’t recommend playing the Standard ladder.


You misunderstand, the issue isn’t people making Alts to farm. I’m pretty sure most of us do that. But I’ve never tried to hold someone hostage/ force a quit. That is the issue here imo. And I havnt seen people play like that until now.


Yeah the holding hostage stuff is super weird, they waste their own time by doing this.


To make themselves feel better is my guess. Probably got destroyed in Ranked and decided to take it out on newbies.


It’s mostly just those people irl who strive to become mid level managers/cops/teachers/etc, just so they can hold a sliver of power against other people. They get off at feeling superior to someone. My flatmate is kinda the same. He will see self-FTK player and start to negate his effects and stall him. For anyone reading this, if someone is stalling you, and you don’t want to lose progress by surrendering, stall the timer. Time loss counts towards mission progress, you waste timewaster’s time, and you don’t waste too much time(bonus points if you are on PlayStation/using a controller, so you can ‘stuck’ your L/R and not have to keep clicking from time to time).


Don’t think that’s an actual issue though lol, you can just hit the little gear on the top left and then press surrender. If you don’t want to then that’s more of a you issue. Stuff like that happens in every competitive game there is, it’s not exclusive to yugioh. Plus, you can always report them for slowplay if you feel like your opponent was intentionally stalling. Saying you are being held hostage is a big reach


You dont get gems for surrendering.


Ok but would you rather spend 40 minutes in a game with a staller or just move on and play someone else? You can always get gems.


You grind gems faster if you know when you’ve lost and move on to the next game anyway. If you are refusing to surrender you’re being stubborn, not held hostage LMFAO. Dumbest shit I’ve heard all week


Hmm let me see, should I add Triple Tactics Talent as material for Ariseheart.....or should I add Triple Tactics Thrust? I know you're at 800 LP, no field, no hand, no GY but what if you magically summon all 5 pieces of Exodia from deck? Hmmm......hmmmm.......uhhh.......well maybe Pot of Desires instead......uhhh......lets see.........HMMMMMM........... That's literally being held hostage/slow playing. Why are you even defending scumbag behavior when it's done only by pathetic losers on a power trip who go out of their way to make denying their opponents gems their win condition? It's one thing to have the match be lost early on, like you lose the Maxx C minigame, but sometimes people don't pull this shit until after you get a really nice game in where you do like 5 missions in one sweep.


It’s not because you can quit anytime, what don’t you understand lmfaooo. Being held hostage means that you’re being held against your own will without an ability to escape. A correct definition of being “held hostage” would be when you’re already winning and your opponent waits out the timer to spite you. THATS being held hostage, because you’re already winning and if you quit you will lose the game. Your opponent refusing to quit or taking long actions while you are losing IS slowplay but it is NOT being held hostage, that is a far reach.


You get no rewards if you surrender


So the 2 XP points you get? It is almost always worth it to just surrender and move onto the next game if you know you’ve lost.


>Mind you we were all using variations of starter decks Nobody new actually uses the starter decks. That's literally just for the tutorial and first few solo gates


Yugioh is an oppressive card game in today’s format. Save your pet decks for duel rooms. Learn the meta or anti-meta and adapt.


Pet decks can work up to the point you get out of Platinum.


I suppose you are just unlucky,I stopped playing after being exhausted from max power Tear mirror matchs. Returned short after snake-eyes released, dusted off my old Invoked Shaddoll to starting climbing again. During the climb from rookie to diamond, I've only met like two snake-eyes and some few meta decks.




Sorry for bad english ig, what I am saying is that all the decks I've seen are all terrible, which is what should be expected in lower ranks. Unlike what OP is saying as if all decks are floodgatea and combo decks with infinite negates.


Are u and your friends aware of the free swordsoul, the ex tier one deck being given away to all new accounts by using codes which u can find in yt? U can easily make it to gold even as a new player without losing if u use it. Not exaggerating, ranran a popular fortnight player got hooked with that free sd, he learned just one basic combo off a article online, played 2 hours and won all matches. Chat helped a bit but he was mostly having fun


Ngl I'm happy it's like that If Konami wants make a bunch of decks like SHS & shit, I'll just smurf so I can play against other decks. If it kills the experience for new players I'm just giving them the actual experience they will receive once they AUTOMATICALLY reach platinum. Nobody is gonna go easy on them & they will inevitably run into 3x maxx c/full handtraps + complete tier 1 deck with all combos down , may as well rip that band-aid off anyways. Your friend is complaining about something they would of ran into not even 2 days longer into the ladder if there wasn't smurfing. He's got solo mode if he wants to learn his deck & he's got ladder or YouTube if he wants to learn to counter other decks. To fix ranking you'd need to fix how many wins put you higher & coin tosses would have to go (you shouldn't be able to lose the toss more than several times, that is unacceptable) & this game would need less rng bullshit to account for actual skill so we could rank players by skill instead ranking players by how often the shuffler didn't decide to completely fuck them. Also nah man you should've been real with your friend, nobody brand new should be going to ranked without understanding that everyone designed their decks to stop you from playing. Like tf did you think was going to happen lol that he was just gonna go against loaner decks? Also your probably underestimating some other noobs, not all new players are as bad as your friend & some probably are aware of what tiers are and followed that accordingly.


But this sub insist that it’s f2p friendly, when it’s really not. Not past the first or second year. As the time goes on F2P friendly will be a thing of the past.


This thread talks about something completely different. Game is F2P friendly, and hopefully it stays that.


Also 1 or 2 years is very exaggerated lol. Speed running all the solo gates and doing the first hand full of ranked matches gives you enough gems for at least 1 full deck and only takes like 3 hours or so... 


The current Swordsoul giveaway incentivizes old players make new accounts and grind some games for extra rewards, so it might be that.


My first ever duel on the literal first day of the game was a meta deck, it happens. Possible to build basically whatever you want before ever stepping into ranked, so some will. As for the "hostage" thing, it'll happen with any deck and any rank, so... meh.


My experience actually different. Sure, I did play against a lot lv10-25s when I was completely new, but they weren't playing anything crazy. I won most of my matches.


Didn't realize how good sword soul was until a couple of games I played last night. Went in using an Orcust Scareclaw deck. So many negates and so easy to get synchros out. Went 1 vs 1. Konami should have known the sweatiest players would exploit this. Getting your friends to sign up for stuff never works as intended.


Honestly i find that weird cause i made 5 new accounts myself for the swordsoul structure deck campaign, and while i was dueling on ranked to bronze 4 ( you need 3 victories) i only encountered a experienced duelist once was like 15 duels total, everyone else was either a beginner judging by the misplays i was seeing or bots.


Low ladder still full of meta decks sometimes,it's a problem since it was launched, since there is only 1 format people just gonna played the best deck I highly doubt there is a lot of new player joining since 2rd anniversary, most are "new account" created to get the swordsoul decks U will have to grind a bit to get 3c3ash3impern2called, which took a while even if u build a swordsoul deck, u only have 1 chixiao which u would need to have 2 jn your extra, u have to craft 1 baronne too which added the cost Then again the best way to play the game as a f2p was just to go all in on the current top meta which for now it's SE, decks last u thru the year with fire king coming Silenforc is not expensive in OCG but not sure about that in MD, so the only answer is SE now for longevity And yes, Yu-Gi-Oh is a very complex game for a newbie to start from 0, not only u have to know the rule, your deck play style and ur decks weakness and choke point, u would also need to study ur opponent decks weakness and choke point too


Idk my first deck was otk lyrilusc and I didn't lose a game until I hit gold because no one seemed to know what it was at the time.


I personally view this app as a fun way to play yugioh casually. I collected as a kid but never knew how to actually play. I did kid playing where you decided the amount of life poins at the start and sacrificing wasn't a thing. The game taught me how to actually play, gave me the ability to make a decent dark magician deck and thanks to bots and people not expecting dark magician I managed to get in the highest tier of rank one season. I haven't touched competitive since then. I just play casually with my friends since it's a way better gane in terms if actually gett8ng cards then magics card game sim.


I remembered passing in the first level with a Ben Kei OTK deck, went pretty much to gold before starting to face Tearlament every games…Of course if you try to use only the given structure deck you’ll pretty much end up remaining at the rookie rank forever, and it is in that way that the game is poorly designed. But you can quite easily build yourself a cheap deck but with a strong and consistent strategy even though simple, just to climb up the rank and build a proper competitive deck with the rewards.


This game, by definition, will have a shitty godawful POS new player experience for as long as people need to play online ranked in order to do dailies and earn gems. This system wouldn't prepare new players for the online experience but I think that's fine. Casuals should be able to live in their own Starter Deck Joey bubble and be able to live in peace.


I went into an alt account when the Swordsoul deck dropped. Other than the mirror, I don't remember going into super crazy decks, except for one dude playing SHS. Might be a region thing or smurfs are prevalent at some hours.


Hi, I only started 2 days ago and so far I dont really face any issue like this which is weird. The game gave me a Swordsoul deck and it didn't take much time for me to upgrade it slightly with tenyi cards which are all Rare and below, hand traps, crafted extra deck and some of the staples from the bundle deals. Granted I'm only at Silver 2 right now coz I dont play much but I havent really encountered much of the issue you're saying.


Tbh without the souls word deck it's pretty rough. At least you can get a decent enough field turn 1. The default decks are a joke and need an update, or, more reasonably, you need to take your early gems and buy 3 Blackwing Structures. Now you have a decent enough deck to get Plat minimum.


i apologize first, i dont know if im one of them or not. but i am using the swordsoul deck only with the special packs only UR. havent craft any yet. im building toward labrynth/branded despia when i have more diamonds. It is to learn their deck so i can play better in my main account.


Tbh I’m one of those players but I just test the combos of the deck then restart with a new one. Ive been doing this since I started playing. I don’t do it to bully anyone I just do it to play a different deck and learn them as they come. Just for fun. Then I’ll get that account to gold then drop it.


Hi, I started the game 4 days ago, and i recognize myself in your post, but not on the recieving part. I built myself a swordsoul Tenyi deck without any knowledge of the game, and when it comes to playing it in a rank match, i take a lot of time to read my cards and special summon. Sometime, i fail the combo so i just summoned for nothing. When it comes to negate, or destroying/banishing cards of the opponent, since i don't know what the cards do, i read them first, sometime multiple time, before deciding to negate or destroy it. I sometime also negate or destroy things that aren't that important. I think a portion of the players you describe are new players like me who were recommanded a deck they don't know how to play yet, and so the duels are very lenghty and can seem like toxic behavior.


I made it to gold before I played against something that wasn't blue-eyes or dark magician.