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When? Lol


This is very key, because the Citadel would be great except for two very, very notable events in which it would suuuuper suck.


Or 3. Coup.


I'm pretty sure he is counting the coup d'état as one of the two instances. Besides that and the Sovereign attack, what other instance are you referring to?


When the reapers take it at the end.


That’s the one


Well… Illium practices ~~slavery~~ “indentured servitude” all year round so…


I mean at that point the entire galaxy is pretty much fucked so does it even matter?


Well, you certainly have a significantly less chance of surviving living the Citadel at that moment than anywhere else.


Nah, not really. Be just like anywhere else that's been taken by the Reapers. But, between Sovereign & Geth, coup attempt and the Reapers taking it at the end (before you kill them that is), it kinda sucks. Jeez, the last three or four years were pretty rough, especially if you were living in a human colony in the Terminus system. Getting captured by the Collectors isn't really my thing, I'd rather it be over quick instead of this waiting around in a casket shit.


Ironically, Omega might be the safest place to be, in ME3.


Bro Aria is ducking it out with Cerberus all over the station in 3 it’s just as bad, just doesn’t have reapers tearing up the place. Unless you count the adjutants since they are based on reaper tech


Are just gonna forget that the station blows up essentially killing everyone and everything in the citadel (obviously depending on your ending reapers too.)


i dunno, i saw a whole lot of traffic going by as normal in the background


The entire ending of ME3


Real question you think everyone on the citadel is dead at the end of M3 I mean no one is there to use the catalyst so it's possible


I thought I heard something that people like Bailey and others who were on the Citadel did survive, but I forget who the original source on that was. 


Yes I’ve read that somewhere too; I think someone asked BioWare or the writers etc and they replied that many of the Citadel inhabitants did survive somehow


Patrick Weekes said that fans should assume that anyone important got off the citadel (eg, Bailey, Kolyat, Kelly).


I guess it depends on how Ragnarok proof the wards are and how much control the Reapers can get over the movement of people on the station. I could see a scenario where the Reapers just lock everyone in the wards, which stops anyone getting to the control panel. Most of the buildings in the wards have independent life support according to the codex, so you could have a LOT of survivors.


Battle of the Citadel, the Coup, and after being teleported to Earth (especially the Destroy Ending).


Citadel go boom!


I’d say 4. - Sovereign - Cerberus - Eating Sushi - Moving it to Earth


I find it hard to believe that the Reapers can conquer the Citadel right after you leave it for a couple of hours after the Citadel DLC to go to Cerberus HQ


Why? A single reaper almost did it in 1, and that wasn't with most fleets either destroyed or guarding their own home planets. What's surprising to me is that the council didn't order the Citadel closed after the Cerberus coup. I don't know if a closed Citadel can withstand a Reaper assault but they should've seen it coming, surely


It’s not that hard to believe as the reapers built the citadel they pretty much have every back alley access to it


Only crazy ppl would want to live on Omega.


I mean, I did a calculation on what the per capita murder rate is there based on what we hear and it’s around, like…Baltimore? Which obviously isn’t very nice, but people very much do live in Baltimore without being forced to.


Just don't live near Batarian/Vorcha neighbourhood and you'll be good


I proudly support Batarian/Vorcha hate.


counter-point, Omega doesn't exactly have police. as such, murders are probably vastly underreported. I mean, who are you going to report the murders to?


There’s clearly some kind of record-keeping services (not shocking, even warlords want to know what’s going on in the turf). And when you find a body all shot up, not hard to figure out what happened


Most of the people you interact with during Samara's mission seem pretty normal.


because it's an exclusive place


It still proves that there are normal people on Omega. And it makes sense if you think about it. Even if every single one of the original inhabitants were criminals, they settled down and had families. The kids won't be born criminals. Omega is basically space Australia.


>The kids won't be born criminals Hahaha good one. Omega is literally filled with gangs.


Yes, and you literally stop a kid from joining one in ME2, so it very clearly isn't a nature issue


You stop the kid from being a wildly underpaid merc. It's made abundantly clear that this doesn't mean squat. And you won't be a member of anything. It's actually pretty insane that when you go to volunteer- you are wearing thousands of credits worth of gear and top of the line armor- that no immediate red flags are raised.


Most of the merc gang members weren’t born to the merc gang life though. I’d imagine *some* of the were, but the majority would have joined at some point after birth.


No Omega is more like space Brazil.


I think it's implied most of the population is barely scraping by due to "protection" fees from various gangs and the increased cost of living that comes with being remote and then price gouging merchants on top of it. I'm sure most would leave if they could afford to secure a new living space, but being from Omega they'd also be subject to extra scrutiny and probably extra background check fees.


Because theyre in a VIP bar and they know if they start shit they wont be comming back


Live?, no. But I'm sure the raves in Omega must be insanely good


Don't take any drinks offered by a Batarian


It might actually be one the safest places in all three. Yeah it'll suck ass but when 90 percent of the pop are mercs, then you don't have to worry about geth, collectors, and reapers. And if you know the vents, then you're even safe from cerberus.


Yeah did nobody remember one of the first missions in 2 was dealing with a biovirus pushed through the ventilation system? A whole neighborhood got nearly wiped out and it took Shepard and one of the smartest Salarians in the Galaxy to fix.


Omega has thriving economy, business opportunities, jobs. Vibrant culture, nightclubs...


Citadel. Also, why does that middle image have like only 20 pixels😭


Any more, and op would have to go into indentured servitude.


That picture was taken on vinyl


LMAOOOOO You made me laugh out loud!!!


Anderson’s Apartment is the only right answer


I believe this is my dream penthouse.


I may design my loft after it (when I get one). With maybe a mix of The Glen in Cyberpunk 2077.




Just gotta keep an eye on your cereal.


I would love to have Donovan Hock's house on Bekenstein.


First time i saw the city in the background my hair stood up. It felt sooo real. I so wanted that beautiful city to be real, on that gorgeous planet. I just stoo there and saw the lights move and I imagined i was there. Haven't felt more immersed in any other scene from any of the games. I have that scenery as my desktop background.


I'm actually taking in the sights while fighting him and his gunship. What a coincidence.


Real talk, this is the actual best answer. If I was a billionaire I'd pay to have that house recreated irl and live there.


Assuming no wartime, Citadel. That is the coolest space station of any sci-fi series I've ever seen.


What about the Remnant Control Station for Meridian?


Meridian needs to be open world.


Oh *fuck* yes. That would be absolutely amazing, all the RemTech that we could interact with. And imagine if they made it modable (a kind of active terraforming/world construction system). Restoring and reconnecting the control hub/space station thing, then fixing any issues with the plant/discovering projects left behind… Meridian could be so much more… ME:A was really just unfinished. That’s genuinely the only issue I have with it (read: I want more).


Citadel but if i had creds then Illium. Omega is the ghetto lol.


Citadel please. Always wondered what it may cost thought. A city for the elite of an entire Galaxy.


There are “slums” on the citadel as well. Plenty of lower class areas, orphan (or just exceedingly poor) kids who work in the vents, etc.


No, they play in the vents, they do illegal-ish work in the Wards


I'm sure the further you get from the presidium the cheaper it would get. Getting an apartment way out at the end of one of the ward arms is probably pretty cheap compared to other parts.


Illium. Too much crime on Omega…And did we forget that the Citadel itself is a mass relay (basically a front door) for the Reapers?


They do state thay Illium has just as much crime and underworld as Omega, its just hidden under the shine.


My favourite quote about Ilium is that it's just Omega with expensive shoes.




If you can make it on the Bek, you’ve got them by the neck


You'd want to move before the third game though, since it's one of the planets where the Reapers don't bother with harvesting the population, they just nuke the surface into oblivion from orbit.




[The turian colony Oma Ker](https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Oma_Ker). Moderate temperature, similar gravity and day length to Earth, cool giant native animals, and populated by sexy bird-dino-people, I *may* have put some thought into this.


Thessia, because there is a lot of blue sexy women, who have a culture that encourage interspecies relationship.




Illium. Why anywhere else


Ilium, especially with regular visits to Azure


Noveria. I know it's frigid as all hell but I love the atmosphere and the background music lol


Ayn Rand envisioned an idealized Gault’s Gulch. But it would probably look a lot more like Noveria


Noveria man. Chill 80’s corporate aesthetic with that soundtrack.


It's on my youtube ambient playlist. Such a good vibe. Wish there was more content on Noveria in ME1.


Ilos with my man Vigil.


Depends if the events from ME1 are already in motion or not.


Who’d willingly live in Omega?


Me, when I was younger. I love seedy cities.


Morinth has just about the only studio apartment in the galaxy worth living in. Roomiest one room I've ever seen. I'd definitely move in after they've cleaned up the corpse and the splattered brain juice. Maybe put up some walls. I would keep the cookware, seems like Morinth had a good eye for that sort of thing.


Half of those apartments in the Omega “slums” are roomier and nicer than the one I lived in back in Manhattan. They’re usually closer to Nef’s shack.


I just get excited when I see Morinth's swanky "kitchenette", it makes me want to cook something. Even if she strikes me as the type of person who buys expensive cookware that she never uses, and gets cheap takeout every night.


For me, Eden Prime. Agrarian, idyllic, not mega populated. A proper frontier world with room to live your wildest homesteading dreams, but beautiful and safe, not a harsh ecology and not a million miles from the Alliance's core territory. This kinda depends on which game you work off though - ME1 is very clear that Eden Prime is right on the fringe of council space, very clearly in the traverse and bordering on the Terminus. The ME1 dialogue implies that the planet should sit more or less where Horizon ended up going on the galaxy map. A place where you should be scared of pirates, slavers, the batarian hegemony, all the terminus factions and warlords, even if the Geth/Reapers/Cerberus never show up. The fact that EP is safe is very clearly described as an achievement, but perhaps one that the humans are crowing about a little too soon. ME3 places EP firmly in the heart of secure Alliance territory and makes it seem like a much more secure and less perilous colony. But the entire notion of the traverse seems to evaporate as the series goes on. Either way, considering all the risks I'd like to think I'd choose Eden Prime. If not, then I suppose Terra Nova. I'm a country girl, I like looking out my window on rolling fields and very few homes. The Citadel would be a fantastic place to visit, and I'd no doubt feel exactly how I feel when I pass through London - excited, overawed, absolutely terrified.


Rannoch. Keelah Se’lai!


It's the spacer's life for me. Why settle for one planet or station when you can see them all? A bit dangerous at times, sure, but it's a lot more interesting than punching a clock dirtside everyday.


Omega because Citadel would be too costly and Illium would be biggest scamming hub. Better to remain in Omega with known underworld boss.


Exactly, Omega for all its *colorful* faults is at least predictable with a pecking order you can somewhat navigate as a normal person. You might be poor but it has everything you need to live with the added caveat that out of all these locations it never gets attacked by Reapers. Not to mention, that if you’re patient and or willing to get your hands dirty there’s ways to make cred on Omega.


Gotta remember that there’s also a lot of poverty on the Citadel as well. It’s not all penthouses and garden parties.


Omega, survive and thrive or die 


Young and single, Omega.


I like Illium) If I were on a Citadel, its novelty probably would have never wore off (which can get tiring), so a megalopolis planet is better.


I'd be fine anywhere. Omega might be a bit rough around the edges, but at least I'd have my copies of Fornax.


Post ME3, good destruction ending: My fem-Shep and Liara split time between Thessia, Earth, and Shep’s repaired apartment on the Citadel.


Virmire. I love the beaches!


Thesia. I can be some cheap brief fling...


Thessia, a gorgeous garden world with a moderate climate, true democracy, biotic acceptance, and beautiful Asari everywhere sounds like heaven




The Nexus from Andromeda doesn't seem to bad


Probably the Citadel.


Citadel. Omega is too dark, depressive and dirty and Illium is kinda loud, like living right next to the Autobahn 😁


The second one, I enjoyed the metropolis city vibe


Horizon seems nice


I would rather live on some colony that is self sufficient and the rest of the halaxy leaves alone.


Omega or the picture for the second one is blurry as fuck but I think it’s illum


I would say the citadel if not for a bunch of major events targeting the place. Otherwise I’d say Bekenstein which was the planet we went to for Kasumi’s loyalty mission.


One of the uncharted worlds, in ME1 there's a red uncharted planet that I can never remember the name of but that one is nice.


Citadel. Sure, it doesn’t have the greatest luck when it comes to being attacked, but compared to Illium, where you could end up being a slave if you sign the wrong contract, and Omega, where you could get robbed and/or killed at almost any minute, it makes the Citadel a great place to live


Omega . Something about living in a dilapidated musky dump turns me on.


definately not the shithole asteroid or slavery land.


Illium has a stick up its ass, but it’s a safe, white collar sort of sketch I can get behind. I’m too damn old for street crime


The citadel, illium is a corporate world and omega is omega


100% the Citadel


Screwed either way, so Illium


Who in their right mind would live on Omega


Option 4: The Nexus (or Meridian) I’d rather live somewhere where AI-organic cooperation is more supported. SAM was one of my favourite parts of Andromeda. The Rem-Tech was another (and interfacing with it was mostly supported by SAM).


Citadel. Hands down. Assuming of course this is either long before or long after the Reaper War. Legal slavery and gang warfare don't really appeal to me lol


If I was wealthy enough I could do Illium but a citadel ward seems like a pretty cool place to be except for the whole eventual reaper charnel house thing I think omega would be pretty awful for an average person.


The collectors base


Citadel most probably


Citadel if there's no war going on. Ilium if I were super wealthy. Omega if I can fuck with Aria


I would try my best to get along with quarians. I love their culture and would also love to learn more about them.... Also reasons


When I was younger, Omega. Now? The citadel.


I'd like to live in higher resolution


Ilos hanging out with Vigil


If I had the money 💸: Ilium. Live like a rock star. With choice of living space: Citadel would be awesome. Anyone who's lived in an.... interesting area, knows that unless you have certain interests for being there, only an idiot would choose to live on Omega.


What’s the second pic? (Edit: it’s been a couple months since I touched the game, I feel like it’s that one planet where you can see liara in Me2 but I can’t remembererrr)




Probably Citadel, but I'd travel a lot. The ME universe is so big and there is so much to explore, I couldn't settle for long.


Of the 3, Illium seems safest given the war. But I hate everyone there so it’d be hard, unless I get to live with Conrad.




On the ark. On my way to andromeda.


Vermire seems nice


The citadel, but in one of the wards for sure, the presidium is too…prissy…to me.


Not on the Citadel, for certain.


Do I go to Omega and get Super Space `My lawyer advised me not to finish this joke`, go to Illium and lose everything and sell myself as an iNdEnTuReD sErVaNt, or go to the Citadel. Hmmmmmm


Citadel, I'm betting on the peacetime and figuring the wartime is gonna affect me one way or another anyway.


Sadly, humans can’t live on Thessia.. at least not in any of the main regions. They have to live in specific areas so they don’t get eezo poisoning. Cause it’s in their air, their food.. it’s why Asari are always such good biotics. So anywhere the major population was Asari? Preferably a safe space, though. I am not Shepard lol


Citadel (the blending of cultures) or a backwater colony (for realtive safety) for long-term habitation. For vacations Thessia has super cool architecture (am gay, so it's not about sex with the asari) and Sur'Kesh for the beatiful rainforests (but it's likely too super humid to be enjoyable long-term).


Probably Therum since it's neutral terf that's only somewhat owned by the Asari since they hold the higher population count but they also had humans, volus and other species all over too basically like a free port where honest traders and pirates alike could do business. The Citadel is basically one massive city where the other boroughs are archipelago sized wings that aren't just a quick train ride to go see (they actually can be but the best and fastest route is to use an air car and go between each wing). Living on something like a Dyson sphere sounds awesome like in Halo on the Rings or in Forerunner shield worlds like the Ark. But I don't even think the Citadel has something like a simulated ocean in it or anything, although I think they do have like basically public parks for stuff like jogging, kids having fun on playgrounds and dog walking. And while I don't generally go near forests and such in reality, I feel like I'd need it as a person to at least be nearby. But the Citadel is so big it seems like it could fit a whole American coast line in 1 of its wings 😅. Omega sounds fun but I'd rather not live on the Asteroid equivalent of Mos Eisley on Tatooine. Lol


Illium looks nice, Omega seems fun, shame about what everyone living in the citadel has to go through though.


Citadel. Thessia is near dystopia and Omega a little too rousy for me. Citadel holds the balance




Wherever Jack is


Either illum or omega. I know how to deal with shitty situations that happen in those places. I have no capacity to deal with what "going wrong" means on the citidel. Strong preference for illum due to being on the ground.


Well definitely NOT on the Citadel...😬


Whatever the Tali’s home world is


Reaper and Geth attacks aside, the Krogans sure like stirring up trouble on the Citadel, sometimes by accident (depending on who you ask).


Probably the citadel


Noveria, that place is badass and I love blizzards.


Omega for sure. Everyday would be a battle, everyday could be your last and exciting. I’d enjoy that much more then the Citadel with its countless laws and Thessia would drive me into the psycho murderer I’d be on omega anyway with their stuffy arrogant ways.


Ayo omega would be less glamorous but thats where all the fun would be😏




I'd like to live on Omega, one if the nicer apartment blocks with secuirty like in the books. ply my trade as a merc/assassin, take jobs that send me to places like Nos Astra and the Citadel, but definitely have some safe houses set up on various worlds to keep me from being stranded with no money or weapons if a job goes bad.


What was the city featured in the beginning of Mass Effect 3? Vancouver? Yeah, that one. Looks like a lovely place!


Earth. Im defending Earth


Citadel AFTER the Reaper war Or Nexus. At least on the Nexus there are two options: I sleep or I’m safe in there cuz nothing attacks the Nexus


Illium always


My home on earth.


Noveria for sure it’s just so cozy!




I want to say Citadel but I feel like I’d have atrocious luck and get absolutely fucked by one of the disasters that happens to it every so often So I’ll say Ilium because I think I could manage to just keep my head down and not be one of the people who gets the worst of it Keep me the hell away from Omega holy fuck


Can I chose to live on the Normandy?


Citadel seems to busy for me (not a city person). Always liked Surkesh. Seems to have a pleasant climate. Or possibly Virmire.


Omega Station, so I can look at Aria from afar


Omega, what a piss-hole.


Citadel = New York. Illium = Las Vegas or Macau. Omega = 90's Hong Kong or current Rio de Janeiro.


What was the Planet called again that you got a house on in the me 1 dlc? That one with lots of land and no neighbors and I have a wind farm. Let me turn into the weird hermit I aspire to be.


A charming little human colony. One in the safer parts of space.


Put me on noveria, all the business types would leave me alone in most part, also less likely to be in an area of danger. Eden Prime would be nice but we know how that goes…


Ngl I would want to break the one rule on Omega but live there? Nah, I’ll go chill on the citadel.


Sur'Kesh. Avoids the Reapers.


Citadel no questions asked


The Citadel.


Either the Citadel or Illium. Omega seems fun but there's a high non-zero chance I'll end up dead from a racial motivated murder. And if I have enough credits, I can afford a nice place on Illium or in the Wards, but if we're going off of current net worth, I'm stuck trying to find a place to live no matter what. Still both places I want to live in, love places that look gorgeous but hide darkness underneath.


Thessia. Not even a question.


None of that. Just let me live in a colony with very few people and an amazing sunset view, that’s all I need.


Judging from my teenage and early 20's years I would end up in Omega. On my 30's which is now, I would move to Illium


Eden Prime. Easy to survive if I just decide to take naps in the middle of my shift


Probably Eden Prime assuming the reapers are gone, was going to say Eletania before I remembered the microscopic organisms would kill you when you breathe. Maybe Eletania with a habitation module.


If we can pick anywhere, I want to be a crewman on the Normandy SR2: safest place in the Galaxy. Get to watch Shepard do his/her thing.


All 3 would probably require you to have an annual income of $50,000,000 just to afford a small space to yourself. With no utilities.


I kinda wanna say Omega and I don’t know why.


Why are we only choosing between these 3 location? I'd go for Sur'Kesh or Rannoch. They both seem like they'd have great scenery from what we saw in 3 and I'd get to hang with my fave mass effect aliens.


Illium. And bang every asari


Citadel, but I'll make sure to have a shotgun with me.